centralise everything in a single file (HEAPFIELDS) and generate them from a Prolog script (buildheap).
179 lines
5.8 KiB
179 lines
5.8 KiB
:- use_module(library(lineutils),
:- use_module(library(lists),
:- initialization(main).
:- yap_flag(write_strings,on).
:- style_check(all).
main :-
/* define the field */
gen_struct(Inp,"") :-
Inp = [0'/,0'/|_], !.
gen_struct(Inp,"") :-
Inp = [0'/,0'*|_], !.
gen_struct(Inp, Out) :-
Inp = [0'#|_], !, Out = Inp. % '
gen_struct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",["struct",Type, Field|_]), !,
append([" struct ",Type," ",Field,";"], Out).
gen_struct(Inp,"") :-
split(Inp," ",["void","void"|_]), !.
gen_struct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[Type, Field|_]), !,
append([" ",Type," ",Field,";"], Out).
gen_struct(Inp,_) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _| _]),
format(user_error,"OOPS: could not gen_struct for ~s~n",[Inp]).
gen_dstruct(Inp,"") :-
Inp = [0'/,0'/|_], !.
gen_dstruct(Inp,"") :-
Inp = [0'/,0'*|_], !.
gen_dstruct(Inp, Out) :-
Inp = [0'#|_], !, Out = Inp. % '
gen_dstruct(Inp,"") :-
split(Inp," ",["void","void"|_]), !.
gen_dstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",["struct"|Inp2]), !,
glue(Inp2, " ", Inp3),
gen_dstruct(Inp3, Out).
gen_dstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, Name|_]), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append(["#define ",Name," Yap_heap_regs->",RField], Out).
gen_dstruct(Inp,_) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _| _]),
format(user_error,"OOPS: could not gen_dstruct for ~s~n",[Inp]).
% handle *field[4]
cut_c_stuff([0'*|Name], RName) :- !, % 'cut *
cut_c_stuff(Name, RName).
cut_c_stuff(Name, RName) :-
cut_mat(Name, RName).
cut_mat([], []).
cut_mat([0'[|_], []) :- !. %'
cut_mat(H.Name, H.RName) :-
cut_mat(Name, RName).
gen_hstruct(Inp,"") :-
Inp = [0'/,0'/|_], !.
gen_hstruct(Inp,"") :-
Inp = [0'/,0'*|_], !.
gen_hstruct(Inp, Out) :-
Inp = [0'#|_], !, Out = Inp. % '
gen_hstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",["struct"|Inp2]), !,
glue(Inp2, " ", Inp3),
gen_hstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkAT", _]), !,
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",Field," = AtomTermAdjust(Yap_heap_regs->",Field,");"], Out).
gen_hstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkPred"| _]), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField," = PtoPredAdjust(Yap_heap_regs->",RField,");"], Out).
gen_hstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkOp", Name]), !,
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",Field," = Yap_opcode(",Name,");"], Out).
gen_hstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkLock"]), !,
append([" REINIT_LOCK(Yap_heap_regs->",Field,");"], Out).
gen_hstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkRWLock"]), !,
append([" REINIT_RWLOCK(Yap_heap_regs->",Field,");"], Out).
gen_hstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkInstE",OP]), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField,"->opc = Yap_opcode(",OP,");"], Out).
gen_hstruct(Inp,"") :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _, "void"]), !.
gen_hstruct(Inp,"") :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _, _, "void"]), !.
gen_hstruct(Inp,Restore) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _, _, Restore0]),
append("Restore",_,Restore0), !,
append([" ",Restore0,";"],Restore). %'
gen_hstruct(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, _, Adjust]),
append(Adjust,"Adjust",_), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField," = ",Adjust,"(Yap_heap_regs->",RField,");"], Out).
gen_hstruct(Inp,_) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _| _]),
format(user_error,"OOPS: could not gen_hstruct for ~s~n",[Inp]).
gen_init(Inp,"") :-
Inp = [0'/,0'*|_], !.
gen_init(Inp,"") :-
Inp = [0'/,0'/|_], !.
gen_init(Inp, Out) :-
Inp = [0'#|_], !, Out = Inp. % '
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",["struct"|Inp2]), !,
glue(Inp2, " ", Inp3),
gen_init(Inp3, Out).
gen_init(Inp,"") :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _, "void"|_]), !.
gen_init(Inp,Init) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _, Init0| _]),
append("Init",_,Init0), !,
append([" ",Init0,";"],Init).
gen_init(Inp,Init) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _, Init0| _]),
append("Yap_Init",_,Init0), !,
append([" ",Init0,";"],Init).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkAT", AtomName]), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField," = MkAtomTerm(",AtomName,");"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkOp", Name]), !,
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",Field," = Yap_opcode(",Name,");"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkLock"]), !,
append([" INIT_LOCK(Yap_heap_regs->",Field,");"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkRWLock"]), !,
append([" INIT_RWLOCK(Yap_heap_regs->",Field,");"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkInstE",OP]), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField,"->opc = Yap_opcode(",OP,");"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkPred", Atom, "0", Module]), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField," = RepPredProp(PredPropByAtom(",Atom,",",Module,"));"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkPred", Atom, Arity, Module]), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField," = RepPredProp(PredPropByFunc(Yap_MkFunctor(",Atom,",",Arity,"),",Module,"));"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, "MkPred", Fun, Module]), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField," = RepPredProp(PredPropByFunc(",Fun,",",Module,"));"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,Out) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, Field, _, F0|_]),
append("=",F,F0), !,
cut_c_stuff(Field, RField),
append([" Yap_heap_regs->",RField," = ",F,";"], Out).
gen_init(Inp,_) :-
split(Inp," ",[_, _, _| _]),
format(user_error,"OOPS: could not gen_init for ~s~n",[Inp]).