All capitals case should be reserved for macros and besides there is no big need to emphasize constness in general.
249 lines
6.2 KiB
249 lines
6.2 KiB
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
#include "ConstraintTree.h"
#include "ProbFormula.h"
#include "LiftedUtils.h"
namespace Horus {
class ParfactorList;
enum LogVarType {
typedef long LiteralId;
typedef std::vector<LogVarType> LogVarTypes;
class Literal {
Literal (LiteralId lid, const LogVars& lvs)
: lid_(lid), logVars_(lvs), negated_(false) { }
Literal (const Literal& lit, bool negated)
: lid_(lit.lid_), logVars_(lit.logVars_), negated_(negated) { }
LiteralId lid (void) const { return lid_; }
LogVars logVars (void) const { return logVars_; }
size_t nrLogVars (void) const { return logVars_.size(); }
LogVarSet logVarSet (void) const { return LogVarSet (logVars_); }
void complement (void) { negated_ = !negated_; }
bool isPositive (void) const { return negated_ == false; }
bool isNegative (void) const { return negated_; }
bool isGround (ConstraintTree constr, const LogVarSet& ipgLogVars) const;
size_t indexOfLogVar (LogVar X) const;
std::string toString (
LogVarSet ipgLogVars = LogVarSet(),
LogVarSet posCountedLvs = LogVarSet(),
LogVarSet negCountedLvs = LogVarSet()) const;
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const Literal&);
LiteralId lid_;
LogVars logVars_;
bool negated_;
typedef std::vector<Literal> Literals;
class Clause {
Clause (const ConstraintTree& ct = ConstraintTree({})) : constr_(ct) { }
Clause (std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> names) :
constr_(ConstraintTree (names)) { }
void addLiteral (const Literal& l) { literals_.push_back (l); }
const Literals& literals (void) const { return literals_; }
Literals& literals (void) { return literals_; }
size_t nrLiterals (void) const { return literals_.size(); }
const ConstraintTree& constr (void) const { return constr_; }
ConstraintTree constr (void) { return constr_; }
bool isUnit (void) const { return literals_.size() == 1; }
LogVarSet ipgLogVars (void) const { return ipgLvs_; }
void addIpgLogVar (LogVar X) { ipgLvs_.insert (X); }
void addPosCountedLogVar (LogVar X) { posCountedLvs_.insert (X); }
void addNegCountedLogVar (LogVar X) { negCountedLvs_.insert (X); }
LogVarSet posCountedLogVars (void) const { return posCountedLvs_; }
LogVarSet negCountedLogVars (void) const { return negCountedLvs_; }
unsigned nrPosCountedLogVars (void) const { return posCountedLvs_.size(); }
unsigned nrNegCountedLogVars (void) const { return negCountedLvs_.size(); }
void addLiteralComplemented (const Literal& lit);
bool containsLiteral (LiteralId lid) const;
bool containsPositiveLiteral (LiteralId lid, const LogVarTypes&) const;
bool containsNegativeLiteral (LiteralId lid, const LogVarTypes&) const;
void removeLiterals (LiteralId lid);
void removePositiveLiterals (LiteralId lid, const LogVarTypes&);
void removeNegativeLiterals (LiteralId lid, const LogVarTypes&);
bool isCountedLogVar (LogVar X) const;
bool isPositiveCountedLogVar (LogVar X) const;
bool isNegativeCountedLogVar (LogVar X) const;
bool isIpgLogVar (LogVar X) const;
TinySet<LiteralId> lidSet (void) const;
LogVarSet ipgCandidates (void) const;
LogVarTypes logVarTypes (size_t litIdx) const;
void removeLiteral (size_t litIdx);
static bool independentClauses (Clause& c1, Clause& c2);
static std::vector<Clause*> copyClauses (
const std::vector<Clause*>& clauses);
static void printClauses (const std::vector<Clause*>& clauses);
static void deleteClauses (std::vector<Clause*>& clauses);
LogVarSet getLogVarSetExcluding (size_t idx) const;
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const Clause&);
Literals literals_;
LogVarSet ipgLvs_;
LogVarSet posCountedLvs_;
LogVarSet negCountedLvs_;
ConstraintTree constr_;
typedef std::vector<Clause*> Clauses;
class LitLvTypes {
LitLvTypes (LiteralId lid, const LogVarTypes& lvTypes) :
lid_(lid), lvTypes_(lvTypes) { }
LiteralId lid (void) const { return lid_; }
const LogVarTypes& logVarTypes (void) const { return lvTypes_; }
void setAllFullLogVars (void);
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const LitLvTypes&);
LiteralId lid_;
LogVarTypes lvTypes_;
struct CmpLitLvTypes
bool operator() (
const LitLvTypes& types1,
const LitLvTypes& types2) const
if (types1.lid() < types2.lid()) {
return true;
if (types1.lid() == types2.lid()){
return types1.logVarTypes() < types2.logVarTypes();
return false;
typedef TinySet<LitLvTypes, CmpLitLvTypes> LitLvTypesSet;
class LiftedWCNF {
LiftedWCNF (const ParfactorList& pfList);
~LiftedWCNF (void);
const Clauses& clauses (void) const { return clauses_; }
void addWeight (LiteralId lid, double posW, double negW);
double posWeight (LiteralId lid) const;
double negWeight (LiteralId lid) const;
std::vector<LiteralId> prvGroupLiterals (PrvGroup prvGroup);
Clause* createClause (LiteralId lid) const;
void printFormulaIndicators (void) const;
void printWeights (void) const;
void printClauses (void) const;
LiteralId getLiteralId (PrvGroup prvGroup, unsigned range);
void addIndicatorClauses (const ParfactorList& pfList);
void addParameterClauses (const ParfactorList& pfList);
Clauses clauses_;
LiteralId freeLiteralId_;
const ParfactorList& pfList_;
std::unordered_map<PrvGroup, std::vector<LiteralId>> map_;
std::unordered_map<LiteralId, std::pair<double,double>> weights_;
} // namespace Horus