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2009-03-13 19:39:06 +00:00

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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker & Richard O'Keefe
Copyright (C): 1985-2004, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(sgml_write,
[ html_write/2, % +Data, +Options
html_write/3, % +Stream, +Data, +Options
sgml_write/2, % +Data, +Options
sgml_write/3, % +Stream, +Data, +Options
xml_write/2, % +Data, +Options
xml_write/3 % +Stream, +Data, +Options
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(sgml)).
:- use_module(library(debug)).
:- use_module(library(assoc)).
:- use_module(library(option)).
:- use_module(library(error)).
/** <module> XML/SGML writer module
This library provides the inverse functionality of the parser
library, writing XML, SGML and HTML documents from the parsed output. It
is intended to allow rewriting in a different dialect or encoding or to
perform document transformation in Prolog on the parsed representation.
The current implementation is particularly keen on getting character
encoding and the use of character entities right. Some work has been
done providing layout, but space handling in XML and SGML make this a
very hazardous area.
The Prolog-based low-level character and escape handling is the real
bottleneck in this library and will probably be moved to C in a later
@see library(http/html_write) provides a high-level library for
emitting HTML and XHTML.
%% xml_write(+Data, +Options) is det.
%% sgml_write(+Data, +Options) is det.
%% html_write(+Data, +Options) is det.
%% xml_write(+Stream, +Data, +Options) is det.
%% sgml_write(+Stream, +Data, +Options) is det.
%% html_write(+Stream, +Data, +Options) is det.
% Write a term as created by the SGML/XML parser to a stream in
% SGML or XML format. Options:
% * dtd(DTD)
% The DTD. This is needed for SGML documents that contain
% elements with content model EMPTY. Characters which may
% not be written directly in the Stream's encoding will be
% written using character data entities from the DTD if at
% all possible, otherwise as numeric character references.
% Note that the DTD will NOT be written out at all; as yet
% there is no way to write out an internal subset, though
% it would not be hard to add one.
% * doctype(DocType)
% Document type for the SGML document type declaration.
% If omitted it is taken from the root element. There is
% never any point in having this be disagree with the
% root element. A <!DOCTYPE> declaration will be written
% if and only if at least one of doctype(_), public(_), or
% system(_) is provided in Options.
% * public(PubId)
% The public identifier to be written in the <!DOCTYPE> line.
% * system(SysId)
% The system identifier to be written in the <!DOCTYPE> line.
% * header(Bool)
% If Bool is 'false', do not emit the <xml ...> header
% line. (xml_write/3 only)
% * nsmap(Map:list(Id=URI))
% When emitting embedded XML, assume these namespaces
% are already defined from the environment. (xml_write/3
% only).
% * indent(Indent)
% Indentation of the document (for embedding)
% * layout(Bool)
% Emit/do not emit layout characters to make output
% readable.
% * net(Bool)
% Use/do not use Null End Tags.
% For XML, this applies only to empty elements, so you get
% ==
% <foo/> (default, net(true))
% <foo></foo> (net(false))
% ==
% For SGML, this applies to empty elements, so you get
% ==
% <foo> (if foo is declared to be EMPTY in the DTD)
% <foo></foo> (default, net(false))
% <foo// (net(true))
% ==
% and also to elements with character content not containing /
% ==
% <b>xxx</b> (default, net(false))
% <b/xxx/ (net(true)).
% ==
% Note that if the stream is UTF-8, the system will write special
% characters as UTF-8 sequences, while if it is ISO Latin-1 it
% will use (character) entities if there is a DTD that provides
% them, otherwise it will use numeric character references.
xml_write(Data, Options) :-
xml_write(Stream, Data, Options).
xml_write(Stream0, Data, Options) :-
fix_user_stream(Stream0, Stream),
( stream_property(Stream, encoding(text))
-> set_stream(Stream, encoding(utf8)),
call_cleanup(xml_write(Stream, Data, Options),
set_stream(Stream, encoding(text)))
; new_state(xml, State),
init_state(Options, State),
get_state(State, nsmap, NSMap),
add_missing_namespaces(Data, NSMap, Data1),
emit_xml_encoding(Stream, Options),
emit_doctype(Options, Data, Stream),
write_initial_indent(State, Stream),
emit(Data1, Stream, State)
sgml_write(Data, Options) :-
sgml_write(Stream, Data, Options).
sgml_write(Stream0, Data, Options) :-
fix_user_stream(Stream0, Stream),
( stream_property(Stream, encoding(text))
-> set_stream(Stream, encoding(utf8)),
call_cleanup(sgml_write(Stream, Data, Options),
set_stream(Stream, encoding(text)))
; new_state(sgml, State),
init_state(Options, State),
write_initial_indent(State, Stream),
emit_doctype(Options, Data, Stream),
emit(Data, Stream, State)
html_write(Data, Options) :-
html_write(Stream, Data, Options).
html_write(Stream, Data, Options) :-
sgml_write(Stream, Data,
[ dtd(html)
| Options
fix_user_stream(user, user_output) :- !.
fix_user_stream(Stream, Stream).
init_state([], _).
init_state([H|T], State) :-
update_state(H, State),
init_state(T, State).
update_state(dtd(DTD), State) :- !,
( atom(DTD)
-> dtd(DTD, DTDObj)
; DTDObj = DTD
set_state(State, dtd, DTDObj),
dtd_character_entities(DTDObj, EntityMap),
set_state(State, entity_map, EntityMap).
update_state(nsmap(Map), State) :- !,
set_state(State, nsmap, Map).
update_state(indent(Indent), State) :- !,
must_be(integer, Indent),
set_state(State, indent, Indent).
update_state(layout(Bool), State) :- !,
must_be(boolean, Bool),
set_state(State, layout, Bool).
update_state(doctype(_), _) :- !.
update_state(public(_), _) :- !.
update_state(system(_), _) :- !.
update_state(net(Bool), State) :- !,
must_be(boolean, Bool),
set_state(State, net, Bool).
update_state(header(Bool), _) :- !,
must_be(boolean, Bool).
update_state(Option, _) :-
domain_error(xml_write_option, Option).
% emit_xml_encoding(+Stream, +Options)
% Emit the XML fileheader with encoding information. Setting the
% right encoding on the output stream must be done before calling
% xml_write/3.
emit_xml_encoding(Out, Options) :-
option(header(Hdr), Options, true),
Hdr == true, !,
stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
( Encoding == utf8
-> format(Out, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>~n~n', [])
; Encoding == iso_latin_1
-> format(Out, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>~n~n', [])
; domain_error(xml_encoding, Encoding)
emit_xml_encoding(_, _).
%% emit_doctype(+Options, +Data, +Stream)
% Emit the document-type declaration.
% There is a problem with the first clause if we are emitting SGML:
% the SGML DTDs for HTML up to HTML 4 *do not allow* any 'version'
% attribute; so the only time this is useful is when it is illegal!
emit_doctype(_Options, Data, Out) :-
( memberchk(element(html,Att,_), Data)
; Data = element(html,Att,_)
memberchk(version=Version, Att),
format(Out, '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "~w">~n~n', [Version]).
emit_doctype(Options, Data, Out) :-
( memberchk(public(PubId), Options) -> true
; PubId = (-)
( memberchk(system(SysId), Options) -> true
; SysId = (-)
\+ (PubId == (-),
SysId == (-),
\+ memberchk(doctype(_), Options)
( Data = element(DocType,_,_)
; memberchk(element(DocType,_,_), Data)
; memberchk(doctype(DocType), Options)
write_doctype(Out, DocType, PubId, SysId).
emit_doctype(_, _, _).
write_doctype(Out, DocType, -, -) :- !,
format(Out, '<!DOCTYPE ~w []>~n~n', [DocType]).
write_doctype(Out, DocType, -, SysId) :- !,
format(Out, '<!DOCTYPE ~w SYSTEM "~w">~n~n', [DocType,SysId]).
write_doctype(Out, DocType, PubId, -) :- !,
format(Out, '<!DOCTYPE ~w PUBLIC "~w">~n~n', [DocType,PubId]).
write_doctype(Out, DocType, PubId, SysId) :-
format(Out, '<!DOCTYPE ~w PUBLIC "~w" "~w">~n~n', [DocType,PubId,SysId]).
%% emit(+Element, +Out, +State, +Options)
% Emit a single element
emit([], _, _) :- !.
emit([H|T], Out, State) :- !,
emit(H, Out, State),
emit(T, Out, State).
emit(Element, Out, State) :-
\+ \+ emit_element(Element, Out, State).
emit_element(pi(PI), Out, State) :-
get_state(State, entity_map, EntityMap),
write(Out, <?),
write_quoted(Out, PI, "", EntityMap),
( get_state(State, dialect, xml) ->
write(Out, ?>)
; write(Out, >)
emit_element(element(Name, Attributes, Content), Out, State) :-
att_length(Attributes, State, Alen),
( Alen > 60,
get_state(State, layout, true)
-> Sep = nl,
AttIndent = 4
; Sep = sp,
AttIndent = 0
( get_state(State, dialect, xml)
-> update_nsmap(Attributes, State)
; true
put_char(Out, '<'),
emit_name(Name, Out, State),
( AttIndent > 0
-> \+ \+ ( inc_indent(State, AttIndent),
attributes(Attributes, Sep, Out, State)
; attributes(Attributes, Sep, Out, State)
content(Content, Out, Name, State).
attributes([], _, _, _).
attributes([H|T], Sep, Out, State) :-
( Sep == nl
-> write_indent(State, Out)
; put_char(Out, ' ')
attribute(H, Out, State),
attributes(T, Sep, Out, State).
attribute(Name=Value, Out, State) :-
emit_name(Name, Out, State),
put_char(Out, =),
sgml_write_attribute(Out, Value, State).
att_length(Atts, State, Len) :-
att_length(Atts, State, 0, Len).
att_length([], _, Len, Len).
att_length([A0|T], State, Len0, Len) :-
alen(A0, State, AL),
Len1 is Len0 + 1 + AL,
att_length(T, State, Len1, Len).
alen(URI:Name=Value, State, Len) :- !,
atom_length(Value, AL),
vlen(Name, NL),
get_state(State, nsmap, Nsmap),
( memberchk(NS=URI, Nsmap)
-> atom_length(NS, NsL)
; atom_length(URI, NsL)
Len is AL+NL+NsL+3.
alen(Name=Value, _, Len) :-
atom_length(Name, NL),
vlen(Value, AL),
Len is AL+NL+3.
vlen(Value, Len) :-
is_list(Value), !,
vlen_list(Value, 0, Len).
vlen(Value, Len) :-
atom_length(Value, Len).
vlen_list([], L, L).
vlen_list([H|T], L0, L) :-
atom_length(H, HL),
( L0 == 0
-> L1 is L0 + HL
; L1 is L0 + HL + 1
vlen_list(T, L1, L).
emit_name(Name, Out, _) :-
atom(Name), !,
write(Out, Name).
emit_name(URI:Name, Out, State) :-
get_state(State, nsmap, NSMap),
memberchk(NS=URI, NSMap), !,
( NS == []
-> write(Out, Name)
; format(Out, '~w:~w', [NS, Name])
emit_name(Term, Out, _) :-
write(Out, Term).
%% update_nsmap(+Attributes, !State)
% Modify the nsmap of State to reflect modifications due to xmlns
% arguments.
update_nsmap(Attributes, State) :-
get_state(State, nsmap, Map0),
update_nsmap(Attributes, Map0, Map),
set_state(State, nsmap, Map).
update_nsmap([], Map, Map).
update_nsmap([xmlns:NS=URI|T], Map0, Map) :- !,
set_nsmap(NS, URI, Map0, Map1),
update_nsmap(T, Map1, Map).
update_nsmap([xmlns=URI|T], Map0, Map) :- !,
set_nsmap([], URI, Map0, Map1),
update_nsmap(T, Map1, Map).
update_nsmap([_|T], Map0, Map) :- !,
update_nsmap(T, Map0, Map).
set_nsmap(NS, URI, Map0, Map) :-
select(NS=_, Map0, Map1), !,
Map = [NS=URI|Map1].
set_nsmap(NS, URI, Map, [NS=URI|Map]).
%% content(+Content, +Out, +Element, +State, +Options)
% Emit the content part of a structure as well as the termination
% for the content. For empty content we have three versions: XML
% style '/>', SGML declared EMPTY element (nothing) or normal SGML
% element (we must close with the same element name).
content([], Out, Element, State) :- !, % empty element
( get_state(State, net, true)
-> ( get_state(State, dialect, xml) ->
write(Out, />)
; empty_element(State, Element) ->
write(Out, >)
; write(Out, //)
;/* get_state(State, net, false) */
write(Out, >),
( get_state(State, dialect, sgml),
empty_element(State, Element)
-> true
; emit_close(Element, Out, State)
content([Atom], Out, Element, State) :-
atom(Atom), !,
( get_state(State, dialect, sgml),
get_state(State, net, true),
\+ sub_atom(Atom, _, _, _, /),
atom_length(Atom, Len),
Len < 20
-> write(Out, /),
sgml_write_content(Out, Atom, State),
write(Out, /)
;/* XML or not NET */
write(Out, >),
sgml_write_content(Out, Atom, State),
emit_close(Element, Out, State)
content(Content, Out, Element, State) :-
get_state(State, layout, true),
/* If xml:space='preserve' is present, */
/* we MUST NOT tamper with white space at all. */
\+ (Element = element(_,Atts,_),
memberchk('xml:space'=preserve, Atts)
element_content(Content, Elements),
format(Out, >, []),
\+ \+ (
write_element_content(Elements, Out, State)
write_indent(State, Out),
emit_close(Element, Out, State).
content(Content, Out, Element, State) :-
format(Out, >, []),
write_mixed_content(Content, Out, Element, State),
emit_close(Element, Out, State).
emit_close(Element, Out, State) :-
write(Out, '</'),
emit_name(Element, Out, State),
write(Out, '>').
write_mixed_content([], _, _, _).
write_mixed_content([H|T], Out, Element, State) :-
write_mixed_content_element(H, Out, State),
write_mixed_content(T, Out, Element, State).
write_mixed_content_element(H, Out, State) :-
( atom(H)
-> sgml_write_content(Out, H, State)
; functor(H, element, 3)
-> emit(H, Out, State)
; functor(H, pi, 1)
-> emit(H, Out, State)
; H = sdata(Data) % cannot be written without entity!
-> print_message(warning, sgml_write(sdata_as_cdata(Data))),
sgml_write_content(Out, Data, State)
; assertion(fail)
element_content([], []).
element_content([element(Name,Atts,C)|T0], [element(Name,Atts,C)|T]) :- !,
element_content(T0, T).
element_content([Blank|T0], T) :-
atom_codes(Blank, Codes),
element_content(T0, T).
all_blanks([H|T]) :-
code_type(H, space),
write_element_content([], _, _).
write_element_content([H|T], Out, State) :-
write_indent(State, Out),
emit(H, Out, State),
write_element_content(T, Out, State).
%% add_missing_namespaces(+DOM0, +NsMap, -DOM)
% Add xmlns:NS=URI definitions to the toplevel element(s) to
% deal with missing namespaces.
add_missing_namespaces([], _, []) :- !.
add_missing_namespaces([H0|T0], Def, [H|T]) :- !,
add_missing_namespaces(H0, Def, H),
add_missing_namespaces(T0, Def, T).
add_missing_namespaces(Elem0, Def, Elem) :-
Elem0 = element(Name, Atts0, Content), !,
missing_namespaces(Elem0, Def, Missing),
( Missing == []
-> Elem = Elem0
; add_missing_ns(Missing, Atts0, Atts),
Elem = element(Name, Atts, Content)
add_missing_namespaces(DOM, _, DOM). % CDATA, etc.
add_missing_ns([], Atts, Atts).
add_missing_ns([H|T], Atts0, Atts) :-
generate_ns(H, NS),
add_missing_ns(T, [xmlns:NS=H|Atts0], Atts).
%% generate_ns(+URI, -NS) is det.
% Generate a namespace (NS) identifier for URI.
generate_ns(URI, NS) :-
default_ns(URI, NS), !.
generate_ns(_, NS) :-
gensym(xns, NS).
:- multifile
default_ns('', xsi).
default_ns(URI, NS) :-
rdf_db:ns(NS, URI).
%% missing_namespaces(+DOM, +NSMap, -Missing)
% Return a list of URIs appearing in DOM that are not covered
% by xmlns definitions.
missing_namespaces(DOM, Defined, Missing) :-
missing_namespaces(DOM, Defined, [], Missing).
missing_namespaces([], _, L, L) :- !.
missing_namespaces([H|T], Def, L0, L) :- !,
missing_namespaces(H, Def, L0, L1),
missing_namespaces(T, Def, L1, L).
missing_namespaces(element(Name, Atts, Content), Def, L0, L) :- !,
update_nsmap(Atts, Def, Def1),
missing_ns(Name, Def1, L0, L1),
missing_att_ns(Atts, Def1, L1, L2),
missing_namespaces(Content, Def1, L2, L).
missing_namespaces(_, _, L, L).
missing_att_ns([], _, M, M).
missing_att_ns([Name=_|T], Def, M0, M) :-
missing_ns(Name, Def, M0, M1),
missing_att_ns(T, Def, M1, M).
missing_ns(URI:_, Def, M0, M) :- !,
( ( memberchk(_=URI, Def)
; memberchk(URI, M0)
; URI = xml % predefined ones
; URI = xmlns
-> M = M0
; M = [URI|M0]
missing_ns(_, _, M, M).
sgml_write_attribute(Out, Values, State) :-
is_list(Values), !,
get_state(State, entity_map, EntityMap),
put_char(Out, '"'),
write_quoted_list(Values, Out, """<&>", EntityMap),
put_char(Out, '"').
sgml_write_attribute(Out, Value, State) :-
get_state(State, entity_map, EntityMap),
put_char(Out, '"'),
write_quoted(Out, Value, """<&>", EntityMap),
put_char(Out, '"').
write_quoted_list([], _, _, _).
write_quoted_list([H|T], Out, Escape, EntityMap) :-
write_quoted(Out, H, Escape, EntityMap),
( T == []
-> true
; put_char(Out, ' '),
write_quoted_list(T, Out, Escape, EntityMap)
sgml_write_content(Out, Value, State) :-
get_state(State, entity_map, EntityMap),
write_quoted(Out, Value, "<&>", EntityMap).
write_quoted(Out, Atom, Escape, EntityMap) :-
atom_codes(Atom, Codes),
writeq(Codes, Out, Escape, EntityMap).
writeq([], _, _, _).
writeq([H|T], Out, Escape, EntityMap) :-
( memberchk(H, Escape)
-> write_entity(H, Out, EntityMap)
; H >= 256
-> ( stream_property(Out, encoding(utf8))
-> put_code(Out, H)
; write_entity(H, Out, EntityMap)
; put_code(Out, H)
writeq(T, Out, Escape, EntityMap).
write_entity(Code, Out, EntityMap) :-
( get_assoc(Code, EntityMap, EntityName)
-> format(Out, '&~w;', [EntityName])
; format(Out, '&#~w;', [Code])
write_initial_indent(State, Out) :-
( get_state(State, indent, Indent),
Indent > 0
-> emit_indent(Indent, Out)
; true
write_indent(State, _) :-
get_state(State, layout, false), !.
write_indent(State, Out) :-
get_state(State, indent, Indent),
emit_indent(Indent, Out).
emit_indent(Indent, Out) :-
Tabs is Indent // 8,
Spaces is Indent mod 8,
format(Out, '~N', []),
write_n(Tabs, '\t', Out),
write_n(Spaces, ' ', Out).
write_n(N, Char, Out) :-
( N > 0
-> put_char(Out, Char),
N2 is N - 1,
write_n(N2, Char, Out)
; true
inc_indent(State) :-
inc_indent(State, 2).
inc_indent(State, Inc) :-
state(indent, Arg),
arg(Arg, State, I0),
I is I0 + Inc,
setarg(Arg, State, I).
%% empty_element(+State, +Element)
% True if Element is declared with EMPTY content in the (SGML)
% DTD.
empty_element(State, Element) :-
get_state(State, dtd, DTD),
DTD \== (-),
dtd_property(DTD, element(Element, _, empty)).
%% dtd_character_entities(+DTD, -Map)
% Return an assoc mapping character entities to their name. Note
% that the entity representation is a bit dubious. Entities should
% allow for a wide-character version and avoid the &#..; trick.
dtd_character_entities(DTD, Map) :-
dtd_property(DTD, entities(Entities)),
fill_entity_map(Entities, DTD, Empty, Map).
fill_entity_map([], _, Map, Map).
fill_entity_map([H|T], DTD, Map0, Map) :-
( dtd_property(DTD, entity(H, CharEntity)),
( sub_atom(CharEntity, 0, _, _, '&#'),
sub_atom(CharEntity, _, _, 0, ';')
-> sub_atom(CharEntity, 2, _, 1, Name),
atom_number(Name, Code)
; atom_length(CharEntity, 1),
char_code(CharEntity, Code)
-> put_assoc(Code, Map0, H, Map1),
fill_entity_map(T, DTD, Map1, Map)
; fill_entity_map(T, DTD, Map0, Map)
state(indent, 1). % current indentation
state(layout, 2). % use layout (true/false)
state(dtd, 3). % DTD for entity names
state(entity_map, 4). % compiled entity-map
state(dialect, 5). % xml/sgml
state(nsmap, 6). % defined namespaces
state(net, 7). % Should null end-tags be used?
0, % indent
true, % layout
-, % DTD
EntityMap, % entity_map
Dialect, % dialect
[], % NS=Full map
Net % Null End-Tags?
)) :-
( Dialect == sgml
-> Net = false,
; Net = true,
get_state(State, Field, Value) :-
state(Field, Arg),
arg(Arg, State, Value).
set_state(State, Field, Value) :-
state(Field, Arg),
setarg(Arg, State, Value).
xml_entities(Map) :-
list_to_assoc([ 60 - lt,
61 - amp,
62 - gt,
39 - apos,
34 - quot
], Map).
:- multifile
prolog:message(sgml_write(sdata_as_cdata(Data))) -->
[ 'SGML-write: emitting SDATA as CDATA: "~p"'-[Data] ].