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2010-05-06 12:19:51 +01:00

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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2007, University of Amsterdam
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <SWI-Stream.h> /* encoding */
#include <SWI-Prolog.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "error.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include "xml_unicode.h"
#include "dtd.h"
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
#define inline __inline
static atom_t ATOM_iso_latin_1;
static atom_t ATOM_utf8;
static atom_t ATOM_unicode;
static atom_t ATOM_ascii;
#define CHARSET 256
typedef struct charbuf
{ char buffer[1024];
char *bufp;
char *end;
size_t size;
} charbuf;
static void
init_buf(charbuf *b)
{ b->bufp = b->end = b->buffer;
b->size = sizeof(b->buffer);
static void
free_buf(charbuf *b)
{ if ( b->bufp != b->buffer )
static int
room_buf(charbuf *b, size_t room)
{ size_t used = b->end - b->bufp;
if ( room + used > b->size )
{ if ( b->bufp == b->buffer )
{ b->size = sizeof(b->buffer)*2;
if ( !(b->bufp = malloc(b->size)) )
return sgml2pl_error(ERR_ERRNO);
memcpy(b->bufp, b->buffer, used);
} else
{ char *ptr;
b->size *= 2;
if ( !(ptr = realloc(b->bufp, b->size)) )
return sgml2pl_error(ERR_ERRNO);
b->bufp = ptr;
b->end = b->bufp + used;
return TRUE;
static size_t
used_buf(const charbuf *b)
{ return b->end - b->bufp;
static int
add_char_buf(charbuf *b, int chr)
{ if ( room_buf(b, 1) )
{ *b->end++ = chr;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static int
add_char_bufW(charbuf *b, int chr)
{ if ( room_buf(b, sizeof(wchar_t)) )
{ wchar_t *p = (wchar_t*)b->end;
*p++ = chr;
b->end = (char *)p;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static int
add_str_buf(charbuf *b, const char *s)
{ size_t len = strlen(s);
if ( room_buf(b, len+1) )
{ memcpy(b->end, s, len+1);
b->end += len;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static int
add_str_bufW(charbuf *b, const char *s)
{ size_t len = strlen(s);
if ( room_buf(b, len*sizeof(wchar_t)) )
{ wchar_t *p = (wchar_t*)b->end;
*p++ = *s++;
b->end = (char *)p;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static foreign_t
do_quote(term_t in, term_t quoted, char **map, int maxchr)
{ char *inA = NULL;
wchar_t *inW = NULL;
size_t len;
const unsigned char *s;
charbuf buffer;
int changes = 0;
int rc;
if ( !PL_get_nchars(in, &len, &inA, CVT_ATOMIC) &&
!PL_get_wchars(in, &len, &inW, CVT_ATOMIC) )
return sgml2pl_error(ERR_TYPE, "atom", in);
if ( len == 0 )
return PL_unify(in, quoted);
if ( inA )
{ for(s = (unsigned char*)inA ; len-- > 0; s++ )
{ int c = *s;
if ( map[c] )
{ if ( !add_str_buf(&buffer, map[c]) )
return FALSE;
} else if ( c > maxchr )
{ char buf[10];
sprintf(buf, "&#%d;", c);
if ( !add_str_buf(&buffer, buf) )
return FALSE;
} else
{ add_char_buf(&buffer, c);
if ( changes > 0 )
rc = PL_unify_atom_nchars(quoted, used_buf(&buffer), buffer.bufp);
rc = PL_unify(in, quoted);
} else
{ for( ; len-- > 0; inW++ )
{ int c = *inW;
if ( c <= 0xff && map[c] )
{ if ( !add_str_bufW(&buffer, map[c]) )
return FALSE;
} else if ( c > maxchr )
{ char buf[10];
sprintf(buf, "&#%d;", c);
if ( !add_str_bufW(&buffer, buf) )
return FALSE;
{ add_char_bufW(&buffer, c);
if ( changes > 0 )
rc = PL_unify_wchars(quoted, PL_ATOM,
rc = PL_unify(in, quoted);
return rc;
static int
get_max_chr(term_t t, int *maxchr)
{ atom_t a;
if ( PL_get_atom(t, &a) )
{ if ( a == ATOM_iso_latin_1 )
*maxchr = 0xff;
else if ( a == ATOM_utf8 )
*maxchr = 0x7ffffff;
else if ( a == ATOM_unicode )
*maxchr = 0xffff;
else if ( a == ATOM_ascii )
*maxchr = 0x7f;
return sgml2pl_error(ERR_DOMAIN, "encoding", t);
return TRUE;
return sgml2pl_error(ERR_TYPE, "atom", t);
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(*) xml_quote_attribute/3 assumes the attribute is quoted using "" and
does *not* escape '. Although escaping ' with &apos; is valid XML, it is
*not* valid html, and this routine is also used by the html_write
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
static foreign_t
xml_quote_attribute(term_t in, term_t out, term_t encoding)
{ static char **map;
int maxchr;
if ( !map )
{ int i;
if ( !(map = malloc(CHARSET*sizeof(char*))) )
return sgml2pl_error(ERR_ERRNO, errno);
for(i=0; i<CHARSET; i++)
map[i] = NULL;
map['<'] = "&lt;";
map['>'] = "&gt;";
map['&'] = "&amp;";
/* map['\''] = "&apos;"; See (*) */
map['"'] = "&quot;";
if ( !get_max_chr(encoding, &maxchr) )
return FALSE;
return do_quote(in, out, map, maxchr);
static foreign_t
xml_quote_cdata(term_t in, term_t out, term_t encoding)
{ static char **map;
int maxchr;
if ( !map )
{ int i;
if ( !(map = malloc(CHARSET*sizeof(char*))) )
return sgml2pl_error(ERR_ERRNO, errno);
for(i=0; i<CHARSET; i++)
map[i] = NULL;
map['<'] = "&lt;";
map['>'] = "&gt;";
map['&'] = "&amp;";
if ( !get_max_chr(encoding, &maxchr) )
return FALSE;
return do_quote(in, out, map, maxchr);
static inline int
is_xml_nmstart(dtd_charclass *map, int c)
{ if ( c <= 0xff )
{ return (map->class[c] & CH_NMSTART);
} else
{ return ( xml_basechar(c) ||
static inline int
is_xml_chname(dtd_charclass *map, int c)
{ if ( c <= 0xff )
{ return (map->class[c] & CH_NAME);
} else
{ return ( xml_basechar(c) ||
xml_digit(c) ||
xml_ideographic(c) ||
xml_combining_char(c) ||
static dtd_charclass *map;
static foreign_t
xml_name(term_t in, term_t encoding)
{ char *ins;
wchar_t *inW;
size_t len;
unsigned int i;
int maxchr;
if ( !get_max_chr(encoding, &maxchr) )
return FALSE;
if ( !map )
map = new_charclass();
if ( PL_get_nchars(in, &len, &ins, CVT_ATOMIC) )
{ int c;
if ( len == 0 )
return FALSE;
c = ins[0] & 0xff;
if ( c > maxchr )
return FALSE;
if ( !(map->class[c] & CH_NMSTART) )
return FALSE;
for(i=1; i<len; i++)
{ c = ins[i] & 0xff;
if ( c > maxchr || !(map->class[c] & CH_NAME) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if ( PL_get_wchars(in, &len, &inW, CVT_ATOMIC) )
{ if ( len == 0 )
return FALSE;
if ( inW[0] > maxchr ||
!is_xml_nmstart(map, inW[0]) )
return FALSE;
for(i=1; i<len; i++)
{ int c = inW[i];
if ( c > maxchr ||
!is_xml_chname(map, c) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static foreign_t
iri_xml_namespace(term_t iri, term_t namespace, term_t localname)
{ char *s;
pl_wchar_t *w;
size_t len;
if ( !map )
map = new_charclass();
if ( PL_get_nchars(iri, &len, &s, CVT_ATOM|CVT_STRING) )
{ const char *e = &s[len];
const char *p = e;
while(p>s && (map->class[p[-1]&0xff] & CH_NAME))
while(p<e && !(map->class[p[0]&0xff] & CH_NMSTART))
if ( !PL_unify_atom_nchars(namespace, p-s, s) )
return FALSE;
if ( localname &&
!PL_unify_atom_nchars(localname, e-p, p) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
} else if ( PL_get_wchars(iri, &len, &w, CVT_ATOM|CVT_STRING|CVT_EXCEPTION) )
{ const pl_wchar_t *e = &w[len];
const pl_wchar_t *p = e;
while(p>w && is_xml_chname(map, p[-1]) )
while(p<e && !is_xml_nmstart(map, p[0]) )
if ( !PL_unify_wchars(namespace, PL_ATOM, p-w, w) )
return FALSE;
if ( localname &&
!PL_unify_wchars(localname, PL_ATOM, e-p, p) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static foreign_t
iri_xml_namespace2(term_t iri, term_t namespace)
{ return iri_xml_namespace(iri, namespace, 0);
{ ATOM_iso_latin_1 = PL_new_atom("iso_latin_1");
ATOM_utf8 = PL_new_atom("utf8");
ATOM_unicode = PL_new_atom("unicode");
ATOM_ascii = PL_new_atom("ascii");
PL_register_foreign("xml_quote_attribute", 3, xml_quote_attribute, 0);
PL_register_foreign("xml_quote_cdata", 3, xml_quote_cdata, 0);
PL_register_foreign("xml_name", 2, xml_name, 0);
PL_register_foreign("iri_xml_namespace", 3, iri_xml_namespace, 0);
PL_register_foreign("iri_xml_namespace", 2, iri_xml_namespace2, 0);