1540 lines
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1540 lines
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* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
* *
* *
* File: consult.yap *
* Last rev: 8/2/88 *
* mods: *
* comments: Consulting Files in YAP *
* *
:- system_module( '$_consult', [compile/1,
:- use_system_module( '$_absf', ['$full_filename'/3]).
:- use_system_module( '$_boot', ['$clear_reconsulting'/0,
:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
:- use_system_module( '$_load_foreign', ['$import_foreign'/3]).
:- use_system_module( '$_modules', ['$add_to_imports'/3,
:- use_system_module( '$_preds', ['$current_predicate_no_modules'/3]).
\defgroup YAPConsulting Loading files into YAP
@ingroup YAPLoading
We present the main predicates and directives available to load
files and to set-up the Prolog environment. We discuss
+ @ref YAPReadFiles
+ @ref YAPCompilerSettings
@defgroup YAPReadFiles The Predicates that Read Source Files
@ingroup YAPConsulting
@pred load_files(+ _Files_, + _Options_)
General implementation of the consult/1 family. Execution is controlled by the
following flags:
+ consult(+ _Mode_)
This extension controls the type of file to load. If _Mode_ is:
`consult`, clauses are added to the data-base, unless from the same file;
`reconsult`, clauses are recompiled,
`db`, these are facts that need to be added to the data-base,
`exo`, these are facts with atoms and integers that can be stored in a compact representation (see load_exo/1).
+ silent(+ _Bool_)
If true, load the file without printing a message. The specified
value is the default for all files loaded as a result of loading
the specified files.
+ stream(+ _Input_)
This SWI-Prolog extension compiles the data from the stream
_Input_. If this option is used, _Files_ must be a single atom
which is used to identify the source-location of the loaded
clauses as well as remove all clauses if the data is re-consulted.
This option is added to allow compiling from non-file locations
such as databases, the web, the user (see consult/1) or other
+ compilation_mode(+ _Mode_)
This extension controls how procedures are compiled. If _Mode_ is
`compact` clauses are compiled and no source code is stored; if it
is `source` clauses are compiled and source code is stored; if it
is `assert_all` clauses are asserted into the data-base.
+ encoding(+ _Encoding_)
Character encoding used in consulting files. Please (see
[Encoding](@ref Encoding)) for supported encodings.
+ expand(+ _Bool_)
If `true`, run the filenames through expand_file_name/2 and load
the returned files. Default is false, except for consult/1 which
is intended for interactive use.
+ if(+ _Condition_)
Load the file only if the specified _Condition_ is satisfied. The
value `true` the file unconditionally, `changed` loads the file if
it was not loaded before, or has been modified since it was loaded
the last time, `not_loaded` loads the file if it was not loaded
+ imports(+ _ListOrAll_)
If `all` and the file is a module file, import all public
predicates. Otherwise import only the named predicates. Each
predicate is referred to as `\<name\>/\<arity\>`. This option has
no effect if the file is not a module file.
+ must_be_module(+ _Bool_)
If true, raise an error if the file is not a module file. Used by
` use_module/1 and use_module/2.
+ autoload(+ _Autoload_)
SWI-compatible option where if _Autoload_ is `true` undefined
predicates are loaded on first call.
+ derived_from(+ _File_)
SWI-compatible option to control make/0. Currently not supported.
% SWI options
% autoload(true,false)
% derived_from(File) -> make
% encoding(Encoding) => implemented
% expand(true,false)
% if(changed,true,not_loaded) => implemented
% imports(all,List) => implemented
% qcompile(true,false)
% silent(true,false) => implemented
% stream(Stream) => implemented
% consult(consult,reconsult,exo,db) => implemented
% compilation_mode(compact,source,assert_all) => implemented
% register(true, false) => implemented
load_files(Files,Opts) :-
'$lf_option'(autoload, 1, _).
'$lf_option'(derived_from, 2, false).
'$lf_option'(encoding, 3, default).
'$lf_option'(expand, 4, false).
'$lf_option'(if, 5, true).
'$lf_option'(imports, 6, all).
'$lf_option'(qcompile, 7, never).
'$lf_option'(silent, 8, _).
'$lf_option'(skip_unix_header, 9, false).
'$lf_option'(compilation_mode, 10, source).
'$lf_option'(consult, 11, reconsult).
'$lf_option'(stream, 12, _).
'$lf_option'(register, 13, true).
'$lf_option'('$files', 14, _).
'$lf_option'('$call', 15, _).
'$lf_option'('$use_module', 16, _).
'$lf_option'('$consulted_at', 17, _).
'$lf_option'('$options', 18, _).
'$lf_option'('$location', 19, _).
'$lf_option'(dialect, 20, yap).
'$lf_option'(format, 21, source).
'$lf_option'(redefine_module, 22, false).
'$lf_option'(reexport, 23, false).
'$lf_option'(sandboxed, 24, false).
'$lf_option'(scope_settings, 25, false).
'$lf_option'(modified, 26, _).
'$lf_option'('$context_module', 27, _).
'$lf_option'('$parent_topts', 28, _).
'$lf_option'(must_be_module, 29, false).
'$lf_option'(last_opt, 29).
'$lf_opt'( Op, TOpts, Val) :-
'$lf_option'(Op, Id, _),
arg( Id, TOpts, Val ).
'$load_files'(Files, Opts, Call) :-
( '$nb_getval'('$lf_status', OldTOpts, fail), nonvar(OldTOpts) ->
'$lf_opt'(silent, OldTOpts, OldVerbosity),
'$lf_opt'(autoload, OldTOpts, OldAutoload)
true ),
'$lf_option'(last_opt, LastOpt),
functor( TOpts, opt, LastOpt ),
( source_location(ParentF, Line) -> true ; ParentF = user_input, Line = -1 ),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$lf_opt'('$files', TOpts, Files),
'$lf_opt'('$call', TOpts, Call),
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$parent_topts', TOpts, OldTOpts),
'$lf_default_opts'(1, LastOpt, TOpts),
'$lf_opt'('$use_module', TOpts, UseModule),
( '$lf_opt'(silent, TOpts, Verbosity),
var(Verbosity) ->
Verbosity = OldVerbosity
( '$lf_opt'(autoload, TOpts, Autoload),
var(Autoload) ->
Autoload = OldAutoload
% make sure we can run consult
'$lf'(Files, M0, Call, TOpts).
'$check_files'(Files, Call) :-
var(Files), !,
'$do_error'(instantiation_error, Call).
'$check_files'(M:Files, Call) :- !,
'$do_error'(instantiation_error, Call)
'$do_error'(type_error(atom,M), Call)
'$check_files'(Files, Call) :-
( ground(Files)
'$do_error'(instantiation_error, Call)
'$process_lf_opts'(V, _, _, Call) :-
var(V), !,
'$process_lf_opts'([], _, _, _).
'$process_lf_opts'([Opt|Opts],TOpt,Files,Call) :-
Opt =.. [Op, Val],
'$lf_opt'(Op, TOpt, Val),
'$process_lf_opt'(Op, Val,Call), !,
'$process_lf_opts'(Opts, TOpt, Files, Call).
'$process_lf_opts'([Opt|_],_,_,Call) :-
'$process_lf_opt'(autoload, Val, Call) :-
( Val == false -> true ;
Val == true -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,autoload(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(derived_from, File, Call) :-
( atom(File) -> true ; '$do_error'(type_error(atom,File),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(encoding, Encoding, _Call) :-
'$process_lf_opt'(expand, Val, Call) :-
( Val == true -> '$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,expand),Call) ;
Val == false -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,expand(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(if, If, Call) :-
( If == changed -> true ;
If == true -> true ;
If == not_loaded -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,if),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(imports, Val, Call) :-
( Val == all -> true ;
var(Val) -> Val = all ;
is_list(Val) -> ( ground(Val) -> true ; '$do_error'(instantiation_error,Call) ) ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,imports(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(qcompile, Val,Call) :-
( Val == true -> '$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,expand),Call) ;
Val == false -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,expand(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(silent, Val, Call) :-
( Val == false -> true ;
Val == true -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,silent(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(skip_unix_header, Val, Call) :-
( Val == false -> true ;
Val == true -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,skip_unix_header(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(compilation_mode, Val, Call) :-
( Val == source -> true ;
Val == compact -> true ;
Val == assert_all -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,compilation_mode(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(consult, Val , Call) :-
( Val == reconsult -> true ;
Val == consult -> true ;
Val == exo -> true ;
Val == db -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,consult(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(reexport, Val , Call) :-
( Val == true -> true ;
Val == false -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,reexport(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(must_be_module, Val , Call) :-
( Val == true -> true ;
Val == false -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,must_be_module(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(stream, Val, Call) :-
( current_stream(_,_,Val) -> true ;
'$do_error'(type_error(stream,Val),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(register, Val, Call) :-
( Val == false -> true ;
Val == true -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,register(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'('$context_module', Val, Call) :-
( atom(File) -> true ; '$do_error'(type_error(atom,File),Call) ).
'$lf_default_opts'(I, LastOpt, _TOpts) :- I > LastOpt, !.
'$lf_default_opts'(I, LastOpt, TOpts) :-
I1 is I+1,
arg(I, TOpts, A),
( nonvar(A) -> true ;
'$lf_option'(_Name, I, A)
'$lf_default_opts'(I1, LastOpt, TOpts).
'$check_use_module'(use_module(_), use_module(_)) :- !.
'$check_use_module'(use_module(_,_), use_module(_)) :- !.
'$check_use_module'(use_module(M,_,_), use_module(M)) :- !.
'$check_use_module'(_, load_files) :- !.
'$lf'(V,_,Call, _ ) :- var(V), !,
'$lf'([], _, _, _) :- !.
'$lf'(M:X, _, Call, TOpts) :- !,
'$lf'(X, M, Call, TOpts)
'$lf'([F|Fs], Mod, Call, TOpts) :- !,
% clean up after each consult
( '$lf'(F,Mod,Call, TOpts), fail ;
'$lf'(Fs, Mod, Call, TOpts), fail;
'$lf'(user, Mod, _, TOpts) :- !,
b_setval('$source_file', user_input),
'$do_lf'(Mod, user_input, user_input, TOpts).
'$lf'(user_input, Mod, _, TOpts) :- !,
b_setval('$source_file', user_input),
'$do_lf'(Mod, user_input, user_input, TOpts).
'$lf'(File, Mod, Call, TOpts) :-
'$lf_opt'(stream, TOpts, Stream),
b_setval('$source_file', File),
( var(Stream) ->
/* need_to_open_file */
'$full_filename'(File, Y, Call),
open(Y, read, Stream)
), !,
'$lf_opt'(reexport, TOpts, Reexport),
'$lf_opt'(if, TOpts, If),
( var(If) -> If = true ; true ),
'$lf_opt'(imports, TOpts, Imports),
'$start_lf'(If, Mod, Stream, TOpts, File, Reexport, Imports),
'$lf'(X, _, Call, _) :-
'$start_lf'(not_loaded, Mod, Stream, TOpts, UserFile, Reexport,Imports) :-
'$file_loaded'(Stream, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, not_loaded, _File, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, _File ).
'$start_lf'(changed, Mod, Stream, TOpts, UserFile, Reexport, Imports) :-
'$file_unchanged'(Stream, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, changed, _File, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, _File ).
'$start_lf'(_, Mod, Stream, TOpts, File, Reexport, Imports) :-
'$do_lf'(Mod, Stream, File, TOpts).
@pred ensure_loaded(+ _F_) is iso
When the files specified by _F_ are module files,
ensure_loaded/1 loads them if they have note been previously
loaded, otherwise advertises the user about the existing name clashes
and prompts about importing or not those predicates. Predicates which
are not public remain invisible.
When the files are not module files, ensure_loaded/1 loads them
if they have not been loaded before, and naes nothing otherwise.
_F_ must be a list containing the names of the files to load.
ensure_loaded(Fs) :-
'$load_files'(Fs, [if(not_loaded)],ensure_loaded(Fs)).
compile(Fs) :-
'$load_files'(Fs, [], compile(Fs)).
@pred [ _F_ ]
@pred consult(+ _F_)
Adds the clauses written in file _F_ or in the list of files _F_
to the program.
In YAP consult/1 does not remove previous clauses for
the procedures defined in other files than _F_, but since YAP-6.4.3 it will redefine all procedures defined in _F_.
All code in YAP is compiled, and the compileer generates static
procedures by default. In case you need to manipulate the original
code, the expanded version of the original source code is available by
calling source/0 or by enabling the source flag.
% consult(Fs) :-
% '$has_yap_or',
% '$do_error'(context_error(consult(Fs),clause),query).
consult(V) :-
var(V), !,
consult(M0:Fs) :- !,
'$consult'(Fs, M0).
consult(Fs) :-
'$consult'(Fs, M0).
'$consult'(Fs,Module) :-
'$access_yap_flags'(8, 2), % SICStus Prolog compatibility
'$consult'(Fs, Module) :-
@pred [ - _F_ ]
@pred reconsult(+ _F_ )
@pred compile(+ _F_ )
Updates the program by replacing the
previous definitions for the predicates defined in _F_. It differs from consult/1
in that it only multifile/1 predicates are not reset in a reconsult. Instead, consult/1
sees all predicates as multifile.
YAP also offers no difference between consult/1 and compile/1. The two
are implemented by the same exact code.
?- [file1, -file2, -file3, file4].
will consult `file1` `file4` and reconsult `file2` and
`file3`. That is, it could be written as:
?- consult(file1),
reconsult( [file2, file3],
consult( [file4] ).
reconsult(Fs) :-
'$load_files'(Fs, [], reconsult(Fs)).
/* exo_files(+ _Files_)
Load compactly a database of facts with equal structure, see @cite
x. Useful when wanting to read in a very compact way database tables,
it saves space by storing data, not a compiled program. The idea was
introduced in @cite y, but never implemented because often indexing
just takes more room. It was redefined recebtly by exploiting
different forms of indexing, as shown in @cite x.
@note implementation
The function Yap_ExoLookup() is the mai interface betwwen the WAM
and exo components. The algorithms are straightforward, that is,
mostly hash-tables but have close to linear performance..
exo_files(Fs) :-
'$load_files'(Fs, [consult(exo), if(not_loaded)], exo_files(Fs)).
@pred load_db(+ _Files_)
Load a database of ground facts. All facts must take up the same amount of storage, so that
a fact $I$ can be accessed at position _P[I-1]_. This representation thus stores the facts as a huge continuous array, the so-called mega clause.
See \cite for a motivation for this technique. YAP implements this
optimization by default whenever it loads a large number of facts (see
Yap_BuildMegaClause(PredEntry *ap) ) for the details. On the other
hand, loading the data-base will cause fragmentation because
individual facts facts need extra headers ands tails, and because
often new atoms will be stored in the Symbol Table, see
LookupAtom(const char *atom). The main advantage of load_db/1 is
that it allocates the necessary memory only once. Just doing this
may halve total memory usage in large in-memory database-oriented applications.
@note Implementation
YAP implements load_db/1 as a two-step non-optimised process. First,
it counts the nmuber of facts and checks their size. Second, it
allocates and fills the memory. The first step of the algorithm is
implemented by dbload_get_space(), and the second by
db_files/1 itself is just a call to load_files/2.
db_files(Fs) :-
'$load_files'(Fs, [consult(db), if(not_loaded)], exo_files(Fs)).
'$csult'(Fs, M) :-
'$extract_minus'(Fs, MFs), !,
'$csult'(Fs, M) :-
'$extract_minus'([], []).
'$extract_minus'([-F|Fs], [F|MFs]) :-
'$extract_minus'(Fs, MFs).
'$do_lf'(ContextModule, Stream, UserFile, TOpts) :-
'$lf_opt'('$context_module', TOpts, ContextModule),
'$lf_opt'(reexport, TOpts, Reexport),
'$msg_level'( TOpts, Verbosity),
% format( 'I=~w~n', [Verbosity=UserFile] ),
'$lf_opt'(encoding, TOpts, Encoding),
'$set_encoding'(Stream, Encoding),
% export to process
b_setval('$lf_status', TOpts),
% take care with [a:f], a is the ContextModule
'$current_module'(SourceModule, ContextModule),
'$lf_opt'(consult, TOpts, Reconsult0),
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, SourceModule, ParentF, Line, Reconsult, File, Dir, Opts),
working_directory(OldD, Dir),
H0 is heapused, '$cputime'(T0,_),
'$set_current_loop_stream'(OldStream, Stream),
'$swi_current_prolog_flag'(generate_debug_info, GenerateDebug),
'$lf_opt'(compilation_mode, TOpts, CompMode),
'$comp_mode'(OldCompMode, CompMode),
( Reconsult \== consult ->
StartMsg = reconsulting,
EndMsg = reconsulted
( File \= user_input, File \= [] -> '$remove_multifile_clauses'(File) ; true ),
StartMsg = consulting,
EndMsg = consulted
print_message(Verbosity, loading(StartMsg, File)),
'$lf_opt'(skip_unix_header , TOpts, SkipUnixHeader),
( SkipUnixHeader == true->
H is heapused-H0, '$cputime'(TF,_), T is TF-T0,
'$current_module'(Mod, SourceModule),
print_message(Verbosity, loaded(EndMsg, File, Mod, T, H)),
Reconsult = reconsult ->
'$set_current_loop_stream'(Stream, OldStream),
'$swi_set_prolog_flag'(generate_debug_info, GenerateDebug),
'$comp_mode'(_CompMode, OldCompMode),
% surely, we were in run mode or we would not have included the file!
% back to include mode!
'$lf_opt'('$use_module', TOpts, UseModule),
'$bind_module'(Mod, UseModule),
'$lf_opt'(imports, TOpts, Imports),
'$import_to_current_module'(File, ContextModule, Imports, _, TOpts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, File ),
( LC == 0 -> prompt(_,' |: ') ; true),
% format( 'O=~w~n', [Mod=UserFile] ),
% are we in autoload and autoload_flag is false?
'$msg_level'( TOpts, Verbosity) :-
'$lf_opt'(autoload, TOpts, AutoLoad),
AutoLoad == true,
'$swi_current_prolog_flag'(verbose_autoload, false), !,
Verbosity = silent.
'$msg_level'( _TOpts, Verbosity) :-
'$swi_current_prolog_flag'(verbose_load, false), !,
Verbosity = silent.
'$msg_level'( _TOpts, Verbosity) :-
'$swi_current_prolog_flag'(verbose, silent), !,
Verbosity = silent.
'$msg_level'( TOpts, Verbosity) :-
'$lf_opt'(silent, TOpts, Silent),
Silent == true, !,
Verbosity = silent.
'$msg_level'( _TOpts, informational).
'$reset_if'(OldIfLevel) :-
'$nb_getval'('$if_level', OldIfLevel, fail), !,
'$reset_if'(0) :-
'$get_if'(Level0) :-
'$nb_getval'('$if_level', Level, fail), !,
Level0 = Level.
'$bind_module'(_, load_files).
'$bind_module'(Mod, use_module(Mod)).
'$import_to_current_module'(File, ContextModule, Imports, RemainingImports, TOpts) :-
\+ recorded('$module','$module'(File, _Module, _, |