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pmoura 9f1b358c04 Logtalk 2.26.2 files.
git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
2005-12-24 18:00:21 +00:00

60 lines
1.5 KiB

:- object(breadth_first(Bound),
:- info([
version is 1.1,
author is 'Paulo Moura',
date is 2005/10/22,
comment is 'Breadth first state space search strategy.',
source is 'Example adopted from the book "Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence" by Ivan Bratko.',
parnames is ['Bound']]).
:- uses(list, [member/2, reverse/2]).
search(Space, State, Bound, Solution) :-
breadt(Space, l(State), Bound, Path),
reverse(Path, Solution).
breadt(Space, Tree, Bound, Solution) :-
expand([], Tree, Tree2, Solved, Solution, Space, Bound),
(Solved ->
breadt(Space, Tree2, Bound, Solution)).
expand(Path, l(State), _, true, [State| Path], Space, _) :-
expand(Path, l(State), t(State, Subs), fail, _, Space, Bound) :-
Bound > 0,
(Space::next_state(State, Next),
\+ member(Next, [State| Path])),
expand(Path, t(State,Subs), t(State, Subs2), Solved, Solution, Space, Bound) :-
expandall([State| Path], Subs, [], Subs2, Solved, Solution, Space, Bound).
expandall(_, [], [Tree| Trees], [Tree| Trees], fail, _, _, _).
expandall(Path, [Tree| Trees], Trees2, Subs2, Solved, Solution, Space, Bound) :-
Bound > 0,
Bound2 is Bound -1,
expand(Path, Tree, Tree2, Solved2, Solution, Space, Bound2),
(Solved2 ->
Solved = true
expandall(Path, Trees, [Tree2| Trees2], Subs2, Solved, Solution, Space, Bound))
expandall(Path, Trees, Trees2, Subs2, Solved, Solution, Space, Bound).
:- end_object.