git-svn-id: https://yap.svn.sf.net/svnroot/yap/trunk@1181 b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
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138 lines
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* YAP Prolog *
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* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
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* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
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* File: init.yap *
* Last rev: *
* mods: *
* comments: initializing the full prolog system *
* *
% This is yap's init file
% should be consulted first step after booting
% These are pseudo declarations
% so that the user will get a redefining system predicate
fail :- fail.
false :- fail.
(:- G) :- '$execute'(G), !.
'$$!'(CP) :- '$cut_by'(CP).
[] :- true.
','(A,B) :- '$execute'(A), '$execute'(B).
';'(A,B) :- ('$execute'(A) ; '$execute'(B)).
'|'(A,B) :- ('$execute'(A) ; '$execute'(B)).
'->'(A,B) :- ('$execute'(A) -> '$execute'(B)).
\+(G) :- \+ '$execute'(G).
not(G) :- \+ '$execute'(G).
:- set_value('$doindex',true).
% force having indexing code for throw.
:- '$handle_throw'(_,_,_), !.
:- ['errors.yap',
:- compile_expressions.
:- [ 'yio.yap',
% modules must be after preds, otherwise we will have trouble
% with meta-predicate expansion being invoked
:- ['protect.yap'].
system_mode(verbose,on) :- set_value('$verbose',on).
system_mode(verbose,off) :- set_value('$verbose',off).
:- op(1150,fx,(mode)).
:- dynamic 'extensions_to_present_answer'/1.
:- ['corout.yap',
:- '$change_type_of_char'(36,7). % Make $ a symbol character
:- default_sequential(off).
% cleanup ensure loaded and recover some data-base space.
:- ( recorded('$loaded','$loaded'(_,_,_),R), erase(R), fail ; true ).
:- set_value('$user_module',user), '$protect'.
:- style_check([]).
% moved this to init_gc in gc.c to separate the alpha
% :- yap_flag(gc,on).
% :- yap_flag(gc_trace,verbose).
:- initialization((system_mode(verbose,on),module(user))).
:- module(user).
:- multifile goal_expansion/3.
:- dynamic_predicate(goal_expansion/3, logical).
:- multifile term_expansion/2.
:- dynamic_predicate(term_expansion/2, logical).
:- multifile file_search_path/2.
:- dynamic_predicate(file_search_path/2, logical).
file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
file_search_path(system, Dir) :-
prolog_flag(host_type, Dir).
:- multifile library_directory/1.
:- dynamic_predicate(library_directory/1, logical).
library_directory(D) :-
getenv('YAPSHAREDIR', D).
:- get_value(system_library_directory,D), assert(library_directory(D)).