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% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
% This is a slightly-modified version of the exising nsieve implementation
% differing only in the mechanism used to mimic array creation and
% access. This version [when compared to existing version]:
% * Makes only modest demands of the global stack, so should execute using
% default values, at least up to a load of N = 9. However, its heap
% memory demands make it prone to thrashing [existing version is more
% stable as long as a sufficiently large stack size is specified]
% * Execution times are on par at up to N = 6, then diverge quite
% dramatically [e.g. at N = 8 this version is roughly twice as fast as
% existing version]
% Contributed by Anthony Borla
% Modified to run with YAP by Glendon Holst
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:- yap_flag(unknown,error).
:- initialization(main).
main :-
unix( argv([H|_]) ), number_atom(N,H),
N1 is 10000 << N,
N2 is 10000 << (N - 1),
N3 is 10000 << (N - 2),
% ------------------------------- %
calcAndshowSieve(N) :-
make_array(N, 1),
nsieve(2, N, 0, R),
format('Primes up to~t~w~21|~t~w~30|~n', [N, R]).
% ------------------------------- %
nsieve(ASize, ASize, R, R) :- !.
nsieve(N, ASize, A, R) :-
is_slot(N) ->
clear_sieve(N, N, ASize), A1 is A + 1
A1 is A
N1 is N + 1, !,
nsieve(N1, ASize, A1, R).
% ------------- %
clear_sieve(N, M, ASize) :-
N1 is N + M, clear_sieve_(N1, M, ASize).
% ------------- %
clear_sieve_(N, _, ASize) :- ASize < N, !.
clear_sieve_(N, M, ASize) :-
N1 is N + M, !, clear_sieve_(N1, M, ASize).
% ------------------------------- %
make_array(N, V) :- fill_array(N, V).
% ------------- %
fill_array(0, _) :- !.
fill_array(N, V) :- bb_put(N, V), N1 is N - 1, !, fill_array(N1, V).
% ------------- %
set_slot(N) :- bb_put(N, 1).
clear_slot(N) :- bb_put(N, 0).
is_slot(N) :- bb_get(N, 1).
% ------------------------------- %