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* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
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* File: profile.yap *
* Last rev: 8/2/88 *
* mods: *
* comments: Some profiling predicates available in yap *
* *
%% @file pl/profile.yap
:- system_module( '$_profile', [profile_data/3,
showprofres/1], []).
`* @defgroup Exc_Profiling The Exception Based Tick Profiler.
* @ingroup Profiling
* @{
* The count profiler works by incrementing counters at procedure entry or
* backtracking. It provides exact information:
* + Profiling works for both static and dynamic predicates.
* + Currently only information on entries and retries to a predicate
* are maintained. This may change in the future.
* + As an example, the following user-level program gives a list of
* the most often called procedures in a program. The procedure
* list_profile/0 shows all procedures, irrespective of module, and
* the procedure list_profile/1 shows the procedures being used in
* a specific module.
* ~~~~~
* list_profile :-
* % get number of calls for each profiled procedure
* setof(D-[M:P|D1],(current_module(M),profile_data(M:P,calls,D),profile_data(M:P,retries,D1)),LP),
* % output so that the most often called
* % predicates will come last:
* write_profile_data(LP).
* list_profile(Module) :-
* % get number of calls for each profiled procedure
* setof(D-[Module:P|D1],(profile_data(Module:P,calls,D),profile_data(Module:P,retries,D1)),LP),
* % output so that the most often called
* % predicates will come last:
* write_profile_data(LP).
* write_profile_data([]).
* write_profile_data([D-[M:P|R]|SLP]) :-
* % swap the two calls if you want the most often
* % called predicates first.
* format('~a:~w: ~32+~t~d~12+~t~d~12+~n', [M,P,D,R]),
* write_profile_data(SLP).
* ~~~~~
* These are the current predicates to access and clear profiling data:
:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
%% user:prolog_predicate_name()/
% hook predicate, taken from SWI-Prolog, for converting possibly explicitly-
% qualified callable terms into an atom that can be used as a label for
% describing a predicate; used e.g. on the tick profiler defined below
:- multifile(user:prolog_predicate_name/2).
/** @pred profile_data( ?Na/Ar, ?Parameter, -Data_)
* Give current profile data on _Parameter_ for a predicate described
* by the predicate indicator _Na/Ar_. If any of _Na/Ar_ or
* _Parameter_ are unbound, backtrack through all profiled predicates
* or stored parameters. Current parameters are:
* + calls
* Number of times a procedure was called.
* + retries
* Number of times a call to the procedure was backtracked to and retried.
* + profile_reset
* Reset all profiling information.
:- meta_predicate profile_data(:,+,-).
profile_data(M:D, Parm, Data) :-!,
var(M) ->
'$do_error'(instantiation_error,profile_data(M:D, Parm, Data))
'$profile_data'(D, Parm, Data, M)
profile_data(P, Parm, Data) :-
'$profile_data'(P, Parm, Data, M).
'$profile_data'(P, Parm, Data,M) :- var(P), !,
'$profile_data_for_var'(P, Parm, Data,M).
'$profile_data'(M:P, Parm, Data, _) :- !,
'$profile_data'(P, Parm, Data, M).
'$profile_data'(P, Parm, Data, M) :-
'$profile_data2'(P, Parm, Data, M).
'$profile_data2'(Na/Ar,Parm,Data, M) :-
functor(P, Na, Ar),
'$profile_info'(M, P, Stats),
'$profile_say'(Stats, Parm, Data).
'$profile_data_for_var'(Name/Arity, Parm, Data, M) :-
\+ '$hidden'(Name), % don't show hidden predicates.
'$profile_info'(M, P, Stats),
'$profile_say'(Stats, Parm, Data).
'$profile_say'('$profile'(Entries, _, _), calls, Entries).
'$profile_say'('$profile'(_, _, Backtracks), retries, Backtracks).
profile_reset :-
'$profile_reset'(M, P),
/** @pred showprofres
* Show profiling counts for all predicates.
showprofres :-
/** @pred showprofres( _N_)
* Show profiling info for the top-most _N_ predicates.
* The showprofres/0 and `showprofres/1` predicates call a user-defined multifile hook predicate, `user:prolog_predicate_name/2`, that can be used for converting a possibly explicitly-qualified callable term into an atom that will used when printing the profiling information.
showprofres(A) :-
('$profison' -> profoff, Stop = true ; Stop = false),
% root node has no useful info.
'$add_extras_prof'(GCs, HGrows, SGrows, Mallocs, Preds0, PredsI),
Accounted is -Tot0,
(ProfOns == 0 ->
format(user_error,'~d ticks, ~d accounted for~n',[Tot,Accounted])
format(user_error,'~d ticks, ~d accounted for (~d overhead)~n',[Tot,Accounted,ProfOns])
% format(user_error,' ~d ticks in indexing code~n',[Indexing]),
A1 is A+1,
'$display_preds'(Preds, Tot, 0, 1, A1),
(Stop = true -> profon ; true).
'$check_duplicates'([A,A|ProfInfo]) :- !,
'$check_duplicates'([_|ProfInfo]) :-
'$get_all_profinfo'([],L,L,Tot,Tot) :- !.
'$get_all_profinfo'(Node,L0,Lf,Tot0,Totf) :-
Tot1 is Tot0+Count,
'$get_ppreds'([gprof(0,_,0)|Cls],Ps) :- !,
'$get_ppreds'([gprof(0,_,Count)|_],_) :- !,
'$get_ppreds'([gprof(PProfInfo,_,Count0)|Cls],[Sum-(Mod:Name/Arity)|Ps]) :-
:- !,
Count1 is Count+Count0,
'$get_more_ppreds'(Cls, _, Sum, Cls, NSum) :- NSum is -Sum.
'$display_preds'(_, _, _, N, N) :- !.
'$display_preds'([], _, _, _, _).
'$display_preds'([0-_|_], _Tot, _SoFar, _I, _N) :- !.
'$display_preds'([NSum-P|Ps], Tot, SoFar, I, N) :-
Sum is -NSum,
Perc is (100*Sum)/Tot,
Next is SoFar+Sum,
NextP is (100*Next)/Tot,
( ( P = M:F/A ->
G = M:H
; P = F/A,
G = H
functor(H, F, A),
user:prolog_predicate_name(G, PL) ->
; PL = P
format(user_error,'~|~t~d.~7+ ~|~w:~t~d~50+ (~|~t~2f~6+%) |~|~t~2f~6+%|~n',[I,PL,Sum,Perc,NextP]),
I1 is I+1,
'$display_preds'(Ps,Tot,Next,I1, N).
'$sum_alls'([C-_|Preds],Tot0,Tot) :-
TotI is C+Tot0,
'$add_extras_prof'(GCs, HGrows, SGrows, Mallocs, Preds0, PredsI) :-
'$add_extra_prof'(GCs, 'Garbage Collections',Preds0,Preds1),
'$add_extra_prof'(HGrows, 'Code Expansion',Preds1,Preds2),
'$add_extra_prof'(SGrows, 'Stack Expansion',Preds2,Preds3),
'$add_extra_prof'(Mallocs, 'Heap Allocation',Preds3,PredsI).
'$add_extra_prof'(0, _,Preds, Preds) :- !.
'$add_extra_prof'(Ticks, Name, Preds, [NTicks-Name|Preds]) :-
NTicks is -Ticks.