All capitals case should be reserved for macros and besides there is no big need to emphasize constness in general.
280 lines
7.5 KiB
280 lines
7.5 KiB
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include "LiftedOperations.h"
namespace Horus {
LiftedOperations::shatterAgainstQuery (
ParfactorList& pfList,
const Grounds& query)
for (size_t i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) {
if (query[i].isAtom()) {
bool found = false;
Parfactors newPfs;
ParfactorList::iterator it = pfList.begin();
while (it != pfList.end()) {
if ((*it)->containsGround (query[i])) {
found = true;
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> split;
LogVars queryLvs (
(*it)->constr()->logVars().begin() + query[i].arity());
split = (*it)->constr()->split (query[i].args());
ConstraintTree* commCt = split.first;
ConstraintTree* exclCt = split.second;
newPfs.push_back (new Parfactor (*it, commCt));
if (exclCt->empty() == false) {
newPfs.push_back (new Parfactor (*it, exclCt));
} else {
delete exclCt;
it = pfList.removeAndDelete (it);
} else {
++ it;
if (found == false) {
std::cerr << "Error: could not find a parfactor with ground " ;
std::cerr << "`" << query[i] << "'." << std::endl;
pfList.add (newPfs);
if (Globals::verbosity > 2) {
std::cout << "SHATTERED AGAINST THE QUERY" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) {
std::cout << " -> " << query[i] << std::endl;
LiftedOperations::runWeakBayesBall (
ParfactorList& pfList,
const Grounds& query)
std::queue<PrvGroup> todo; // groups to process
std::set<PrvGroup> done; // processed or in queue
for (size_t i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) {
ParfactorList::iterator it = pfList.begin();
while (it != pfList.end()) {
PrvGroup group = (*it)->findGroup (query[i]);
if (group != std::numeric_limits<PrvGroup>::max()) {
todo.push (group);
done.insert (group);
++ it;
std::set<Parfactor*> requiredPfs;
while (todo.empty() == false) {
PrvGroup group = todo.front();
ParfactorList::iterator it = pfList.begin();
while (it != pfList.end()) {
if (Util::contains (requiredPfs, *it) == false &&
(*it)->containsGroup (group)) {
std::vector<PrvGroup> groups = (*it)->getAllGroups();
for (size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
if (Util::contains (done, groups[i]) == false) {
todo.push (groups[i]);
done.insert (groups[i]);
requiredPfs.insert (*it);
++ it;
ParfactorList::iterator it = pfList.begin();
bool foundNotRequired = false;
while (it != pfList.end()) {
if (Util::contains (requiredPfs, *it) == false) {
if (Globals::verbosity > 2) {
if (foundNotRequired == false) {
Util::printHeader ("PARFACTORS TO DISCARD");
foundNotRequired = true;
it = pfList.removeAndDelete (it);
} else {
++ it;
LiftedOperations::absorveEvidence (
ParfactorList& pfList,
ObservedFormulas& obsFormulas)
for (size_t i = 0; i < obsFormulas.size(); i++) {
Parfactors newPfs;
ParfactorList::iterator it = pfList.begin();
while (it != pfList.end()) {
Parfactor* pf = *it;
it = pfList.remove (it);
Parfactors absorvedPfs = absorve (obsFormulas[i], pf);
if (absorvedPfs.empty() == false) {
if (absorvedPfs.size() == 1 && !absorvedPfs[0]) {
// just remove pf;
} else {
Util::addToVector (newPfs, absorvedPfs);
delete pf;
} else {
it = pfList.insertShattered (it, pf);
++ it;
pfList.add (newPfs);
if (Globals::verbosity > 2 && obsFormulas.empty() == false) {
std::cout << "AFTER EVIDENCE ABSORveSolverD" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < obsFormulas.size(); i++) {
std::cout << " -> " << obsFormulas[i] << std::endl;
LiftedOperations::countNormalize (
Parfactor* g,
const LogVarSet& set)
Parfactors normPfs;
if (set.empty()) {
normPfs.push_back (new Parfactor (*g));
} else {
ConstraintTrees normCts = g->constr()->countNormalize (set);
for (size_t i = 0; i < normCts.size(); i++) {
normPfs.push_back (new Parfactor (g, normCts[i]));
return normPfs;
LiftedOperations::calcGroundMultiplication (Parfactor pf)
LogVarSet lvs = pf.constr()->logVarSet();
lvs -= pf.constr()->singletons();
Parfactors newPfs = {new Parfactor (pf)};
for (size_t i = 0; i < lvs.size(); i++) {
Parfactors pfs = newPfs;
for (size_t j = 0; j < pfs.size(); j++) {
bool countedLv = pfs[j]->countedLogVars().contains (lvs[i]);
if (countedLv) {
pfs[j]->fullExpand (lvs[i]);
newPfs.push_back (pfs[j]);
} else {
ConstraintTrees cts = pfs[j]->constr()->ground (lvs[i]);
for (size_t k = 0; k < cts.size(); k++) {
newPfs.push_back (new Parfactor (pfs[j], cts[k]));
delete pfs[j];
ParfactorList pfList (newPfs);
Parfactors groundShatteredPfs (pfList.begin(),pfList.end());
for (size_t i = 1; i < groundShatteredPfs.size(); i++) {
groundShatteredPfs[0]->multiply (*groundShatteredPfs[i]);
return Parfactor (*groundShatteredPfs[0]);
LiftedOperations::absorve (
ObservedFormula& obsFormula,
Parfactor* g)
Parfactors absorvedPfs;
const ProbFormulas& formulas = g->arguments();
for (size_t i = 0; i < formulas.size(); i++) {
if (obsFormula.functor() == formulas[i].functor() &&
obsFormula.arity() == formulas[i].arity()) {
if (obsFormula.isAtom()) {
if (formulas.size() > 1) {
g->absorveEvidence (formulas[i], obsFormula.evidence());
} else {
// hack to erase parfactor g
absorvedPfs.push_back (0);
g->constr()->moveToTop (formulas[i].logVars());
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> res;
res = g->constr()->split (
ConstraintTree* commCt = res.first;
ConstraintTree* exclCt = res.second;
if (commCt->empty() == false) {
if (formulas.size() > 1) {
LogVarSet excl = g->exclusiveLogVars (i);
Parfactor tempPf (g, commCt);
Parfactors countNormPfs = LiftedOperations::countNormalize (
&tempPf, excl);
for (size_t j = 0; j < countNormPfs.size(); j++) {
countNormPfs[j]->absorveEvidence (
formulas[i], obsFormula.evidence());
absorvedPfs.push_back (countNormPfs[j]);
} else {
delete commCt;
if (exclCt->empty() == false) {
absorvedPfs.push_back (new Parfactor (g, exclCt));
} else {
delete exclCt;
if (absorvedPfs.empty()) {
// hack to erase parfactor g
absorvedPfs.push_back (0);
} else {
delete commCt;
delete exclCt;
return absorvedPfs;
} // namespace Horus