1511 lines
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1511 lines
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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
E-mail: wielemak@science.uva.nl
WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
Copyright (C): 2006-2008, University of Amsterdam
This file is covered by the `The Artistic License', also in use by
Perl. See http://www.perl.com/pub/a/language/misc/Artistic.html
:- module(plunit,
[ set_test_options/1, % +Options
begin_tests/1, % +Name
begin_tests/2, % +Name, +Options
end_tests/1, % +Name
run_tests/0, % Run all tests
run_tests/1, % Run named test-set
load_test_files/1, % +Options
running_tests/0, % Prints currently running test
test_report/1 % +What
/** <module> Unit Testing
Unit testing environment for SWI-Prolog and SICStus Prolog. For usage,
please visit http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/package/plunit.html.
@author Jan Wielemaker
@license artistic
:- discontiguous
:- dynamic
:- expects_dialect(swi).
including :-
include_code(X), !,
X == true.
if_expansion((:- if(G)), []) :-
( including
-> ( catch(G, E, (print_message(error, E), fail))
-> asserta(include_code(true))
; asserta(include_code(false))
; asserta(include_code(else_false))
if_expansion((:- else), []) :-
( retract(include_code(X))
-> ( X == true
-> X2 = false
; X == false
-> X2 = true
; X2 = X
; throw_error(context_error(no_if),_)
if_expansion((:- endif), []) :-
retract(include_code(_)), !.
if_expansion(_, []) :-
\+ including.
user:term_expansion(In, Out) :-
prolog_load_context(module, plunit),
if_expansion(In, Out).
swi :- catch(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi), _, fail), !.
swi :- catch(current_prolog_flag(dialect, yap), _, fail).
sicstus :- catch(current_prolog_flag(system_type, _), _, fail).
:- if(swi).
throw_error(Error_term,Impldef) :-
:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false).
:- use_module(library(option)).
:- use_module(library(pairs)).
current_test_flag(Name, Value) :-
current_prolog_flag(Name, Value).
set_test_flag(Name, Value) :-
set_prolog_flag(Name, Value).
:- endif.
:- if(sicstus).
throw_error(Error_term,Impldef) :-
throw(error(Error_term,i(Impldef))). % SICStus 3 work around
:- if(current_prolog_flag(dialect, sicstus)).
:- use_module(swi). % SWI-Compatibility
:- endif.
:- use_module(library(terms)).
:- op(700, xfx, =@=).
'$set_source_module'(_, _).
%% current_test_flag(?Name, ?Value) is nondet.
% Query flags that control the testing process. Emulates
% SWI-Prologs flags.
:- dynamic test_flag/2. % Name, Val
current_test_flag(optimise, Val) :-
current_prolog_flag(compiling, Compiling),
( Compiling == debugcode ; true % TBD: Proper test
-> Val = false
; Val = true
current_test_flag(Name, Val) :-
test_flag(Name, Val).
%% set_test_flag(+Name, +Value) is det.
set_test_flag(Name, Val) :-
var(Name), !,
throw_error(instantiation_error, set_test_flag(Name,Val)).
set_test_flag( Name, Val ) :-
asserta(test_flag(Name, Val)).
:- op(1150, fx, thread_local).
user:term_expansion((:- thread_local(PI)), (:- dynamic(PI))) :-
prolog_load_context(module, plunit).
:- endif.
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- initialization
( current_test_flag(test_options, _)
-> true
; set_test_flag(test_options,
[ run(make), % run tests on make/0
%% set_test_options(+Options)
% Specifies how to deal with test suites. Defined options are:
% * load(+Load)
% Whether or not the tests must be loaded. Values are
% =never=, =always=, =normal= (only if not optimised)
% * run(+When)
% When the tests are run. Values are =manual=, =make=
% or make(all).
% * silent(+Bool)
% If =true= (default =false=), report successful tests
% using message level =silent=, only printing errors and
% warnings.
% * sto(+Bool)
% How to test whether code is subject to occurs check
% (STO). If =false= (default), STO is not considered.
% If =true= and supported by the hosting Prolog, code
% is run in all supported unification mode and reported
% if the results are inconsistent.
set_test_options(Options) :-
valid_options(Options, global_test_option),
set_test_flag(test_options, Options).
global_test_option(load(Load)) :-
must_be(oneof([never,always,normal]), Load).
global_test_option(run(When)) :-
must_be(oneof([manual,make,all]), When).
global_test_option(silent(Bool)) :-
must_be(boolean, Bool).
global_test_option(sto(Bool)) :-
must_be(boolean, Bool).
%% loading_tests
% True if tests must be loaded.
loading_tests :-
current_test_flag(test_options, Options),
option(load(Load), Options, normal),
( Load == always
-> true
; Load == normal,
\+ current_test_flag(optimise, true)
:- dynamic
loading_unit/4, % Unit, Module, File, OldSource
current_unit/4, % Unit, Module, Context, Options
test_file_for/2. % ?TestFile, ?PrologFile
%% begin_tests(+UnitName:atom) is det.
%% begin_tests(+UnitName:atom, Options) is det.
% Start a test-unit. UnitName is the name of the test set. the
% unit is ended by :- end_tests(UnitName).
begin_tests(Unit) :-
begin_tests(Unit, []).
begin_tests(Unit, Options) :-
valid_options(Options, test_set_option),
make_unit_module(Unit, Name),
source_location(File, Line),
begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:Line, Options).
:- if(swi).
begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:Line, Options) :-
loading_tests, !,
'$set_source_module'(Context, Context),
( current_unit(Unit, Name, Context, Options)
-> true
; retractall(current_unit(Unit, Name, _, _)),
assert(current_unit(Unit, Name, Context, Options))
'$set_source_module'(Old, Name),
'$declare_module'(Name, Context, File, Line, false),
discontiguous(Name:'unit test'/4),
'$set_predicate_attribute'(Name:'unit test'/4, trace, 0),
discontiguous(Name:'unit body'/2),
asserta(loading_unit(Unit, Name, File, Old)).
begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:_Line, _Options) :-
'$set_source_module'(Old, Old),
asserta(loading_unit(Unit, Name, File, Old)).
set_import_modules(Module, Imports) :-
findall(I, import_module(Module, I), IL),
forall(member(I, IL), delete_import_module(Module, I)),
forall(member(I, Imports), add_import_module(Module, I, end)).
:- else.
% we cannot use discontiguous as a goal in SICStus Prolog.
user:term_expansion((:- begin_tests(Set)),
[ (:- begin_tests(Set)),
(:- discontiguous(test/2)),
(:- discontiguous('unit body'/2)),
(:- discontiguous('unit test'/4))
begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:_Line, Options) :-
loading_tests, !,
( current_unit(Unit, Name, _, Options)
-> true
; retractall(current_unit(Unit, Name, _, _)),
assert(current_unit(Unit, Name, -, Options))
asserta(loading_unit(Unit, Name, File, -)).
begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:_Line, _Options) :-
asserta(loading_unit(Unit, Name, File, -)).
:- endif.
%% end_tests(+Name) is det.
% Close a unit-test module.
% @tbd Run tests/clean module?
% @tbd End of file?
end_tests(Unit) :-
loading_unit(StartUnit, _, _, _), !,
( Unit == StartUnit
-> once(retract(loading_unit(StartUnit, _, _, Old))),
'$set_source_module'(_, Old)
; throw_error(context_error(plunit_close(Unit, StartUnit)), _)
end_tests(Unit) :-
throw_error(context_error(plunit_close(Unit, -)), _).
%% make_unit_module(+Name, -ModuleName) is det.
%% unit_module(+Name, -ModuleName) is det.
:- if(swi).
unit_module(Unit, Module) :-
atom_concat('plunit_', Unit, Module).
make_unit_module(Unit, Module) :-
unit_module(Unit, Module),
( current_module(Module),
\+ current_unit(_, Module, _, _)
-> throw_error(permission_error(create, plunit, Unit),
'Existing module')
; true
:- else.
:- dynamic
unit_module(Unit, Module) :-
unit_module_store(Unit, Module), !.
make_unit_module(Unit, Module) :-
prolog_load_context(module, Module),
assert(unit_module_store(Unit, Module)).
:- endif.
%% expand_test(+Name, +Options, +Body, -Clause) is det.
% Expand test(Name, Options) :- Body into a clause for
% 'unit test'/4 and 'unit body'/2.
expand_test(Name, Options0, Body,
[ 'unit test'(Name, Line, Options, Module:'unit body'(Id, Vars)),
('unit body'(Id, Vars) :- !, Body)
]) :-
source_location(_File, Line),
prolog_load_context(module, Module),
atomic_list_concat([Name, '@line ', Line], Id),
term_variables(Body, VarList),
Vars =.. [vars|VarList],
( is_list(Options0) % allow for single option without list
-> Options1 = Options0
; Options1 = [Options0]
maplist(expand_option, Options1, Options),
valid_options(Options, test_option).
expand_option(Var, _) :-
var(Var), !,
expand_option(A == B, true(A==B)) :- !.
expand_option(A = B, true(A=B)) :- !.
expand_option(A =@= B, true(A=@=B)) :- !.
expand_option(A =:= B, true(A=:=B)) :- !.
expand_option(O, O).
%% expand(+Term, -Clauses) is semidet.
expand(end_of_file, _) :-
loading_unit(Unit, _, _, _), !,
end_tests(Unit), % warn?
expand(_Term, []) :-
\+ loading_tests.
expand((test(Name) :- Body), Clauses) :- !,
expand_test(Name, [], Body, Clauses).
expand((test(Name, Options) :- Body), Clauses) :- !,
expand_test(Name, Options, Body, Clauses).
expand(test(Name), _) :- !,
throw_error(existence_error(body, test(Name)), _).
expand(test(Name, _Options), _) :- !,
throw_error(existence_error(body, test(Name)), _).
:- if(swi).
:- multifile
:- endif.
user:term_expansion(Term, Expanded) :-
( loading_unit(_, _, File, _)
-> source_location(File, _),
expand(Term, Expanded)
:- if(swi).
:- use_module(library(error)).
:- else.
must_be(list, X) :- !,
( is_list(X)
-> true
; is_not(list, X)
must_be(Type, X) :-
( call(Type, X)
-> true
; is_not(Type, X)
is_not(Type, X) :-
( ground(X)
-> throw_error(type_error(Type, X), _)
; throw_error(instantiation_error, _)
:- endif.
%% valid_options(+Options, :Pred) is det.
% Verify Options to be a list of valid options according to
% Pred.
% @throws =type_error= or =instantiation_error=.
valid_options(Options, Pred) :-
must_be(list, Options),
verify_options(Options, Pred).
verify_options([], _).
verify_options([H|T], Pred) :-
( call(Pred, H)
-> verify_options(T, Pred)
; throw_error(domain_error(Pred, H), _)
%% test_option(+Option) is semidet.
% True if Option is a valid option for test(Name, Options).
test_option(Option) :-
test_set_option(Option), !.
test_option(forall(X)) :-
must_be(callable, X).
%% test_option(+Option) is semidet.
% True if Option is a valid option for :- begin_tests(Name,
% Options).
test_set_option(blocked(X)) :-
must_be(ground, X).
test_set_option(condition(X)) :-
must_be(callable, X).
test_set_option(setup(X)) :-
must_be(callable, X).
test_set_option(cleanup(X)) :-
must_be(callable, X).
test_set_option(sto(V)) :-
nonvar(V), member(V, [finite_trees, rational_trees]).
:- thread_local
passed/5, % Unit, Test, Line, Det, Time
failed/4, % Unit, Test, Line, Reason
blocked/4, % Unit, Test, Line, Reason
sto/4, % Unit, Test, Line, Results
fixme/5. % Unit, Test, Line, Reason, Status
:- dynamic
running/5. % Unit, Test, Line, STO, Thread
%% run_tests is semidet.
%% run_tests(+TestSet) is semidet.
run_tests :-
run_tests(Set) :-
run_unit([]) :- !.
run_unit([H|T]) :- !,
run_unit(Spec) :-
unit_from_spec(Spec, Unit, Tests, Module, UnitOptions),
( option(blocked(Reason), UnitOptions)
-> info(plunit(blocked(unit(Unit, Reason))))
; setup(Module, unit(Unit), UnitOptions)
-> info(plunit(begin(Spec))),
forall((Module:'unit test'(Name, Line, Options, Body),
matching_test(Name, Tests)),
run_test(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body)),
( message_level(silent)
-> true
; format(user_error, '~N', [])
cleanup(Module, UnitOptions)
; true
unit_from_spec(Unit, Unit, _, Module, Options) :-
atom(Unit), !,
( current_unit(Unit, Module, _Supers, Options)
-> true
; throw_error(existence_error(unit_test, Unit), _)
unit_from_spec(Unit:Tests, Unit, Tests, Module, Options) :-
atom(Unit), !,
( current_unit(Unit, Module, _Supers, Options)
-> true
; throw_error(existence_error(unit_test, Unit), _)
matching_test(X, X) :- !.
matching_test(Name, Set) :-
memberchk(Name, Set).
cleanup :-
retractall(passed(_, _, _, _, _)),
retractall(failed(_, _, _, _)),
retractall(blocked(_, _, _, _)),
retractall(sto(_, _, _, _)),
retractall(fixme(_, _, _, _, _)),
%% run_tests_in_files(+Files:list) is det.
% Run all test-units that appear in the given Files.
run_tests_in_files(Files) :-
findall(Unit, unit_in_files(Files, Unit), Units),
( Units == []
-> true
; run_tests(Units)
unit_in_files(Files, Unit) :-
is_list(Files), !,
member(F, Files),
absolute_file_name(F, Source,
[ file_type(prolog),
unit_file(Unit, Source).
%% make_run_tests(+Files)
% Called indirectly from make/0 after Files have been reloaded.
make_run_tests(Files) :-
current_test_flag(test_options, Options),
option(run(When), Options, manual),
( When == make
-> run_tests_in_files(Files)
; When == make(all)
-> run_tests
; true
:- if(swi).
% can detect some (almost all) STO runs
set_unification_capability(Cap) :-
cap_to_flag(Cap, Flag),
set_prolog_flag(occurs_check, Flag).
current_unification_capability(Cap) :-
current_prolog_flag(occurs_check, Flag),
cap_to_flag(Cap, Flag), !.
cap_to_flag(sto_error_incomplete, error).
cap_to_flag(rational_trees, false).
cap_to_flag(finite_trees, true).
:- else.
:- if(sicstus).
:- else.
unification_capability(_) :-
:- endif.
:- endif.
%% run_test(+Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, +Body) is det.
% Run a single test.
run_test(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
option(forall(Generator), Options), !,
unit_module(Unit, Module),
term_variables(Generator, Vars),
run_test_once(Unit, @(Name,Vars), Line, Options, Body)).
run_test(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
run_test_once(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body).
run_test_once(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
current_test_flag(test_options, GlobalOptions),
option(sto(false), GlobalOptions, false), !,
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result),
report_result(Result, Options).
run_test_once(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
current_unit(Unit, _Module, _Supers, UnitOptions),
option(sto(Type), UnitOptions),
\+ option(sto(_), Options), !,
call_cleanup(run_test_cap(Unit, Name, Line, [sto(Type)|Options], Body),
run_test_once(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
call_cleanup(run_test_cap(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body),
run_test_cap(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
( option(sto(Type), Options)
-> unification_capability(Type),
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result),
report_result(Result, Options)
; findall(Key-(Type+Result),
test_caps(Type, Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result, Key),
group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Keyed),
( Keyed == []
-> true
; Keyed = [_-Results]
-> Results = [_Type+Result|_],
report_result(Result, Options) % consistent results
; pairs_values(Pairs, ResultByType),
report_result(sto(Unit, Name, Line, ResultByType), Options)
%% test_caps(-Type, +Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, +Body, -Result, -Key) is nondet.
test_caps(Type, Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result, Key) :-
begin_test(Unit, Name, Line, Type),
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result),
end_test(Unit, Name, Line, Type),
result_to_key(Result, Key),
Key \== setup_failed.
result_to_key(blocked(_, _, _, _), blocked).
result_to_key(failure(_, _, _, How0), failure(How1)) :-
( How0 = succeeded(_T) -> How1 = succeeded ; How0 = How1 ).
result_to_key(success(_, _, _, Determinism, _), success(Determinism)).
result_to_key(setup_failed(_,_,_), setup_failed).
report_result(blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason), _) :- !,
assert(blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason)).
report_result(failure(Unit, Name, Line, How), Options) :- !,
failure(Unit, Name, Line, How, Options).
report_result(success(Unit, Name, Line, Determinism, Time), Options) :- !,
success(Unit, Name, Line, Determinism, Time, Options).
report_result(setup_failed(_Unit, _Name, _Line), _Options).
report_result(sto(Unit, Name, Line, ResultByType), Options) :-
assert(sto(Unit, Name, Line, ResultByType)),
print_message(error, plunit(sto(Unit, Name, Line))),
report_sto_results(ResultByType, Options).
report_sto_results([], _).
report_sto_results([Type+Result|T], Options) :-
print_message(error, plunit(sto(Type, Result))),
report_sto_results(T, Options).
%% run_test_6(+Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, :Body, -Result) is det.
% Result is one of:
% * blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason)
% * failure(Unit, Name, Line, How)
% * success(Unit, Name, Line, Determinism, Time)
% * setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, _Body,
blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason)) :-
option(blocked(Reason), Options), !.
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
option(all(Answer), Options), !, % all(Bindings)
nondet_test(all(Answer), Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result).
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
option(set(Answer), Options), !, % set(Bindings)
nondet_test(set(Answer), Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result).
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
option(fail, Options), !, % fail
unit_module(Unit, Module),
( setup(Module, test(Unit,Name,Line), Options)
-> statistics(runtime, [T0,_]),
( catch(Module:Body, E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> statistics(runtime, [T1,_]),
Time is (T1 - T0)/1000.0,
Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, succeeded(Time)),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, E),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; statistics(runtime, [T1,_]),
Time is (T1 - T0)/1000.0,
Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, true, Time),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
option(true(Cmp), Options), !,
unit_module(Unit, Module),
( setup(Module, test(Unit,Name,Line), Options) % true(Binding)
-> statistics(runtime, [T0,_]),
( catch(call_det(Module:Body, Det), E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> statistics(runtime, [T1,_]),
Time is (T1 - T0)/1000.0,
( catch(Cmp, _, fail) % tbd: error
-> Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, Det, Time)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, wrong_answer(Cmp))
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, E),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, failed),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
( option(throws(Expect), Options)
-> true
; option(error(ErrorExpect), Options)
-> Expect = error(ErrorExpect, _)
), !,
unit_module(Unit, Module),
( setup(Module, test(Unit,Name,Line), Options)
-> statistics(runtime, [T0,_]),
( catch(Module:Body, E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, no_exception),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; statistics(runtime, [T1,_]),
Time is (T1 - T0)/1000.0,
( match_error(Expect, E)
-> Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, true, Time)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, wrong_error(Expect, E))
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, failed),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
unit_module(Unit, Module),
( setup(Module, test(Unit,Name,Line), Options)
-> statistics(runtime, [T0,_]),
( catch(call_det(Module:Body, Det), E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> statistics(runtime, [T1,_]),
Time is (T1 - T0)/1000.0,
Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, Det, Time),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, E),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, failed),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
%% non_det_test(+Expected, +Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, +Body, -Result)
% Run tests on non-deterministic predicates.
nondet_test(Expected, Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
unit_module(Unit, Module),
result_vars(Expected, Vars),
statistics(runtime, [T0,_]),
( setup(Module, test(Unit,Name,Line), Options)
-> ( catch(findall(Vars, Module:Body, Bindings), E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> statistics(runtime, [T1,_]),
Time is (T1 - T0)/1000.0,
( nondet_compare(Expected, Bindings, Unit, Name, Line)
-> Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, true, Time)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, wrong_answer)
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, E),
cleanup(Module, Options)
; Result = setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
%% result_vars(+Expected, -Vars) is det.
% Create a term v(V1, ...) containing all variables at the left
% side of the comparison operator on Expected.
result_vars(Expected, Vars) :-
arg(1, Expected, CmpOp),
arg(1, CmpOp, Vars).
%% nondet_compare(+Expected, +Bindings, +Unit, +Name, +Line) is semidet.
% Compare list/set results for non-deterministic predicates.
% @tbd Properly report errors
% @bug Sort should deal with equivalence on the comparison
% operator.
nondet_compare(all(Cmp), Bindings, _Unit, _Name, _Line) :-
cmp(Cmp, _Vars, Op, Values),
cmp_list(Values, Bindings, Op).
nondet_compare(set(Cmp), Bindings0, _Unit, _Name, _Line) :-
cmp(Cmp, _Vars, Op, Values0),
sort(Bindings0, Bindings),
sort(Values0, Values),
cmp_list(Values, Bindings, Op).
cmp_list([], [], _Op).
cmp_list([E0|ET], [V0|VT], Op) :-
call(Op, E0, V0),
cmp_list(ET, VT, Op).
%% cmp(+CmpTerm, -Left, -Op, -Right) is det.
cmp(Var == Value, Var, ==, Value).
cmp(Var =:= Value, Var, =:=, Value).
cmp(Var = Value, Var, =, Value).
:- if(swi).
cmp(Var =@= Value, Var, =@=, Value).
:- else.
:- if(sicstus).
cmp(Var =@= Value, Var, variant, Value). % variant/2 is the same =@=
:- endif.
:- endif.
%% call_det(:Goal, -Det) is nondet.
% True if Goal succeeded. Det is unified to =true= if Goal left
% no choicepoints and =false= otherwise.
:- if((swi|sicstus)).
call_det(Goal, Det) :-
( var(Det0) -> Det = false ; Det = true ).
:- else.
call_det(Goal, true) :-
:- endif.
%% match_error(+Expected, +Received) is semidet.
% True if the Received errors matches the expected error. Matching
% is based on subsumes_chk/2.
match_error(Expect, Rec) :-
subsumes_chk(Expect, Rec).
%% setup(+Module, +Context, +Options) is semidet.
% Call the setup handler and fail if it cannot run for some
% reason. The condition handler is similar, but failing is not
% considered an error. Context is one of
% * unit(Unit)
% If it is the setup handler for a unit
% * test(Unit,Name,Line)
% If it is the setup handler for a test
setup(Module, Context, Options) :-
option(condition(Condition), Options),
option(setup(Setup), Options), !,
setup(Module, Context, [condition(Condition)]),
setup(Module, Context, [setup(Setup)]).
setup(Module, Context, Options) :-
option(setup(Setup), Options), !,
( catch(call_ex(Module, Setup), E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> true
; print_message(error, plunit(error(setup, Context, E))),
; print_message(error, error(goal_failed(Setup), _)),
setup(Module, Context, Options) :-
option(condition(Setup), Options), !,
( catch(call_ex(Module, Setup), E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> true
; print_message(error, plunit(error(condition, Context, E))),
; fail
%% call_ex(+Module, +Goal)
% Call Goal in Module after applying goal expansion.
call_ex(Module, Goal) :-
Module:(expand_goal(Goal, GoalEx),
%% cleanup(+Module, +Options) is det.
% Call the cleanup handler and succeed. Failure or error of the
% cleanup handler is reported, but tests continue normally.
cleanup(Module, Options) :-
option(cleanup(Cleanup), Options, true),
( catch(call_ex(Module, Cleanup), E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> true
; print_message(warning, E)
; print_message(warning, goal_failed(Cleanup, '(cleanup handler)'))
success(Unit, Name, Line, Det, _Time, Options) :-
memberchk(fixme(Reason), Options), !,
( ( Det == true
; memberchk(nondet, Options)
-> put_char(user_error, +),
Ok = passed
; put_char(user_error, !),
Ok = nondet
assert(fixme(Unit, Name, Line, Reason, Ok)).
success(Unit, Name, Line, Det, Time, Options) :-
assert(passed(Unit, Name, Line, Det, Time)),
( ( Det == true
; memberchk(nondet, Options)
-> put_char(user_error, .)
; unit_file(Unit, File),
print_message(warning, plunit(nondet(File, Line, Name)))
failure(Unit, Name, Line, _, Options) :-
memberchk(fixme(Reason), Options), !,
put_char(user_error, -),
assert(fixme(Unit, Name, Line, Reason, failed)).
failure(Unit, Name, Line, E, Options) :-
report_failure(Unit, Name, Line, E, Options),
assert_cyclic(failed(Unit, Name, Line, E)).
%% assert_cyclic(+Term) is det.
% Assert a possibly cyclic unit clause. Current SWI-Prolog
% assert/1 does not handle cyclic terms, so we emulate this using
% the recorded database.
% @tbd Implement cycle-safe assert and remove this.
:- if(swi).
assert_cyclic(Term) :-
acyclic_term(Term), !,
assert_cyclic(Term) :-
Term =.. [Functor|Args],
recorda(cyclic, Args, Id),
functor(Term, _, Arity),
length(NewArgs, Arity),
Head =.. [Functor|NewArgs],
assert((Head :- recorded(_, Var, Id), Var = NewArgs)).
:- else.
:- if(sicstus).
:- endif.
assert_cyclic(Term) :-
:- endif.
%% begin_test(Unit, Test, Line, STO) is det.
%% end_test(Unit, Test, Line, STO) is det.
% Maintain running/5 and report a test has started/is ended using
% a =silent= message:
% * plunit(begin(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO))
% * plunit(end(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO))
% @see message_hook/3 for intercepting these messages
begin_test(Unit, Test, Line, STO) :-
assert(running(Unit, Test, Line, STO, Me)),
unit_file(Unit, File),
print_message(silent, plunit(begin(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO))).
end_test(Unit, Test, Line, STO) :-
unit_file(Unit, File),
print_message(silent, plunit(end(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO))).
%% running_tests is det.
% Print the currently running test.
running_tests :-
print_message(informational, plunit(running(Running))).
running_tests(Running) :-
findall(running(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO, Thread),
( running(Unit, Test, Line, STO, Thread),
unit_file(Unit, File)
), Running).
%% report is semidet.
% True if there are no errors. If errors were encountered, report
% them to current output and fail.
report :-
number_of_clauses(passed/5, Passed),
number_of_clauses(failed/4, Failed),
number_of_clauses(blocked/4, Blocked),
number_of_clauses(sto/4, STO),
( Passed+Failed+Blocked+STO =:= 0
-> info(plunit(no_tests))
; Failed+Blocked+STO =:= 0
-> report_fixme,
; report_blocked,
number_of_clauses(F/A,N) :-
( current_predicate(F/A)
-> functor(G,F,A),
findall(t, G, Ts),
length(Ts, N)
; N = 0
report_blocked :-
N > 0, !,
( blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason),
unit_file(Unit, File),
plunit(blocked(File:Line, Name, Reason))),
fail ; true
report_failed :-
number_of_clauses(failed/4, N),
N > 0, !,
report_failed :-
report_sto :-
number_of_clauses(sto/4, N),
N > 0, !,
report_sto :-
report_fixme :-
report_fixme(TuplesF, TuplesP, TuplesN) :-
fixme(failed, TuplesF, Failed),
fixme(passed, TuplesP, Passed),
fixme(nondet, TuplesN, Nondet),
print_message(informational, plunit(fixme(Failed, Passed, Nondet))).
fixme(How, Tuples, Count) :-
findall(fixme(Unit, Name, Line, Reason, How),
fixme(Unit, Name, Line, Reason, How), Tuples),
length(Tuples, Count).
report_failure(Unit, Name, Line, Error, _Options) :-
print_message(error, plunit(failed(Unit, Name, Line, Error))).
%% test_report(What) is det.
% Produce reports on test results after the run.
test_report(fixme) :- !,
report_fixme(TuplesF, TuplesP, TuplesN),
append([TuplesF, TuplesP, TuplesN], Tuples),
print_message(informational, plunit(fixme(Tuples))).
test_report(What) :-
throw_error(domain_error(report_class, What), _).
* INFO *
%% current_test_set(?Unit) is nondet.
% True if Unit is a currently loaded test-set.
current_test_set(Unit) :-
current_unit(Unit, _Module, _Context, _Options).
%% unit_file(+Unit, -File) is det.
%% unit_file(-Unit, +File) is nondet.
unit_file(Unit, File) :-
current_unit(Unit, Module, _Context, _Options),
current_module(Module, File).
unit_file(Unit, PlFile) :-
test_file_for(TestFile, PlFile),
current_module(Module, TestFile),
current_unit(Unit, Module, _Context, _Options).
%% load_test_files(+Options) is det.
% Load .plt test-files related to loaded source-files.
load_test_files(_Options) :-
( source_file(File),
file_name_extension(Base, Old, File),
Old \== plt,
file_name_extension(Base, plt, TestFile),
( test_file_for(TestFile, File)
-> true
; load_files(TestFile,
[ if(changed),
asserta(test_file_for(TestFile, File))
fail ; true
%% info(+Term)
% Runs print_message(Level, Term), where Level is one of =silent=
% or =informational= (default).
info(Term) :-
print_message(Level, Term).
message_level(Level) :-
current_test_flag(test_options, Options),
option(silent(Silent), Options, false),
( Silent == false
-> Level = informational
; Level = silent
locationprefix(File:Line) --> !,
[ '~w:~d:\n\t'-[File,Line]].
locationprefix(test(Unit,_Test,Line)) --> !,
{ unit_file(Unit, File) },
locationprefix(unit(Unit)) --> !,
[ 'PL-Unit: unit ~w: '-[Unit] ].
locationprefix(FileLine) -->
{ throw_error(type_error(locationprefix,FileLine), _) }.
message(error(context_error(plunit_close(Name, -)), _)) -->
[ 'PL-Unit: cannot close unit ~w: no open unit'-[Name] ].
message(error(context_error(plunit_close(Name, Start)), _)) -->
[ 'PL-Unit: cannot close unit ~w: current unit is ~w'-[Name, Start] ].
message(plunit(nondet(File, Line, Name))) -->
[ 'PL-Unit: Test ~w: Test succeeded with choicepoint'- [Name] ].
% Unit start/end
:- if(swi).
message(plunit(begin(Unit))) -->
[ 'PL-Unit: ~w '-[Unit], flush ].
message(plunit(end(_Unit))) -->
[ at_same_line, ' done' ].
:- else.
message(plunit(begin(Unit))) -->
[ 'PL-Unit: ~w '-[Unit]/*, flush-[]*/ ].
message(plunit(end(_Unit))) -->
[ ' done'-[] ].
:- endif.
message(plunit(blocked(unit(Unit, Reason)))) -->
[ 'PL-Unit: ~w blocked: ~w'-[Unit, Reason] ].
message(plunit(running([]))) --> !,
[ 'PL-Unit: no tests running' ].
message(plunit(running([One]))) --> !,
[ 'PL-Unit: running ' ],
message(plunit(running(More))) --> !,
[ 'PL-Unit: running tests:', nl ],
message(plunit(fixme([]))) --> !.
message(plunit(fixme(Tuples))) --> !,
% Blocked tests
message(plunit(blocked(1))) --> !,
[ 'one test is blocked:'-[] ].
message(plunit(blocked(N))) -->
[ '~D tests are blocked:'-[N] ].
message(plunit(blocked(Pos, Name, Reason))) -->
[ ': ~w'-[Reason] ].
% fail/success
message(plunit(no_tests)) --> !,
[ 'No tests to run' ].
message(plunit(all_passed(Count))) --> !,
[ 'All ~D tests passed'-[Count] ].
message(plunit(failed(0))) --> !,
message(plunit(failed(1))) --> !,
[ '1 test failed'-[] ].
message(plunit(failed(N))) -->
[ '~D tests failed'-[N] ].
message(plunit(sto(0))) --> !,
message(plunit(sto(N))) -->
[ '~D test results depend on unification mode'-[N] ].
message(plunit(fixme(0,0,0))) -->
message(plunit(fixme(Failed,0,0))) --> !,
[ 'all ~D tests flagged FIXME failed'-[Failed] ].
message(plunit(fixme(Failed,Passed,0))) -->
[ 'FIXME: ~D failed; ~D passed'-[Failed, Passed] ].
message(plunit(fixme(Failed,Passed,Nondet))) -->
{ TotalPassed is Passed+Nondet },
[ 'FIXME: ~D failed; ~D passed; (~D nondet)'-[Failed, TotalPassed, Nondet] ].
message(plunit(failed(Unit, Name, Line, Failure))) -->
{ unit_file(Unit, File) },
[': '-[] ],
% Setup/condition errors
message(plunit(error(Where, Context, Exception))) -->
{ message_to_string(Exception, String) },
[ 'error in ~w: ~w'-[Where, String] ].
% STO messages
message(plunit(sto(Unit, Name, Line))) -->
{ unit_file(Unit, File) },
[' is subject to occurs check (STO): '-[] ].
message(plunit(sto(Type, Result))) -->
% Interrupts (SWI)
:- if(swi).
message(interrupt(begin)) -->
{ thread_self(Me),
running(Unit, Test, Line, STO, Me), !,
unit_file(Unit, File)
[ 'Interrupted test '-[] ],
running(running(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO, Me)),
message(interrupt(begin)) -->
:- endif.
test_name(@(Name,Bindings)) --> !,
[ 'test ~w (forall bindings = ~p)'-[Name, Bindings] ].
test_name(Name) --> !,
[ 'test ~w'-[Name] ].
sto_type(sto_error_incomplete) -->
[ 'Finite trees (error checking): ' ].
sto_type(rational_trees) -->
[ 'Rational trees: ' ].
sto_type(finite_trees) -->
[ 'Finite trees: ' ].
sto_result(success(_Unit, _Name, _Line, Det, Time)) -->
[ ' success in ~2f seconds'-[Time] ].
sto_result(failure(_Unit, _Name, _Line, How)) -->
det(true) -->
[ 'deterministic' ].
det(false) -->
[ 'non-deterministic' ].
running(running(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO, Thread)) -->
[ '~q:~q at ~w:~d'-[Unit, Test, File, Line] ],
running([H|T]) -->
['\t'], running(H),
( {T == []}
-> []
; [nl], running(T)
thread(main) --> !.
thread(Other) -->
[' [~w] '-[Other] ].
current_sto(sto_error_incomplete) -->
[ ' (STO: error checking)' ].
current_sto(rational_trees) -->
current_sto(finite_trees) -->
[ ' (STO: occurs check enabled)' ].
:- if(swi).
write_term(T, OPS) -->
:- else.
write_term(T, _OPS) -->
:- endif.
expected_got_ops_(Ex, E, OPS, Goals) -->
[' Expected: '-[]], write_term(Ex, OPS), [nl],
[' Got: '-[]], write_term(E, OPS), [nl],
( { Goals = [] } -> []
; [' with: '-[]], write_term(Goals, OPS), [nl]
failure(Var) -->
{ var(Var) }, !,
[ 'Unknown failure?' ].
failure(succeeded(Time)) --> !,
[ 'must fail but succeeded in ~2f seconds~n'-[Time] ].
failure(wrong_error(Expected, Error)) --> !,
{ copy_term(Expected-Error, Ex-E, Goals),
numbervars(Ex-E-Goals, 0, _),
[ 'wrong error'-[], nl ],
expected_got_ops_(Ex, E, OPS, Goals).
failure(wrong_answer(Cmp)) -->
{ Cmp =.. [Op,Answer,Expected], !,
copy_term(Expected-Answer, Ex-A, Goals),
numbervars(Ex-A-Goals, 0, _),
[ 'wrong answer (compared using ~w)'-[Op], nl ],
expected_got_ops_(Ex, A, OPS, Goals).
:- if(swi).
failure(Error) -->
{ Error = error(_,_), !,
message_to_string(Error, Message)
[ 'received error: ~w'-[Message] ].
:- endif.
failure(Why) -->
[ '~p~n'-[Why] ].
fixme_message([]) --> [].
fixme_message([fixme(Unit, _Name, Line, Reason, How)|T]) -->
{ unit_file(Unit, File) },
fixme_message(File:Line, Reason, How),
( {T == []}
-> []
; [nl],
fixme_message(Location, Reason, failed) -->
[ 'FIXME: ~w: ~w'-[Location, Reason] ].
fixme_message(Location, Reason, passed) -->
[ 'FIXME: ~w: passed ~w'-[Location, Reason] ].
fixme_message(Location, Reason, nondet) -->
[ 'FIXME: ~w: passed (nondet) ~w'-[Location, Reason] ].
write_options([ numbervars(true),
:- if(swi).
:- multifile
prolog:message(Term) -->
% user:message_hook(+Term, +Kind, +Lines)
user:message_hook(make(done(Files)), _, _) :-
fail. % give other hooks a chance
:- endif.
:- if(sicstus).
user:generate_message_hook(Message) -->
[nl]. % SICStus requires nl at the end
% user:message_hook(+Severity, +Message, +Lines) is semidet.
% Redefine printing some messages. It appears SICStus has no way
% to get multiple messages at the same line, so we roll our own.
% As there is a lot pre-wired and checked in the SICStus message
% handling we cannot reuse the lines. Unless I miss something ...
user:message_hook(informational, plunit(begin(Unit)), _Lines) :-
format(user_error, '% PL-Unit: ~w ', [Unit]),
user:message_hook(informational, plunit(end(_Unit)), _Lines) :-
format(user, ' done~n', []).
:- endif.