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Ricardo Rocha 16c1056a01 tabling support for the common global trie is now available by default
(macro GLOBAL_TRIE was removed). Use 'yap_flag(tabling_mode,MODE)' to
set the storing mode for all tabled predicates to MODE ('local_trie' or
'global_trie). Alternatively, use 'tabling_mode(PRED,MODE)' to set the
default tabling mode of predicate PRED to MODE ('local_trie' or
'global_trie'). The default mode for all tabled predicates is 'local_trie'.
2010-04-23 04:22:10 +01:00

231 lines
9.0 KiB

%% %%
%% The YapTab/YapOr/OPTYap systems %%
%% %%
%% YapTab extends the Yap Prolog engine to support sequential tabling %%
%% YapOr extends the Yap Prolog engine to support or-parallelism %%
%% OPTYap extends the Yap Prolog engine to support or-parallel tabling %%
%% %%
%% %%
%% Yap Prolog was developed at University of Porto, Portugal %%
%% %%
:- meta_predicate
%% or_statistics/2 %%
%% should match with code in OPTYap/opt.preds.c
or_statistics(total_memory,[BytesInUse,BytesAllocated]) :-
or_statistics(or_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
or_statistics(query_goal_solution_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
or_statistics(query_goal_answer_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
%% opt_statistics/2 %%
%% should match with code in OPTYap/opt.preds.c
opt_statistics(total_memory,[BytesInUse,BytesAllocated]) :-
opt_statistics(table_entries,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(subgoal_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(dependency_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(or_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(suspension_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(subgoal_trie_nodes,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(answer_trie_nodes,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(subgoal_trie_hashes,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(answer_trie_hashes,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(global_trie_nodes,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(global_trie_hashes,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(query_goal_solution_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(query_goal_answer_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(table_subgoal_solution_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
opt_statistics(table_subgoal_answer_frames,[BytesInUse,StructsInUse]) :-
%% default_sequential/1 %%
default_sequential(X) :-
'$c_default_sequential'(X), !.
%% $parallel_query/2 %%
'$parallel_query'(G,[]) :- !,
'$execute'(G), !,
'$parallel_query'(G,V) :-
%% $sequential/0 %%
'$sequential' :-
%% $parallel/0 %%
'$parallel' :-
%% $sequential_directive/2 %%
'$sequential_directive'(Pred,Mod) :-
var(Pred), !,
'$sequential_directive'(Mod:Pred,_) :- !,
'$sequential_directive'((Pred1,Pred2),Mod) :- !,
'$sequential_directive'(PredName/PredArity,Mod) :-
atom(PredName), integer(PredArity),
functor(PredFunctor,PredName,PredArity), !,
Flags /\ 0x1991F880 =:= 0, !,
Flags /\ 0x00000020 =\= 0, !,
write(user_error, '[ Warning: '),
write(user_error, Mod:PredName/PredArity),
write(user_error, ' is already declared as sequential ]'),
NewFlags is Flags \/ 0x00000020,
write(user_error, '[ Error: '),
write(user_error, Mod:PredName/PredArity),
write(user_error, ' cannot be declared as sequential ]'),
'$sequential_directive'(Pred,Mod) :-
%% $parallel_directive/2 %%
'$parallel_directive'(Pred,Mod) :-
var(Pred), !,
'$parallel_directive'((Pred1,Pred2),Mod) :- !,
'$parallel_directive'(Mod:Pred,_) :- !,
'$parallel_directive'(PredName/PredArity,Mod) :-
atom(PredName), integer(PredArity),
functor(PredFunctor,PredName,PredArity), !,
Flags /\ 0x1991F880 =:= 0, !,
Flags /\ 0x00000020 =:= 0, !,
write(user_error, '[ Warning: '),
write(user_error, Mod:PredName/PredArity),
write(user_error, ' is already declared as parallel ]'),
NewFlags is Flags /\ 0xffffffdf,
write(user_error, '[ Error: '),
write(user_error, Mod:PredName/PredArity),
write(user_error, ' cannot be declared as parallel ]'),
'$parallel_directive'(Pred,Mod) :-
%% $parallelizable/1 %%
'$parallelizable'(_) :-
nb_getval('$consulting_file',S), S\=[], !, fail.
'$parallelizable'((G1,G2)) :- !,
'$parallelizable'((G1;G2)) :- !,
'$parallelizable'((G1|G2)) :- !,
'$parallelizable'((G1->G2)) :- !,
'$parallelizable'([]) :- !, fail.
'$parallelizable'([_|_]) :- !, fail.
'$parallelizable'(consult(_)) :- !, fail.
'$parallelizable'(reconsult(_)) :- !, fail.
'$parallelizable'(compile(_)) :- !, fail.
'$parallelizable'(use_module(_)) :- !, fail.