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/* This file is part of ClioPatria.
Author: Jan Wielemaker <>
Copyright: 2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with ClioPatria. If not, see <>.
:- module(xpath,
[ xpath/3, % +DOM, +Spec, -Value
xpath_chk/3, % +DOM, +Spec, -Value
op(400, fx, //),
op(400, fx, /),
op(200, fy, @)
:- use_module(library(record)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(occurs)).
:- use_module(library(debug)).
/** <module> Select nodes in an XML DOM
The library provides predicates to select nodes from an XML DOM
tree as produced by library(sgml) based on descriptions inspired by the
XPATH language.
The predicate xpath/3 selects a sub-structure of the DOM
non-deterministically based on an xpath-like specification. Not all
selectors of XPATH are implemented, but the ability to mix xpath/3 calls
with arbitrary Prolog code provides a powerful tool for extracting
information from XML parse-trees.
:- record
element(name, attributes, content).
%% xpath_chk(+DOM, +Spec, ?Content) is semidet.
% Semi-deterministic version of xpath/3.
xpath_chk(DOM, Spec, Content) :-
xpath(DOM, Spec, Content), !.
%% xpath(+DOM, +Spec, ?Content) is nondet.
% Match an element in a DOM structure. The syntax is inspired by
% XPath, using () rather than [] to select inside an element.
% First we can construct paths using / and //:
% $ =|//|=Term :
% Select any node in the DOM matching term.
% $ =|/|=Term :
% Match the root against Term.
% $ Term :
% Select the immediate children of the root matching Term.
% The Terms above are of type _callable_. The functor specifies
% the element name. The element name '*' refers to any element.
% The name =self= refers to the top-element itself and is often
% used for processing matches of an earlier xpath/3 query. A term
% NS:Term refers to an XML name in the namespace NS. Optional
% arguments specify additional constraints and functions. The
% arguments are processed from left to right. Defined conditional
% argument values are:
% $ Integer :
% The N-th element with the given name
% $ =last= :
% The last element with the given name.
% $ =last= - IntExpr :
% The IntExpr-th element counting from the last (0-based)
% Defined function argument values are:
% $ =self= :
% Evaluate to the entire element
% $ =text= :
% Evaluates to all text from the sub-tree as an atom
% $ =normalize_space= :
% As =text=, but uses normalize_space/2 to normalise
% white-space in the output
% $ =number= :
% Extract an integer or float from the value. Ignores
% leading and trailing white-space
% $ =|@|=Attribute :
% Evaluates to the value of the given attribute
% In addition, the argument-list can be _conditions_:
% $ Left = Right :
% Succeeds if the left-hand unifies with the right-hand.
% E.g. normalize_space = 'euro'
% $ contains(Haystack, Needle) :
% Succeeds if Needle is a sub-string of Haystack.
% Examples:
% Match each table-row in DOM:
% ==
% xpath(DOM, //tr, TR)
% ==
% Match the last cell of each tablerow in DOM. This example
% illustrates that a result can be the input of subsequent xpath/3
% queries. Using multiple queries on the intermediate TR term
% guarantee that all results come from the same table-row:
% ==
% xpath(DOM, //tr, TR),
% xpath(TR, /td(last), TD)
% ==
% Match each =href= attribute in an <a> element
% ==
% xpath(DOM, //a(@href), HREF)
% ==
% Suppose we have a table containing rows where each first column
% is the name of a product with a link to details and the second
% is the price (a number). The following predicate matches the
% name, URL and price:
% ==
% product(DOM, Name, URL, Price) :-
% xpath(DOM, //tr, TR),
% xpath(TR, td(1), C1),
% xpath(C1, /self(normalize_space), Name),
% xpath(C1, a(@href), URL),
% xpath(TR, td(2, number), Price).
% ==
xpath(DOM, Spec, Content) :-
in_dom(Spec, DOM, Content).
in_dom(//Spec, DOM, Value) :- !,
element_spec(Spec, Name, Modifiers),
sub_dom(I, Len, Name, E, DOM),
modifiers(Modifiers, I, Len, E, Value).
in_dom(/Spec, E, Value) :- !,
element_spec(Spec, Name, Modifiers),
( Name == self
-> true
; element_name(E, Name)
modifiers(Modifiers, 1, 1, E, Value).
in_dom(A/B, DOM, Value) :- !,
in_dom(A, DOM, Value0),
in_dom(B, Value0, Value).
in_dom(A//B, DOM, Value) :- !,
in_dom(A, DOM, Value0),
in_dom(//B, Value0, Value).
in_dom(Spec, element(_, _, Content), Value) :-
element_spec(Spec, Name, Modifiers),
count_named_elements(Content, Name, CLen),
CLen > 0,
nth_element(N, Name, E, Content),
modifiers(Modifiers, N, CLen, E, Value).
element_spec(Var, _, _) :-
var(Var), !,
element_spec(NS:Term, NS:Name, Modifiers) :- !,
Term =.. [Name0|Modifiers],
star(Name0, Name).
element_spec(Term, Name, Modifiers) :- !,
Term =.. [Name0|Modifiers],
star(Name0, Name).
star(*, _) :- !.
star(Name, Name).
%% sub_dom(-Index, -Count, +Name, -Sub, +DOM) is nondet.
% Sub is a node in DOM with Name.
% @param Count is the total number of nodes in the content
% list Sub appears that have the same name.
% @param Index is the 1-based index of Sub of nodes with
% Name.
sub_dom(1, 1, Name, DOM, DOM) :-
element_name(DOM, Name).
sub_dom(N, Len, Name, E, element(_,_,Content)) :- !,
sub_dom_2(N, Len, Name, E, Content).
sub_dom(N, Len, Name, E, Content) :-
sub_dom_2(N, Len, Name, E, Content).
sub_dom_2(N, Len, Name, Element, Content) :-
( count_named_elements(Content, Name, Len),
nth_element(N, Name, Element, Content)
; member(element(_,_,C2), Content),
sub_dom_2(N, Len, Name, Element, C2)
%% count_named_elements(+Content, +Name, -Count) is det.
% Count is the number of nodes with Name in Content.
count_named_elements(Content, Name, Count) :-
count_named_elements(Content, Name, 0, Count).
count_named_elements([], _, Count, Count).
count_named_elements([element(Name,_,_)|T], Name, C0, C) :- !,
C1 is C0+1,
count_named_elements(T, Name, C1, C).
count_named_elements([_|T], Name, C0, C) :-
count_named_elements(T, Name, C0, C).
%% nth_element(?N, +Name, -Element, +Content:list) is nondet.
% True if Element is the N-th element with name in Content.
nth_element(N, Name, Element, Content) :-
nth_element_(1, N, Name, Element, Content).
nth_element_(I, N, Name, E, [H|T]) :-
element_name(H, Name), !,
( N = I,
E = H
; I2 is I + 1,
( nonvar(N), I2 > N
-> !, fail
; true
nth_element_(I2, N, Name, E, T)
nth_element_(I, N, Name, E, [_|T]) :-
nth_element_(I, N, Name, E, T).
%% modifiers(+Modifiers, +I, +Clen, +DOM, -Value)
modifiers([], _, _, Value, Value).
modifiers([H|T], I, L, Value0, Value) :-
modifier(H, I, L, Value0, Value1),
modifiers(T, I, L, Value1, Value).
modifier(N, I, _, Value, Value) :- % Integer
integer(N), !,
N =:= I.
modifier(last, I, L, Value, Value) :- !, % last
I =:= L.
modifier(last-Expr, I, L, Value, Value) :- !, % last-Expr
I =:= L-Expr.
modifier(Function, _, _, In, Out) :-
xpath_function(Function, In, Out).
xpath_function(self, DOM, Value) :- !, % self
Value = DOM.
xpath_function(text, DOM, Text) :- !, % text
text_of_dom(DOM, Text).
xpath_function(normalize_space, DOM, Text) :- !, % normalize_space
text_of_dom(DOM, Text0),
normalize_space(atom(Text), Text0).
xpath_function(number, DOM, Number) :- !, % number
text_of_dom(DOM, Text0),
normalize_space(string(Text), Text0),
catch(atom_number(Text, Number), _, fail).
xpath_function(@Name, element(_, Attrs, _), Value) :- !, % @Name
memberchk(Name=Value, Attrs).
xpath_function(Left = Right, Value, Value) :- !, % =
var_or_function(Left, Value, LeftValue),
var_or_function(Right, Value, RightValue),
LeftValue = RightValue.
xpath_function(contains(Haystack, Needle), Value, Value) :- !, % contains(Haystack, Needle)
val_or_function(Haystack, Value, HaystackValue),
val_or_function(Needle, Value, NeedleValue),
atom(HaystackValue), atom(NeedleValue),
( sub_atom(HaystackValue, _, _, _, NeedleValue)
-> true
var_or_function(Arg, _, Arg) :-
var(Arg), !.
var_or_function(Func, Value0, Value) :-
xpath_function(Func, Value0, Value).
val_or_function(Arg, _, Arg) :-
var(Arg), !,
val_or_function(Func, Value0, Value) :- % TBD
xpath_function(Func, Value0, Value).
%% text_of_dom(+DOM, -Text:atom) is det.
% Text is the joined textual content of DOM.
text_of_dom(DOM, Text) :-
phrase(text_of(DOM), Tokens),
concat_atom(Tokens, Text).
text_of(element(_,_,Content)) -->
text_of([]) -->
text_of([H|T]) -->
text_of_list([]) -->
text_of_list([H|T]) -->
text_of_1(element(_,_,Content)) --> !,
text_of_1(Data) -->
{ assertion(atom(Data)) },