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Vitor Santos Costa 8d3b9ad16c RDF package
2010-07-28 11:34:41 +01:00

129 lines
15 KiB

rdf('#Resource', '', '').
rdf('#Resource', '', literal(lang(en, 'Resource'))).
rdf('#Resource', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Ressource'))).
rdf('#Resource', '', literal('The most general class')).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, type))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, type))).
rdf('', '', literal('Indicates membership of a class')).
rdf('', '', '#Class').
rdf('#comment', '', '').
rdf('#comment', '', literal(lang(en, comment))).
rdf('#comment', '', literal(lang(fr, commentaire))).
rdf('#comment', '', '#Resource').
rdf('#comment', '', literal('Use this for descriptions')).
rdf('#comment', '', '#Literal').
rdf('#label', '', '').
rdf('#label', '', '').
rdf('#label', '', literal(lang(en, label))).
rdf('#label', '', literal(lang(fr, label))).
rdf('#label', '', '#Resource').
rdf('#label', '', literal('Provides a human-readable version of a resource name.')).
rdf('#label', '', '#Literal').
rdf('#Class', '', '').
rdf('#Class', '', literal(lang(en, 'Class'))).
rdf('#Class', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Classe'))).
rdf('#Class', '', literal('The concept of Class')).
rdf('#Class', '', '#Resource').
rdf('#subClassOf', '', '').
rdf('#subClassOf', '', literal(lang(en, subClassOf))).
rdf('#subClassOf', '', literal(lang(fr, sousClasseDe))).
rdf('#subClassOf', '', literal('Indicates membership of a class')).
rdf('#subClassOf', '', '#Class').
rdf('#subClassOf', '', '#Class').
rdf('#subPropertyOf', '', '').
rdf('#subPropertyOf', '', literal(lang(en, subPropertyOf))).
rdf('#subPropertyOf', '', literal(lang(fr, sousPropriétéDe))).
rdf('#subPropertyOf', '', literal('Indicates specialization of properties')).
rdf('#subPropertyOf', '', '').
rdf('#subPropertyOf', '', '').
rdf('#seeAlso', '', '').
rdf('#seeAlso', '', literal(lang(en, seeAlso))).
rdf('#seeAlso', '', literal(lang(fr, voirAussi))).
rdf('#seeAlso', '', literal('Indicates a resource that provides information about the subject resource.')).
rdf('#seeAlso', '', '').
rdf('#seeAlso', '', '').
rdf('#isDefinedBy', '', '').
rdf('#isDefinedBy', '', '').
rdf('#isDefinedBy', '', '#seeAlso').
rdf('#isDefinedBy', '', literal(lang(en, isDefinedBy))).
rdf('#isDefinedBy', '', literal(lang(fr, esDéfiniPar))).
rdf('#isDefinedBy', '', literal('Indicates a resource containing and defining the subject resource.')).
rdf('#isDefinedBy', '', '').
rdf('#isDefinedBy', '', '').
rdf('#ConstraintResource', '', '').
rdf('#ConstraintResource', '', literal(lang(en, 'ConstraintResource'))).
rdf('#ConstraintResource', '', literal(lang(fr, 'RessourceContrainte'))).
rdf('#ConstraintResource', '', '#Class').
rdf('#ConstraintResource', '', '#Resource').
rdf('#ConstraintResource', '', literal('Resources used to express RDF Schema constraints.')).
rdf('#ConstraintProperty', '', '').
rdf('#ConstraintProperty', '', literal(lang(en, 'ConstraintProperty'))).
rdf('#ConstraintProperty', '', literal(lang(fr, 'PropriétéContrainte'))).
rdf('#ConstraintProperty', '', '').
rdf('#ConstraintProperty', '', '#ConstraintResource').
rdf('#ConstraintProperty', '', literal('Properties used to express RDF Schema constraints.')).
rdf('#domain', '', '').
rdf('#domain', '', literal(lang(en, domain))).
rdf('#domain', '', literal(lang(fr, domaine))).
rdf('#domain', '', literal('This is how we associate a class with\n properties that its instances can have')).
rdf('#range', '', '').
rdf('#range', '', literal(lang(en, range))).
rdf('#range', '', literal(lang(fr, étendue))).
rdf('#range', '', literal('Properties that can be used in a\n schema to provide constraints')).
rdf('#range', '', '#Class').
rdf('#range', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Property'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Propriété'))).
rdf('', '', literal('The concept of a property.')).
rdf('', '', '#Resource').
rdf('#Literal', '', '').
rdf('#Literal', '', literal(lang(en, 'Literal'))).
rdf('#Literal', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Littéral'))).
rdf('#Literal', '', '#Class').
rdf('#Literal', '', literal('This represents the set of atomic values, eg. textual strings.')).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Statement'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Déclaration'))).
rdf('', '', '#Resource').
rdf('', '', literal('This represents the set of reified statements.')).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, subject))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, sujet))).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', '#Resource').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, predicate))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, prédicat))).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, object))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, objet))).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('#Container', '', '').
rdf('#Container', '', literal(lang(en, 'Container'))).
rdf('#Container', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Enveloppe'))).
rdf('#Container', '', '#Resource').
rdf('#Container', '', literal('This represents the set Containers.')).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Bag'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Ensemble'))).
rdf('', '', '#Container').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Sequence'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Séquence'))).
rdf('', '', '#Container').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Alt'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Choix'))).
rdf('', '', '#Container').
rdf('#ContainerMembershipProperty', '', '').
rdf('#ContainerMembershipProperty', '', literal(lang(en, 'ContainerMembershipProperty'))).
rdf('#ContainerMembershipProperty', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, object))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, value))).