git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
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/* -- Finite domain constraint solver.
Copyright (C): 2007, Markus Triska (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thanks to Tom Schrijvers for his "", the first finite
domain constraint solver included with SWI-Prolog. I've learned a
lot from it and could even use some of the code for this solver.
The propagation queue idea is taken from "", a prototype
solver also written by Tom. Highlights of the present solver:
Symbolic constants for infinities
?- X in 0..5 \/ 10..sup, Y #= -X, Z #= X + Y.
%@ X = _G109{0..5 \/ 10..sup},
%@ Y = _G114{inf..-10 \/ -5..0},
%@ Z = _G120{inf..sup}
No artificial limits (using GMP)
?- N is integer(2**66), X #\= N.
%@ X = _G1676{inf..73786976294838206463 \/ 73786976294838206465..sup}
Often stronger propagation
?- Y #= abs(X), Y #\= 3, Z * Z #= 4, A in 0..10, A mod 2 #= 0.
%@ Y = _G1448{0..2 \/ 4..sup},
%@ X = _G1446{inf..-4 \/ -2..2 \/ 4..sup},
%@ Z = _G1454{-2 \/ 2},
%@ A = _G1463{0 \/ 2 \/ 4 \/ 6 \/ 8 \/ 10}
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Many things can be improved; if you want to help, feel free to
e-mail me. A good starting point is taking a propagation algorithm
from the literature and adding it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
:- module(clpfd, [
:- use_module(library(swi)).
:- use_module(library(gensym)).
:- op(760, yfx, (#<==>)).
:- op(750, xfy, (#==>)).
:- op(750, yfx, (#<==)).
:- op(740, yfx, (#\/)).
:- op(730, yfx, (#\)).
:- op(720, yfx, (#/\)).
:- op(710, fy, (#\)).
:- op(710, fy, (#\)).
:- op(700, xfx, (#>)).
:- op(700, xfx, (#<)).
:- op(700, xfx, (#>=)).
:- op(700, xfx, (#=<)).
:- op(700, xfx, (#=)).
:- op(700, xfx, (#\=)).
:- op(700, xfx, in).
:- op(700, xfx, ins).
:- op(450, xfx, (..)).
:- op(700, xfx, cis).
:- op(700, xfx, cis1).
:- op(700, xfx, cis_geq).
:- op(700, xfx, cis_gt).
:- op(700, xfx, cis_leq).
:- op(700, xfx, cis_lt).
/** <module> Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains
Constraint programming is a declarative formalism that lets you
describe conditions a solution should satisfy. This library provides
CLP(FD), Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains. It can be
used to model and solve various combinatorial problems from diverse
areas such as planning, scheduling, and graph colouring.
As an example, consider the cryptoarithmetic puzzle SEND + MORE =
MONEY, where different letters denote distinct integers between 0 and
9. It can be modeled in CLP(FD) as follows:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
puzzle([S,E,N,D] + [M,O,R,E] = [M,O,N,E,Y]) :-
Vars = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Vars ins 0..9,
S*1000 + E*100 + N*10 + D +
M*1000 + O*100 + R*10 + E #=
M*10000 + O*1000 + N*100 + E*10 + Y,
M #> 0, S #> 0,
?- puzzle(P).
P = ([9, 5, 6, 7]+[1, 0, 8, 5]=[1, 0, 6, 5, 2])
Most predicates of this library are _constraints_: They generalise
arithmetic evaluation of integer expressions in that propagation can
proceed in all directions. This library also provides _enumeration_
_predicates_, which let you systematically search for solutions on
variables whose domains have become finite.
A finite domain _expression_ is one of:
* an integer
* a variable
* -Expr
* Expr + Expr
* Expr * Expr
* Expr - Expr.
* min(Expr,Expr)
* max(Expr,Expr)
* Expr mod Expr
* abs(Expr)
* Expr / Expr
(integer division)
The most important finite domain _constraints_ are:
* Expr #>= Expr
* Expr #=< Expr
* Expr #= Expr
* Expr #\= Expr
* Expr #> Expr
* Expr #< Expr
The constraints #=/2, #\=/2, #</2, #>/2, #=</2, #>=/2 and #\/1 can be
_reified_, which means reflecting their truth values into Boolean 0/1
variables. Let P and Q denote conjunctions ((#/\)/2) or disjunctions
((#\/)/2) of reifiable constraints or Boolean variables, then:
* #\ Q
True iff Q is false.
* P #<==> Q
True iff P and Q are equivalent.
* P #==> Q
True iff P implies Q.
* P #<== Q
True iff Q implies P.
If SWI Prolog is compiled with support for arbitrary precision
integers (using GMP), there is no limit on the size of domains.
@author Markus Triska
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A bound is either:
n(N): integer N
inf: infimum of Z (= negative infinity)
sup: supremum of Z (= positive infinity)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
is_bound(n(N)) :- integer(N).
defaulty_to_bound(D, P) :- ( integer(D) -> P = n(D) ; P = D ).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Compactified is/2 and predicates for several arithmetic expressions
with infinities, tailored for the modes needed by this solver.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
% cis_gt only works for terms of depth 0 on both sides
cis_gt(n(N), B) :- cis_gt_numeric(B, N).
cis_gt(sup, B0) :-B0 \== sup.
cis_gt_numeric(n(B), A) :- A > B.
cis_gt_numeric(inf, _).
cis_geq(A, B) :-
( cis_gt(A, B) -> true
; A == B -> true
cis_geq_zero(n(N)) :- N >= 0.
cis_lt(A, B) :- cis_gt(B, A).
cis_leq(A, B) :- cis_geq(B, A).
cis_min(inf, _, inf).
cis_min(sup, B, B).
cis_min(n(N), B, Min) :- cis_min_(B, N, Min).
cis_min_(inf, _, inf).
cis_min_(sup, N, n(N)).
cis_min_(n(B), A, n(M)) :- M is min(A,B).
cis_max(sup, _, sup).
cis_max(inf, B, B).
cis_max(n(N), B, Max) :- cis_max_(B, N, Max).
cis_max_(inf, N, n(N)).
cis_max_(sup, _, sup).
cis_max_(n(B), A, n(M)) :- M is max(A,B).
cis_plus(inf, _, inf).
cis_plus(sup, _, sup).
cis_plus(n(A), B, Plus) :- cis_plus_(B, A, Plus).
cis_plus_(sup, _, sup).
cis_plus_(inf, _, inf).
cis_plus_(n(B), A, n(S)) :- S is A + B.
cis_minus(inf, _, inf).
cis_minus(sup, _, sup).
cis_minus(n(A), B, M) :- cis_minus_(B, A, M).
cis_minus_(inf, _, sup).
cis_minus_(sup, _, inf).
cis_minus_(n(B), A, n(M)) :- M is A - B.
cis_uminus(inf, sup).
cis_uminus(sup, inf).
cis_uminus(n(A), n(B)) :- B is -A.
cis_abs(inf, sup).
cis_abs(sup, sup).
cis_abs(n(A), n(B)) :- B is abs(A).
cis_times(inf, B, P) :-
( B cis_lt n(0) -> P = sup
; B cis_gt n(0) -> P = inf
; P = n(0)
cis_times(sup, B, P) :-
( B cis_gt n(0) -> P = sup
; B cis_lt n(0) -> P = inf
; B == n(0) -> P = n(0)
cis_times(n(N), B, P) :- cis_times_(B, N, P).
cis_times_(inf, A, P) :- cis_times(inf, n(A), P).
cis_times_(sup, A, P) :- cis_times(sup, n(A), P).
cis_times_(n(B), A, n(P)) :- P is A * B.
% compactified is/2 for expressions of interest
A cis B :- cis_(B, A).
cis_(n(N), n(N)).
cis_(inf, inf).
cis_(sup, sup).
cis_(A0+B0, E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_(B0, B), cis_plus(A, B, E).
cis_(abs(A0), E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_abs(A, E).
cis_(min(A0,B0), E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_(B0, B), cis_min(A, B, E).
cis_(max(A0,B0), E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_(B0, B), cis_max(A, B, E).
cis_(A0-B0, E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_(B0, B), cis_minus(A, B, E).
cis_(-A0, E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_uminus(A, E).
cis_(A0*B0, E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_(B0, B), cis_times(A, B, E).
cis_(floor(A0), E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_floor(A, E).
cis_(ceiling(A0), E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_ceiling(A, E).
cis_(div(A0,B0), E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_(B0, B), cis_div(A, B, E).
cis_(A0//B0, E) :- cis_(A0, A), cis_(B0, B), cis_slash(A, B, E).
% special case for the frequent case of depth 1 expressions
A cis1 B :- cis1_(B, A).
cis1_(n(N), n(N)).
cis1_(inf, inf).
cis1_(sup, sup).
cis1_(A+B, E) :- cis_plus(A, B, E).
cis1_(abs(A), E) :- cis_abs(A, E).
cis1_(min(A,B), E) :- cis_min(A, B, E).
cis1_(max(A,B), E) :- cis_max(A, B, E).
cis1_(A-B, E) :- cis_minus(A, B, E).
cis1_(-A, E) :- cis_uminus(A, E).
cis1_(A*B, E) :- cis_times(A, B, E).
cis1_(floor(A), E) :- cis_floor(A, E).
cis1_(ceiling(A), E) :- cis_ceiling(A, E).
cis1_(div(A,B), E) :- cis_div(A, B, E).
cis1_(A//B, E) :- cis_slash(A, B, E).
cis_floor(sup, sup).
cis_floor(inf, inf).
cis_floor(n(A), n(B)) :- B is integer(floor(A)).
cis_ceiling(sup, sup).
cis_ceiling(inf, inf).
cis_ceiling(n(A), n(B)) :- B is integer(ceiling(A)).
cis_div(sup, Y, Z) :- ( cis_geq_zero(Y) -> Z = sup ; Z = inf ).
cis_div(inf, Y, Z) :- ( cis_geq_zero(Y) -> Z = inf ; Z = sup ).
cis_div(n(X), Y, Z) :- cis_div_(Y, X, Z).
cis_div_(sup, _, n(0)).
cis_div_(inf, _, n(0)).
cis_div_(n(Y), X, Z) :-
( Y =:= 0 -> ( X >= 0 -> Z = sup ; Z = inf )
; Z0 is X / Y, Z = n(Z0)
cis_slash(sup, _, sup).
cis_slash(inf, _, inf).
cis_slash(n(N), B, S) :- cis_slash_(B, N, S).
cis_slash_(sup, _, 0).
cis_slash_(inf, _, 0).
cis_slash_(n(B), A, n(S)) :- S is A // B.
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A domain is a finite set of disjoint intervals. Internally, domains
are represented as trees. Each node is one of:
empty: empty domain.
split(N, Left, Right)
- split on integer N, with Left and Right domains whose elements are
all less than and greater than N, respectively. The domain is the
union of Left and Right, i.e., N is a hole.
from_to(From, To)
- interval (From-1, To+1); From and To are bounds
Desiderata: rebalance domains; singleton intervals.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Type definition and inspection of domains.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
check_domain(D, Line) :-
( ground(D), is_domain(D) -> true
; format("~w: invalid domain ~w\n", [Line,D]),
is_domain(from_to(From,To)) :-
is_bound(From), is_bound(To),
From cis_leq To.
is_domain(split(S, Left, Right)) :-
is_domain(Left), is_domain(Right),
all_less_than(Left, S),
all_greater_than(Right, S).
all_less_than(empty, _).
all_less_than(from_to(From,To), S) :-
From cis_lt n(S), To cis_lt n(S).
all_less_than(split(S0,Left,Right), S) :-
S0 < S,
all_less_than(Left, S),
all_less_than(Right, S).
all_greater_than(empty, _).
all_greater_than(from_to(From,To), S) :-
From cis_gt n(S), To cis_gt n(S).
all_greater_than(split(S0,Left,Right), S) :-
S0 > S,
all_greater_than(Left, S),
all_greater_than(Right, S).
domain_infimum(empty, _) :- format("infimum of empty domain"), fail.
domain_infimum(from_to(I, _), I).
domain_infimum(split(_, Left, _), I) :- domain_infimum(Left, I).
domain_supremum(empty, _) :- format("supremum of empty domain"), fail.
domain_supremum(from_to(_, S), S).
domain_supremum(split(_, _, Right), S) :- domain_supremum(Right, S).
domain_num_elements(empty, n(0)).
domain_num_elements(from_to(From,To), Num) :- Num cis To - From + n(1).
domain_num_elements(split(_, Left, Right), Num) :-
domain_num_elements(Left, NL),
domain_num_elements(Right, NR),
Num cis1 NL + NR.
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Test whether domain contains a given integer.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_contains(from_to(From,To), I) :- From cis_leq n(I), n(I) cis_leq To.
domain_contains(split(S, Left, Right), I) :-
( I < S -> domain_contains(Left, I)
; I > S -> domain_contains(Right, I)
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Test whether a domain contains another domain.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_subdomain(Dom, Sub) :- domain_subdomain(Dom, Dom, Sub).
domain_subdomain(from_to(_,_), Dom, Sub) :-
domain_subdomain_fromto(Sub, Dom).
domain_subdomain(split(_, _, _), Dom, Sub) :-
domain_subdomain_split(Sub, Dom, Sub).
domain_subdomain_split(empty, _, _).
domain_subdomain_split(from_to(From,To), split(S,Left0,Right0), Sub) :-
( To cis_lt n(S) -> domain_subdomain(Left0, Left0, Sub)
; From cis_gt n(S) -> domain_subdomain(Right0, Right0, Sub)
domain_subdomain_split(split(_,Left,Right), Dom, _) :-
domain_subdomain(Dom, Dom, Left),
domain_subdomain(Dom, Dom, Right).
domain_subdomain_fromto(empty, _).
domain_subdomain_fromto(from_to(From,To), from_to(From0,To0)) :-
From0 cis_leq From, To0 cis_geq To.
domain_subdomain_fromto(split(_,Left,Right), Dom) :-
domain_subdomain_fromto(Left, Dom),
domain_subdomain_fromto(Right, Dom).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Remove an integer from a domain. The domain is traversed until an
interval is reached from which the element can be removed, or until
it is clear that no such interval exists.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_remove(empty, _, empty).
domain_remove(from_to(L0, U0), X, D) :- domain_remove_(L0, U0, X, D).
domain_remove(split(S, Left0, Right0), X, D) :-
( X =:= S -> D = split(S, Left0, Right0)
; X < S ->
domain_remove(Left0, X, Left1),
( Left1 == empty -> D = Right0
; D = split(S, Left1, Right0)
; domain_remove(Right0, X, Right1),
( Right1 == empty -> D = Left0
; D = split(S, Left0, Right1)
%?- domain_remove(from_to(n(0),n(5)), 3, D).
domain_remove_(inf, U0, X, D) :-
( U0 == n(X) -> U1 cis1 U0 - n(1), D = from_to(inf, U1)
; U0 cis_lt n(X) -> D = from_to(inf,U0)
; L1 cis1 n(X) + n(1), U1 cis1 n(X) - n(1),
D = split(X, from_to(inf, U1), from_to(L1,U0))
domain_remove_(n(N), U0, X, D) :- domain_remove_upper(U0, n(N), X, D).
domain_remove_upper(sup, L0, X, D) :-
( L0 == n(X) -> L1 cis1 n(X) + n(1), D = from_to(L1,sup)
; L0 cis_gt n(X) -> D = from_to(L0,sup)
; L1 cis1 n(X) + n(1), U1 cis1 n(X) - n(1),
D = split(X, from_to(L0,U1), from_to(L1,sup))
domain_remove_upper(n(U00), L0, X, D) :-
U0 = n(U00),
( L0 == U0, n(X) == L0 -> D = empty
; L0 == n(X) -> L1 cis1 n(X) + n(1), D = from_to(L1, U0)
; U0 == n(X) -> U1 cis1 U0 - n(1), D = from_to(L0, U1)
; L0 cis_leq n(X), n(X) cis_leq U0 ->
U1 cis1 n(X) - n(1), L1 cis1 n(X) + n(1),
D = split(X, from_to(L0, U1), from_to(L1, U0))
; D = from_to(L0,U0)
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Remove all elements greater than / less than some constant.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_remove_greater_than(empty, _, empty).
domain_remove_greater_than(from_to(From0,To0), G, D) :-
( From0 cis_gt n(G) -> D = empty
; To cis1 min(To0,n(G)), D = from_to(From0,To)
domain_remove_greater_than(split(S,Left0,Right0), G, D) :-
( S =< G ->
domain_remove_greater_than(Right0, G, Right),
( Right == empty -> D = Left0
; D = split(S, Left0, Right)
; domain_remove_greater_than(Left0, G, D)
domain_remove_smaller_than(empty, _, empty).
domain_remove_smaller_than(from_to(From0,To0), V, D) :-
( To0 cis_lt n(V) -> D = empty
; From cis1 max(From0,n(V)), D = from_to(From,To0)
domain_remove_smaller_than(split(S,Left0,Right0), V, D) :-
( S >= V ->
domain_remove_smaller_than(Left0, V, Left),
( Left == empty -> D = Right0
; D = split(S, Left, Right0)
; domain_remove_smaller_than(Right0, V, D)
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Remove a whole domain from another domain. (Set difference.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_subtract(Dom0, Sub, Dom) :- domain_subtract(Dom0, Dom0, Sub, Dom).
domain_subtract(empty, _, _, empty).
domain_subtract(from_to(From0,To0), Dom, Sub, D) :-
( Sub == empty -> D = Dom
; Sub = from_to(From,To) ->
( From == To -> From = n(X), domain_remove(Dom, X, D)
; From cis_gt To0 -> D = Dom
; To cis_lt From0 -> D = Dom
; From cis_leq From0 ->
( To cis_geq To0 -> D = empty
; From1 cis1 To + n(1),
D = from_to(From1, To0)
; To1 cis1 From - n(1),
( To cis_lt To0 ->
From = n(S),
From2 cis1 To + n(1),
D = split(S,from_to(From0,To1),from_to(From2,To0))
; D = from_to(From0,To1)
; Sub = split(S, Left, Right) ->
( n(S) cis_gt To0 -> domain_subtract(Dom, Dom, Left, D)
; n(S) cis_lt From0 -> domain_subtract(Dom, Dom, Right, D)
; domain_subtract(Dom, Dom, Left, D1),
domain_subtract(D1, D1, Right, D)
domain_subtract(split(S, Left0, Right0), _, Sub, D) :-
domain_subtract(Left0, Left0, Sub, Left),
domain_subtract(Right0, Right0, Sub, Right),
( Left == empty -> D = Right
; Right == empty -> D = Left
; D = split(S, Left, Right)
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Convert domain to a list of disjoint intervals From-To.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_intervals(D, Is) :- domain_intervals(D, Is, []).
domain_intervals(split(_, Left, Right)) -->
domain_intervals(Left), domain_intervals(Right).
domain_intervals(empty) --> [].
domain_intervals(from_to(From,To)) --> [From-To].
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To compute the intersection of two domains D1 and D2, we
(arbitrarily) choose D1 as the reference domain. For each interval
of D1, we compute how far and to which values D2 lets us extend it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domains_intersection(D1, D2, Intersection) :-
domains_intersection_(D1, D2, Intersection),
Intersection \== empty.
domains_intersection_(empty, _, empty).
domains_intersection_(from_to(L0,U0), D2, Dom) :-
narrow(D2, L0, U0, Dom).
domains_intersection_(split(S,Left0,Right0), D2, Dom) :-
domains_intersection_(Left0, D2, Left1),
domains_intersection_(Right0, D2, Right1),
( Left1 == empty, Right1 == empty -> Dom = empty
; Left1 == empty -> Dom = Right1
; Right1 == empty -> Dom = Left1
; Dom = split(S, Left1, Right1)
narrow(empty, _, _, empty).
narrow(from_to(L0,U0), From0, To0, Dom) :-
From1 cis1 max(From0,L0), To1 cis1 min(To0,U0),
( From1 cis_gt To1 -> Dom = empty
; Dom = from_to(From1,To1)
narrow(split(S, Left0, Right0), From0, To0, Dom) :-
( To0 cis_lt n(S) -> narrow(Left0, From0, To0, Dom)
; From0 cis_gt n(S) -> narrow(Right0, From0, To0, Dom)
; narrow(Left0, From0, To0, Left1),
narrow(Right0, From0, To0, Right1),
( Left1 == empty -> Dom = Right1
; Right1 == empty -> Dom = Left1
; Dom = split(S, Left1, Right1)
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Union of 2 domains.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domains_union(D1, D2, Union) :-
domain_intervals(D1, Is1),
domain_intervals(D2, Is2),
append(Is1, Is2, IsU0),
merge_intervals(IsU0, IsU1),
intervals_to_domain(IsU1, Union).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shift a domain by some offset.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_shift(empty, _, empty).
domain_shift(from_to(From0,To0), O, from_to(From,To)) :-
From cis1 From0 + n(O), To cis1 To0 + n(O).
domain_shift(split(S0, Left0, Right0), O, split(S, Left, Right)) :-
S is S0 + O,
domain_shift(Left0, O, Left),
domain_shift(Right0, O, Right).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The new domain contains all values of the old domain,
multiplied by a constant multiplier.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_expand(D0, M, D) :-
( M < 0 -> domain_negate(D0, D1), M1 is abs(M)
; D1 = D0, M1 = M
domain_expand_(D1, M1, D).
domain_expand_(empty, _, empty).
domain_expand_(from_to(From0, To0), M, D) :-
( M =:= 1 -> D = from_to(From0, To0)
; From0 == inf -> To cis1 To0*n(M), D = from_to(inf, To)
; To0 == sup -> From cis1 From0*n(M), D = from_to(From, sup)
; % domain is bounded
To1 cis1 To0 + n(1),
First cis1 From0*n(M),
D0 = from_to(First,First),
From1 cis1 From0 + n(1),
From1 = n(NFrom1), To1 = n(NTo1),
all_multiples(NFrom1, NTo1, M, D0, D)
domain_expand_(split(S0, Left0, Right0), M, split(S, Left, Right)) :-
S is M*S0,
domain_expand_(Left0, M, Left),
domain_expand_(Right0, M, Right).
all_multiples(N, N, _, D, D) :- !.
all_multiples(N0, N, M, D0, D) :-
Mult is N0*M,
S is Mult - 1,
NMult = n(Mult),
D1 = split(S, D0, from_to(NMult,NMult)),
N1 is N0 + 1,
all_multiples(N1, N, M, D1, D).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
similar to domain_expand/3, tailored for division: an interval
[From,To] is extended to [From*M, ((To+1)*M - 1)], i.e., to all
values that integer-divided by M yield a value from interval.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_expand_more(D0, M, D) :-
%format("expanding ~w by ~w\n", [D0,M]),
( M < 0 -> domain_negate(D0, D1), M1 is abs(M)
; D1 = D0, M1 = M
domain_expand_more_(D1, M1, D).
%format("yield: ~w\n", [D]).
domain_expand_more_(empty, _, empty).
domain_expand_more_(from_to(From0, To0), M, from_to(From,To)) :-
( From0 cis_lt n(0) ->
From cis (From0-n(1))*n(M) + n(1)
; From cis From0*n(M)
To cis (To0+n(1))*n(M) - n(1).
domain_expand_more_(split(S0, Left0, Right0), M, D) :-
S is M*S0,
domain_expand_more_(Left0, M, Left),
domain_expand_more_(Right0, M, Right),
domain_supremum(Left, LeftSup),
domain_infimum(Right, RightInf),
( LeftSup cis_lt n(S), n(S) cis_lt RightInf ->
D = split(S, Left, Right)
; domain_infimum(Left, Inf),
domain_supremum(Right, Sup),
D = from_to(Inf, Sup)
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scale a domain down by a constant multiplier. Assuming (//)/2.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_contract(D0, M, D) :-
%format("contracting ~w by ~w\n", [D0,M]),
( M < 0 -> domain_negate(D0, D1), M1 is abs(M)
; D1 = D0, M1 = M
domain_contract_(D1, M1, D).
domain_contract_(empty, _, empty).
domain_contract_(from_to(From0, To0), M, from_to(From,To)) :-
From cis1 From0 // n(M), To cis1 To0 // n(M).
domain_contract_(split(S0,Left0,Right0), M, D) :-
S is S0 // M,
% Scaled down domains do not necessarily retain any holes of
% the original domain.
domain_contract_(Left0, M, Left),
domain_contract_(Right0, M, Right),
domain_supremum(Left, LeftSup),
domain_infimum(Right, RightInf),
( LeftSup cis_lt n(S), n(S) cis_lt RightInf ->
D = split(S, Left, Right)
; domain_infimum(Left0, Inf),
% TODO: this is not necessarily an interval
domain_supremum(Right0, Sup),
min_divide(Inf, Sup, n(M), n(M), From0),
max_divide(Inf, Sup, n(M), n(M), To0),
domain_infimum(Left, LeftInf),
domain_supremum(Right, RightSup),
From cis max(LeftInf, ceiling(From0)),
To cis min(RightSup, floor(To0)),
D = from_to(From, To)
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Similar to domain_contract, tailored for division, i.e.,
{21,23} contracted by 4 is 5. It contracts "less".
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_contract_less(D0, M, D) :-
( M < 0 -> domain_negate(D0, D1), M1 is abs(M)
; D1 = D0, M1 = M
( domain_infimum(D0, n(_)), domain_supremum(D0, n(_)) ->
% bounded domain
domain_intervals(D0, Is),
intervals_contract_less(Is, M, Cs, []),
list_to_domain(Cs, D)
; domain_contract_less_(D0, M, D)
intervals_contract_less([], _) --> [].
intervals_contract_less([n(A0)-n(B0)|Is], M) -->
{ A is A0 // M, B is B0 // M, numlist(A, B, Ns) },
intervals_contract_less(Is, M).
domain_contract_less_(empty, _, empty).
domain_contract_less_(from_to(From0, To0), M, from_to(From,To)) :-
From cis1 From0 // n(M), To cis1 To0 // n(M).
domain_contract_less_(split(S0,Left0,Right0), M, D) :-
S is S0 // M,
% Scaled down domains do not necessarily retain any holes of
% the original domain.
domain_contract_less_(Left0, M, Left),
domain_contract_less_(Right0, M, Right),
domain_supremum(Left, LeftSup),
domain_infimum(Right, RightInf),
( LeftSup cis_lt n(S), n(S) cis_lt RightInf ->
D = split(S, Left, Right)
; domain_infimum(Left0, Inf),
% TODO: this is not necessarily an interval
domain_supremum(Right0, Sup),
min_divide(Inf, Sup, n(M), n(M), From0),
max_divide(Inf, Sup, n(M), n(M), To0),
domain_infimum(Left, LeftInf),
domain_supremum(Right, RightSup),
From cis max(LeftInf, floor(From0)),
To cis min(RightSup, ceiling(To0)),
D = from_to(From, To)
%format("got: ~w\n", [D])
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Negate the domain. Left and Right sub-domains and bounds switch sides.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
domain_negate(empty, empty).
domain_negate(from_to(From0, To0), from_to(To,From)) :-
From cis1 -From0, To cis1 -To0.
domain_negate(split(S0, Left0, Right0), split(S, Left, Right)) :-
S is -S0,
domain_negate(Left0, Right),
domain_negate(Right0, Left).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Construct a domain from a list of integers. Try to balance it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
list_to_disjoint_intervals([], []).
list_to_disjoint_intervals([N|Ns], Is) :-
list_to_disjoint_intervals(Ns, N, N, Is).
list_to_disjoint_intervals([], M, N, [n(M)-n(N)]).
list_to_disjoint_intervals([B|Bs], M, N, Is) :-
( B =:= N + 1 ->
list_to_disjoint_intervals(Bs, M, B, Is)
; Is = [n(M)-n(N)|Rest],
list_to_disjoint_intervals(Bs, B, B, Rest)
list_to_domain(List0, D) :-
( List0 == [] -> D = empty
; sort(List0, List),
list_to_disjoint_intervals(List, Is),
intervals_to_domain(Is, D)
intervals_to_domain([], empty) :- !.
intervals_to_domain([M-N], from_to(M,N)) :- !.
intervals_to_domain(Is, D) :-
length(Is, L),
FL is floor(L / 2),
length(Front, FL),
append(Front, Tail, Is),
Tail = [n(Start)-_|_],
Hole is Start - 1,
intervals_to_domain(Front, Left),
intervals_to_domain(Tail, Right),
D = split(Hole, Left, Right).
%% in(+Var, +Domain)
% Constrain Var to elements of Domain. Domain is one of:
% * Lower..Upper
% All integers _I_ such that _Lower_ =< _I_ =< _Upper_. The atoms
% *inf* and *sup* denote negative and positive infinity,
% respectively.
% * Domain1 \/ Domain2
% The union of Domain1 and Domain2.
type_error(Type, Term) :- throw(error(type_error(Type, Term), _)).
domain_error(Type, Term) :- throw(error(domain_error(Type, Term), _)).
instantiation_error(_Term) :- throw(error(instantiation_error, _)).
must_be(_, _).
V in D :-
( is_drep(D) -> true
; must_be(integer, D)
drep_to_domain(D, Dom),
domain(V, Dom).
fd_variable(V) :-
( var(V) -> true
; integer(V) -> true
; type_error(integer, V)
%% ins(?Vars, +Domain)
% Constrain the variables or integers in Vars to Domain.
Vs ins D :-
( var(Vs) -> true
; must_be(list, Vs),
maplist(fd_variable, Vs)
( is_drep(D) -> true
; must_be(integer, D)
drep_to_domain(D, Dom),
domains(Vs, Dom).
%% indomain(?Var)
% Bind Var to all feasible values of its domain on backtracking. The
% domain of Var must be finite.
indomain(Var) :-
( var(Var) ->
indomain_(up, Var)
; must_be(integer, Var)
indomain_(Order, Var) :-
( var(Var) ->
get(Var, Dom, _),
order_dom_next(Order, Dom, Next),
( Var = Next
; Var #\= Next,
indomain_(Order, Var)
; must_be(integer, Var)
order_dom_next(up, Dom, Next) :- domain_infimum(Dom, n(Next)).
order_dom_next(down, Dom, Next) :- domain_supremum(Dom, n(Next)).
%% label(+Vars)
% Equivalent to labeling([], Vars).
label(Vs) :- labeling([], Vs).
%% labeling(+Options, +Vars)
% Labeling means systematically trying out values for the finite
% domain variables Vars until all of them are ground. The domain of
% each variable in Vars must be finite. Options is a list of options
% that let you exhibit some control over the search process. Two sets
% of options exist: One for variable selection strategy, and one for
% optimisation. The variable selection strategy lets you specify which
% variable should be labeled next and is one of:
% * leftmost
% Label the variables in the order they occur in Vars. This is the
% default.
% * ff
% "First fail". Label the leftmost variable with smallest domain next,
% in order to detect infeasibility early. This is often a good
% strategy.
% * min
% Label the leftmost variable whose lower bound is the lowest next.
% * max
% Label the leftmost variable whose upper bound is the highest next.
% The second set of options lets you influence the order of solutions:
% * min(Expr)
% * max(Expr)
% This generates solutions in ascending/descending order with respect
% to the evaluation of the arithmetic expression Expr. All variables
% of Expr must also be contained in Vars.
% If more than one option of a category is specified, the one
% occurring rightmost in the option list takes precedence over all
% others of that category. Labeling is always complete and always
% terminates.
labeling(Options, Vars) :-
must_be(list, Options),
must_be(list, Vars),
maplist(finite_domain, Vars),
label(Options, leftmost, up, none, Vars).
finite_domain(Var) :-
( var(Var) ->
get(Var, Dom, _),
( domain_infimum(Dom, n(_)),
domain_supremum(Dom, n(_)) -> true
; instantiation_error(Var)
; integer(Var) -> true
; must_be(integer, Var)
label([Option|Options], Selection, Order, Optimisation, Vars) :-
( var(Option)-> instantiation_error(Option)
; selection(Option) ->
label(Options, Option, Order, Optimisation, Vars)
; order(Option) ->
label(Options, Selection, Option, Optimisation, Vars)
; optimization(Option) ->
label(Options, Selection, Order, Option, Vars)
; domain_error(labeling_option, Option)
label([], Selection, Order, Optimisation, Vars) :-
( Optimisation == none ->
label(Vars, Selection, Order)
; optimize(Vars, Selection, Order, Optimisation)
label([], _, _) :- !.
label(Vars, Selection, Order) :-
select_var(Selection, Vars, Var, RVars),
indomain_(Order, Var),
label(RVars, Selection, Order).
select_var(leftmost, [Var|Vars], Var, Vars).
select_var(min, [V|Vs], Var, RVars) :-
find_min(Vs, V, Var),
delete_eq([V|Vs], Var, RVars).
select_var(max, [V|Vs], Var, RVars) :-
find_max(Vs, V, Var),
delete_eq([V|Vs], Var, RVars).
select_var(ff, [V|Vs], Var, RVars) :-
find_ff(Vs, V, Var),
delete_eq([V|Vs], Var, RVars).
select_var(ffc, Vars0, Var, Vars) :-
find_ffc(Vars0, Var),
delete_eq(Vars0, Var, Vars).
find_min([], Var, Var).
find_min([V|Vs], CM, Min) :-
( min_lt(V, CM) ->
find_min(Vs, V, Min)
; find_min(Vs, CM, Min)
find_max([], Var, Var).
find_max([V|Vs], CM, Max) :-
( max_gt(V, CM) ->
find_max(Vs, V, Max)
; find_max(Vs, CM, Max)
find_ff([], Var, Var).
find_ff([V|Vs], CM, FF) :-
( ff_lt(V, CM) ->
find_ff(Vs, V, FF)
; find_ff(Vs, CM, FF)
find_ffc(Vars0, Var) :-
find_ff(Vars0, _, SD),
( var(SD) ->
find_ffc(Vars0, SD, Var)
; Var = SD
find_ffc([], Var, Var).
find_ffc([V|Vs], Prev, FF) :-
( ffc_lt(V, Prev) ->
find_ffc(Vs, V, FF)
; find_ffc(Vs, Prev, FF)
ff_lt(X, Y) :-
( var(X) ->
get(X, DX, _),
domain_num_elements(DX, NX)
; NX = n(1)
( var(Y) ->
get(Y, DY, _),
domain_num_elements(DY, NY)
; NY = n(1)
NX cis_lt NY.
ffc_lt(X, Y) :-
( var(X) ->
get(X, XD, XPs),
domain_num_elements(XD, NXD),
length(XPs, NXPs)
; NXD = n(0), NXPs = n(0)
( var(Y) ->
get(Y, YD, YPs),
domain_num_elements(YD, NYD),
length(YPs, NYPs)
; NYD = n(0), NYPs = n(0)
NXPs > NYPs.
min_lt(X,Y) :- bounds(X,LX,_), bounds(Y,LY,_), LX cis_lt LY.
max_gt(X,Y) :- bounds(X,_,UX), bounds(Y,_,UY), UX cis_gt UY.
bounds(X, L, U) :-
( var(X) ->
get(X, Dom, _),
domain_infimum(Dom, L),
domain_supremum(Dom, U)
; L = n(X), U = L
delete_eq([X|Xs],Y,List) :-
( X == Y -> List = Xs
; List = [X|Tail],
optimize(Vars, Selection, Order, Opt) :-
copy_term(Vars-Opt, Vars1-Opt1),
once(label(Vars1, Selection, Order)),
functor(Opt1, Direction, _),
maplist(arg(1), [Opt,Opt1], [Expr,Expr1]),
optimize(Direction, Selection, Order, Vars, Expr1, Expr).
optimize(Direction, Selection, Order, Vars, Expr0, Expr) :-
Val0 is Expr0,
copy_term(Vars-Expr, Vars1-Expr1),
( Direction == min -> Tighten = (Expr1 #< Val0)
; Tighten = (Expr1 #> Val0) % max
( Tighten, label(Vars1, Selection, Order) ->
optimize(Direction, Selection, Order, Vars, Expr1, Expr)
( Expr #= Val0, label(Vars, Selection, Order)
; Expr #\= Val0,
Opt =.. [Direction,Expr],
optimize(Vars, Selection, Order, Opt)
%% all_different(+Vars)
% Constrain Vars to be pairwise distinct.
all_different(Ls) :-
length(Ls, _),
all_different(Ls, []),
all_different([], _).
all_different([X|Right], Left) :-
( var(X) ->
Prop = propagator(pdifferent(Left,Right,X), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop),
; exclude_fire(Left, Right, X)
all_different(Right, [X|Left]).
%% sum(+Vars, +Op, +Expr)
% Constrain the sum of all integers or variables in Vars to the
% relation Op (for example: #=<) with respect to Expr.
sum(Ls, Op, Value) :- sum(Ls, 0, Op, Value).
sum([], Sum, Op, Value) :- call(Op, Sum, Value).
sum([X|Xs], Acc, Op, Value) :-
NAcc #= Acc + X,
sum(Xs, NAcc, Op, Value).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Constraint propagation proceeds as follows: Each CLP(FD) variable
has an attribute that stores its associated domain and contains a
list of all associated constraints. Whenever the domain of a
variable is changed, all constraints it participates in are
triggered: They are stored in a global structure that contains a
list of triggered constraints. do_queue/0 works off all triggered
constraints, possible triggering new ones, until fixpoint.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
% % LIFO queue
% make_queue :- nb_setval('$propagator_queue',[]).
% push_queue(E) :-
% b_getval('$propagator_queue',Q),
% b_setval('$propagator_queue',[E|Q]).
% pop_queue(E) :-
% b_getval('$propagator_queue',[E|Q]),
% b_setval('$propagator_queue',Q).
% FIFO queue
make_queue :- nb_setval('$clpfd_queue', Q-Q).
push_queue(E) :-
b_getval('$clpfd_queue', H-[E|T]), b_setval('$clpfd_queue', H-T).
pop_queue(E) :-
b_getval('$clpfd_queue', H-T),
nonvar(H), H = [E|NH], b_setval('$clpfd_queue', NH-T).
fetch_constraint_(C) :-
( State == dead -> fetch_constraint_(C)
; C = C0
:- make_queue.
parse_clpfd(Expr, Result) :-
( var(Expr) ->
get(Expr, ED, EPs),
put(Expr, ED, EPs), % constrain to integers
Result = Expr
; integer(Expr) -> Result = Expr
; Expr = (L + R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, RL), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
myplus(RL, RR, Result)
; Expr = (L * R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, RL), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
mytimes(RL, RR, Result)
; Expr = (L - R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, RL), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
mytimes(-1, RR, RRR),
myplus(RL, RRR, Result)
; Expr = (- E) ->
parse_clpfd(E, RE),
mytimes(-1, RE, Result)
; Expr = max(L, R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, RL), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
mymax(RL, RR, Result)
; Expr = min(L,R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, RL), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
mymin(RL, RR, Result)
; Expr = L mod R ->
parse_clpfd(L, RL), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
RR #\= 0,
mymod(RL, RR, Result)
; Expr = abs(E) ->
parse_clpfd(E, RE),
myabs(RE, Result),
Result #>= 0
; Expr = (L / R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, RL), parse_clpfd(R, RR), RR #\= 0,
mydiv(RL, RR, Result)
; type_error(integer, Expr)
trigger_twice(Prop) :-
% two invocations necessary for fixpoint when posting initially
trigger_prop(Prop), do_queue,
trigger_prop(Prop), do_queue.
neq(A, B) :-
Prop = propagator(pneq(A, B), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(A, Prop), init_propagator(B, Prop),
geq(A, B) :-
Prop = propagator(pgeq(A,B), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(A, Prop), init_propagator(B, Prop),
leq(A, B) :- geq(B, A).
myplus(X, Y, Z) :-
Prop = propagator(pplus(X,Y,Z),mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(Y, Prop),
init_propagator(Z, Prop), trigger_twice(Prop).
mytimes(X,Y,Z) :-
Prop = propagator(ptimes(X,Y,Z),mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(Y, Prop),
init_propagator(Z, Prop), trigger_twice(Prop).
mydiv(X,Y,Z) :-
Prop = propagator(pdiv(X,Y,Z), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(Y, Prop),
init_propagator(Z, Prop), trigger_twice(Prop).
myabs(X, Y) :-
Prop = propagator(pabs(X,Y), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(Y, Prop),
trigger_prop(Prop), trigger_twice(Prop).
mymod(X, M, K) :-
Prop = propagator(pmod(X,M,K), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(M, Prop),
init_propagator(K, Prop), trigger_twice(Prop).
mymax(X, Y, Z) :-
Prop = propagator(pmax(X,Y,Z), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(Y, Prop),
init_propagator(Z, Prop), trigger_twice(Prop).
mymin(X, Y, Z) :-
Prop = propagator(pmin(X,Y,Z), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(Y, Prop),
init_propagator(Z, Prop), trigger_twice(Prop).
%% #>=(?X, ?Y)
% X is greater than or equal to Y.
X #>= Y :- parse_clpfd(X,RX), parse_clpfd(Y,RY), geq(RX,RY).
%% #=<(?X, ?Y)
% X is less than or equal to Y.
X #=< Y :- parse_clpfd(X,RX), parse_clpfd(Y,RY), leq(RX,RY).
%% #=(?X, ?Y)
% X equals Y.
X #= Y :- parse_clpfd(X,RX), parse_clpfd(Y,RX).
%% #\=(?X, ?Y)
% X is not Y.
X #\= Y :-
( var(X), integer(Y) ->
get(X, XD, XPs),
domain_remove(XD, Y, XD1),
put(X, XD1, XPs),
; parse_clpfd(X, RX), parse_clpfd(Y, RY), neq(RX, RY)
%% #>(?X, ?Y)
% X is greater than Y.
X #> Y :- Z #= Y + 1, X #>= Z.
%% #<(?X, ?Y)
% X is less than Y.
X #< Y :- Y #> X.
%% #\(+Q)
% The reifiable constraint Q does _not_ hold.
#\ Q :- reify(Q, 0), do_queue.
%% P #<==> Q
% P and Q are equivalent.
L #<==> R :- reify(L, B), reify(R, B), do_queue.
%% P #==> Q
% P implies Q.
L #==> R :- reify(L, BL), reify(R, BR), myimpl(BL, BR), do_queue.
%% #<==(P, Q)
% Q implies P.
L #<== R :- reify(L, BL), reify(R, BR), myimpl(BR, BL), do_queue.
%% #/\(P, Q)
% P and Q hold.
L #/\ R :- reify(L, 1), reify(R, 1), do_queue.
%% #\/(P, Q)
% P or Q holds.
L #\/ R :- reify(L, BL), reify(R, BR), myor(BL, BR, 1), do_queue.
myor(X, Y, Z) :-
Prop = propagator(por(X,Y,Z), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(Y, Prop),
init_propagator(Z, Prop),
myimpl(X, Y) :-
Prop = propagator(pimpl(X,Y), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop), init_propagator(Y, Prop),
reify(Expr, B) :-
B in 0..1,
( var(Expr) -> B = Expr
; integer(Expr) -> B = Expr
; Expr = (L #>= R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, LR), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
Prop = propagator(reified_geq(LR,RR,B), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(LR, Prop), init_propagator(RR, Prop),
init_propagator(B, Prop),
; Expr = (L #> R) -> reify(L #>= (R+1), B)
; Expr = (L #=< R) -> reify(R #>= L, B)
; Expr = (L #< R) -> reify(R #>= (L+1), B)
; Expr = (L #= R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, LR), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
Prop = propagator(reified_eq(LR,RR,B), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(LR, Prop), init_propagator(RR, Prop),
init_propagator(B, Prop),
; Expr = (L #\= R) ->
parse_clpfd(L, LR), parse_clpfd(R, RR),
Prop = propagator(reified_neq(LR,RR,B), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(LR, Prop), init_propagator(RR, Prop),
init_propagator(B, Prop),
; Expr = (L #/\ R) ->
reify(L, LR), reify(R, RR),
Prop = propagator(reified_and(LR,RR,B), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(LR, Prop), init_propagator(RR, Prop),
init_propagator(B, Prop),
; Expr = (L #\/ R) ->
reify(L, LR), reify(R, RR),
Prop = propagator(reified_or(LR,RR,B), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(LR, Prop), init_propagator(RR, Prop),
init_propagator(B, Prop),
; Expr = (#\ Q) ->
reify(Q, QR),
Prop = propagator(reified_not(QR,B), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(QR, Prop), init_propagator(B, Prop),
; type_error(integer, Expr)
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A drep is a user-accessible and visible domain representation. N,
N..M, and D1 \/ D2 are dreps, if D1 and D2 are dreps.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
is_drep(V) :- var(V), !, instantiation_error(V).
is_drep(N) :- integer(N), !.
is_drep(N..M) :- !, drep_bound(N), drep_bound(M).
is_drep(D1\/D2) :- !, is_drep(D1), is_drep(D2).
drep_bound(V) :- var(V), !, instantiation_error(V).
drep_bound(sup) :- !. % should infinities be accessible?
drep_bound(inf) :- !.
drep_bound(I) :- integer(I), !.
drep_to_intervals(I) --> { integer(I) }, !, [n(I)-n(I)].
drep_to_intervals(N..M) -->
( { defaulty_to_bound(N, N1), defaulty_to_bound(M, M1),
N1 cis_leq M1} -> [N1-M1]
; []
drep_to_intervals(D1 \/ D2) -->
drep_to_intervals(D1), drep_to_intervals(D2).
drep_to_domain(DR, D) :-
drep_to_intervals(DR, Is0, []),
merge_intervals(Is0, Is1),
intervals_to_domain(Is1, D).
merge_intervals(Is0, Is) :-
keysort(Is0, Is1),
merge_overlapping(Is1, Is).
merge_overlapping([], []).
merge_overlapping([A-B0|ABs0], [A-B|ABs]) :-
merge_remaining(ABs0, B0, B, Rest),
merge_overlapping(Rest, ABs).
merge_remaining([], B, B, []).
merge_remaining([N-M|NMs], B0, B, Rest) :-
Next cis1 B0 + n(1),
( N cis_gt Next -> B = B0, Rest = [N-M|NMs]
; B1 cis1 max(B0,M),
merge_remaining(NMs, B1, B, Rest)
domain(V, Dom) :-
( var(V) ->
get(V, Dom0, VPs),
domains_intersection(Dom, Dom0, Dom1),
%format("intersected\n: ~w\n ~w\n==> ~w\n\n", [Dom,Dom0,Dom1]),
put(V, Dom1, VPs),
; domain_contains(Dom, V)
domains([], _).
domains([V|Vs], D) :- domain(V, D), domains(Vs, D).
get(X, Dom, Ps) :-
( get_attr(X, clpfd, Attr) -> Attr = clpfd(Dom, Ps)
; var(X) -> default_domain(Dom), Ps = []
get(X, Dom, Inf, Sup, Ps) :-
get(X, Dom, Ps),
domain_infimum(Dom, Inf),
domain_supremum(Dom, Sup).
put(X, Dom, Ps) :-
Dom \== empty,
( Dom = from_to(F, F) -> F = n(X)
; ( get_attr(X, clpfd, Attr) ->
put_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd(Dom, Ps)),
Attr = clpfd(OldDom, _OldPs),
%format("putting dom: ~w\n", [Dom]),
( OldDom == Dom -> true
; domain_intervals(Dom, Is),
domain_intervals(OldDom, Is) -> true
; trigger_props(Ps)
; var(X) -> %format('\t~w in ~w .. ~w\n',[X,L,U]),
put_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd(Dom, Ps))
; true
trigger_props([P|Ps]) :- trigger_prop(P), trigger_props(Ps).
trigger_prop(Propagator) :-
arg(2, Propagator, MState),
MState = mutable(State),
( State == dead -> true
; State == queued -> true
; % passive
% format("triggering: ~w\n", [Propagator]),
setarg(1, MState, queued),
kill(MState) :- setarg(1, MState, dead).
activate_propagator(propagator(P,MState)) :-
MState = mutable(State),
( State == dead -> true
; %format("running: ~w\n", [P]),
setarg(1, MState, passive),
run_propagator(P, MState)
:- nb_setval('$clpfd_queue_status', enabled).
disable_queue :- b_setval('$clpfd_queue_status', disabled).
enable_queue :- b_setval('$clpfd_queue_status', enabled), do_queue.
do_queue :-
( b_getval('$clpfd_queue_status', enabled) ->
( fetch_constraint_(C) ->
%C = propagator(Prop,_),
%functor(Prop, FP, _),
%format("\n\ngot: ~w\n\n", [FP]),
; true
; true
init_propagator(Var, Prop) :-
( var(Var) -> get(Var, Dom, Ps), put(Var, Dom, [Prop|Ps])
; true
%% lex_chain(+Lists)
% Constrains Lists to be lexicographically non-decreasing.
lex_chain([Ls|Lss]) :-
lex_chain_lag(Lss, Ls),
lex_chain_lag([], _).
lex_chain_lag([Ls|Lss], Ls0) :-
lex_le(Ls0, Ls),
lex_chain_lag(Lss, Ls).
lex_le([], []).
lex_le([V1|V1s], [V2|V2s]) :-
V1 #=< V2,
( integer(V1) ->
( integer(V2) ->
( V1 =:= V2 -> lex_le(V1s, V2s) ; true )
; freeze(V2, lex_le([V1|V1s], [V2|V2s]))
; freeze(V1, lex_le([V1|V1s], [V2|V2s]))
%% tuples_in(+Tuples, +Relation).
% Relation is a list of ground lists of integers. Tuples is a list of
% lists containing integers and finite domain variables. Tuples are
% constrained to be elements of Relation.
tuples_in(Tuples, Relation) :-
tuples_domain(Tuples, Relation),
tuples_domain([], _).
tuples_domain([Tuple|Tuples], Relation) :-
relation_unifiable(Relation, Tuple, Us, 0, _),
( ground(Tuple) -> memberchk(Tuple, Relation)
; tuple_domain(Tuple, Us),
tuple_freeze(Tuple, Us)
tuples_domain(Tuples, Relation).
tuple_domain([], _).
tuple_domain([T|Ts], Relation0) :-
take_firsts(Relation0, Firsts, Relation1),
( var(T) ->
( Firsts = [Unique] -> T = Unique
; list_to_domain(Firsts, FDom),
get(T, TDom, TPs),
domains_intersection(FDom, TDom, TDom1),
put(T, TDom1, TPs)
; true
tuple_domain(Ts, Relation1).
take_firsts([], [], []).
take_firsts([[F|Os]|Rest], [F|Fs], [Os|Oss]) :-
take_firsts(Rest, Fs, Oss).
tuple_freeze(Tuple, Relation) :-
gensym('$clpfd_rel_', RID),
nb_setval(RID, Relation),
Prop = propagator(rel_tuple(RID,Tuple), mutable(passive)),
tuple_freeze(Tuple, Tuple, Prop).
tuple_freeze([], _, _).
tuple_freeze([T|Ts], Tuple, Prop) :-
( var(T) ->
%Prop = propagator(rel_tuple(RID,Tuple), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(T, Prop),
; true
tuple_freeze(Ts, Tuple, Prop).
relation_unifiable([], _, [], Changed, Changed).
relation_unifiable([R|Rs], Tuple, Us, Changed0, Changed) :-
( all_in_domain(R, Tuple) ->
Us = [R|Rest],
relation_unifiable(Rs, Tuple, Rest, Changed0, Changed)
; relation_unifiable(Rs, Tuple, Us, 1, Changed)
all_in_domain([], []).
all_in_domain([A|As], [T|Ts]) :-
( var(T) ->
get(T, Dom, _),
domain_contains(Dom, A)
; T =:= A
all_in_domain(As, Ts).
run_propagator(pdifferent(Left,Right,X), _MState) :-
( ground(X) ->
exclude_fire(Left, Right, X),
; true
run_propagator(pdistinct(Left,Right,X), _MState) :-
( ground(X) ->
exclude_fire(Left, Right, X),
; %outof_reducer(Left, Right, X)
%( var(X) -> kill_if_isolated(Left, Right, X, MState)
%; true
run_propagator(check_distinct(Left,Right,X), _) :-
\+ list_contains(Left, X),
\+ list_contains(Right, X).
run_propagator(pneq(A, B), MState) :-
( nonvar(A) ->
( nonvar(B) -> A =\= B, kill(MState)
; get(B, BD0, BExp0),
domain_remove(BD0, A, BD1),
put(B, BD1, BExp0)
; nonvar(B) -> run_propagator(pneq(B, A), MState)
; get(A, _, AI, AS, _), get(B, _, BI, BS, _),
( AS cis_lt BI -> kill(MState)
; AI cis_gt BS -> kill(MState)
; true
run_propagator(pgeq(A,B), MState) :-
( A == B -> true
; nonvar(A) ->
( nonvar(B) -> kill(MState), A >= B
; get(B, BD, BPs),
domain_remove_greater_than(BD, A, BD1),
put(B, BD1, BPs)
; nonvar(B) ->
get(A, AD, APs),
domain_remove_smaller_than(AD, B, AD1),
put(A, AD1, APs)
; get(A, AD, AL, AU, APs),
get(B, _, BL, BU, _),
AU cis_geq BL,
( AL cis_gt BU -> kill(MState)
; AU == BL -> A = B
; NAL cis1 max(AL,BL),
domains_intersection(from_to(NAL,AU), AD, NAD),
put(A, NAD, APs),
( get(B, BD2, BL2, BU2, BPs2) ->
NBU cis1 min(BU2, AU),
domains_intersection(from_to(BL2,NBU), BD2, NBD),
put(B, NBD, BPs2)
; true
run_propagator(rel_tuple(RID, Tuple), MState) :-
b_getval(RID, Relation),
( ground(Tuple) -> kill(MState), memberchk(Tuple, Relation)
; relation_unifiable(Relation, Tuple, Us, 0, Changed),
Us = [_|_],
( Us = [Single] -> kill(MState), Single = Tuple
; Changed =:= 0 -> true
; b_setval(RID, Us),
tuple_domain(Tuple, Us),
run_propagator(pserialized(Var,Duration,Left,SDs), _MState) :-
myserialized(Duration, Left, SDs, Var).
% X + Y = Z
run_propagator(pplus(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is X + Y
; nonvar(Z) -> kill(MState), Y is Z - X
; get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
get(Y, YD, YPs),
domain_shift(YD, X, Shifted_YD),
domains_intersection(Shifted_YD, ZD, ZD1),
put(Z, ZD1, ZPs),
( var(Y) ->
O is -X,
domain_shift(ZD1, O, YD1),
put(Y, YD1, YPs)
; true
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(pplus(Y,X,Z), MState)
; nonvar(Z) ->
get(X, XD, XPs),
get(Y, YD, YPs),
domain_negate(XD, XDN),
domain_shift(XDN, Z, YD1),
domains_intersection(YD, YD1, YD2),
domain_negate(YD2, YD2N),
domain_shift(YD2N, Z, XD1),
domains_intersection(XD, XD1, XD2),
put(X, XD2, XPs),
put(Y, YD2, YPs)
; get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs), get(Y, YD, YL, YU, YPs),
get(Z, _, ZL, ZU, _),
NXL cis max(XL, ZL-YU),
NXU cis min(XU, ZU-YL),
( NXL == XL, NXU == XU -> true
; domains_intersection(XD, from_to(NXL, NXU), NXD),
put(X, NXD, XPs)
( get(Y, YD2, YL2, YU2, YPs2) ->
NYL cis max(YL2, ZL-NXU),
NYU cis min(YU2, ZU-NXL),
( NYL == YL2, NYU == YU2 -> true
; domains_intersection(YD2, from_to(NYL, NYU), NYD),
put(Y, NYD, YPs2)
; NYL = Y, NYU = Y
( get(Z, ZD2, ZL2, ZU2, ZPs2) ->
NZL cis max(ZL2,NXL+NYL),
NZU cis min(ZU2,NXU+NYU),
( NZL == ZL2, NZU == ZU2 -> true
; domains_intersection(ZD2, from_to(NZL,NZU), NZD),
put(Z, NZD, ZPs2)
; true
% ( XI \== inf, XS \== sup,
% YI \== inf, YS \== sup ->
% To1 is To + 1,
% Low is min(XI,YI), Up is max(XS,YS),
% pplus_remove_impossibles(From, To1, Low, Up, XD, YD, ZD1, ZD2)
% ; ZD2 = ZD1
% ),
run_propagator(ptimes(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is X * Y
; X =:= 0 -> kill(MState), Z = 0
; nonvar(Z) -> kill(MState), 0 =:= Z mod X, Y is Z // X
; get(Y, YD, _),
get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
domain_expand(YD, X, Scaled_YD),
domains_intersection(ZD, Scaled_YD, ZD1),
put(Z, ZD1, ZPs),
( get(Y, YDom2, YPs2) ->
domain_contract(ZD1, X, Contract),
domains_intersection(Contract, YDom2, NYDom),
put(Y, NYDom, YPs2)
; kill(MState), Z is X * Y
; nonvar(Y) -> mytimes(Y,X,Z)
; nonvar(Z) ->
( X == Y ->
Z >= 0,
PRoot is integer(floor(sqrt(Z))),
PRoot**2 =:= Z, NRoot is -PRoot,
get(X, TXD, TXPs), % temporary variables for this section
( PRoot =:= 0 -> TXD1 = from_to(n(0),n(0))
; TXD1 = split(0, from_to(n(NRoot),n(NRoot)),
domains_intersection(TXD, TXD1, TXD2),
put(X, TXD2, TXPs)
; true
( get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs) ->
get(Y, YD, YL, YU, _),
NXL cis max(XL,ceiling(TNXL)),
NXU cis min(XU,floor(TNXU)),
( NXL == XL, NXU == XU -> true
; domains_intersection(from_to(NXL,NXU), XD, XD1),
put(X, XD1, XPs)
( get(Y, YD2, YL2,YU2,YExp2) ->
NYL cis max(YL2,ceiling(NYLT)),
NYU cis min(YU2,floor(NYUT)),
( NYL == YL2, NYU == YU2 -> true
; domains_intersection(from_to(NYL,NYU), YD2, YD3),
put(Y, YD3, YExp2)
; ( Y \== 0 -> 0 =:= Z mod Y, kill(MState), X is Z // Y
; kill(MState), Z = 0
; true
; get(X,XD,XL,XU,XExp), get(Y,YD,YL,YU,_), get(Z,ZD,ZL,ZU,_),
NXL cis max(XL,ceiling(TXL)),
NXU cis min(XU,floor(TXU)),
domains_intersection(from_to(NXL,NXU), XD, XD1),
put(X, XD1, XExp),
( get(Y,YD2,YL2,YU2,YExp2) ->
NYL cis max(YL2,ceiling(TYL)),
NYU cis min(YU2,floor(TYU)),
( NYL == YL2, NYU == YU2 -> true
; domains_intersection(from_to(NYL,NYU), YD2, YD3),
put(Y, YD3, YExp2)
; NYL = Y, NYU = Y
( get(Z, ZD2, ZL2, ZU2, ZExp2) ->
NZL cis1 max(ZL2,TZL),
NZU cis1 min(ZU2,TZU),
( NZL == ZL2, NZU == ZU2 -> true
; domains_intersection(from_to(NZL,NZU), ZD2, ZD3),
put(Z, ZD3, ZExp2)
; true
% X / Y = Z
run_propagator(pdiv(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is X // Y
; get(Y, YD, YL, YU, YPs),
( nonvar(Z) -> true
% TODO: cover this
; get(Z, ZD, ZL, ZU, ZPs),
( YL cis_leq n(0), YU cis_geq n(0) ->
NZL cis max(-abs(n(X)), ZL),
NZU cis min(abs(n(X)), ZU)
; X >= 0, YL cis_gt n(0) ->
NZL cis max(X//YU, ZL),
NZU cis min(X//YL, ZU)
; % TODO: cover more cases
( NZL = ZL, NZU = ZU -> true
; domains_intersection(from_to(NZL,NZU), ZD, NZD),
put(Z, NZD, ZPs)
; nonvar(Y) ->
get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs),
( nonvar(Z) ->
( Z >= 0, Y >= 0 ->
NXL cis max(n(Z)*n(Y), XL),
NXU cis min((n(Z)+n(1))*n(Y)-n(1), XU)
; % TODO: cover more cases
( NXL == XL, NXU == XU -> true
; domains_intersection(from_to(NXL,NXU), XD, NXD),
put(X, NXD, XPs)
; get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
domain_contract_less(XD, Y, Contracted),
domains_intersection(Contracted, ZD, NZD),
put(Z, NZD, ZPs),
( get(X, XD2, XPs2) ->
domain_expand_more(NZD, Y, Expanded),
domains_intersection(Expanded, XD2, NXD2),
put(X, NXD2, XPs2)
; true
; nonvar(Z) ->
get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs),
get(Y, YD, YL, YU, YPs),
( YL cis_geq n(0), XL cis_geq n(0) ->
NXL cis max(YL*Z, XL),
NXU cis min(YU*(Z+n(1))-n(1), XU)
; %TODO: cover more cases
( NXL == XL, NXU == XU -> true
; domains_intersection(from_to(NXL,NXU), XD, NXD),
put(X, NXD, XPs)
; true
% Y = abs(X)
run_propagator(pabs(X,Y), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) -> kill(MState), Y is abs(X)
; nonvar(Y) ->
Y >= 0,
( Y =:= 0 -> X = 0
; get(X, XD, XPs),
YN is -Y,
domains_intersection(split(0, from_to(n(YN),n(YN)),
from_to(n(Y),n(Y))), XD, XD1),
put(X, XD1, XPs)
; get(X, XD, XPs),
get(Y, YD, _),
domain_negate(YD, YDNegative),
domains_union(YD, YDNegative, XD1),
domains_intersection(XD, XD1, XD2),
put(X, XD2, XPs),
( get(Y, YD1, YPs1) ->
domain_negate(XD2, XD2Neg),
domains_union(XD2, XD2Neg, YD2),
domain_remove_smaller_than(YD2, 0, YD3),
domains_intersection(YD1, YD3, YD4),
put(Y, YD4, YPs1)
; true
% K =_ X (mod M)
run_propagator(pmod(X,M,K), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(M) -> kill(MState), K is X mod M
; true
; nonvar(M) ->
( M =:= 1 -> X = 0
; get(K, KD, KPs) ->
MP is abs(M) - 1,
MN is -MP + 1,
get(K, KD, KPs),
domains_intersection(from_to(n(MN), n(MP)), KD, KD1),
put(K, KD1, KPs)
; get(X, XD, XPs),
( domain_supremum(XD, n(_)), domain_infimum(XD, n(_)) ->
% bounded domain
findall(E, (domain_to_list(XD, XLs),
member(E, XLs), E mod M =:= K), Es),
list_to_domain(Es, XD1),
domains_intersection(XD, XD1, XD2),
put(X, XD2, XPs)
; true
; true % TODO: propagate more
% Z = max(X,Y)
% Currently rather preliminary.
run_propagator(pmax(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is max(X,Y)
; nonvar(Z) ->
( Z == X -> X #>= Y
; Z > X -> Z = Y
; fail % Z < X
; get(Y, YD, YInf, YSup, _),
( YInf cis_gt n(X) -> Z = Y
; YSup cis_lt n(X) -> Z = X
; true % TODO
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(pmax(Y,X,Z), MState)
; nonvar(Z) -> true % TODO
; get(X, _, XInf, _, _),
get(Y, YD, YInf, YSup, _),
%get(Z, ZD, _),
( YInf cis_gt YSup -> Z = Y
; YSup cis_lt XInf -> Z = X
; true % TODO
% Z = min(X,Y)
% Currently rather preliminary.
run_propagator(pmin(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is min(X,Y)
; nonvar(Z) ->
( Z == X -> X #=< Y
; Z < X -> Z = Y
; fail % Z > X
; get(Y, YD, YInf, YSup, _),
( YSup cis_lt n(X) -> Z = Y
; YInf cis_gt n(X) -> Z = X
; true % TODO
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(pmin(Y,X,Z), MState)
; nonvar(Z) -> true % TODO
; get(X, _, _, XSup, _),
get(Y, YD, YInf, YSup, _),
%get(Z, ZD, _),
( YSup cis_lt YInf -> Z = Y
; YInf cis_gt XSup -> Z = X
; true % TODO
% reified constraints
run_propagator(reified_geq(X,Y,B), MState) :-
( var(B) ->
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(Y) ->
( X >= Y -> B = 1 ; B = 0 )
; get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
( n(X) cis_geq YU -> B = 1
; n(X) cis_lt YL -> B = 0
; true
; nonvar(Y) ->
get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
( XL cis_geq n(Y) -> B = 1
; XU cis_lt n(Y) -> B = 0
; B in 0..1
; get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
( XL cis_geq YU -> B = 1
; XU cis_lt YL -> B = 0
; true
; B =:= 1 -> kill(MState), X #>= Y
; B =:= 0 -> kill(MState), X #< Y
run_propagator(reified_eq(X,Y,B), MState) :-
( var(B) ->
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(Y) ->
( X =:= Y -> B = 1 ; B = 0)
; get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
( YL cis_gt n(X) -> B = 0
; YU cis_lt n(X) -> B = 0
; true
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(reified_eq(Y,X,B), MState)
; X == Y -> B = 1
; get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
( XL cis_gt YU -> B = 0
; YL cis_gt XU -> B = 0
; true
; B =:= 1 -> X = Y
; B =:= 0 -> X #\= Y
run_propagator(reified_neq(X,Y,B), MState) :-
( var(B) ->
( nonvar(X) ->
( nonvar(Y) ->
( X =\= Y -> B = 1 ; B = 0)
; get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
( YL cis_gt n(X) -> B = 1
; YU cis_lt n(X) -> B = 1
; true
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(reified_neq(Y,X,B), MState)
; X == Y -> B = 0
; get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
( XL cis_gt YU -> B = 1
; YL cis_gt XU -> B = 1
; true
; B =:= 1 -> X #\= Y
; B =:= 0 -> X = Y
run_propagator(reified_and(X,Y,B), MState) :-
( var(B) ->
( nonvar(X) ->
( X =:= 0 -> B = 0
; X =:= 1 -> B = Y
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(reified_and(Y,X,B), MState)
; true
; B =:= 0 ->
( X == 1 -> kill(MState), Y = 0
; Y == 1 -> kill(MState), X = 0
; true
; B =:= 1 -> kill(MState), X = 1, Y = 1
run_propagator(reified_or(X,Y,B), MState) :-
( var(B) ->
( nonvar(X) ->
( X =:= 1 -> B = 1
; X =:= 0 -> B = Y
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(reified_or(Y,X,B), MState)
; true
; B =:= 0 -> kill(MState), X = 0, Y = 0
; B =:= 1 ->
( X == 0 -> Y = 1
; Y == 0 -> X = 1
; true
run_propagator(reified_not(X,Y), MState) :-
( X == 0 -> kill(MState), Y = 1
; X == 1 -> kill(MState), Y = 0
; Y == 0 -> kill(MState), X = 1
; Y == 1 -> kill(MState), X = 0
; true
run_propagator(pimpl(X, Y), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) ->
( X =:= 1 -> kill(MState), Y = 1
; true
; nonvar(Y) ->
( Y =:= 0 -> kill(MState), X = 0
; true
; true
run_propagator(por(X, Y, Z), MState) :-
( nonvar(X) ->
( X =:= 0 -> Y = Z
; X =:= 1 -> Z = 1
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(por(Y,X,Z), MState)
; true
max_times(L1,U1,L2,U2,Max) :-
Max cis max(max(L1*L2,L1*U2),max(U1*L2,U1*U2)).
min_times(L1,U1,L2,U2,Min) :-
Min cis min(min(L1*L2,L1*U2),min(U1*L2,U1*U2)).
max_divide(L1,U1,L2,U2,Max) :-
( L2 cis_leq n(0) , U2 cis_geq n(0) -> Max = sup
; Max cis max(max(div(L1,L2),div(L1,U2)),max(div(U1,L2),div(U1,U2)))
min_divide(L1,U1,L2,U2,Min) :-
( L2 cis_leq n(0) , U2 cis_geq n(0) -> Min = inf
; Min cis min(min(div(L1,L2),div(L1,U2)),min(div(U1,L2),div(U1,U2)))
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Weak arc consistent all_distinct/1 constraint.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
%% all_distinct(+Ls).
% Like all_different/1, with stronger propagation.
%all_distinct(Ls) :- all_different(Ls).
all_distinct(Ls) :-
length(Ls, _),
MState = mutable(passive),
all_distinct(Ls, [], MState),
all_distinct([], _, _).
all_distinct([X|Right], Left, MState) :-
%\+ list_contains(Right, X),
( var(X) ->
Prop = propagator(pdistinct(Left,Right,X), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(X, Prop),
% Prop2 = propagator(check_distinct(Left,Right,X), mutable(passive)),
% init_propagator(X, Prop2),
% trigger_prop(Prop2)
; exclude_fire(Left, Right, X)
outof_reducer(Left, Right, X),
all_distinct(Right, [X|Left], MState).
exclude_fire(Left, Right, E) :-
exclude_list(Left, E),
exclude_list(Right, E).
exclude_list([], _).
exclude_list([V|Vs], Val) :-
( var(V) ->
get(V, VD, VPs),
domain_remove(VD, Val, VD1),
put(V, VD1, VPs)
; V =\= Val
exclude_list(Vs, Val).
list_contains([X|Xs], Y) :-
( X == Y -> true
; list_contains(Xs, Y)
kill_if_isolated(Left, Right, X, MState) :-
append(Left, Right, Others),
get(X, XDom, _),
( all_empty_intersection(Others, XDom) -> kill(MState)
; true
all_empty_intersection([], _).
all_empty_intersection([V|Vs], XDom) :-
( var(V) ->
get(V, VDom, _),
domains_intersection_(VDom, XDom, empty),
all_empty_intersection(Vs, XDom)
; all_empty_intersection(Vs, XDom)
outof_reducer(Left, Right, Var) :-
( var(Var) ->
append(Left, Right, Others),
get(Var, Dom, _),
domain_num_elements(Dom, N),
num_subsets(Others, Dom, 0, Num, NonSubs),
( n(Num) cis_geq N -> fail
; n(Num) cis1 N - n(1) ->
reduce_from_others(NonSubs, Dom)
; true
; %\+ list_contains(Right, Var),
%\+ list_contains(Left, Var)
reduce_from_others([], _).
reduce_from_others([X|Xs], Dom) :-
( var(X) ->
get(X, XDom, XPs),
domain_subtract(XDom, Dom, NXDom),
put(X, NXDom, XPs)
; true
reduce_from_others(Xs, Dom).
num_subsets([], _Dom, Num, Num, []).
num_subsets([S|Ss], Dom, Num0, Num, NonSubs) :-
( var(S) ->
get(S, SDom, _),
( domain_subdomain(Dom, SDom) ->
Num1 is Num0 + 1,
num_subsets(Ss, Dom, Num1, Num, NonSubs)
; NonSubs = [S|Rest],
num_subsets(Ss, Dom, Num0, Num, Rest)
; num_subsets(Ss, Dom, Num0, Num, NonSubs)
% serialized/2; see Dorndorf et al. 2000, "Constraint Propagation
% Techniques for the Disjunctive Scheduling Problem"
% attribute: serialized(Var, Duration, Left, Right)
% Left and Right are lists of Start-Duration pairs representing
% other tasks occupying the same resource
% Currently implements 2-b-consistency
%% serialized(+Starts, +Durations)
% Starts = [S_1,...,S_n], is a list of variables or integers,
% Durations = [D_1,...,D_n] is a list of non-negative integers.
% Constrains Starts and Durations to denote a set of non-overlapping
% tasks, i.e.: S_i + D_i =< S_j or S_j + D_j =< S_i for all 1 =< i <
% j =< n.
serialized(Starts, Durations) :-
pair_up(Starts, Durations, SDs),
serialize(SDs, []),
pair_up([], [], []).
pair_up([A|As], [B|Bs], [A-n(B)|ABs]) :- pair_up(As, Bs, ABs).
serialize([], _).
serialize([Start-D|SDs], Left) :-
( var(Start) ->
Prop = propagator(pserialized(Start,D,Left,SDs), mutable(passive)),
init_propagator(Start, Prop),
; true
myserialized(D, Left, SDs, Start),
serialize(SDs, [Start-D|Left]).
% consistency check / propagation
myserialized(Duration, Left, Right, Start) :-
myserialized(Left, Start, Duration),
myserialized(Right, Start, Duration).
earliest_start_time(Start, EST) :-
( get(Start, D, _) ->
domain_infimum(D, EST)
; EST = n(Start)
latest_start_time(Start, LST) :-
( get(Start, D, _) ->
domain_supremum(D, LST)
; LST = n(Start)
myserialized([], _, _).
myserialized([S_I-D_I|SDs], S_J, D_J) :-
( var(S_I) ->
serialize_lower_bound(S_I, D_I, Start, D_J),
( var(S_I) -> serialize_upper_bound(S_I, D_I, Start, D_J)
; true
; var(S_J) ->
serialize_lower_bound(S_J, D_J, S, D_I),
( var(S_J) -> serialize_upper_bound(S_J, D_J, S, D_I)
; true
; D_I = n(D_II), D_J = n(D_JJ),
( S_I + D_II =< S_J -> true
; S_J + D_JJ =< S_I -> true
; fail
myserialized(SDs, S_J, D_J).
serialize_lower_bound(I, D_I, J, D_J) :-
get(I, DomI, Ps),
domain_infimum(DomI, EST_I),
latest_start_time(J, LST_J),
( Sum cis EST_I + D_I, Sum cis_gt LST_J ->
earliest_start_time(J, EST_J),
EST cis EST_J+D_J,
domain_remove_smaller_than(DomI, EST, DomI1),
put(I, DomI1, Ps)
; true
serialize_upper_bound(I, D_I, J, D_J) :-
get(I, DomI, Ps),
domain_supremum(DomI, LST_I),
earliest_start_time(J, EST_J),
( Sum cis EST_J + D_J, Sum cis_gt LST_I ->
latest_start_time(J, LST_J),
LST cis LST_J-D_I,
domain_remove_greater_than(DomI, LST, DomI1),
put(I, DomI1, Ps)
; true
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
attr_unify_hook(clpfd(Dom,Ps), Other) :-
( nonvar(Other) ->
( integer(Other) -> true
; type_error(integer, Other)
domain_contains(Dom, Other),
; get(Other, OD, OPs),
domains_intersection(Dom, OD, Dom1),
append(Ps, OPs, Ps1),
put(Other, Dom1, Ps1),
bound_portray(inf, inf).
bound_portray(sup, sup).
bound_portray(n(N), N).
attr_portray_hook(clpfd(Dom,_Ps), _) :-
domain_intervals(Dom, Is),
print_intervals([A0-B0|Is]) :-
bound_portray(A0, A),
bound_portray(B0, B),
( A == B -> write(A)
; format("~w..~w", [A,B])
; true
( Is == [] -> true
; format(" \\/ "),
domain_to_drep(Dom, Drep) :-
domain_intervals(Dom, [A0-B0|Rest]),
bound_portray(A0, A),
bound_portray(B0, B),
( A == B -> Drep0 = A
; Drep0 = A..B
intervals_to_drep(Rest, Drep0, Drep).
intervals_to_drep([], Drep, Drep).
intervals_to_drep([A0-B0|Rest], Drep0, Drep) :-
bound_portray(A0, A),
bound_portray(B0, B),
( A == B -> D1 = A
; D1 = A..B
intervals_to_drep(Rest, Drep0 \/ D1, Drep).
domain_to_list(Domain, List) :- domain_to_list(Domain, List, []).
domain_to_list(split(_, Left, Right)) -->
domain_to_list(Left), domain_to_list(Right).
domain_to_list(empty) --> [].
domain_to_list(from_to(n(F),n(T))) --> { numlist(F, T, Ns) }, dlist(Ns).
dlist([]) --> [].
dlist([L|Ls]) --> [L], dlist(Ls).
numlist(F, T, Ls) :- T1 is T + 1, numlist_(F, T1, Ls).
numlist_(F, F, []) :- !.
numlist_(F0, T, [F0|Rest]) :- F1 is F0 + 1, numlist_(F1, T, Rest).
attribute_goal(X, Goal) :-
get_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd(Dom,Ps)),
domain_to_drep(Dom, Drep),
attributes_goals(Ps, X in Drep, Goal).
attributes_goals([], Goal, Goal).
attributes_goals([propagator(P, State)|As], Goal0, Goal) :-
( State = mutable(dead) -> Goal1 = Goal0
; State = mutable(processed) -> Goal1 = Goal0
; attribute_goal_(P, G),
setarg(1, State, processed),
Goal1 = (Goal0,G)
attributes_goals(As, Goal1, Goal).
attribute_goal_(pgeq(A,B), A #>= B).
attribute_goal_(pplus(X,Y,Z), X + Y #= Z).
attribute_goal_(pneq(A,B), A #\= B).
attribute_goal_(ptimes(X,Y,Z), X*Y #= Z).
attribute_goal_(pdiv(X,Y,Z), X/Y #= Z).
attribute_goal_(pabs(X,Y), Y #= abs(X)).
attribute_goal_(pmod(X,M,K), X mod M #= K).
attribute_goal_(pmax(X,Y,Z), Z #= max(X,Y)).
attribute_goal_(pmin(X,Y,Z), Z #= min(X,Y)).
attribute_goal_(por(X,Y,Z), X #\/ Y #<==> Z).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
%?- test_intersection([1,2,3,4,5], [1,5], I).
%?- test_intersection([1,2,3,4,5], [], I).
test_intersection(List1, List2, Is) :-
list_to_domain(List1, D1),
list_to_domain(List2, D2),
domains_intersection(D1, D2, I),
domain_to_list(I, Is).
test_subdomain(L1, L2) :-
list_to_domain(L1, D1),
list_to_domain(L2, D2),
domain_subdomain(D1, D2).