596 lines
19 KiB
596 lines
19 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pyswip -- Python SWI-Prolog bridge
# (c) 2006-2007 Yüce TEKOL
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
import sys
from ctypes import *
except ImportError:
print>>sys.stderr, "A required module: 'ctypes' not found."
if sys.platform[:3] == "win":
# we're on windows
_lib = CDLL("yap.dll")
elif sys.platform[:3] == "dar":
# we're on Mac OS
_lib = CDLL("libYap.dylib")
# UNIX-like
_lib = CDLL("libYap.so")
except IndexError:
# let's try the cwd
_lib = CDLL("./libYap.so")
except OSError:
print>>sys.stderr, "libYap (shared) not found. Possible reasons:"
print>>sys.stderr, "1) YAP has not been installed as a shared library, use --with-java)"
print>>sys.stderr, "1) set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib or somewhere elser where libYap.so can be found"
# PySWIP constants
c_int_p = POINTER(c_int)
c_long_p = POINTER(c_long)
c_double_p = POINTER(c_double)
# constants (from SWI-Prolog.h)
# PL_unify_term() arguments
PL_VARIABLE = 1 # nothing
PL_ATOM = 2 # const char
PL_INTEGER = 3 # int
PL_FLOAT = 4 # double
PL_STRING = 5 # const char *
PL_TERM = 6 #
# PL_unify_term()
PL_FUNCTOR = 10 # functor_t, arg ...
PL_LIST = 11 # length, arg ...
PL_CHARS = 12 # const char *
PL_POINTER = 13 # void *
# /* PlArg::PlArg(text, type) */
#define PL_CODE_LIST (14) /* [ascii...] */
#define PL_CHAR_LIST (15) /* [h,e,l,l,o] */
#define PL_BOOL (16) /* PL_set_feature() */
#define PL_FUNCTOR_CHARS (17) /* PL_unify_term() */
#define _PL_PREDICATE_INDICATOR (18) /* predicate_t (Procedure) */
#define PL_SHORT (19) /* short */
#define PL_INT (20) /* int */
#define PL_LONG (21) /* long */
#define PL_DOUBLE (22) /* double */
#define PL_NCHARS (23) /* unsigned, const char * */
#define PL_UTF8_CHARS (24) /* const char * */
#define PL_UTF8_STRING (25) /* const char * */
#define PL_INT64 (26) /* int64_t */
#define PL_NUTF8_CHARS (27) /* unsigned, const char * */
#define PL_NUTF8_CODES (29) /* unsigned, const char * */
#define PL_NUTF8_STRING (30) /* unsigned, const char * */
#define PL_NWCHARS (31) /* unsigned, const wchar_t * */
#define PL_NWCODES (32) /* unsigned, const wchar_t * */
#define PL_NWSTRING (33) /* unsigned, const wchar_t * */
#define PL_MBCHARS (34) /* const char * */
#define PL_MBCODES (35) /* const char * */
#define PL_MBSTRING (36) /* const char * */
# /********************************
# *********************************/
# Note 1: Non-deterministic foreign functions may also use the deterministic
# return methods PL_succeed and PL_fail.
# Note 2: The argument to PL_retry is a 30 bits signed integer (long).
PL_FA_NOTRACE = 0x01 # foreign cannot be traced
PL_FA_TRANSPARENT = 0x02 # foreign is module transparent
PL_FA_NONDETERMINISTIC = 0x04 # foreign is non-deterministic
PL_FA_VARARGS = 0x08 # call using t0, ac, ctx
PL_FA_CREF = 0x10 # Internal: has clause-reference */
# /*******************************
# *******************************/
PL_Q_DEBUG = 0x01 # = TRUE for backward compatibility
PL_Q_NORMAL = 0x02 # normal usage
PL_Q_NODEBUG = 0x04 # use this one
PL_Q_CATCH_EXCEPTION = 0x08 # handle exceptions in C
PL_Q_PASS_EXCEPTION = 0x10 # pass to parent environment
PL_Q_DETERMINISTIC = 0x20 # call was deterministic
# /*******************************
# * BLOBS *
# *******************************/
#define PL_BLOB_MAGIC_B 0x75293a00 /* Magic to validate a blob-type */
#define PL_BLOB_VERSION 1 /* Current version */
#define PL_BLOB_UNIQUE 0x01 /* Blob content is unique */
#define PL_BLOB_TEXT 0x02 /* blob contains text */
#define PL_BLOB_NOCOPY 0x04 /* do not copy the data */
#define PL_BLOB_WCHAR 0x08 /* wide character string */
# /*******************************
# *******************************/
CVT_ATOM = 0x0001
CVT_STRING = 0x0002
CVT_LIST = 0x0004
CVT_INTEGER = 0x0008
CVT_FLOAT = 0x0010
CVT_WRITE = 0x0040 # as of version 3.2.10
CVT_MASK = 0x00ff
BUF_RING = 0x0100
BUF_MALLOC = 0x0200
CVT_EXCEPTION = 0x10000 # throw exception on error
argv = (c_char_p*(len(sys.argv) + 1))()
for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
argv[i] = arg
argv[-1] = None
argc = len(sys.argv)
# types
atom_t = c_ulong
term_t = c_ulong
fid_t = c_ulong
module_t = c_void_p
predicate_t = c_void_p
record_t = c_void_p
qid_t = c_ulong
PL_fid_t = c_ulong
control_t = c_void_p
PL_engine_t = c_void_p
functor_t = c_ulong
PL_atomic_t = c_ulong
foreign_t = c_ulong
pl_wchar_t = c_wchar
atom_t_p = c_void_p
##_lib.PL_initialise(len(sys.argv), _argv)
PL_initialise = _lib.PL_initialise
##PL_initialise.argtypes = [c_int, c_c
PL_open_foreign_frame = _lib.PL_open_foreign_frame
PL_open_foreign_frame.restype = fid_t
PL_new_term_ref = _lib.PL_new_term_ref
PL_new_term_ref.restype = term_t
PL_new_term_refs = _lib.PL_new_term_refs
PL_new_term_refs.restype = term_t
PL_chars_to_term = _lib.PL_chars_to_term
PL_chars_to_term.argtypes = [c_char_p, term_t]
PL_call = _lib.PL_call
PL_call.argtypes = [term_t, module_t]
PL_call_predicate = _lib.PL_call_predicate
PL_call_predicate.argtypes = [module_t, c_int, predicate_t, term_t]
PL_discard_foreign_frame = _lib.PL_discard_foreign_frame
PL_discard_foreign_frame.argtypes = [fid_t]
PL_put_list_chars = _lib.PL_put_list_chars
PL_put_list_chars.argtypes = [term_t, c_char_p]
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_register_atom(atom_t a);
PL_register_atom = _lib.PL_register_atom
PL_register_atom.argtypes = [atom_t]
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_unregister_atom(atom_t a);
PL_unregister_atom = _lib.PL_unregister_atom
PL_unregister_atom.argtypes = [atom_t]
#PL_EXPORT(atom_t) PL_functor_name(functor_t f);
PL_functor_name = _lib.PL_functor_name
PL_functor_name.argtypes = [functor_t]
PL_functor_name.restype = atom_t
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_functor_arity(functor_t f);
PL_functor_arity = _lib.PL_functor_arity
PL_functor_arity.argtypes = [functor_t]
# /* Get C-values from Prolog terms */
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_atom(term_t t, atom_t *a);
PL_get_atom = _lib.PL_get_atom
PL_get_atom.argtypes = [term_t, atom_t_p]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_bool(term_t t, int *value);
PL_get_bool = _lib.PL_get_bool
PL_get_bool.argtypes = [term_t, c_int_p]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_atom_chars(term_t t, char **a);
PL_get_atom_chars = _lib.PL_get_atom_chars # FIXME
PL_get_atom_chars.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(c_char_p)]
##define PL_get_string_chars(t, s, l) PL_get_string(t,s,l)
# /* PL_get_string() is depricated */
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_string(term_t t, char **s, size_t *len);
PL_get_string = _lib.PL_get_string_chars
PL_get_string.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(c_char_p), c_int_p]
PL_get_string_chars = PL_get_string
PL_get_string_chars.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(c_char_p), c_int_p]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_chars(term_t t, char **s, unsigned int flags);
PL_get_chars = _lib.PL_get_chars # FIXME:
PL_get_chars.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(c_char_p), c_uint]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_list_chars(term_t l, char **s,
# unsigned int flags);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_atom_nchars(term_t t, size_t *len, char **a);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_list_nchars(term_t l,
# size_t *len, char **s,
# unsigned int flags);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_nchars(term_t t,
# size_t *len, char **s,
# unsigned int flags);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_integer(term_t t, int *i);
PL_get_integer = _lib.PL_get_integer
PL_get_integer.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(c_int)]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_long(term_t t, long *i);
PL_get_long = _lib.PL_get_long
PL_get_long.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(c_long)]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_pointer(term_t t, void **ptr);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_float(term_t t, double *f);
PL_get_float = _lib.PL_get_float
PL_get_float.argtypes = [term_t, c_double_p]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_functor(term_t t, functor_t *f);
PL_get_functor = _lib.PL_get_functor
PL_get_functor.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(functor_t)]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_name_arity(term_t t, atom_t *name, int *arity);
PL_get_name_arity = _lib.PL_get_name_arity
PL_get_name_arity.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(atom_t), c_int_p]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_module(term_t t, module_t *module);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_arg(int index, term_t t, term_t a);
PL_get_arg = _lib.PL_get_arg
PL_get_arg.argtypes = [c_int, term_t, term_t]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_list(term_t l, term_t h, term_t t);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_head(term_t l, term_t h);
PL_get_head = _lib.PL_get_head
PL_get_head.argtypes = [term_t, term_t]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_tail(term_t l, term_t t);
PL_get_tail = _lib.PL_get_tail
PL_get_tail.argtypes = [term_t, term_t]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_nil(term_t l);
PL_get_nil = _lib.PL_get_nil
PL_get_nil.argtypes = [term_t]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_get_term_value(term_t t, term_value_t *v);
#PL_EXPORT(char *) PL_quote(int chr, const char *data);
PL_put_atom_chars = _lib.PL_put_atom_chars
PL_put_atom_chars.argtypes = [term_t, c_char_p]
PL_atom_chars = _lib.PL_atom_chars
PL_atom_chars.argtypes = [atom_t]
PL_atom_chars.restype = c_char_p
PL_predicate = _lib.PL_predicate
PL_predicate.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p]
PL_predicate.restype = predicate_t
PL_pred = _lib.PL_pred
PL_pred.argtypes = [functor_t, module_t]
PL_pred.restype = predicate_t
PL_open_query = _lib.PL_open_query
PL_open_query.argtypes = [module_t, c_int, predicate_t, term_t]
PL_open_query.restype = qid_t
PL_next_solution = _lib.PL_next_solution
PL_next_solution.argtypes = [qid_t]
PL_copy_term_ref = _lib.PL_copy_term_ref
PL_copy_term_ref.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_copy_term_ref.restype = term_t
PL_get_list = _lib.PL_get_list
PL_get_list.argtypes = [term_t, term_t, term_t]
PL_get_chars = _lib.PL_get_chars
PL_get_chars.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(c_char_p), c_uint]
PL_close_query = _lib.PL_close_query
PL_close_query.argtypes = [qid_t]
#void PL_cut_query(qid)
PL_cut_query = _lib.PL_cut_query
PL_cut_query.argtypes = [qid_t]
PL_halt = _lib.PL_halt
PL_halt.argtypes = [c_int]
PL_unify_integer = _lib.PL_unify_integer
PL_unify_integer.argtypes = [term_t,c_long]
PL_unify = _lib.PL_unify
PL_unify.argtypes = [term_t,term_t]
PL_unify_arg = _lib.PL_unify_arg
PL_unify.argtypes = [c_int,term_t,atom_t]
# Verify types
PL_term_type = _lib.PL_term_type
PL_term_type.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_term_type.restype = c_int
PL_is_variable = _lib.PL_is_variable
PL_is_variable.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_variable.restype = c_int
PL_is_ground = _lib.PL_is_ground
PL_is_ground.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_ground.restype = c_int
PL_is_atom = _lib.PL_is_atom
PL_is_atom.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_atom.restype = c_int
PL_is_integer = _lib.PL_is_integer
PL_is_integer.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_integer.restype = c_int
PL_is_string = _lib.PL_is_string
PL_is_string.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_string.restype = c_int
PL_is_float = _lib.PL_is_float
PL_is_float.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_float.restype = c_int
#PL_is_rational = _lib.PL_is_rational
#PL_is_rational.argtypes = [term_t]
#PL_is_rational.restype = c_int
PL_is_compound = _lib.PL_is_compound
PL_is_compound.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_compound.restype = c_int
PL_is_functor = _lib.PL_is_functor
PL_is_functor.argtypes = [term_t, functor_t]
PL_is_functor.restype = c_int
PL_is_list = _lib.PL_is_list
PL_is_list.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_list.restype = c_int
PL_is_atomic = _lib.PL_is_atomic
PL_is_atomic.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_atomic.restype = c_int
PL_is_number = _lib.PL_is_number
PL_is_number.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_is_number.restype = c_int
# /* Assign to term-references */
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_variable(term_t t);
PL_put_variable = _lib.PL_put_variable
PL_put_variable.argtypes = [term_t]
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_atom(term_t t, atom_t a);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_atom_chars(term_t t, const char *chars);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_string_chars(term_t t, const char *chars);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_list_chars(term_t t, const char *chars);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_list_codes(term_t t, const char *chars);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_atom_nchars(term_t t, size_t l, const char *chars);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_string_nchars(term_t t, size_t len, const char *chars);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_list_nchars(term_t t, size_t l, const char *chars);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_list_ncodes(term_t t, size_t l, const char *chars);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_integer(term_t t, long i);
PL_put_integer = _lib.PL_put_integer
PL_put_integer.argtypes = [term_t, c_long]
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_pointer(term_t t, void *ptr);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_float(term_t t, double f);
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_functor(term_t t, functor_t functor);
PL_put_functor = _lib.PL_put_functor
PL_put_functor.argtypes = [term_t, functor_t]
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_list(term_t l);
PL_put_list = _lib.PL_put_list
PL_put_list.argtypes = [term_t]
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_nil(term_t l);
PL_put_nil = _lib.PL_put_nil
PL_put_nil.argtypes = [term_t]
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_put_term(term_t t1, term_t t2);
PL_put_term = _lib.PL_put_term
PL_put_term.argtypes = [term_t,term_t]
# /* construct a functor or list-cell */
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_cons_functor(term_t h, functor_t f, ...);
#class _PL_cons_functor(object):
PL_cons_functor = _lib.PL_cons_functor # FIXME:
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_cons_functor_v(term_t h, functor_t fd, term_t a0);
PL_cons_functor_v = _lib.PL_cons_functor_v
PL_cons_functor_v.argtypes = [term_t, functor_t, term_t]
PL_cons_functor_v.restype = None
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_cons_list(term_t l, term_t h, term_t t);
PL_cons_list = _lib.PL_cons_list
# term_t PL_exception(qid_t qid)
PL_exception = _lib.PL_exception
PL_exception.argtypes = [qid_t]
PL_exception.restype = term_t
PL_register_foreign = _lib.PL_register_foreign
PL_register_foreign.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int, c_void_p, c_int]
PL_register_foreign.restype = None
#PL_EXPORT(atom_t) PL_new_atom(const char *s);
PL_new_atom = _lib.PL_new_atom
PL_new_atom.argtypes = [c_char_p]
PL_new_atom.restype = atom_t
#PL_EXPORT(functor_t) PL_new_functor(atom_t f, int a);
PL_new_functor = _lib.PL_new_functor
PL_new_functor.argtypes = [atom_t, c_int]
PL_new_functor.restype = functor_t
# /*******************************
# *******************************/
#PL_EXPORT(record_t) PL_record(term_t term);
PL_record = _lib.PL_record
PL_record.argtypes = [term_t]
PL_record.restype = record_t
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_recorded(record_t record, term_t term);
PL_recorded = _lib.PL_recorded
PL_recorded.argtypes = [record_t,term_t]
PL_recorded.restype = None
#PL_EXPORT(void) PL_erase(record_t record);
PL_erase = _lib.PL_erase
PL_erase.argtypes = [record_t]
PL_erase.restype = None
#PL_EXPORT(char *) PL_record_external(term_t t, size_t *size);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_recorded_external(const char *rec, term_t term);
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_erase_external(char *rec);
PL_new_module = _lib.PL_new_module
PL_new_module.argtypes = [atom_t]
PL_new_module.restype = module_t
intptr_t = c_long
ssize_t = intptr_t
wint_t = c_uint
#typedef struct
# int __count;
# union
# {
# wint_t __wch;
# char __wchb[4];
# } __value; /* Value so far. */
#} __mbstate_t;
class _mbstate_t_value(Union):
_fields_ = [("__wch",wint_t),
class mbstate_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [("__count",c_int),
# stream related funcs
Sread_function = CFUNCTYPE(ssize_t, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_size_t)
Swrite_function = CFUNCTYPE(ssize_t, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_size_t)
Sseek_function = CFUNCTYPE(c_long, c_void_p, c_long, c_int)
Sseek64_function = CFUNCTYPE(c_int64, c_void_p, c_int64, c_int)
Sclose_function = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p)
Scontrol_function = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_int, c_void_p)
IOLOCK = c_void_p
class IOFUNCTIONS(Structure):
_fields_ = [("read",Sread_function),
IOENC = c_int
class IOPOS(Structure):
_fields_ = [("byteno",c_int64),
("reserved", intptr_t*2)]
class IOSTREAM(Structure):
_fields_ = [("bufp",c_char_p),
("closure_hook",CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)),
#PL_EXPORT(IOSTREAM *) Sopen_string(IOSTREAM *s, char *buf, size_t sz, const char *m);
#Sopen_string = _lib.Sopen_string
#Sopen_string.argtypes = [POINTER(IOSTREAM), c_char_p, c_size_t, c_char_p]
#Sopen_string.restype = POINTER(IOSTREAM)
#PL_EXPORT(int) Sclose(IOSTREAM *s);
#Sclose = _lib.Sclose
#Sclose.argtypes = [POINTER(IOSTREAM)]
#PL_EXPORT(int) PL_unify_stream(term_t t, IOSTREAM *s);
#PL_unify_stream = _lib.PL_unify_stream
#PL_unify_stream.argtypes = [term_t, POINTER(IOSTREAM)]