493 lines
13 KiB
493 lines
13 KiB
/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog SGML/XML parser
Author: Jan Wielemaker
E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl
WWW: http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/SWI-Prolog/
Copying: LGPL-2. See the file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org
Copyright (C) 1990-2002 SWI, University of Amsterdam. All rights reserved.
:- module(rdf_diagram,
[ rdf_diagram_from_file/1 % +File
:- use_module(library(pce)).
:- use_module(library(pce_tagged_connection)).
:- use_module(library(autowin)).
:- use_module(library(pce_report)).
:- use_module(library(print_graphics)).
:- use_module(library(rdf_parser)). % get access to declared namespaces
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This file defines the class rdf_diagram, a window capable of showing a
set of triples.
The predicate rdf_diagram_from_file(+File) is a simple demo and useful
tool to show RDF from simple RDF files.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
% rdf_diagram_from_file(+File)
% Show the triples from File in a window.
rdf_diagram_from_file(File) :-
[ access(read),
], AbsFile),
load_rdf(AbsFile, Triples,
[ expand_foreach(true)
new(D, rdf_diagram(string('RDF diagram for %s', File))),
send(new(report_dialog), below, D),
send(D, triples, Triples),
send(D, open).
:- pce_begin_class(rdf_diagram, auto_sized_picture,
"Show set of RDF triples in a window").
:- use_class_template(print_graphics).
variable(auto_layout, bool := @on, both, "Automatically layout on resize").
variable(type_in_node, bool := @on, both, "Display type inside node").
initialise(D, Label:[name]) :->
send_super(D, initialise, Label),
send(D, scrollbars, both),
send(D, fill_popup),
send(D, resize_message,
if(and(D?auto_layout == @on,
D?focus_recogniser == @nil),
message(D, layout))).
fill_popup(D) :->
send(D, popup, new(P, popup)),
send_list(P, append,
[ menu_item(layout, message(D, layout)),
menu_item(print, message(D, print))
:- pce_group(triples).
append(D, Triple:prolog) :->
"Append and rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object) triple"::
( subject_name(Triple, SubjectName),
get(D, resource, SubjectName, Subject),
( get(D, type_in_node, @on),
-> object_resource(Triple, ObjectName),
send(Subject, type, ObjectName)
; predicate_name(Triple, PredName),
( object_resource(Triple, ObjectName)
-> get(D, resource, ObjectName, Object)
; object_literal(Triple, Literal)
-> get(D, literal, Literal, Object)
send(Subject, connect, PredName, Object)
-> true
; term_to_atom(Triple, Atom),
ignore(send(D, report, error,
'Failed to display triple: %s', Atom))
triples(D, Triples:prolog) :->
"Show disgram from Prolog triples"::
send(D, clear),
forall(member(T, Triples),
send(D, append, T)),
send(D, layout).
resource(D, Resource:name) :->
"Add Resource to diagram"::
get(D, resource, Resource, @on, _).
resource(D, Resource:name, Create:[bool], Subject:rdf_resource) :<-
"Get reference for a subject or create one"::
( get(D, member, Resource, Subject)
-> true
; Create \== @off,
get(D, create_resource, Resource, Subject),
send(D, display, Subject, D?visible?center)
literal(D, Value:prolog, Gr:rdf_literal) :<-
"Display a literal. Don't try to re-use"::
( literal_name(Value, Name),
get(D, member, Name, Gr)
-> true
; get(D, create_literal, Value, Gr),
send(D, display, Gr, D?visible?center)
create_resource(D, Resource:name, Subject:rdf_resource) :<-
"Create visualisation of Resource"::
new(Subject, rdf_resource(Resource, D)).
create_literal(_D, Value:prolog, Gr:rdf_literal) :<-
"Create visualisation of literal"::
new(Gr, rdf_literal(Value)).
node_label(_D, Resource:name, Label:name) :<-
"Generate label to show for a node"::
local_name(Resource, Label).
:- pce_group(layout).
layout(D) :->
"Produce automatic layout"::
new(Nodes, chain),
send(D?graphicals, for_all,
if(message(@arg1, instance_of, rdf_any),
message(Nodes, append, @arg1))),
send(Nodes?head, layout, 2, 40,
iterations := 200,
area := D?visible,
network := Nodes).
copy_layout(D, From:rdf_diagram, Subst:prolog) :->
"Copy the layout from another windows"::
send(D?graphicals, for_some,
message(D, copy_location, @arg1, From, prolog(Subst))).
copy_location(_D, Obj:graphical, From:rdf_diagram, Subst:prolog) :->
"Copy location of a single RDF object"::
( send(Obj, instance_of, rdf_any)
-> ( get(Obj, name, Name),
find(From, Name, Subst, FromObj)
-> format('Copied location of ~p from ~p~n', [Obj, FromObj]),
get(FromObj, center, Center),
send(Obj, center, Center)
; true
find(D, Name, _Subst, Obj) :-
get(D, member, Name, Obj).
find(D, Name, Subst, Obj) :-
member(Name=AltName, Subst),
atom_concat('_:', AltName, FullAltName),
get(D, member, FullAltName, Obj).
find(D, Name, Subst, _) :-
format('Cannot find ~w in ~p, Subst =~n', [Name, D]),
:- pce_end_class(rdf_diagram).
:- pce_begin_class(rdf_connection, tagged_connection,
"Represents a triple").
:- pce_global(@rdf_link, new(link(link, link,
initialise(C, Gr1:graphical, Gr2:graphical, Pred:name, Ctx:[object]) :->
"Create from predicate"::
send_super(C, initialise, Gr1, Gr2, @rdf_link),
send(C, tag, rdf_label(Pred, italic, Ctx)).
ideal_length(C, Len:int) :<-
"Layout: compute the desired length"::
get(C, height, H),
( H < 40
-> get(C, tag, Tag),
get(Tag, width, W),
Len is W + 30
; Len = 40
:- pce_end_class(rdf_connection).
:- pce_begin_class(rdf_any(name), figure,
"Represent an RDF resource or literal").
handle(w/2, 0, link, north).
handle(w, h/2, link, east).
handle(w/2, h, link, south).
handle(0, h/2, link, west).
initialise(F, Ref:name) :->
"Create visualisation"::
send_super(F, initialise),
send(F, name, Ref).
connect(F, Pred:name, Object:graphical) :->
new(_C, rdf_connection(F, Object, Pred, F)).
:- pce_global(@rdf_any_recogniser,
:- pce_global(@rdf_any_popup,
make_rdf_any_recogniser(G) :-
new(M1, move_gesture(left)),
new(M2, move_network_gesture(left, c)),
new(P, popup_gesture(@receiver?popup)),
new(G, handler_group(M1, M2, P)).
popup(_F, Popup:popup) :<-
"Create popup menu"::
Popup = @rdf_any_popup.
make_rdf_any_popup(Popup) :-
new(Popup, popup),
Gr = @arg1,
send(Popup, append,
menu_item(layout, message(Gr, layout))).
event(F, Ev:event) :->
( \+ send(Ev, is_a, ms_right_down),
send_super(F, event, Ev)
-> true
; send(@rdf_any_recogniser, event, Ev)
node_label(F, Resource:name, Label:name) :<-
"Return label to use for a resource"::
get(F, device, Dev),
( send(Dev, has_get_method, node_label)
-> get(Dev, node_label, Resource, Label)
; local_name(Resource, Label)
:- pce_end_class(rdf_any).
:- pce_begin_class(move_network_gesture, move_gesture,
"Move network of connected graphicals").
variable(outline, box, get,
"Box used to indicate move").
variable(network, chain*, both,
"Stored value of the network").
variable(origin, point, get,
"Start origin of network").
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The gesture maintains an outline, the selection to be moved and the
positon where the move orginiated. The outline itself is given a
normal move_gesture to make it move on dragging. This move_gesture
should operate on the same button and modifier.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
initialise(G, B:[button_name], M:[modifier]) :->
send(G, send_super, initialise, B, M),
send(G, slot, outline, new(Box, box(0,0))),
send(G, slot, origin, point(0,0)),
send(Box, texture, dotted),
send(Box, recogniser, move_gesture(G?button, G?modifier)).
initiate(G, Ev:event) :->
get(Ev, receiver, Gr),
get(Gr, device, Dev),
get(G, outline, Outline),
get(Gr, network, Network),
send(G, network, Network),
new(Union, area(0,0,0,0)),
send(Network, for_all, message(Union, union, @arg1?area)),
send(G?origin, copy, Union?position),
send(Outline, area, Union),
send(Union, done),
send(Dev, display, Outline),
ignore(send(Ev, post, Outline)).
drag(G, Ev) :->
send(Ev, post, G?outline).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Terminate. First undisplay the outline. Next calculate by how much
the outline has been dragged and move all objects of the selection by
this amount.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
terminate(G, Ev:event) :->
ignore(send(G, drag, Ev)),
get(G, outline, Outline),
send(Outline, device, @nil),
get(Outline?area?position, difference, G?origin, Offset),
get(G, network, Network),
send(Network, for_all, message(@arg1, relative_move, Offset)),
send(G, network, @nil).
:- pce_end_class(move_network_gesture).
:- pce_begin_class(rdf_label, text,
"Label for an RDF relation").
variable(resource, name, get, "Represented predicate").
initialise(L, Pred:name, Font:font, Context:[object]) :->
( Context == @default
-> local_name(Pred, Label)
; get(Context, node_label, Pred, Label)
send_super(L, initialise, Label, center, Font),
send(L, slot, resource, Pred),
send(L, background, @default).
:- pce_global(@rdf_label_recogniser,
make_rdf_label_recogniser(G) :-
new(G, handler_group),
send(G, append,
handler(area_enter, message(@receiver, identify))),
send(G, append,
handler(area_exit, message(@receiver, report, status, ''))),
send(G, append, popup_gesture(new(P, popup))),
send_list(P, append,
[ menu_item(copy,
message(@display, copy, @arg1?resource))
event(F, Ev:event) :->
( send_super(F, event, Ev)
-> true
; send(@rdf_label_recogniser, event, Ev)
identify(L) :->
send(L, report, status, '%s', L?resource).
:- pce_end_class.
:- pce_begin_class(rdf_resource, rdf_any,
"Represent an RDF resource").
initialise(F, Ref:name, Ctx:[object]) :->
"Create visualisation"::
send_super(F, initialise, Ref),
send(F, display, ellipse(100, 50), point(-50,-25)),
send(F, display, new(T, rdf_label(Ref, normal, Ctx))),
send(T, center, point(0,0)).
type(F, Type:name) :->
send(F, display, new(TL, rdf_label(Type, small, F))),
send(TL, center, point(0,14)),
get(F, member, ellipse, E),
send(E, shadow, 2).
identify(F) :->
send(F, report, status, 'Resource %s', F?name).
:- pce_end_class(rdf_resource).
:- pce_begin_class(rdf_literal, rdf_any,
"Represent an RDF literal value").
variable(value, prolog, get, "Represented literal value").
initialise(F, Value:prolog) :->
"Create visualisation"::
send(F, slot, value, Value),
literal_label(Value, Label),
atom_concat('__lit:', Label, Id),
send_super(F, initialise, Id),
send(F, display, new(B, box)),
send(B, fill_pattern, colour(grey80)),
send(B, pen, 0),
send(F, display, new(T, text(Label, center))),
send(T, center, point(0,0)),
send(F, fit).
literal_label(literal(Value0), Value) :- !,
literal_label(Value0, Value).
literal_label(xml(Value0), Value) :- !,
literal_label(Value0, Value).
literal_label(Value, Value) :-
atomic(Value), !.
literal_label(Value, Label) :-
term_to_atom(Value, Label).
literal_name(Value, Name) :-
literal_label(Value, Label),
atom_concat('__lit:', Label, Name).
fit(F) :->
"Make box fit contents"::
get(F, member, text, Text),
get(Text?area, clone, Area),
send(Area, increase, 3),
get(F, member, box, Box),
send(Box, area, Area).
:- pce_end_class(rdf_literal).
subject_name(rdf(Name0, _, _), Name) :-
resource_name(Name0, Name).
predicate_name(rdf(_, Name0, _), Name) :-
resource_name(Name0, Name).
object_resource(rdf(_, _, Name0), Name) :-
resource_name(Name0, Name).
object_literal(rdf(_,_,Literal), Literal).
resource_name(Name, Name) :-
atom(Name), !.
resource_name(rdf:Local, Name) :- !, % known namespaces
concat_atom([rdf, :, Local], Name).
resource_name(NS:Local, Name) :- !,
atom_concat(NS, Local, Name).
resource_name(node(Anon), Name) :- % Not for predicates
atom_concat('_:', Anon, Name).
is_type(rdf(_, rdf:type, _)) :- !. % our parser
is_type(rdf(_, Pred, _)) :- % our parser
atom_concat(NS, type, Pred), !.
% local_name(+Resource, -Label)
% Return easy readable local name
local_name(Resource, Local) :-
sub_atom(Resource, _, _, A, #),
sub_atom(Resource, _, A, 0, Local),
\+ sub_atom(Local, _, _, _, #), !.
local_name(Resource, Local) :-
atom_concat('rdf:', Local, Resource), !.
local_name(Resource, Local) :-
file_base_name(Resource, Local),
Local \== ''.
local_name(Resource, Resource).