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2001-04-09 19:54:03 +00:00

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% clp(q,r) version 1.3.2 %
% %
% (c) Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995 %
% Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) %
% Schottengasse 3 %
% A-1010 Vienna, Austria %
% %
% File: %
% Author: Christian Holzbaur %
% TODO -) remove syntactic redundancy first ?!!
% -) avoid the construction of the crossproduct list
% +) consider strictness in crossproduct generation !!!
fm_elim( Vs, Target, Pivots) :-
prefilter( Vs, Vsf),
fm_elim_int( Vsf, Target, Pivots).
prefilter( [], []).
prefilter( [V|Vs], Res) :-
( get_atts( V, -target),
occurs( V) ->
Res = [V|Tail],
put_atts( V, keep_indep),
prefilter( Vs, Tail)
prefilter( Vs, Res)
% the target variables are marked with an attribute, and we get a list
% of them as an argument too
fm_elim_int( [], _, Pivots) :- % done
unkeep( Pivots).
fm_elim_int( Vs, Target, Pivots) :-
Vs = [_|_],
( best( Vs, Best, Rest) ->
occurences( Best, Occ),
elim_min( Best, Occ, Target, Pivots, NewPivots)
; % give up
NewPivots=Pivots, Rest = []
fm_elim_int( Rest, Target, NewPivots).
% Find the variable with the smallest netto increase on the
% size of the ineq. system after its elimination
best( Vs, Best, Rest) :-
findall( Delta-N, fm_cp_filter( Vs, Delta, N), Deltas),
keysort( Deltas, [_-N|_]),
select_nth( Vs, N, Best, Rest).
fm_cp_filter( Vs, Delta, N) :-
length( Vs, Len),
mem( Vs,X,Vst),
get_atts( X, [-target,lin(Lin)]),
indep( Lin, X),
occurences( X, Occ),
Occ = [_|_],
% crossproduct( Occ, New, []),
% length( New, CpLnew),
cp_card( Occ, 0,Lnew),
length( Occ, Locc),
Delta is Lnew-Locc,
length( Vst, Vstl),
N is Len-Vstl.
mem( [X|Xs], X, Xs).
mem( [_|Ys], X, Xs) :- mem( Ys, X, Xs).
select_nth( List, N, Nth, Others) :-
select_nth( List, 1,N, Nth, Others).
select_nth( [X|Xs], N,N, X, Xs) :- !.
select_nth( [Y|Ys], M,N, X, [Y|Xs]) :-
M1 is M+1,
select_nth( Ys, M1,N, X, Xs).
% fm_detach + reverse_pivot introduce indep t_none, which
% invalidates the invariants
elim_min( V, Occ, Target, Pivots, NewPivots) :-
crossproduct( Occ, New, []),
activate_crossproduct( New),
reverse_pivot( Pivots),
fm_detach( Occ),
% length( Occ, Locc), length( New, Lnew), print( fm(-Locc,+Lnew)), nl,
allvars( V, All),
redundancy_vars( All), % only for New \== []
make_target_indep( Target, NewPivots),
drop_dep( All).
% restore NF by reverse pivoting
reverse_pivot( []).
reverse_pivot( [I:D|Ps]) :-
get_atts( D, type(Dt)),
put_atts( D, -keep), % no longer
pivot( D, I, Dt),
reverse_pivot( Ps).
unkeep( []).
unkeep( [_:D|Ps]) :-
put_atts( D, -keep),
drop_dep_one( D),
unkeep( Ps).
% All we drop are bounds
fm_detach( []).
fm_detach( [V:_|Vs]) :-
detach_bounds( V),
fm_detach( Vs).
% Todo: maybe bulk_basis_add
activate_crossproduct( []).
activate_crossproduct( [lez(Strict,Lin)|News]) :-
arith_eval( 0, Z),
var_with_def_intern( t_u(Z), Var, Lin, Strict),
basis_add( Var, _),
activate_crossproduct( News).
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
crossproduct( []) --> [].
crossproduct( [A|As]) -->
crossproduct( As, A),
crossproduct( As).
crossproduct( [], _) --> [].
crossproduct( [B:Kb|Bs], A:Ka) -->
get_atts( A, [type(Ta),lin(LinA),strictness(Sa)]),
get_atts( B, [type(Tb),lin(LinB),strictness(Sb)]),
arith_eval( -Kb/Ka, K),
add_linear_f1( LinA, K, LinB, Lin)
( { arith_eval( K > 0) } -> % signs were opposite
{ Strict is Sa \/ Sb },
cross_lower( Ta, Tb, K, Lin, Strict),
cross_upper( Ta, Tb, K, Lin, Strict)
; % La =< A =< Ua -> -Ua =< -A =< -La
flip( Ta, Taf),
flip_strict( Sa, Saf),
Strict is Saf \/ Sb
cross_lower( Taf, Tb, K, Lin, Strict),
cross_upper( Taf, Tb, K, Lin, Strict)
crossproduct( Bs, A:Ka).
cross_lower( Ta, Tb, K, Lin, Strict) -->
lower( Ta, La),
lower( Tb, Lb),
normalize_scalar( L, Ln),
arith_eval( -1, Mone),
add_linear_f1( Lin, Mone, Ln, Lhs),
Sl is Strict >> 1 % normalize to upper bound
[ lez(Sl,Lhs) ].
cross_lower( _, _, _, _, _) --> [].
cross_upper( Ta, Tb, K, Lin, Strict) -->
upper( Ta, Ua),
upper( Tb, Ub),
normalize_scalar( U, Un),
add_linear_11( Un, Lin, Lhs),
Su is Strict /\ 2'01 % normalize to upper bound
[ lez(Su,Lhs) ].
cross_upper( _, _, _, _, _) --> [].
lower( t_l(L), L).
lower( t_lu(L,_), L).
lower( t_L(L), L).
lower( t_Lu(L,_), L).
lower( t_lU(L,_), L).
upper( t_u(U), U).
upper( t_lu(_,U), U).
upper( t_U(U), U).
upper( t_Lu(_,U), U).
upper( t_lU(_,U), U).
flip( t_l(X), t_u(X)).
flip( t_u(X), t_l(X)).
flip( t_lu(X,Y),t_lu(Y,X)).
flip( t_L(X), t_u(X)).
flip( t_U(X), t_l(X)).
flip( t_lU(X,Y),t_lu(Y,X)).
flip( t_Lu(X,Y),t_lu(Y,X)).
flip_strict( 2'00, 2'00).
flip_strict( 2'01, 2'10).
flip_strict( 2'10, 2'01).
flip_strict( 2'11, 2'11).
cp_card( [], Ci,Ci).
cp_card( [A|As], Ci,Co) :-
cp_card( As, A, Ci,Cii),
cp_card( As, Cii,Co).
cp_card( [], _, Ci,Ci).
cp_card( [B:Kb|Bs], A:Ka, Ci,Co) :-
get_atts( A, type(Ta)),
get_atts( B, type(Tb)),
arith_eval( -Kb/Ka, K),
( arith_eval( K > 0) -> % signs were opposite
cp_card_lower( Ta, Tb, Ci,Cii),
cp_card_upper( Ta, Tb, Cii,Ciii)
flip( Ta, Taf),
cp_card_lower( Taf, Tb, Ci,Cii),
cp_card_upper( Taf, Tb, Cii,Ciii)
cp_card( Bs, A:Ka, Ciii,Co).
cp_card_lower( Ta, Tb, Si,So) :-
lower( Ta, _),
lower( Tb, _),
So is Si+1.
cp_card_lower( _, _, Si,Si).
cp_card_upper( Ta, Tb, Si,So) :-
upper( Ta, _),
upper( Tb, _),
So is Si+1.
cp_card_upper( _, _, Si,Si).
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
occurences( V, Occ) :-
allvars( V, All),
occurences( All, V, Occ).
occurences( De, _, []) :- var( De), !.
occurences( [D|De], V, Occ) :-
( get_atts( D, [lin(Lin),type(Type)]),
occ_type_filter( Type),
nf_coeff_of( Lin, V, K) ->
Occ = [D:K|Occt],
occurences( De, V, Occt)
occurences( De, V, Occ)
occ_type_filter( t_l(_)).
occ_type_filter( t_u(_)).
occ_type_filter( t_lu(_,_)).
occ_type_filter( t_L(_)).
occ_type_filter( t_U(_)).
occ_type_filter( t_lU(_,_)).
occ_type_filter( t_Lu(_,_)).
% occurs( V) :- occurences( V, Occ), Occ = [_|_].
occurs( V) :-
allvars( V, All),
occurs( All, V).
occurs( De, _) :- var( De), !, fail.
occurs( [D|De], V) :-
( get_atts( D, [lin(Lin),type(Type)]),
occ_type_filter( Type),
nf_coeff_of( Lin, V, _) ->
occurs( De, V)