352 lines
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352 lines
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The OPTYap Prolog system
OPTYap extends the Yap Prolog system to support or-parallel tabling
Copyright: R. Rocha and NCC - University of Porto, Portugal
File: tab.structs.h
version: $Id: tab.structs.h,v 1.10 2005-08-04 15:45:56 ricroc Exp $
/* ---------------------------- **
** Tabling mode flags **
** ---------------------------- */
#define Mode_SchedulingOn 0x00000001L /* yap_flags[TABLING_MODE_FLAG] */
#define Mode_CompletedOn 0x00000002L /* yap_flags[TABLING_MODE_FLAG] */
#define Mode_Local 0x10000000L /* yap_flags[TABLING_MODE_FLAG] + struct table_entry */
#define Mode_LoadAnswers 0x20000000L /* yap_flags[TABLING_MODE_FLAG] + struct table_entry */
#define DefaultMode_Local 0x00000001L /* struct table_entry */
#define DefaultMode_LoadAnswers 0x00000002L /* struct table_entry */
#define SetMode_SchedulingOn(X) (X) |= Mode_SchedulingOn
#define SetMode_CompletedOn(X) (X) |= Mode_CompletedOn
#define IsMode_SchedulingOn(X) ((X) & Mode_SchedulingOn)
#define IsMode_SchedulingOff(X) (!IsMode_SchedulingOn(X))
#define IsMode_CompletedOn(X) ((X) & Mode_CompletedOn)
#define IsMode_CompletedOff(X) (!IsMode_CompletedOn(X))
#define SetMode_Local(X) (X) |= Mode_Local
#define SetMode_Batched(X) (X) &= ~Mode_Local
#define SetMode_LoadAnswers(X) (X) |= Mode_LoadAnswers
#define SetMode_ExecAnswers(X) (X) &= ~Mode_LoadAnswers
#define IsMode_Local(X) ((X) & Mode_Local)
#define IsMode_Batched(X) (!IsMode_Local(X))
#define IsMode_LoadAnswers(X) ((X) & Mode_LoadAnswers)
#define IsMode_ExecAnswers(X) (!IsMode_LoadAnswers(X))
#define SetDefaultMode_Local(X) (X) |= DefaultMode_Local
#define SetDefaultMode_Batched(X) (X) &= ~DefaultMode_Local
#define SetDefaultMode_LoadAnswers(X) (X) |= DefaultMode_LoadAnswers
#define SetDefaultMode_ExecAnswers(X) (X) &= ~DefaultMode_LoadAnswers
#define IsDefaultMode_Local(X) ((X) & DefaultMode_Local)
#define IsDefaultMode_Batched(X) (!IsDefaultMode_Local(X))
#define IsDefaultMode_LoadAnswers(X) ((X) & DefaultMode_LoadAnswers)
#define IsDefaultMode_ExecAnswers(X) (!IsDefaultMode_LoadAnswers(X))
/* ---------------------------- **
** Struct table_entry **
** ---------------------------- */
typedef struct table_entry {
#ifdef YAPOR
lockvar lock;
#endif /* YAPOR */
struct pred_entry *pred_entry;
Atom pred_atom;
int pred_arity;
int mode_flags;
struct subgoal_trie_node *subgoal_trie;
struct subgoal_hash *hash_chain;
struct table_entry *next;
} *tab_ent_ptr;
#define TabEnt_lock(X) ((X)->lock)
#define TabEnt_pe(X) ((X)->pred_entry)
#define TabEnt_atom(X) ((X)->pred_atom)
#define TabEnt_arity(X) ((X)->pred_arity)
#define TabEnt_mode(X) ((X)->mode_flags)
#define TabEnt_subgoal_trie(X) ((X)->subgoal_trie)
#define TabEnt_hash_chain(X) ((X)->hash_chain)
#define TabEnt_next(X) ((X)->next)
/* -------------------------------------------------------- **
** Structs subgoal_trie_node and answer_trie_node **
** -------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct subgoal_trie_node {
Term entry;
lockvar lock;
struct subgoal_trie_node *parent;
struct subgoal_trie_node *child;
struct subgoal_trie_node *next;
} *sg_node_ptr;
typedef struct answer_trie_node {
OPCODE trie_instruction; /* u.opc */
#ifdef YAPOR
int or_arg; /* u.Otapl.or_arg */
#endif /* YAPOR */
Term entry;
lockvar lock;
struct answer_trie_node *parent;
struct answer_trie_node *child;
struct answer_trie_node *next;
} *ans_node_ptr;
#define TrNode_instr(X) ((X)->trie_instruction)
#define TrNode_or_arg(X) ((X)->or_arg)
#define TrNode_entry(X) ((X)->entry)
#define TrNode_lock(X) ((X)->lock)
#define TrNode_parent(X) ((X)->parent)
#define TrNode_child(X) ((X)->child)
#define TrNode_sg_fr(X) ((X)->child)
#define TrNode_next(X) ((X)->next)
/* ---------------------------------------------- **
** Structs subgoal_hash and answer_hash **
** ---------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct subgoal_hash {
/* the first field is used for compatibility **
** with the subgoal_trie_node data structure */
Term mark;
int number_of_buckets;
struct subgoal_trie_node **buckets;
int number_of_nodes;
struct subgoal_hash *next;
} *sg_hash_ptr;
typedef struct answer_hash {
/* the first field is used for compatibility **
** with the answer_trie_node data structure */
OPCODE mark;
int number_of_buckets;
struct answer_trie_node **buckets;
int number_of_nodes;
struct answer_hash *next;
} *ans_hash_ptr;
#define Hash_mark(X) ((X)->mark)
#define Hash_num_buckets(X) ((X)->number_of_buckets)
#define Hash_seed(X) ((X)->number_of_buckets - 1)
#define Hash_buckets(X) ((X)->buckets)
#define Hash_bucket(X,N) ((X)->buckets + N)
#define Hash_num_nodes(X) ((X)->number_of_nodes)
#define Hash_next(X) ((X)->next)
/* ------------------------------ **
** Struct subgoal_frame **
** ------------------------------ */
typedef struct subgoal_frame {
#ifdef YAPOR
lockvar lock;
int generator_worker;
struct or_frame *top_or_frame_on_generator_branch;
#endif /* YAPOR */
yamop *code_of_subgoal;
enum {
incomplete = 0, /* INCOMPLETE_TABLING */
ready = 1,
evaluating = 2,
complete = 3,
complete_in_use = 4, /* LIMIT_TABLING */
compiled = 5,
compiled_in_use = 6 /* LIMIT_TABLING */
} state_flag; /* do not change order !!! */
choiceptr generator_choice_point;
struct answer_hash *hash_chain;
struct answer_trie_node *answer_trie;
struct answer_trie_node *first_answer;
struct answer_trie_node *last_answer;
struct answer_trie_node *try_answer;
struct subgoal_frame *previous;
#endif /* LIMIT_TABLING */
struct subgoal_frame *next;
} *sg_fr_ptr;
#define SgFr_lock(X) ((X)->lock)
#define SgFr_gen_worker(X) ((X)->generator_worker)
#define SgFr_gen_top_or_fr(X) ((X)->top_or_frame_on_generator_branch)
#define SgFr_code(X) ((X)->code_of_subgoal)
#define SgFr_tab_ent(X) (((X)->code_of_subgoal)->u.Otapl.te)
#define SgFr_arity(X) (((X)->code_of_subgoal)->u.Otapl.s)
#define SgFr_state(X) ((X)->state_flag)
#define SgFr_gen_cp(X) ((X)->generator_choice_point)
#define SgFr_hash_chain(X) ((X)->hash_chain)
#define SgFr_answer_trie(X) ((X)->answer_trie)
#define SgFr_first_answer(X) ((X)->first_answer)
#define SgFr_last_answer(X) ((X)->last_answer)
#define SgFr_try_answer(X) ((X)->try_answer)
#define SgFr_previous(X) ((X)->previous)
#define SgFr_next(X) ((X)->next)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
SgFr_lock: spin-lock to modify the frame fields.
SgFr_gen_worker: the id of the worker that had allocated the frame.
SgFr_gen_top_or_fr: a pointer to the top or-frame in the generator choice point branch.
When the generator choice point is shared the pointer is updated
to its or-frame. It is used to find the direct dependency node for
consumer nodes in other workers branches.
SgFr_code initial instruction of the subgoal's compiled code.
SgFr_tab_ent a pointer to the correspondent table entry.
SgFr_arity the arity of the subgoal.
SgFr_state: a flag that indicates the subgoal state.
SgFr_gen_cp: a pointer to the correspondent generator choice point.
SgFr_hash_chain: a pointer to the first answer_hash struct for the subgoal in hand.
SgFr_answer_trie: a pointer to the top answer trie node.
It is used to check for/insert new answers.
SgFr_first_answer: a pointer to the bottom answer trie node of the first available answer.
SgFr_last_answer: a pointer to the bottom answer trie node of the last available answer.
SgFr_try_answer: a pointer to the bottom answer trie node of the last tried answer.
It is used when a subgoal was not completed during the previous evaluation.
Not completed subgoals start by trying the answers already found.
SgFr_previous: a pointer to the previous subgoal frame on the chain.
SgFr_next: a pointer to the next subgoal frame on the chain.
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------- **
** Struct dependency_frame **
** --------------------------------- */
typedef struct dependency_frame {
#ifdef YAPOR
lockvar lock;
int leader_dependency_is_on_stack;
struct or_frame *top_or_frame;
long timestamp;
#endif /* TIMESTAMP_CHECK */
#endif /* YAPOR */
choiceptr backchain_choice_point;
choiceptr leader_choice_point;
choiceptr consumer_choice_point;
struct answer_trie_node *last_consumed_answer;
struct dependency_frame *next;
} *dep_fr_ptr;
#define DepFr_lock(X) ((X)->lock)
#define DepFr_leader_dep_is_on_stack(X) ((X)->leader_dependency_is_on_stack)
#define DepFr_top_or_fr(X) ((X)->top_or_frame)
#define DepFr_timestamp(X) ((X)->timestamp)
#define DepFr_backchain_cp(X) ((X)->backchain_choice_point)
#define DepFr_leader_cp(X) ((X)->leader_choice_point)
#define DepFr_cons_cp(X) ((X)->consumer_choice_point)
#define DepFr_last_answer(X) ((X)->last_consumed_answer)
#define DepFr_next(X) ((X)->next)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
DepFr_lock: lock variable to modify the frame fields.
DepFr_leader_dep_is_on_stack: the generator choice point for the correspondent consumer choice point
is on the worker's stack (FALSE/TRUE).
DepFr_top_or_fr: a pointer to the top or-frame in the consumer choice point branch.
When the consumer choice point is shared the pointer is updated to
its or-frame. It is used to update the LOCAL_top_or_fr when a worker
backtracks through answers.
DepFr_timestamp: a timestamp used to optimize the search for suspension frames to be
DepFr_backchain_cp: a pointer to the nearest choice point with untried alternatives.
It is used to efficiently return (backtrack) to the leader node where
we perform the last backtracking through answers operation.
DepFr_leader_cp: a pointer to the leader choice point.
DepFr_cons_cp: a pointer to the correspondent consumer choice point.
DepFr_last_answer: a pointer to the last consumed answer.
DepFr_next: a pointer to the next dependency frame on the chain.
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------- **
** Struct suspension_frame **
** --------------------------------- */
#ifdef YAPOR
typedef struct suspension_frame {
struct or_frame *top_or_frame_on_stack;
struct dependency_frame *top_dependency_frame;
struct subgoal_frame *top_subgoal_frame;
struct suspended_block {
void *resume_register;
void *block_start;
long block_size;
} global_block, local_block, trail_block;
struct suspension_frame *next;
} *susp_fr_ptr;
#endif /* YAPOR */
#define SuspFr_top_or_fr_on_stack(X) ((X)->top_or_frame_on_stack)
#define SuspFr_top_dep_fr(X) ((X)->top_dependency_frame)
#define SuspFr_top_sg_fr(X) ((X)->top_subgoal_frame)
#define SuspFr_global_reg(X) ((X)->global_block.resume_register)
#define SuspFr_global_start(X) ((X)->global_block.block_start)
#define SuspFr_global_size(X) ((X)->global_block.block_size)
#define SuspFr_local_reg(X) ((X)->local_block.resume_register)
#define SuspFr_local_start(X) ((X)->local_block.block_start)
#define SuspFr_local_size(X) ((X)->local_block.block_size)
#define SuspFr_trail_reg(X) ((X)->trail_block.resume_register)
#define SuspFr_trail_start(X) ((X)->trail_block.block_start)
#define SuspFr_trail_size(X) ((X)->trail_block.block_size)
#define SuspFr_next(X) ((X)->next)
/* ------------------------------- **
** Structs choice points **
** ------------------------------- */
struct generator_choicept {
struct choicept cp;
struct dependency_frame *cp_dep_fr; /* always NULL if batched scheduling */
struct subgoal_frame *cp_sg_fr;
struct pred_entry *cp_pred_entry;
#endif /* LOW_LEVEL_TRACER */
struct deterministic_generator_choicept {
struct deterministic_choicept cp;
struct subgoal_frame *cp_sg_fr;
struct pred_entry *cp_pred_entry;
#endif /* LOW_LEVEL_TRACER */
struct consumer_choicept {
struct choicept cp;
struct dependency_frame *cp_dep_fr;
struct pred_entry *cp_pred_entry;
#endif /* LOW_LEVEL_TRACER */
struct loader_choicept {
struct choicept cp;
struct answer_trie_node *cp_last_answer;
struct pred_entry *cp_pred_entry;
#endif /* LOW_LEVEL_TRACER */