which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. git-svn-id: https://yap.svn.sf.net/svnroot/yap/trunk@5 b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
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% clp(q,r) version 1.3.2 %
% %
% (c) Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995 %
% Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) %
% Schottengasse 3 %
% A-1010 Vienna, Austria %
% %
% File: redund.pl %
% Author: Christian Holzbaur christian@ai.univie.ac.at %
% redundancy removal (semantic definition)
% done:
% +) deal with active bounds
% +) indep t_[lu] -> t_none invalidates invariants (fixed)
% O(n^2), use sort later
systems( [], Si, Si).
systems( [V|Vs], Si, So) :-
( var(V), get_atts( V, class(C)),
not_memq( Si, C) ->
systems( Vs, [C|Si], So)
systems( Vs, Si, So)
not_memq( [], _).
not_memq( [Y|Ys], X) :-
X \== Y,
not_memq( Ys, X).
redundancy_systems( []).
redundancy_systems( [S|Sys]) :-
class_allvars( S, All),
redundancy_vs( All),
redundancy_systems( Sys).
redundancy_vars( Vs) :- !, redundancy_vs( Vs).
redundancy_vars( Vs) :-
statistics( runtime, [Start|_]),
redundancy_vs( Vs),
statistics( runtime, [End|_]),
Duration is End-Start,
format( user_error, "% Redundancy elimination took ~d msec~n", Duration).
% remove redundant bounds from variables
redundancy_vs( Vs) :- var( Vs), !.
redundancy_vs( []).
redundancy_vs( [V|Vs]) :-
( get_atts( V, [type(Type),strictness(Strict)]),
redundant( Type, V, Strict) ->
redundancy_vs( Vs)
redundancy_vs( Vs)
redundant( t_l(L), X, Strict) :-
detach_bounds( X), % drop temporarily
negate_l( Strict, L, X),
redundant( t_u(U), X, Strict) :-
detach_bounds( X),
negate_u( Strict, U, X),
redundant( t_lu(L,U), X, Strict) :-
strictness_parts( Strict, Sl, Su),
( put_atts( X, [type(t_u(U)),strictness(Su)]),
negate_l( Strict, L, X) ->
( redundant( t_u(U), X, Strict) -> true ; true )
; put_atts( X, [type(t_l(L)),strictness(Sl)]),
negate_u( Strict, U, X) ->
redundant( t_L(L), X, Strict) :-
arith_eval( -L, Bound),
intro_at( X, Bound, t_none), % drop temporarily
detach_bounds( X),
negate_l( Strict, L, X),
redundant( t_U(U), X, Strict) :-
arith_eval( -U, Bound),
intro_at( X, Bound, t_none), % drop temporarily
detach_bounds( X),
negate_u( Strict, U, X),
redundant( t_Lu(L,U), X, Strict) :-
strictness_parts( Strict, Sl, Su),
( arith_eval( -L, Bound),
intro_at( X, Bound, t_u(U)),
put_atts( X, strictness(Su)),
negate_l( Strict, L, X) ->
( redundant( t_u(U), X, Strict) -> true ; true )
; put_atts( X, [type(t_L(L)),strictness(Sl)]),
negate_u( Strict, U, X) ->
redundant( t_lU(L,U), X, Strict) :-
strictness_parts( Strict, Sl, Su),
( put_atts( X, [type(t_U(U)),strictness(Su)]),
negate_l( Strict, L, X) ->
( redundant( t_U(U), X, Strict) -> true ; true )
; arith_eval( -U, Bound),
intro_at( X, Bound, t_l(L)),
put_atts( X, strictness(Sl)),
negate_u( Strict, U, X) ->
strictness_parts( Strict, Lower, Upper) :-
Lower is Strict /\ 2'10,
Upper is Strict /\ 2'01.
% encapsulation via \+ (unfolded to avoid metacall)
negate_l( 2'00, L, X) :- { L > X }, !, fail.
negate_l( 2'01, L, X) :- { L > X }, !, fail.
negate_l( 2'10, L, X) :- { L >= X }, !, fail.
negate_l( 2'11, L, X) :- { L >= X }, !, fail.
negate_l( _, _, _).
negate_u( 2'00, U, X) :- { U < X }, !, fail.
negate_u( 2'01, U, X) :- { U =< X }, !, fail.
negate_u( 2'10, U, X) :- { U < X }, !, fail.
negate_u( 2'11, U, X) :- { U =< X }, !, fail.
negate_u( _, _, _).
% profiling