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2001-04-09 19:54:03 +00:00

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% clp(q,r) version 1.3.3 %
% %
% (c) Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995 %
% Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) %
% Schottengasse 3 %
% A-1010 Vienna, Austria %
% %
% File: %
% Author: Christian Holzbaur %
dump( +Target, ?NewVars, ?CodedAnswer)
where Target and NewVars are lists of variables of equal length and
CodedAnswer is the term representation of the projection of constraints
onto the target variables where the target variables are replaced by
the corresponding variables from NewVars.
:- use_module( library(terms), [term_variables/2]).
:- use_module( library(assoc),
dump( Target, NewVars, Constraints) :-
( proper_varlist( Target) ->
ordering( Target),
related_linear_vars( Target, All),
nonlin_crux( All, Nonlin),
project_attributes( Target, All),
related_linear_vars( Target, Again), % project drops/adds vars
all_attribute_goals( Again, Gs, Nonlin),
empty_assoc( D0),
mapping( Target, NewVars, D0,D1), % late (AVL suffers from put_atts)
copy( Gs, Copy, D1,_), % strip constraints
bb_put( copy, NewVars/Copy),
fail % undo projection
bb_delete( copy, NewVars/Constraints) % garbage collect
proper_varlist( X) :- var( X), !, fail.
proper_varlist( []).
proper_varlist( [X|Xs]) :-
var( X),
proper_varlist( Xs).
related_linear_vars( Vs, All) :-
empty_assoc( S0),
related_linear_sys( Vs, S0,Sys),
related_linear_vars( Sys, All, []).
related_linear_sys( [], S0,L0) :- assoc_to_list( S0, L0).
related_linear_sys( [V|Vs], S0,S2) :-
( get_atts( V, class(C)) ->
put_assoc( C, S0, C, S1)
S1 = S0
related_linear_sys( Vs, S1,S2).
related_linear_vars( []) --> [].
related_linear_vars( [S-_|Ss]) -->
class_allvars( S, Otl)
cpvars( Otl),
related_linear_vars( Ss).
cpvars( Xs) --> {var(Xs)}, !.
cpvars( [X|Xs]) -->
( {var(X)} -> [X] ; [] ),
cpvars( Xs).
nonlin_crux( All, Gss) :-
collect_nonlin( All, Gs, []), % destructive
this_linear_solver( Solver),
nonlin_strip( Gs, Solver, Gss).
nonlin_strip( [], _, []).
nonlin_strip( [M:What|Gs], Solver, Res) :-
( M == Solver ->
( What = {G} ->
Res = [G|Gss]
Res = [What|Gss]
Res = Gss
nonlin_strip( Gs, Solver, Gss).
all_attribute_goals( []) --> [].
all_attribute_goals( [V|Vs]) -->
dump_linear( V, toplevel),
dump_nonzero( V, toplevel),
all_attribute_goals( Vs).
mapping( [], [], D0,D0).
mapping( [T|Ts], [N|Ns], D0,D2) :-
put_assoc( T, D0, N, D1),
mapping( Ts, Ns, D1,D2).
copy( Term, Copy, D0,D1) :- var( Term),
( get_assoc( Term, D0, New) ->
Copy = New,
D1 = D0
put_assoc( Term, D0, Copy, D1)
copy( Term, Copy, D0,D1) :- nonvar( Term),
functor( Term, N, A),
functor( Copy, N, A),
copy( A, Term, Copy, D0,D1).
copy( 0, _, _, D0,D0) :- !.
copy( 1, T, C, D0,D1) :- !,
arg( 1, T, At1),
arg( 1, C, Ac1),
copy( At1, Ac1, D0,D1).
copy( 2, T, C, D0,D2) :- !,
arg( 1, T, At1),
arg( 1, C, Ac1),
copy( At1, Ac1, D0,D1),
arg( 2, T, At2),
arg( 2, C, Ac2),
copy( At2, Ac2, D1,D2).
copy( N, T, C, D0,D2) :-
arg( N, T, At),
arg( N, C, Ac),
copy( At, Ac, D0,D1),
N1 is N-1,
copy( N1, T, C, D1,D2).