git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
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:- module(topsort, [topsort/2,
:- use_module(library(ordsets),
:- attribute index/1,count/1.
/* simple implementation of a topological sorting algorithm */
/* graph is as Node-[Parents] */
topsort([], []) :- !.
topsort(Graph0,Sorted) :-
add_parentless(Graph0, Sorted, IncludedI, Graph1, SortedRest),
sort(IncludedI, Included),
delete_parents(Graph1, Included, NoParents),
topsort(NoParents, SortedRest).
topsort([], Sorted0, Sorted0) :- !.
topsort(Graph0,Sorted0, Sorted) :-
add_parentless(Graph0, Sorted, IncludedI, Graph1, SortedRest),
sort(IncludedI, Included),
delete_parents(Graph1, Included, NoParents),
topsort(NoParents, Sorted0, SortedRest).
% add the first elements found by topsort to the end of the list, so we
% have: a-> [], b -> [], c->[a,b], d ->[b,c] gives [d,c,a,b|Sorted0]
reversed_topsort([], Sorted, Sorted) :- !.
reversed_topsort(Graph0, Sorted0, Sorted) :-
add_parentless(Graph0, [], SortedRest, New, Graph1, Sorted0),
delete_parents(Graph1, New, NoParents),
reversed_topsort(NoParents, SortedRest, Sorted).
add_parentless([], New, Sorted, New, [], Sorted).
add_parentless([Node-Parents|Graph0], New, Sorted, Included, Graph1, SortedRest) :-
% Parents = [], !,
ord_subtract(Parents,New,[]), !,
ord_insert(New, Node, NNew),
add_parentless(Graph0, NNew, Sorted, Included, Graph1, [Node|SortedRest]).
add_parentless([Node|Graph0], New, Sorted, Included, [Node|Graph1], SortedRest) :-
add_parentless(Graph0, New, Sorted, Included, Graph1, SortedRest).
delete_parents([], _, []).
delete_parents([Node-Parents|Graph1], Included, [Node-NewParents|NoParents]) :-
ord_subtract(Parents, Included, NewParents),
delete_parents(Graph1, Included, NoParents).