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:- module(rdf_cache,
[ rdf_set_cache_options/1, % +Options
rdf_cache_file/3 % +URL, +RW, -File
:- use_module(library(error)).
/** <module> Cache RDF triples
Triples may be cached to reduce load time as well as access to network
resources (e.g. HTTP). We use two caching locations: typically files may
be cached locally (i.e. in a .cache sub-directory of the file). All
objects can be cached in a global cache directory. The policy is
determined by rdf_cache_options/1.
:- dynamic
set_setfault_options :-
( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
-> assert(cache_option(local_directory('_cache')))
; assert(cache_option(local_directory('.cache')))
:- set_setfault_options. % _only_ when loading!
%% rdf_set_cache_options(+Options)
% Change the cache policy. Provided options are:
% * enabled(Boolean)
% If =true=, caching is enabled.
% * local_directory(Name).
% Plain name of local directory. Default =|.cache|=
% (=|_cache|= on Windows).
% * create_local_directory(Bool)
% If =true=, try to create local cache directories
% * global_directory(Dir)
% Writeable directory for storing cached parsed files.
% * create_global_directory(Bool)
% If =true=, try to create the global cache directory.
rdf_set_cache_options([]) :- !.
rdf_set_cache_options([H|T]) :- !,
rdf_set_cache_options(Opt) :-
functor(Opt, Name, Arity),
arg(1, Opt, Value),
( cache_option(Name, Type)
-> must_be(Type, Value)
; domain_error(cache_option, Opt)
functor(Gen, Name, Arity),
expand_option(Opt, EOpt),
cache_option(enabled, boolean).
cache_option(local_directory, atom).
cache_option(create_local_directory, boolean).
cache_option(global_directory, atom).
cache_option(create_global_directory, boolean).
expand_option(global_directory(Local), global_directory(Global)) :- !,
absolute_file_name(Local, Global).
expand_option(Opt, Opt).
%% rdf_cache_location(+URL, +ReadWrite, -File) is semidet.
% File is the cache file for URL. If ReadWrite is =read=, it
% returns the name of an existing file. If =write= it returns the
% where a new cache file can be overwritten or created.
rdf_cache_file(_URL, _, _File) :-
cache_option(enabled(false)), !,
rdf_cache_file(URL, read, File) :- !,
( atom_concat('file://', Path, URL),
file_directory_name(Path, Dir),
local_cache_file(URL, LocalFile),
atomic_list_concat([Dir, Local, LocalFile], /, File)
; cache_option(global_directory(Dir)),
url_cache_file(URL, Dir, trp, read, File)
access_file(File, read), !.
rdf_cache_file(URL, write, File) :- !,
( atom_concat('file://', Path, URL),
file_directory_name(Path, Dir),
( cache_option(create_local_directory(true))
-> RWDir = write
; RWDir = read
ensure_dir(Dir, Local, RWDir, CacheDir),
local_cache_file(URL, LocalFile),
atomic_list_concat([CacheDir, LocalFile], /, File)
; cache_option(global_directory(Dir)),
url_cache_file(URL, Dir, trp, write, File)
access_file(File, write), !.
ensure_global_cache(Dir) :-
exists_directory(Dir), !.
ensure_global_cache(Dir) :-
print_message(informational, rdf(cache_created(Dir))).
%% local_cache_file(+FileURL, -File) is det.
% Return the name of the cache file for FileURL. The name is the
% plain filename with the .trp extension. As the URL is a file
% URL, it is guaranteed to be a valid filename. Assumes the
% hosting OS can handle multiple exensions (=|.x.y|=) though.
% These days thats even true on Windows.
local_cache_file(URL, File) :-
file_base_name(URL, Name),
file_name_extension(Name, trp, File).
%% url_cache_file(+URL, +Dir, +Ext, +RW, -Path) is semidet.
% Determine location of cache-file for the given URL in Dir. If
% Ext is provided, the returned Path is ensured to have the
% specified extension.
% @param RW If =read=, no directories are created and the call
% fails if URL is not in the cache.
url_cache_file(URL, Dir, Ext, RW, Path) :-
term_hash(URL, Hash0),
Hash is Hash0 + 100000, % make sure > 4 characters
format(string(Hex), '~16r', [Hash]),
sub_atom(Hex, _, 2, 0, L1),
ensure_dir(Dir, L1, RW, Dir1),
sub_atom(Hex, _, 2, 2, L2),
ensure_dir(Dir1, L2, RW, Dir2),
url_to_file(URL, File),
ensure_ext(File, Ext, FileExt),
atomic_list_concat([Dir2, /, FileExt], Path).
ensure_dir(D0, Sub, RW, Dir) :-
atomic_list_concat([D0, /, Sub], Dir),
( exists_directory(Dir)
-> true
; RW == write
-> catch(make_directory(Dir), _, fail)
ensure_ext(File, '', File) :- !.
ensure_ext(File, Ext, File) :-
file_name_extension(_, Ext, File), !.
ensure_ext(File, Ext, FileExt) :-
file_name_extension(File, Ext, FileExt).
%% url_to_file(+URL, -File)
% Convert a URL in something that fits in a file, i.e. avoiding /
% and :. We simply replace these by -. We could also use
% www_form_encode/2, but confusion when to replace as well as the
% fact that we loose the '.' (extension) makes this a less ideal
% choice. We could also consider base64 encoding of the name.
url_to_file(URL, File) :-
atom_codes(URL, Codes),
phrase(safe_file_name(Codes), FileCodes),
atom_codes(File, FileCodes).
safe_file_name([]) -->
safe_file_name([H|T]) -->
replace(H), !,
safe_file_name([H|T]) -->
%% replace(+Code)//
% Replace a character code that cannot safely be put in a
% filename. Should we use %XX?
replace(0'/) --> "-". % directory separator
replace(0'\\) --> "-". % not allowed in Windows filename
replace(0':) --> "-". % idem
replace(0'?) --> "-". % idem
replace(0'*) --> "-". % idem
:- multifile prolog:message/3.
prolog:message(rdf(cache_created(Dir))) -->
[ 'Created RDF cache directory ~w'-[Dir] ].