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pmoura 75392e54c7 Logtalk 2.15.0 release files.
git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
2003-02-05 00:15:28 +00:00

66 lines
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:- object(permute,
:- info([
author is 'Paulo Moura',
version is 1.0,
date is 2000/4/22,
comment is '.',
source is 'Example adopted from the Francis G. McCabe L&O documentation.']).
:- op(400, yfx, ~).
route(Towns, Route) :-
(Towns2, Length),
(permute(Towns, Towns2), route_length(Towns2, Length)),
shortest(List, Route).
permute([Town], Town).
permute(Towns, Towns2~Town) :-
delete(Towns, Town, Towns3),
permute(Towns3, Towns2).
delete([Head| Tail], Head, Tail).
delete([Head| Tail], Element, [Head| Tail2]):-
delete(Tail, Element, Tail2).
route_length(Town, 0) :-
atom(Town), !.
route_length(Towns~Town1~Town2, Length) :-
route_length(Towns~Town1, Length1),
Town1::crow_flies(Town2, Length2),
Length is Length1 + Length2.
route_length(Town1~Town2, Length) :-
Town1::crow_flies(Town2, Length).
shortest(List, Shortest) :-
shortest(List, null, 1000000, Shortest).
shortest([], Route, Length, (Route, Length)).
shortest([(Route, Length)| Routes], _, LX, Shortest) :-
Length < LX, !,
shortest(Routes, Route, Length, Shortest).
shortest([_| Routes], RX, LX, Shortest) :-
shortest(Routes, RX, LX, Shortest).
:- end_object.