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Vitor Santos Costa 9c862c21bc jupyter
2018-01-05 16:57:38 +00:00

154 lines
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"""Eventloop hook for OS X
Calls NSApp / CoreFoundation APIs via ctypes.
# cribbed heavily from yap_ipython.terminal.pt_inputhooks.osx
# obj-c boilerplate from appnope, used under BSD 2-clause
import ctypes
import ctypes.util
from threading import Event
objc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(ctypes.util.find_library('objc'))
void_p = ctypes.c_void_p
objc.objc_getClass.restype = void_p
objc.sel_registerName.restype = void_p
objc.objc_msgSend.restype = void_p
objc.objc_msgSend.argtypes = [void_p, void_p]
msg = objc.objc_msgSend
def _utf8(s):
"""ensure utf8 bytes"""
if not isinstance(s, bytes):
s = s.encode('utf8')
return s
def n(name):
"""create a selector name (for ObjC methods)"""
return objc.sel_registerName(_utf8(name))
def C(classname):
"""get an ObjC Class by name"""
return objc.objc_getClass(_utf8(classname))
# end obj-c boilerplate from appnope
# CoreFoundation C-API calls we will use:
CoreFoundation = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(ctypes.util.find_library('CoreFoundation'))
CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent = CoreFoundation.CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent
CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent.restype = ctypes.c_double
CFRunLoopGetCurrent = CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopGetCurrent
CFRunLoopGetCurrent.restype = void_p
CFRunLoopGetMain = CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopGetMain
CFRunLoopGetMain.restype = void_p
CFRunLoopStop = CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopStop
CFRunLoopStop.restype = None
CFRunLoopStop.argtypes = [void_p]
CFRunLoopTimerCreate = CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopTimerCreate
CFRunLoopTimerCreate.restype = void_p
CFRunLoopTimerCreate.argtypes = [
void_p, # allocator (NULL)
ctypes.c_double, # fireDate
ctypes.c_double, # interval
ctypes.c_int, # flags (0)
ctypes.c_int, # order (0)
void_p, # callout
void_p, # context
CFRunLoopAddTimer = CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopAddTimer
CFRunLoopAddTimer.restype = None
CFRunLoopAddTimer.argtypes = [ void_p, void_p, void_p ]
kCFRunLoopCommonModes = void_p.in_dll(CoreFoundation, 'kCFRunLoopCommonModes')
def _NSApp():
"""Return the global NSApplication instance (NSApp)"""
return msg(C('NSApplication'), n('sharedApplication'))
def _wake(NSApp):
"""Wake the Application"""
event = msg(C('NSEvent'),
15, # Type
0, # location
0, # flags
0, # timestamp
0, # window
None, # context
0, # subtype
0, # data1
0, # data2
msg(NSApp, n('postEvent:atStart:'), void_p(event), True)
_triggered = Event()
def stop(timer=None, loop=None):
"""Callback to fire when there's input to be read"""
NSApp = _NSApp()
# if NSApp is not running, stop CFRunLoop directly,
# otherwise stop and wake NSApp
if msg(NSApp, n('isRunning')):
msg(NSApp, n('stop:'), NSApp)
_c_callback_func_type = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, void_p, void_p)
_c_stop_callback = _c_callback_func_type(stop)
def _stop_after(delay):
"""Register callback to stop eventloop after a delay"""
timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(
None, # allocator
CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + delay, # fireDate
0, # interval
0, # flags
0, # order
def mainloop(duration=1):
"""run the Cocoa eventloop for the specified duration (seconds)"""
NSApp = _NSApp()
msg(NSApp, n('run'))
if not _triggered.is_set():
# app closed without firing callback,
# probably due to last window being closed.
# Run the loop manually in this case,
# since there may be events still to process (ipython/ipython#9734)