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pmoura fd95dab3a7 Logtalk 2.21.1 files.
git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
2004-09-30 20:28:42 +00:00

108 lines
2.6 KiB

:- object(dcgtest).
:- info([
version is 1.0,
date is 2004/9/27,
author is 'Paulo Moura',
comment is 'Test cases for the Logtalk DCG translator.']).
:- public(run/0).
:- mode(run, one).
:- info(run/0, [
comment is 'Runs the Logtalk DCG translator on the test cases.']).
run :-
case(N, Rule),
write('Test '), write(N), write(':'), nl,
write(' '), writeq(Rule), nl,
(catch(expand_term(Rule, Clause), Error, write_error(Error)) ->
write(' '), writeq(Clause)
nl, nl,
write_error(Error) :-
write(' ERROR: '), writeq(Error), nl, fail.
% basic tests
case( 1, (p --> b)).
case( 2, (p --> 3)).
case( 3, (p(X) --> b(X))).
% metacall test
case( 9, (p --> _)).
% terminal tests with list notation
case(11, (p --> [])).
case(12, (p --> [b])).
case(13, (p --> [abc, xyz])).
case(14, (p --> [abc | xyz])).
case(15, (p --> [[], {}, 3, 3.2, a(b)])).
case(16, (p --> [_])).
% terminal tests with string notation
case(17, (p --> "b")).
case(18, (p --> "abc", "q")).
case(19, (p --> "abc" ; "q")).
% control construct tests
case(21, (p --> b, c)).
case(22, (p --> b ; c)).
case(23, (p --> b -> c)).
case(24, (p --> b -> c1, c2 ; d)).
case(25, (p --> b -> c ; d1, d2)).
case(26, (p --> b1, b2 -> c ; d)).
case(27, (p --> q ; [])).
case(28, (p --> [x] -> [] ; q)).
case(29, (p --> [a] ; [b])).
% negation tests
case(31, (p --> \+ b, c)).
case(32, (p --> b, \+ c, d)).
% {}/1 tests
case(41, (p --> {b})).
case(42, (p --> {3})).
case(43, (p --> {c,d})).
case(44, (p --> '{}'((c,d)))).
case(45, (p --> {a}, {b}, {c})).
case(46, (p --> {q} -> [a] ; [b])).
case(47, (p --> {q} -> [] ; b)).
case(48, (p --> [foo], {write(x)}, [bar])).
case(49, (p --> [foo], {write(hello)},{nl})).
case(50, (p --> [foo], {write(hello), nl})).
% cut tests
case(51, (p --> !, [a])).
case(52, (p --> b, !, c, d)).
case(53, (p --> b, !, c ; d)).
case(54, (p --> [a], !, {fail})).
case(55, (p(a), [X] --> !, [X, a], q)).
case(56, (p --> a, ! ; b)).
% non-terminals corresponding to "graphic" characters or built-in operators
case(61, ('[' --> b, c)).
case(62, ('=' --> b, c)).
% more tests
case(71, (p --> true, c)).
case(72, (p --> fail, c)).
case(73, (p(X) --> call(X), c)).
% pushback tests
case(81, (p, [t] --> b, c)).
case(82, (p, [t] --> b, [t])).
case(83, (p, [t] --> b, [s, t])).
case(84, (p, [t] --> b, [s], [t])).
case(85, (p(X, Y), [X, Y] --> [X, Y])).
case(86, (p(a), [X] --> !, [X, a], q)).
case(87, (p, [a,b] --> [foo], {write(hello), nl})).
case(88, (p, [t], [t2] --> b, c)).
case(89, (p, b --> c)).
case(90, ([b], a(27) --> c)).
:- end_object.