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<p><br><b><font size=+4>Programming Notes</font></b></center>
<p>This section provides a description of some of the nitty-gritty involved
in getting the high-level interface to work.&nbsp; It presumes <i>extensive</i>
familiarity with the High-Level interface, in addition to the Low-Level
Interface and the Prolog Foreign Language Interface (FLI).
The High-Level Interface provides, in essence, a set of Java data structures
for invoking queries on a Prolog engine.&nbsp; By itself, the High-Level
interface makes no direct calls to the Prolog Abstract Machine (AM).&nbsp;
Instead, the High-Level interface rests entirely on top of the Low-LevelInterface,
a Java implementation of the FLI.&nbsp; The Low-Level interface is more
or less in 1-1 correspondence with the FLI (barring methods that do not
make sense in the Java environment).
<p>The following describes a typical execution of a Prolog query using
the interfaces described in the jpl.Query class.&nbsp; Assume the High-Level
Interface programmer (hereafter, just 'the programmer') has constructed
a jpl.Term structure (assume, for simplicity, that the programmer is invoking
a predicate of arity 1), and is about to use the Query class to make a
query using the hasMoreSolutions/nextSolution protocol.&nbsp; Roughly the
following sequence of events occurs.
The <b>jpl.Term</b> is converted to a <b>jpl.fli.term_t</b></li>
A call to the Prolog AM is opened using the Low-Level Interface <b>Prolog.open_query</b>
method with the predicate name and <b>term_t</b> just created</li>
For any <b>jpl.Variable</b> occurrence (i.e., instance) in the original
given to the <b>Query</b>, convert the <b>term_t</b>s that are bound to
those variables o <b>jpl.Term</b>s, and construct a
<b>Hashtable</b> of
these <b>Term</b>s, indexed by the <b>Variable</b>s in the <b>Query</b>.</li>
Close the query using the Low-Level Interface <b>Prolog.close_query</b>
method if there are no more solutions.&nbsp; Otherwise, keep the query
open for subsequent calls to <b>hasMoreSolutions</b>.</li>
Significantly more bookeeping is required to prevent the programmer from
opening a query while another is open, maintaining state about the status
of the query, and so forth, but the above gives a rough approximation of
what occurs in typical "successful" calls to the Prolog AM.&nbsp; The remainder
of this section describes these steps in some detail.
Translating Terms to term_ts</h3>
Translating <b>jpl.Term</b>s to <b>jpl.fli.term_t</b>s is relatively straightforward.&nbsp;
Each <b>Term</b> subclass knows more or less how to convert itself to a
term_t via its <b>pack</b> method, and the top-level <b>Term</b> static
method <b>terms_to_term_ts </b>takes an array of <b>Term</b>s and performs
the conversion for the <b>Query</b>.&nbsp; The following features of the
FLI, however, help explain the perhaps mysterious signature of <b>pack</b>.
The Prolog FLI requires that <i>term_t</i> references first be created,
and then data of an appropriate type be "put" into the <i>term_t </i>reference
using one of the FLI <i>_put</i> functions.&nbsp; For example, to create
an atom in the FLI, one first creates a <i>term_t,</i> and then "puts"
an <i>atom_t </i>into the <i>term_t.</i></li>
<p><br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
term_t t = PL_new_term_ref();</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; atom_t
a = PL_new_atom( "a" );</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; PL_put_atom(
t, a );</font></font>
<p>Translating a Term to a term_t requires mimicking this behavior.
In the case of Compound Terms,</li>
A <i>term_t</i> in the Prolog FLI is, literally, an unsigned long value.&nbsp;
It is essentially an index into the Prolog AM.&nbsp; A sequence of <i>term_t</i>s
is a set of <i>consecutive</i> long values, typically created via the FLI
C funtion <i>PL_new_term_refs().</i>&nbsp; In order to construct a compound
<i>term_t,</i> in the FLI, one must create such a sequence of <i>term_t</i>s
(as many as the arity of the compound), and then use the various FLI <i>_put
</i>functions to put terms into the term_ts that have just been created.</li>
Computing Substitutions</h3>
<p><br>Translating term_ts to Terms
A <b>jpl.Term</b> structure holds, as an element, a <b>jpl.fli.term_t</b>
structure, which itself is a class which holds a long value.&nbsp; This
long value is in fact a pointer (though not a C pointer) to Prolog term
in the Prolog Abstract Machine (AM).&nbsp; Unfortunately, these low-level
values are not really valid throughout the life of the jpl.Term.&nbsp;
Indeed, they are only valid pointers into the Prolog AM <i>during the execution
of a Prolog query.&nbsp; </i>They must, therefore, be treated with exceptional
caution, and are consequently kept well-hidden from the user of the High-Level
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