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Vitor Santos Costa 76cfa609c2 listing
2018-11-04 10:55:58 +00:00

1124 lines
29 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013, Fabrizio Riguzzi and Elena Bellodi
This package uses the library cudd, see
for the relative license.
#include "cudd_config.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cudd/cudd.h>
#include "cudd.h"
#include "YapInterface.h"
#define LOGZERO log(0.000001)
#define CACHE_SLOTS 1
#define UNIQUE_SLOTS 1
typedef struct {
int nVal, nRule;
int firstBoolVar;
} variable;
typedef struct {
DdNode *key;
double value;
} rowel;
typedef struct {
int cnt;
rowel *row;
} tablerow;
tablerow *table;
static variable **vars_ex;
static int **bVar2mVar_ex;
static double *sigma;
static double ***eta;
static double ***eta_temp;
static double **arrayprob;
static int *rules;
static DdManager **mgr_ex;
static int *nVars_ex;
static int nRules;
double *nodes_probs_ex;
double **probs_ex;
static int *boolVars_ex;
tablerow *nodesB;
tablerow *nodesF;
int ex, cycle;
DdNode ***nodesToVisit;
int *NnodesToVisit;
double *example_prob;
static YAP_Bool ret_prob(void);
double Prob(DdNode *node, int comp_par);
static YAP_Bool end_bdd(void);
static YAP_Bool init_test(void);
static YAP_Bool add_var(void);
static YAP_Bool init(void);
static YAP_Bool end(void);
static YAP_Bool EM(void);
static YAP_Bool Q(void);
double ProbPath(DdNode *node, int comp_par, int nex);
static YAP_Bool rec_deref(void);
int indexMvar(DdNode *node);
void Forward(DdNode *node, int nex);
void GetForward(DdNode *node, double ForwProbPath);
void UpdateForward(DdNode *node, int nex);
double GetOutsideExpe(DdNode *root, double ex_prob, int nex);
void Maximization(void);
static double Expectation(DdNode **nodes_ex, int lenNodes);
void init_my_predicates(void);
FILE *open_file(char *filename, const char *mode);
tablerow *init_table(int varcnt);
double *get_value(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node);
void add_or_replace_node(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node, double value);
void add_node(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node, double value);
void destroy_table(tablerow *tab, int varcnt);
static YAP_Bool init(void) {
int j, i;
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, list;
ex = 0;
cycle = 0;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
nRules = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
vars_ex = NULL;
nVars_ex = NULL;
eta = (double ***)malloc(nRules * sizeof(double **));
eta_temp = (double ***)malloc(nRules * sizeof(double **));
rules = (int *)malloc(nRules * sizeof(int));
arrayprob = (double **)malloc(nRules * sizeof(double *));
probs_ex = NULL;
bVar2mVar_ex = NULL;
boolVars_ex = NULL;
mgr_ex = NULL;
nodes_probs_ex = NULL;
list = arg2;
for (j = 0; j < nRules; j++) {
rules[j] = YAP_IntOfTerm(YAP_HeadOfTerm(list));
list = YAP_TailOfTerm(list);
eta[j] = (double **)malloc((rules[j] - 1) * sizeof(double *));
eta_temp[j] = (double **)malloc((rules[j] - 1) * sizeof(double *));
arrayprob[j] = (double *)malloc((rules[j] - 1) * sizeof(double));
for (i = 0; i < rules[j] - 1; i++) {
eta[j][i] = (double *)malloc(2 * sizeof(double));
eta_temp[j][i] = (double *)malloc(2 * sizeof(double));
return 1;
static YAP_Bool init_bdd(void) {
mgr_ex = (DdManager **)realloc(mgr_ex, (ex + 1) * sizeof(DdManager *));
mgr_ex[ex] = Cudd_Init(0, 0, UNIQUE_SLOTS, CACHE_SLOTS, 5120);
Cudd_AutodynEnable(mgr_ex[ex], CUDD_REORDER_GROUP_SIFT);
Cudd_SetMaxCacheHard(mgr_ex[ex], 0);
Cudd_SetLooseUpTo(mgr_ex[ex], 0);
Cudd_SetMinHit(mgr_ex[ex], 15);
bVar2mVar_ex = (int **)realloc(bVar2mVar_ex, (ex + 1) * sizeof(int *));
bVar2mVar_ex[ex] = NULL;
vars_ex = (variable **)realloc(vars_ex, (ex + 1) * sizeof(variable *));
vars_ex[ex] = NULL;
nVars_ex = (int *)realloc(nVars_ex, (ex + 1) * sizeof(int));
nVars_ex[ex] = 0;
probs_ex = (double **)realloc(probs_ex, (ex + 1) * sizeof(double *));
probs_ex[ex] = NULL;
boolVars_ex = (int *)realloc(boolVars_ex, (ex + 1) * sizeof(int));
boolVars_ex[ex] = 0;
return 1;
static YAP_Bool end_bdd(void) {
ex = ex + 1;
return 1;
static YAP_Bool init_test(void) {
YAP_Term arg1;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
nRules = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
ex = 0;
mgr_ex = (DdManager **)malloc((ex + 1) * sizeof(DdManager *));
mgr_ex[ex] = Cudd_Init(0, 0, UNIQUE_SLOTS, CACHE_SLOTS, 5120);
Cudd_AutodynEnable(mgr_ex[ex], CUDD_REORDER_GROUP_SIFT);
Cudd_SetMaxCacheHard(mgr_ex[ex], 0);
Cudd_SetLooseUpTo(mgr_ex[ex], 0);
Cudd_SetMinHit(mgr_ex[ex], 15);
bVar2mVar_ex = (int **)malloc((ex + 1) * sizeof(int *));
bVar2mVar_ex[ex] = NULL;
vars_ex = (variable **)malloc((ex + 1) * sizeof(variable *));
vars_ex[ex] = NULL;
nVars_ex = (int *)malloc((ex + 1) * sizeof(int));
nVars_ex[ex] = 0;
probs_ex = (double **)malloc((ex + 1) * sizeof(double *));
probs_ex[ex] = NULL;
boolVars_ex = (int *)malloc((ex + 1) * sizeof(int));
boolVars_ex[ex] = 0;
rules = (int *)malloc(nRules * sizeof(int));
return 1;
static YAP_Bool end_test(void) {
return 1;
static double Expectation(DdNode **nodes_ex, int lenNodes) {
int i;
double rootProb, CLL = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lenNodes; i++) {
if (!Cudd_IsConstant(nodes_ex[i])) {
nodesB = init_table(boolVars_ex[i]);
nodesF = init_table(boolVars_ex[i]);
Forward(nodes_ex[i], i);
rootProb = GetOutsideExpe(nodes_ex[i], example_prob[i], i);
if (rootProb <= 0.0)
CLL = CLL + LOGZERO * example_prob[i];
CLL = CLL + log(rootProb) * example_prob[i];
nodes_probs_ex[i] = rootProb;
destroy_table(nodesB, boolVars_ex[i]);
destroy_table(nodesF, boolVars_ex[i]);
} else if (nodes_ex[i] == Cudd_ReadLogicZero(mgr_ex[i])) {
CLL = CLL + LOGZERO * example_prob[i];
nodes_probs_ex[i] = 0.0;
} else
nodes_probs_ex[i] = 1.0;
return CLL;
static YAP_Bool end(void) {
int r, i;
for (i = 0; i < ex; i++) {
for (r = 0; r < nRules; r++) {
for (i = 0; i < rules[r] - 1; i++) {
for (r = 0; r < nRules; r++) {
return 1;
static YAP_Bool ret_prob(void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, out;
DdNode *node;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
node = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
if (!Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
table = init_table(boolVars_ex[ex]);
out = YAP_MkFloatTerm(Prob(node, 0));
destroy_table(table, boolVars_ex[ex]);
} else {
if (node == Cudd_ReadOne(mgr_ex[ex]))
out = YAP_MkFloatTerm(1.0);
out = YAP_MkFloatTerm(0.0);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg2));
double Prob(DdNode *node, int comp_par)
/* compute the probability of the expression rooted at node.
table is used to store nodeB for which the probability has alread been computed
so that it is not recomputed
int index, mVarIndex, comp;
variable v;
double res;
double p, pt, pf, BChild0, BChild1;
double *value_p;
DdNode *nodekey, *T, *F;
comp = Cudd_IsComplement(node);
comp = (comp && !comp_par) || (!comp && comp_par);
if (Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
if (comp)
return 0.0;
return 1.0;
} else {
nodekey = Cudd_Regular(node);
value_p = get_value(table, nodekey);
if (value_p != NULL)
return *value_p;
else {
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node); // Returns the index of the node. The
// node pointer can be either regular or
// complemented.
// The index field holds the name of the variable that labels the node.
// The index of a variable is a permanent attribute that reflects the
// order of creation.
p = probs_ex[ex][index];
T = Cudd_T(node);
F = Cudd_E(node);
pf = Prob(F, comp);
pt = Prob(T, comp);
BChild0 = pf * (1 - p);
BChild1 = pt * p;
mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[ex][index];
v = vars_ex[ex][mVarIndex];
index = v.firstBoolVar;
res = BChild0 + BChild1;
add_node(table, nodekey, res);
return res;
static YAP_Bool add_var(void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, out, probTerm, probTerm_temp;
variable *v;
int i;
double p, p0;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
arg3 = YAP_ARG3;
arg4 = YAP_ARG4;
nVars_ex[ex] = nVars_ex[ex] + 1;
vars_ex[ex] =
(variable *)realloc(vars_ex[ex], nVars_ex[ex] * sizeof(variable));
v = &vars_ex[ex][nVars_ex[ex] - 1];
v->nVal = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
v->nRule = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg3);
v->firstBoolVar = boolVars_ex[ex];
probs_ex[ex] = (double *)realloc(
probs_ex[ex], (((boolVars_ex[ex] + v->nVal - 1) * sizeof(double))));
bVar2mVar_ex[ex] = (int *)realloc(
bVar2mVar_ex[ex], ((boolVars_ex[ex] + v->nVal - 1) * sizeof(int)));
probTerm = arg2;
p0 = 1;
for (i = 0; i < v->nVal - 1; i++) {
// node = Cudd_bddIthVar(mgr_ex[ex], boolVars_ex[ex] + i);
p = YAP_FloatOfTerm(YAP_HeadOfTerm(probTerm));
bVar2mVar_ex[ex][boolVars_ex[ex] + i] = nVars_ex[ex] - 1;
probs_ex[ex][boolVars_ex[ex] + i] = p / p0;
probTerm_temp = YAP_TailOfTerm(probTerm);
probTerm = probTerm_temp;
p0 = p0 * (1 - p / p0);
boolVars_ex[ex] = boolVars_ex[ex] + v->nVal - 1;
rules[v->nRule] = v->nVal;
out = YAP_MkIntTerm((YAP_Int)nVars_ex[ex] - 1);
return YAP_Unify(out, arg4);
static YAP_Bool equality(void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, arg3, out;
int varIndex;
int value;
int i;
variable v;
DdNode *node, *tmp, *var;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
arg3 = YAP_ARG3;
varIndex = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
value = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg2);
v = vars_ex[ex][varIndex];
i = v.firstBoolVar;
tmp = Cudd_ReadOne(mgr_ex[ex]);
node = NULL;
for (i = v.firstBoolVar; i < v.firstBoolVar + value; i++) {
var = Cudd_bddIthVar(mgr_ex[ex], i);
node = Cudd_bddAnd(mgr_ex[ex], tmp, Cudd_Not(var));
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(mgr_ex[ex], tmp);
tmp = node;
if (!(value == v.nVal - 1)) {
var = Cudd_bddIthVar(mgr_ex[ex], v.firstBoolVar + value);
node = Cudd_bddAnd(mgr_ex[ex], tmp, var);
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(mgr_ex[ex], tmp);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm((YAP_Int)node);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg3));
static YAP_Bool one(void) {
YAP_Term arg, out;
DdNode *node;
arg = YAP_ARG1;
node = Cudd_ReadOne(mgr_ex[ex]);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm((YAP_Int)node);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg));
static YAP_Bool zero(void) {
YAP_Term arg, out;
DdNode *node;
arg = YAP_ARG1;
node = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(mgr_ex[ex]);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm((YAP_Int)node);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg));
static YAP_Bool bdd_not(void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, out;
DdNode *node;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
node = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
node = Cudd_Not(node);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm((YAP_Int)node);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg2));
static YAP_Bool and (void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, arg3, out;
DdNode *node1, *node2, *nodeout;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
arg3 = YAP_ARG3;
node1 = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
node2 = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg2);
nodeout = Cudd_bddAnd(mgr_ex[ex], node1, node2);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm((YAP_Int)nodeout);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg3));
static YAP_Bool or (void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, arg3, out;
DdNode *node1, *node2, *nodeout;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
arg3 = YAP_ARG3;
node1 = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
node2 = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg2);
nodeout = Cudd_bddOr(mgr_ex[ex], node1, node2);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm((YAP_Int)nodeout);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg3));
static YAP_Bool garbage_collect(void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, out;
YAP_Int nodes, clearCache;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
clearCache = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
nodes = (YAP_Int)cuddGarbageCollect(mgr_ex[ex], clearCache);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm(nodes);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg2));
static YAP_Bool bdd_to_add(void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, out;
DdNode *node1, *node2;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
node1 = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
node2 = Cudd_BddToAdd(mgr_ex[ex], node1);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm((YAP_Int)node2);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg2));
static YAP_Bool create_dot(void) {
const char *onames[] = {"Out"};
char **inames;
DdNode *array[1];
YAP_Term arg1, arg2;
int i, b, index;
variable v;
char numberVar[10], numberBit[10], filename[1000];
FILE *file;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
YAP_StringToBuffer(arg2, filename, 1000);
inames = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * (boolVars_ex[ex]));
index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nVars_ex[ex]; i++) {
v = vars_ex[ex][i];
for (b = 0; b < v.nVal - 1; b++) {
inames[b + index] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 20);
strcpy(inames[b + index], "X");
sprintf(numberVar, "%d", i);
strcat(inames[b + index], numberVar);
strcat(inames[b + index], "_");
sprintf(numberBit, "%d", b);
strcat(inames[b + index], numberBit);
index = index + v.nVal - 1;
array[0] = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
file = open_file(filename, "w");
Cudd_DumpDot(mgr_ex[ex], 1, array, (const char **)inames, onames, file);
index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nVars_ex[ex]; i++) {
v = vars_ex[ex][i];
for (b = 0; b < v.nVal - 1; b++) {
free(inames[b + index]);
index = index + v.nVal - 1;
return 1;
static YAP_Bool rec_deref(void) {
YAP_Term arg1;
DdNode *node;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
node = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(mgr_ex[ex], node);
return 1;
double ProbPath(DdNode *node, int comp_par, int nex) {
int index, mVarIndex, comp, pos, position, boolVarIndex;
variable v;
double res;
double value, p, pt, pf, BChild0, BChild1, e0, e1;
double *value_p, **eta_rule;
DdNode *nodekey, *T, *F;
comp = Cudd_IsComplement(node);
comp = (comp && !comp_par) || (!comp && comp_par);
if (Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
value = Cudd_V(node);
if (comp) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return 1.0;
} else {
nodekey = Cudd_Regular(node);
value_p = get_value(nodesB, nodekey);
if (value_p != NULL) {
return *value_p;
} else {
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
p = probs_ex[nex][index];
T = Cudd_T(node);
F = Cudd_E(node);
pf = ProbPath(F, comp, nex);
pt = ProbPath(T, comp, nex);
BChild0 = pf * (1 - p);
BChild1 = pt * p;
value_p = get_value(nodesF, nodekey);
e0 = (*value_p) * BChild0;
e1 = (*value_p) * BChild1;
mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[nex][index];
v = vars_ex[nex][mVarIndex];
pos = index - v.firstBoolVar;
eta_rule = eta_temp[v.nRule];
eta_rule[pos][0] = eta_rule[pos][0] + e0;
eta_rule[pos][1] = eta_rule[pos][1] + e1;
res = BChild0 + BChild1;
add_node(nodesB, nodekey, res);
position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
position = position + 1;
boolVarIndex = Cudd_ReadInvPerm(
mgr_ex[nex], position); // Returns the index of the variable currently
// in the i-th position of the order.
if (position < boolVars_ex[nex]) {
sigma[position] = sigma[position] + e0 + e1;
if (!Cudd_IsConstant(T)) {
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(T);
position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
sigma[position] = sigma[position] - e1;
if (!Cudd_IsConstant(F)) {
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(F);
position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
sigma[position] = sigma[position] - e0;
return res;
void Forward(DdNode *root, int nex) {
int i, j;
if (boolVars_ex[nex]) {
nodesToVisit = (DdNode ***)malloc(sizeof(DdNode **) * boolVars_ex[nex]);
NnodesToVisit = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * boolVars_ex[nex]);
nodesToVisit[0] = (DdNode **)malloc(sizeof(DdNode *));
nodesToVisit[0][0] = root;
NnodesToVisit[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < boolVars_ex[nex]; i++) {
nodesToVisit[i] = NULL;
NnodesToVisit[i] = 0;
add_node(nodesF, Cudd_Regular(root), 1);
for (i = 0; i < boolVars_ex[nex]; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < NnodesToVisit[i]; j++)
UpdateForward(nodesToVisit[i][j], nex);
for (i = 0; i < boolVars_ex[nex]; i++) {
} else {
add_node(nodesF, Cudd_Regular(root), 1);
void UpdateForward(DdNode *node, int nex) {
int index, position, mVarIndex;
DdNode *T, *E, *nodereg;
variable v;
double *value_p, *value_p_T, *value_p_F, p;
if (Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
} else {
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[nex][index];
v = vars_ex[nex][mVarIndex];
p = probs_ex[nex][index];
nodereg = Cudd_Regular(node);
value_p = get_value(nodesF, nodereg);
if (value_p == NULL) {
} else {
T = Cudd_T(node);
E = Cudd_E(node);
if (!Cudd_IsConstant(T)) {
value_p_T = get_value(nodesF, T);
if (value_p_T != NULL) {
*value_p_T = *value_p_T + *value_p * p;
} else {
add_or_replace_node(nodesF, Cudd_Regular(T), *value_p * p);
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(T);
position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
nodesToVisit[position] = (DdNode **)realloc(
(NnodesToVisit[position] + 1) * sizeof(DdNode *));
nodesToVisit[position][NnodesToVisit[position]] = T;
NnodesToVisit[position] = NnodesToVisit[position] + 1;
if (!Cudd_IsConstant(E)) {
value_p_F = get_value(nodesF, Cudd_Regular(E));
if (value_p_F != NULL) {
*value_p_F = *value_p_F + *value_p * (1 - p);
} else {
add_or_replace_node(nodesF, Cudd_Regular(E), *value_p * (1 - p));
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(E);
position = Cudd_ReadPerm(mgr_ex[nex], index);
nodesToVisit[position] = (DdNode **)realloc(
(NnodesToVisit[position] + 1) * sizeof(DdNode *));
nodesToVisit[position][NnodesToVisit[position]] = E;
NnodesToVisit[position] = NnodesToVisit[position] + 1;
int indexMvar(DdNode *node) {
int index, mVarIndex;
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[ex][index];
return mVarIndex;
double GetOutsideExpe(DdNode *root, double ex_prob, int nex) {
int i, j, mVarIndex, bVarIndex;
double **eta_rule;
double theta, rootProb, T = 0;
sigma = (double *)malloc(boolVars_ex[nex] * sizeof(double));
for (j = 0; j < boolVars_ex[nex]; j++) {
sigma[j] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < nRules; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < rules[j] - 1; i++) {
eta_temp[j][i][0] = 0;
eta_temp[j][i][1] = 0;
rootProb = ProbPath(root, 0, nex);
if (rootProb > 0.0) {
for (j = 0; j < boolVars_ex[nex]; j++) {
T += sigma[j];
bVarIndex = Cudd_ReadInvPerm(mgr_ex[nex], j);
if (bVarIndex == -1) {
bVarIndex = j;
mVarIndex = bVar2mVar_ex[nex][bVarIndex];
eta_rule = eta_temp[vars_ex[nex][mVarIndex].nRule];
for (i = 0; i < vars_ex[nex][mVarIndex].nVal - 1; i++) {
theta = probs_ex[nex][bVarIndex];
eta_rule[i][0] = eta_rule[i][0] + T * (1 - theta);
eta_rule[i][1] = eta_rule[i][1] + T * theta;
for (j = 0; j < nRules; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < rules[j] - 1; i++) {
eta[j][i][0] = eta[j][i][0] + eta_temp[j][i][0] * ex_prob / rootProb;
eta[j][i][1] = eta[j][i][1] + eta_temp[j][i][1] * ex_prob / rootProb;
return rootProb;
void Maximization(void) {
int r, i, j, e;
double sum = 0;
double *probs_rule, **eta_rule;
for (r = 0; r < nRules; r++) {
eta_rule = eta[r];
for (i = 0; i < rules[r] - 1; i++) {
sum = (eta_rule[i][0] + eta_rule[i][1]);
if (sum == 0.0) {
arrayprob[r][i] = 0;
} else
arrayprob[r][i] = eta_rule[i][1] / sum;
for (e = 0; e < ex; e++) {
for (j = 0; j < nVars_ex[e]; j++) {
r = vars_ex[e][j].nRule;
probs_rule = arrayprob[r];
for (i = 0; i < rules[r] - 1; i++) {
probs_ex[e][vars_ex[e][j].firstBoolVar + i] = probs_rule[i];
static YAP_Bool randomize(void) {
int i, j, e, rule;
double *theta, p0;
double pmass, par;
double **Theta_rules;
Theta_rules = (double **)malloc(nRules * sizeof(double *));
for (j = 0; j < nRules; j++) {
Theta_rules[j] = (double *)malloc(rules[j] * sizeof(double));
for (j = 0; j < nRules; j++) {
theta = Theta_rules[j];
pmass = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rules[j] - 1; i++) {
par = ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX * (1 - pmass);
pmass = pmass + par;
theta[i] = par;
theta[rules[j] - 1] = 1 - pmass;
for (e = 0; e < ex; e++) {
for (j = 0; j < nVars_ex[e]; j++) {
rule = vars_ex[e][j].nRule;
theta = Theta_rules[rule];
p0 = 1;
for (i = 0; i < vars_ex[e][j].nVal - 1; i++) {
probs_ex[e][vars_ex[e][j].firstBoolVar + i] = theta[i] / p0;
p0 = p0 * (1 - theta[i] / p0);
for (j = 0; j < nRules; j++) {
return 1;
static YAP_Bool EM(void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, out1, out2, out3,
nodesTerm, ruleTerm, tail, pair, compoundTerm;
DdNode *node1, **nodes_ex;
int r, lenNodes, i, iter;
long iter1;
double CLL0 = -2.2 * pow(10, 10); //-inf
double CLL1 = -1.7 * pow(10, 8); //+inf
double p, p0, **eta_rule, ea, er;
double ratio, diff;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
arg3 = YAP_ARG3;
arg4 = YAP_ARG4;
arg5 = YAP_ARG5;
arg6 = YAP_ARG6;
arg7 = YAP_ARG7;
arg8 = YAP_ARG8;
nodesTerm = arg1;
ea = YAP_FloatOfTerm(arg2);
er = YAP_FloatOfTerm(arg3);
lenNodes = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg4);
iter = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg5);
nodes_ex = (DdNode **)malloc(lenNodes * sizeof(DdNode *));
nodes_probs_ex = (double *)malloc(lenNodes * sizeof(double));
example_prob = (double *)malloc(lenNodes * sizeof(double));
for (i = 0; i < lenNodes; i++) {
pair = YAP_HeadOfTerm(nodesTerm);
node1 = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(YAP_HeadOfTerm(pair));
nodes_ex[i] = node1;
pair = YAP_TailOfTerm(pair);
example_prob[i] = YAP_FloatOfTerm(YAP_HeadOfTerm(pair));
nodesTerm = YAP_TailOfTerm(nodesTerm);
diff = CLL1 - CLL0;
ratio = diff / fabs(CLL0);
if (iter == -1)
iter1 = 2147000000;
iter1 = iter;
while ((diff > ea) && (ratio > er) && (cycle < iter1)) {
for (r = 0; r < nRules; r++) {
for (i = 0; i < rules[r] - 1; i++) {
eta_rule = eta[r];
eta_rule[i][0] = 0;
eta_rule[i][1] = 0;
CLL0 = CLL1;
CLL1 = Expectation(nodes_ex, lenNodes);
diff = CLL1 - CLL0;
ratio = diff / fabs(CLL0);
out2 = YAP_TermNil();
for (r = 0; r < nRules; r++) {
tail = YAP_TermNil();
p0 = 1;
for (i = 0; i < rules[r] - 1; i++) {
p = arrayprob[r][i] * p0;
tail = YAP_MkPairTerm(YAP_MkFloatTerm(p), tail);
p0 = p0 * (1 - arrayprob[r][i]);
tail = YAP_MkPairTerm(YAP_MkFloatTerm(p0), tail);
ruleTerm = YAP_MkIntTerm(r);
compoundTerm =
YAP_MkPairTerm(ruleTerm, YAP_MkPairTerm(tail, YAP_TermNil()));
out2 = YAP_MkPairTerm(compoundTerm, out2);
out3 = YAP_TermNil();
for (i = 0; i < lenNodes; i++) {
out3 = YAP_MkPairTerm(YAP_MkFloatTerm(nodes_probs_ex[i]), out3);
YAP_Unify(out3, arg8);
out1 = YAP_MkFloatTerm(CLL1);
YAP_Unify(out1, arg6);
return (YAP_Unify(out2, arg7));
static YAP_Bool Q(void) {
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, out, out1, term, nodesTerm, ruleTerm, tail,
pair, compoundTerm;
DdNode *node1, **nodes_ex;
int r, lenNodes, i;
double p1, p0, **eta_rule, CLL;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
arg3 = YAP_ARG3;
arg4 = YAP_ARG4;
nodesTerm = arg1;
lenNodes = YAP_IntOfTerm(arg2);
nodes_ex = (DdNode **)malloc(lenNodes * sizeof(DdNode *));
example_prob = (double *)malloc(lenNodes * sizeof(double));
for (i = 0; i < lenNodes; i++) {
pair = YAP_HeadOfTerm(nodesTerm);
node1 = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(YAP_HeadOfTerm(pair));
nodes_ex[i] = node1;
pair = YAP_TailOfTerm(pair);
example_prob[i] = YAP_FloatOfTerm(YAP_HeadOfTerm(pair));
nodesTerm = YAP_TailOfTerm(nodesTerm);
for (r = 0; r < nRules; r++) {
for (i = 0; i < rules[r] - 1; i++) {
eta_rule = eta[r];
eta_rule[i][0] = 0;
eta_rule[i][1] = 0;
CLL = Expectation(nodes_ex, lenNodes);
out = YAP_TermNil();
for (r = 0; r < nRules; r++) {
tail = YAP_TermNil();
eta_rule = eta[r];
for (i = 0; i < rules[r] - 1; i++) {
p0 = eta_rule[i][0];
p1 = eta_rule[i][1];
term = YAP_MkPairTerm(YAP_MkFloatTerm(p0),
YAP_MkPairTerm(YAP_MkFloatTerm(p1), YAP_TermNil()));
tail = YAP_MkPairTerm(term, tail);
ruleTerm = YAP_MkIntTerm(r);
compoundTerm =
YAP_MkPairTerm(ruleTerm, YAP_MkPairTerm(tail, YAP_TermNil()));
out = YAP_MkPairTerm(compoundTerm, out);
out1 = YAP_MkFloatTerm(CLL);
YAP_Unify(out1, arg4);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg3));
static YAP_Bool paths_to_non_zero(void) {
double paths;
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, out;
DdNode *node;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
node = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
paths = Cudd_CountPathsToNonZero(node);
out = YAP_MkFloatTerm(paths);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg2));
static YAP_Bool paths(void) {
double paths;
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, out;
DdNode *node;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
node = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
paths = Cudd_CountPath(node);
out = YAP_MkFloatTerm(paths);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg2));
static YAP_Bool dag_size(void) {
int size;
YAP_Term arg1, arg2, out;
DdNode *node;
arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
node = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
size = Cudd_DagSize(node);
out = YAP_MkIntTerm(size);
return (YAP_Unify(out, arg2));
void init_my_predicates()
/* function required by YAP for intitializing the predicates defined by a C
YAP_UserCPredicate("init", init, 2);
YAP_UserCPredicate("init_bdd", init_bdd, 0);
YAP_UserCPredicate("end", end, 0);
YAP_UserCPredicate("end_bdd", end_bdd, 0);
YAP_UserCPredicate("add_var", add_var, 4);
YAP_UserCPredicate("equality", equality, 3);
YAP_UserCPredicate("and", and, 3);
YAP_UserCPredicate("one", one, 1);
YAP_UserCPredicate("zero", zero, 1);
YAP_UserCPredicate("or", or, 3);
YAP_UserCPredicate("bdd_not", bdd_not, 2);
YAP_UserCPredicate("create_dot", create_dot, 2);
YAP_UserCPredicate("init_test", init_test, 1);
YAP_UserCPredicate("end_test", end_test, 0);
YAP_UserCPredicate("ret_prob", ret_prob, 2);
YAP_UserCPredicate("em", EM, 8);
YAP_UserCPredicate("q", Q, 4);
YAP_UserCPredicate("randomize", randomize, 0);
YAP_UserCPredicate("deref", rec_deref, 1);
YAP_UserCPredicate("garbage_collect", garbage_collect, 2);
YAP_UserCPredicate("bdd_to_add", bdd_to_add, 2);
YAP_UserCPredicate("paths_to_non_zero", paths_to_non_zero, 2);
YAP_UserCPredicate("paths", paths, 2);
YAP_UserCPredicate("dag_size", dag_size, 2);
FILE *open_file(char *filename, const char *mode)
/* opens a file */
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen(filename, mode)) == NULL) {
return fp;
tablerow *init_table(int varcnt) {
int i;
tablerow *tab;
tab = (tablerow *)malloc(sizeof(rowel) * varcnt);
for (i = 0; i < varcnt; i++) {
tab[i].row = NULL;
tab[i].cnt = 0;
return tab;
void add_node(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node, double value) {
int index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
tab[index].row =
(rowel *)realloc(tab[index].row, (tab[index].cnt + 1) * sizeof(rowel));
tab[index].row[tab[index].cnt].key = node;
tab[index].row[tab[index].cnt].value = value;
tab[index].cnt += 1;
void add_or_replace_node(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node, double value) {
int i;
int index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
for (i = 0; i < tab[index].cnt; i++) {
if (tab[index].row[i].key == node) {
tab[index].row[i].value = value;
tab[index].row =
(rowel *)realloc(tab[index].row, (tab[index].cnt + 1) * sizeof(rowel));
tab[index].row[tab[index].cnt].key = node;
tab[index].row[tab[index].cnt].value = value;
tab[index].cnt += 1;
double *get_value(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node) {
int i;
int index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node);
for (i = 0; i < tab[index].cnt; i++) {
if (tab[index].row[i].key == node) {
return &tab[index].row[i].value;
return NULL;
void destroy_table(tablerow *tab, int varcnt) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < varcnt; i++) {