472 lines
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472 lines
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* @file yapt.hh
* @defgroup yap-cplus-term-handling Term Handling in the YAP interface.
* @{
* @ingroup yap-cplus-interface
* @tableofcontents
* These classes offer term construction and access. Terms are seens
* as objects that inherit from a virtual class, Currently, all
* terms must reside in the stack and may be moved around during
* garbage collection. Term objects use an handle, in the SWI-Prolog style.
* Nottce that terms are forcefully destroyed during backtracking.
#ifndef YAPT_HH
#define YAPT_HH 1
extern "C" {
Term YAP_ReadBuffer(const char *s, Term *tp);
class YAPError;
* @brief Generic Prolog Term
class YAPTerm {
friend class YAPPredicate;
friend class YAPPrologPredicate;
friend class YAPQuery;
friend class YAPModule;
friend class YAPModuleProp;
friend class YAPApplTerm;
friend class YAPListTerm;
yhandle_t t; /// handle to term, equivalent to term_t
Term gt() {
// fprintf(stderr,"?%d,%lx,%p\n",t,LOCAL_HandleBase[t], HR);
// Yap_DebugPlWriteln(LOCAL_HandleBase[t]);
return Yap_GetFromSlot(t);
void mk(Term t0) {
CACHE_REGS t = Yap_InitSlot(t0);
// fprintf(stderr,"+%d,%lx,%p,%p",t,t0,HR,ASP); Yap_DebugPlWriteln(t0);
YAPTerm(Term tn) { mk(tn); };
// YAPTerm(struct _object *inp) {
// Term tinp = pythonToYAP(inp);
// t = Yap_InitSlot(tinp);
/// private method to convert from Term (internal YAP representation) to
/// YAPTerm
// do nothing constructor
YAPTerm() { mk(MkVarTerm()); };
// YAPTerm(yhandle_t i) { t = i; };
/// pointer to term
YAPTerm(void *ptr);
/// parse string s and construct a term.
YAPTerm(char *s) {
Term tp;
mk(YAP_ReadBuffer(s, &tp));
#if 1
/// Term destructor, tries to recover slot
virtual ~YAPTerm() {
// fprintf(stderr,"-%d,%lx,%p ",t,LOCAL_HandleBase[t] ,HR);
if (!t)
LOCAL_HandleBase[t] = TermFreeTerm;
while (LOCAL_HandleBase[LOCAL_CurSlot - 1] == TermFreeTerm) {
/// construct a term out of an integer (if you know object type use
/// YAPIntegerTerm)
/// YAPTerm(long int num) { mk(MkIntegerTerm(num)); }
/// construct a term out of an integer (if you know object type use
/// YAPIntegerTerm)
/// YAPTerm(double num) { mk(MkFloatTerm(num)); }
/// parse string s and construct a term.
/// YAPTerm(YAPFunctor f, YAPTerm ts[]);
/// extract the tag of a term, after dereferencing.
YAP_tag_t tag();
/// copy the term ( term copy )
Term deepCopy();
/// numbervars ( int start, bool process=false )
intptr_t numberVars(intptr_t start, bool skip_singletons = false);
inline Term term() {
return gt();
} /// from YAPTerm to Term (internal YAP representation)
inline void bind(Term b) { LOCAL_HandleBase[t] = b; }
inline void bind(YAPTerm *b) { LOCAL_HandleBase[t] = b->term(); }
/// from YAPTerm to Term (internal YAP representation)
/// fetch a sub-term
Term &operator[](arity_t n);
// const YAPTerm *vars();
/// this term is == to t1
virtual bool exactlyEqual(YAPTerm t1) {
bool out;
out = Yap_eq(gt(), t1.term());
return out;
/// t = t1
virtual bool unify(YAPTerm t1) {
intptr_t out;
out = Yap_unify(gt(), t1.term());
return out;
/// we can unify t and t1
virtual bool unifiable(YAPTerm t1) {
bool out;
out = Yap_eq(gt(), t1.term());
return out;
/// t =@= t1, the two terms are equal up to variable renamingvirtual bool
/// variant(
inline virtual YAP_Term variant(YAPTerm t1) {
intptr_t out;
out = Yap_Variant(gt(), t1.term());
return out;
virtual intptr_t hashTerm(size_t sz, size_t depth, bool variant) {
intptr_t out;
out = Yap_TermHash(gt(), sz, depth, variant);
return out;
/// term hash,
virtual bool isVar() { return IsVarTerm(gt()); } /// type check for unound
virtual bool isAtom() { return IsAtomTerm(gt()); } /// type check for atom
virtual bool isInteger() {
return IsIntegerTerm(gt());
} /// type check for integer
virtual bool isFloat() {
return IsFloatTerm(gt());
} /// type check for floating-point
virtual bool isString() {
return IsStringTerm(gt());
} /// type check for a string " ... "
virtual bool isCompound() {
return !(IsVarTerm(gt()) || IsNumTerm(gt()));
} /// is a primitive term
virtual bool isAppl() { return IsApplTerm(gt()); } /// is a structured term
virtual bool isPair() { return IsPairTerm(gt()); } /// is a pair term
virtual bool isGround() { return Yap_IsGroundTerm(gt()); } /// term is ground
virtual bool isList() { return Yap_IsListTerm(gt()); } /// term is a list
/// extract the argument i of the term, where i in 1...arity
virtual Term getArg(arity_t i) {
Term tf = 0;
Term t0 = gt();
if (IsApplTerm(t0))
tf = (ArgOfTerm(i, t0));
else if (IsPairTerm(t0)) {
if (i == 1)
tf = (HeadOfTerm(t0));
else if (i == 2)
tf = (TailOfTerm(t0));
} else {
tf = ((Term)0);
return tf;
/// extract the arity of the term
/// variables have arity 0
virtual inline arity_t arity() {
Term t0 = gt();
if (IsApplTerm(t0)) {
Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t0);
if (IsExtensionFunctor(f))
return 0;
return ArityOfFunctor(f);
} else if (IsPairTerm(t0)) {
return 2;
return 0;
/// return a string with a textual representation of the term
virtual const char *text() {
size_t length = 0;
encoding_t enc = LOCAL_encoding;
char *os;
if (!(os = Yap_TermToString(Yap_GetFromSlot(t), &length, enc,
Handle_vars_f))) {
return 0;
length = strlen(os) + 1;
char *sm = (char *)malloc(length + 1);
strcpy(sm, os);
return sm;
/// return a handle to the term
inline yhandle_t handle() { return t; };
/// whether the term actually refers to a live object
inline bool initialized() { return t != 0; };
* @brief Variable Term
class YAPVarTerm : public YAPTerm {
YAPVarTerm(Term t) {
if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
/// constructor
/// get the internal representation
CELL *getVar() { return VarOfTerm(gt()); }
/// is the variable bound to another one
bool unbound() { return IsUnboundVar(VarOfTerm(gt())); }
virtual bool isVar() { return true; } /// type check for unbound
virtual bool isAtom() { return false; } /// type check for atom
virtual bool isInteger() { return false; } /// type check for integer
virtual bool isFloat() { return false; } /// type check for floating-point
virtual bool isString() { return false; } /// type check for a string " ... "
virtual bool isCompound() { return false; } /// is a primitive term
virtual bool isAppl() { return false; } /// is a structured term
virtual bool isPair() { return false; } /// is a pair term
virtual bool isGround() { return false; } /// term is ground
virtual bool isList() { return false; } /// term is a list
* @brief Compound Term
class YAPApplTerm : public YAPTerm {
friend class YAPTerm;
YAPApplTerm(Term t0) { mk(t0); }
YAPApplTerm(Functor f, Term ts[]) {
Term t0 = Yap_MkApplTerm(f, f->ArityOfFE, ts);
YAPApplTerm(YAPFunctor f, YAPTerm ts[]);
YAPApplTerm(const std::string s, std::vector<YAPTerm> ts);
YAPApplTerm(YAPFunctor f);
YAPFunctor getFunctor();
Term getArg(arity_t i) {
Term t0 = gt();
Term tf;
tf = ArgOfTerm(i, t0);
return tf;
virtual bool isVar() { return false; } /// type check for unbound
virtual bool isAtom() { return false; } /// type check for atom
virtual bool isInteger() { return false; } /// type check for integer
virtual bool isFloat() { return false; } /// type check for floating-point
virtual bool isString() { return false; } /// type check for a string " ... "
virtual bool isCompound() { return true; } /// is a primitive term
virtual bool isAppl() { return true; } /// is a structured term
virtual bool isPair() { return false; } /// is a pair term
virtual bool isGround() { return true; } /// term is ground
virtual bool isList() { return false; } /// [] is a list
* @brief List Constructor Term
class YAPPairTerm : public YAPTerm {
friend class YAPTerm;
YAPPairTerm(Term t0) {
if (IsPairTerm(t0))
YAPPairTerm(YAPTerm hd, YAPTerm tl);
Term getHead() { return (HeadOfTerm(gt())); }
Term getTail() { return (TailOfTerm(gt())); }
* @brief Number Term
class YAPNumberTerm : public YAPTerm {
bool isTagged() { return IsIntTerm(gt()); }
* @brief Integer Term
class YAPIntegerTerm : public YAPNumberTerm {
YAPIntegerTerm(intptr_t i);
intptr_t getInteger() { return IntegerOfTerm(gt()); };
* @brief Floating Point Term
class YAPFloatTerm : public YAPNumberTerm {
YAPFloatTerm(double dbl) { mk(MkFloatTerm(dbl)); };
double getFl() { return FloatOfTerm(gt()); };
class YAPListTerm : public YAPTerm {
/// Create a list term out of a standard term. Check if a valid operation.
/// @param[in] the term
YAPListTerm() { mk(TermNil); /* else type_error */ }
/// Create an empty list term.
/// @param[in] the term
YAPListTerm(Term t0) { mk(t0); /* else type_error */ }
/// Create a list term out of an array of terms.
/// @param[in] the array of terms
/// @param[in] the length of the array
YAPListTerm(YAPTerm ts[], size_t n);
// YAPListTerm( vector<YAPTerm> v );
/// Return the number of elements in a list term.
size_t length() {
Term *tailp;
Term t1 = gt();
return Yap_SkipList(&t1, &tailp);
/// Extract the nth element.
Term &operator[](size_t n);
/// Extract the first element of a list.
/// @param[in] the list
Term car();
/// Extract the tail elements of a list.
/// @param[in] the list
Term cdr() {
Term to = gt();
if (IsPairTerm(to))
return (TailOfTerm(to));
else if (to == TermNil)
return TermNil;
/* error */
throw YAPError(TYPE_ERROR_LIST, YAPTerm(to), "");
/// copy a list.
/// @param[in] the list
Term dup();
/// Check if the list is empty.
/// @param[in] the list
inline bool nil() {
return gt() == TermNil;
* @brief String Term
class YAPStringTerm : public YAPTerm {
/// your standard constructor
YAPStringTerm(char *s);
/// use this one to construct length limited strings
YAPStringTerm(char *s, size_t len);
/// construct using wide chars
YAPStringTerm(wchar_t *s);
/// construct using length-limited wide chars
YAPStringTerm(wchar_t *s, size_t len);
const char *getString() { return StringOfTerm(gt()); }
* @brief Atom Term
* Term Representation of an Atom
class YAPAtomTerm : public YAPTerm {
friend class YAPModule;
// Constructor: receives a C-atom;
YAPAtomTerm(Atom a) { mk(MkAtomTerm(a)); }
YAPAtomTerm(Term t) : YAPTerm(t) { IsAtomTerm(t); }
// Constructor: receives an atom;
YAPAtomTerm(YAPAtom a) : YAPTerm() { mk(MkAtomTerm(a.a)); }
// Constructor: receives a sequence of ISO-LATIN1 codes;
YAPAtomTerm(char s[]);
// Constructor: receives a sequence of up to n ISO-LATIN1 codes;
YAPAtomTerm(char *s, size_t len);
// Constructor: receives a sequence of wchar_ts, whatever they may be;
YAPAtomTerm(wchar_t *s);
// Constructor: receives a sequence of n wchar_ts, whatever they may be;
YAPAtomTerm(wchar_t *s, size_t len);
bool isVar() { return false; } /// type check for unbound
bool isAtom() { return true; } /// type check for atom
bool isInteger() { return false; } /// type check for integer
bool isFloat() { return false; } /// type check for floating-point
bool isString() { return false; } /// type check for a string " ... "
bool isCompound() { return false; } /// is a primitive term
bool isAppl() { return false; } /// is a structured term
bool isPair() { return false; } /// is a pair term
virtual bool isGround() { return true; } /// term is ground
virtual bool isList() { return gt() == TermNil; } /// [] is a list
// Getter: outputs the atom;
YAPAtom getAtom() { return YAPAtom(AtomOfTerm(gt())); }
// Getter: outputs the name as a sequence of ISO-LATIN1 codes;
const char *text() { return (const char *)AtomOfTerm(gt())->StrOfAE; }
#endif /* YAPT_HH */
/// @}