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vsc 38247e38fc cleanup of CLPQR and CHR;
simplification of module handling;
new timestamp implementation

git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
2001-06-06 19:10:51 +00:00

127 lines
2.7 KiB

% clp(q,r) version 1.3.3 %
% %
% (c) Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995 %
% Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) %
% Schottengasse 3 %
% A-1010 Vienna, Austria %
% %
% File: %
% Author: Christian Holzbaur %
:- module( geler_q,
:- use_module( library(atts)).
:- use_module( library(terms)).
:- attribute goals/1, all_nonlin/1.
attribute_goal( X, Goals) :-
get_atts( X, goals(Gs)),
nonexhausted( Gs, Goals, []),
Goals = [_|_].
attribute_goal( X, Conj) :-
get_atts( X, all_nonlin(Goals)),
l2conj( Goals, Conj).
l2conj( [X|Xs], Conj) :-
( Xs = [], Conj = X
; Xs = [_|_], Conj = (X,Xc), l2conj( Xs, Xc)
nonexhausted( run(Mutex,G)) -->
( {
} ->
[ G ]
nonexhausted( (A,B)) -->
nonexhausted( A),
nonexhausted( B).
verify_attributes( X, Y, Later) :-
get_atts( X, goals(Gx)),
( var(Y),
( get_atts( Y, goals(Gy)) ->
Later = [Gx,Gy],
put_atts( Y, -goals(_))
Later = [],
put_atts( Y, goals(Gx))
; nonvar( Y),
Later = [Gx]
verify_attributes( _, _, []).
project_attributes( _, Cvas) :-
collect_nonlin( Cvas, L, []),
sort( L, Ls),
put_atts( _, all_nonlin(Ls)).
% called from
project_nonlin( _, Cvas, Reachable) :-
collect_nonlin( Cvas, L, []),
sort( L, Ls),
term_variables( Ls, Reachable),
put_atts( _, all_nonlin(Ls)).
collect_nonlin( []) --> [].
collect_nonlin( [X|Xs]) -->
( {get_atts( X, goals(Gx))} ->
trans( Gx),
collect_nonlin( Xs)
collect_nonlin( Xs)
trans( (A,B)) -->
trans( A),
trans( B).
trans( run(Mutex,Gs)) -->
( {var(Mutex)} ->
{Mutex = done},
transg( Gs)
transg( (A,B)) --> !,
transg( A),
transg( B).
transg( M:G) --> !,
M:transg( G).
transg( G) --> [ G ].
%vsc: added ! (01/06/06)
run( Mutex, _) :- nonvar(Mutex), !.
run( Mutex, G) :- var(Mutex), Mutex=done, call( G).
:- meta_predicate geler(+,:).
geler( Vars, Goal) :-
attach( Vars, run(_Mutex,Goal)).
attach( [], _).
attach( [V|Vs], Goal) :-
( var(V), get_atts( V, goals(Gv)) ->
put_atts( V, goals((Goal,Gv)))
put_atts( V, goals(Goal))
attach( Vs, Goal).