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* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-2014 *
* *
* *
* File: boot.yap *
* Last rev: 8/2/88 *
* mods: *
* commen ts: boot file for Prolog *
* *
@file boot.yap
@brief YAP bootstrap
@addtogroup TopLevel Top-Level and Boot Predicates
@ingroup builtins
system_module(_Mod, _SysExps, _Decls).
% new_system_module(Mod).
use_system_module(_Module, _SysExps).
% boootstrap predicates.
:- system_module( '$_boot', [
true/0], ['$$compile'/4,
:- use_system_module( '$_absf', ['$system_library_directories'/2]).
:- use_system_module( '$_checker', ['$check_term'/5,
:- use_system_module( '$_consult', ['$csult'/2]).
:- use_system_module( '$_control', ['$run_atom_goal'/1]).
:- use_system_module( '$_directives', ['$all_directives'/1,
:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
:- use_system_module( '$_grammar', ['$translate_rule'/2]).
:- use_system_module( '$_modules', ['$get_undefined_pred'/4,
:- use_system_module( '$_preddecls', ['$dynamic'/2]).
:- use_system_module( '$_preds', ['$assert_static'/5,
:- use_system_module( '$_qly', ['$init_state'/0]).
:- use_system_module( '$_strict_iso', ['$check_iso_strict_clause'/1,
% be careful here not to generate an undefined exception..
print_message(L,E) :-
'$number_of_clauses'(print_message(L,E), prolog_complete, 1),
(L = informational
format( user_error, '~w in bootstrap: got ~w~n',[L,E])
'$undefp0'([M|G], _Action) :-
stream_property( loop_stream, [file_name(F), line_number(L)]),
format(user_error,'~a:~d error undefined:',[F,L]),
format(user_error,' call to ~w~n',[M:G]),
:- '$undefp_handler'('$undefp0'(_,_),prolog).
* @pred $system_meta_predicates'( +L )
* @param L declare a set of system meta-predicates
* @return system predicates
'$system_meta_predicates'([P|L]) :-
'$new_meta_pred'(P, prolog),
G = ('$meta_predicate'(N,_M2,A,P) :- true),
'$compile'(G, assertz, G, prolog, _R),
:- '$mk_dynamic'( '$meta_predicate'(_N,_M,_A,_P), prolog).
:- '$new_multifile'( '$meta_predicate'(_N,_M,_A,_P), prolog).
:- '$new_multifile'('$full_clause_optimisation'(_H, _M, _B0, _BF), prolog).
:- '$new_multifile'('$exec_directive'(_,_,_,_,_), prolog).
:- system_module( '$_init', [!/0,
'$do_static_clause'/5], [
:- use_system_module( '$_boot', ['$cut_by'/1]).
%:- start_low_level_trace.
% This is the YAP init file
% should be consulted first step after booting
:- yap_flag(prolog:unknown, error).
:- c_compile('top.yap').
% These are pseudo declarations
% so that the user will get a redefining system predicate
% just create a choice-point
% the 6th argument marks the time-stamp.
'$do_log_upd_clause'(A,B,C,D,E,_) :-
'$do_log_upd_clause_erase'(A,B,C,D,E,_) :-
'$do_log_upd_clause0'(A,B,C,D,_,_) :-
'$do_static_clause'(A,B,C,D,E) :-
:- c_compile('directives.yap').
:- c_compile('init.yap').
'$command'(C,VL,Pos,Con) :-
current_prolog_flag(strict_iso, true), !, /* strict_iso on */
'$yap_strip_module'(C, EM, EG),
'$command'(C,VL,Pos,Con) :-
( (Con = top ; var(C) ; C = [_|_]) ->
'$yap_strip_module'(C, EM, EG),
'$execute_command'(EG,EM,VL,Pos,Con,C) ;
% do term expansion
'$expand_term'(C, Con, EC),
'$yap_strip_module'(EC, EM2, EG2),
% execute a list of commands
% succeed only if the *original* was at end of file.
C == end_of_file.
:- c_compile('arith.yap').
%:- stop_low_level_trace.
:- compile_expressions.
:- c_compile('imports.yap').
:- c_compile('bootutils.yap').
:- c_compile('bootlists.yap').
:- c_compile('consult.yap').
:- c_compile('preddecls.yap').
:- c_compile('meta.yap').
:- c_compile('metadecls.yap').
:- c_compile('preddyns.yap').
:- c_compile('builtins.yap').
:- c_compile('newmod.yap').
:- c_compile('atoms.yap').
:- c_compile('os.yap').
:- c_compile('errors.yap').
% @pred initialize_prolog
% User-interface to Prolog bootstrap routine.
initialize_prolog :-
:- set_prolog_flag(verbose, silent).
%:- set_prolog_flag(verbose_file_search, true ).
%:- yap_flag(write_strings,on).
:- c_compile( 'preds.yap' ).
:- c_compile( 'modules.yap' ).
:- c_compile( 'grammar.yap' ).
:- c_compile( 'protect.yap' ).
:- ['absf.yap'].
:- use_module('error.yap').
:- [
:- [
% lists is often used.
% modules must be after preds, otherwise we will have trouble
% with meta-predicate expansion being invoked
% must follow grammar
% 'save.yap',
%:- start_low_level_trace.
:- meta_predicate(log_event(+,:)).
:- dynamic prolog:'$user_defined_flag'/4.
:- multifile prolog:debug_action_hook/1.
:- multifile prolog:'$system_predicate'/2.
:- '$opdec'(1150,fx,(mode),prolog).
:- dynamic 'extensions_to_present_answer'/1.
:- ['arrays.yap'].
:- multifile user:portray_message/2.
:- dynamic user:portray_message/2.
/** @pred prolog:goal_expansion( :G,+ M,- NG)
@pred user:goalexpansion(+ G,+ M,- NG)
The goal_expansion/3 hook is an user-defined
procedure that is called after term expansion when compiling or
asserting goals for each sub-goal in a clause. The first argument is
bound to the goal and the second to the module under which the goal
_G_ will execute. If goal_expansion/3 succeeds the new
sub-goal _NG_ will replace _G_ and will be processed in the same
way. If goal_expansion/3 fails the system will use the default
expandion mechanism.
This hook is called:
- at compilation time;
- when running a query in the top-level
Older versions of YAP would call this procedure at every meta-call.
:- multifile user:goal_expansion/3.
:- dynamic user:goal_expansion/3.
:- multifile user:goal_expansion/2.
:- dynamic user:goal_expansion/2.
:- multifile system:goal_expansion/2.
:- dynamic system:goal_expansion/2.
:- multifile goal_expansion/2.
:- dynamic goal_expansion/2.
:- use_module('messages.yap').
:- ['undefined.yap'].
:- use_module('hacks.yap').
:- use_module('attributes.yap').
:- use_module('corout.yap').
:- use_module('dialect.yap').
:- use_module('dbload.yap').
:- use_module('ypp.yap').
:- use_module('../os/chartypes.yap').
:- ensure_loaded('../os/edio.yap').
yap_hacks:cut_by(CP) :- '$$cut_by'(CP).
:- '$change_type_of_char'(36,7). % Make $ a symbol character
:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info,true).
% cleanup ensure loaded and recover some data-base space.
%:- ( recorded('$lf_loaded',_,R), erase(R), fail ; true ).
%:- ( recorded('$module',_,R), erase(R), fail ; true ).
:- set_value('$user_module',user), '$protect'.
:- style_check([+discontiguous,+multiple,+single_var]).
% moved this to init_gc in sgc.c to separate the alpha
% :- yap_flag(gc,on).
% :- yap_flag(gc_trace,verbose`
:- multifile
:- source.
:- module(user).
/** @pred term_expansion( _T_,- _X_)
user:term_expansion( _T_,- _X_)
This user-defined predicate is called by `expand_term/3` to
preprocess all terms read when consulting a file. If it succeeds:
If _X_ is of the form `:- G` or `?- G`, it is processed as
a directive.
If _X_ is of the form `$source_location`( _File_, _Line_): _Clause_` it is processed as if from `File` and line `Line`.
If _X_ is a list, all terms of the list are asserted or processed
as directives.
+ The term _X_ is asserted instead of _T_.
:- multifile term_expansion/2.
:- dynamic term_expansion/2.
:- multifile system:term_expansion/2.
:- dynamic system:term_expansion/2.
:- multifile system:swi_predicate_table/4.
/** @pred user:message_hook(+ _Term_, + _Kind_, + _Lines_)
Hook predicate that may be define in the module `user` to intercept
messages from print_message/2. _Term_ and _Kind_ are the
same as passed to print_message/2. _Lines_ is a list of
format statements as described with print_message_lines/3.
This predicate should be defined dynamic and multifile to allow other
modules defining clauses for it too.
:- multifile user:message_hook/3.
:- dynamic user:message_hook/3.
/** @pred exception(+ _Exception_, + _Context_, - _Action_)
Dynamic predicate, normally not defined. Called by the Prolog system on run-time exceptions that can be repaired `just-in-time`. The values for _Exception_ are described below. See also catch/3 and throw/1.
If this hook preodicate succeeds it must instantiate the _Action_ argument to the atom `fail` to make the operation fail silently, `retry` to tell Prolog to retry the operation or `error` to make the system generate an exception. The action `retry` only makes sense if this hook modified the environment such that the operation can now succeed without error.
+ `undefined_predicate`
_Context_ is instantiated to a predicate-indicator ( _Module:Name/Arity_). If the predicate fails Prolog will generate an existence_error exception. The hook is intended to implement alternatives to the SWI built-in autoloader, such as autoloading code from a database. Do not use this hook to suppress existence errors on predicates. See also `unknown`.
+ `undefined_global_variable`
_Context_ is instantiated to the name of the missing global variable. The hook must call nb_setval/2 or b_setval/2 before returning with the action retry.
:- multifile user:exception/3.
:- dynamic user:exception/3.
:- ensure_loaded('../pl/pathconf.yap').
:- current_prolog_fkag(android,true), ensure_loaded('../pl/android.yap').
:- set_prolog_flag(unknown,error).
%% @}