git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
284 lines
11 KiB
284 lines
11 KiB
package jpl.test;
import jpl.Query;
import jpl.Term;
// This class contains members which support those tests which are performed from Prolog.
// See also TestJUnit
public class Test {
public Test() {
public Test(Term t) {
this.termFromConstructor = t;
public Term termFromConstructor;
public static boolean fieldStaticBoolean;
public static final boolean fieldStaticBoolean1 = false;
public static final boolean fieldStaticBoolean2 = true;
public static char fieldStaticChar;
public static final char fieldStaticChar1 = '\u0000';
public static final char fieldStaticChar2 = '\uFFFF';
public static byte fieldStaticByte;
public static final byte fieldStaticByte1 = -(1 << 7);
public static final byte fieldStaticByte2 = -1;
public static final byte fieldStaticByte3 = 0;
public static final byte fieldStaticByte4 = 1;
public static final byte fieldStaticByte5 = (1 << 7) - 1;
public static short fieldStaticShort;
public static final short fieldStaticShort1 = -(1 << 15);
public static final short fieldStaticShort2 = -(1 << 7);
public static final short fieldStaticShort3 = -1;
public static final short fieldStaticShort4 = 0;
public static final short fieldStaticShort5 = 1;
public static final short fieldStaticShort6 = (1 << 7) - 1;
public static final short fieldStaticShort7 = (1 << 15) - 1;
public static int fieldStaticInt;
public static final int fieldStaticInt1 = -(1 << 31);
public static final int fieldStaticInt2 = -(1 << 15);
public static final int fieldStaticInt3 = -(1 << 7);
public static final int fieldStaticInt4 = -1;
public static final int fieldStaticInt5 = 0;
public static final int fieldStaticInt6 = 1;
public static final int fieldStaticInt7 = (1 << 7) - 1;
public static final int fieldStaticInt8 = (1 << 15) - 1;
public static final int fieldStaticInt9 = (1 << 31) - 1;
public static long fieldStaticLong;
public static final long fieldStaticLong1 = -(1 << 63);
public static final long fieldStaticLong2 = -(1 << 31);
public static final long fieldStaticLong3 = -(1 << 15);
public static final long fieldStaticLong4 = -(1 << 7);
public static final long fieldStaticLong5 = -1;
public static final long fieldStaticLong6 = 0;
public static final long fieldStaticLong7 = 1;
public static final long fieldStaticLong8 = (1 << 7) - 1;
public static final long fieldStaticLong9 = (1 << 15) - 1;
public static final long fieldStaticLong10 = (1 << 31) - 1;
public static final long fieldStaticLong11 = (1 << 63) - 1;
public static float fieldStaticFloat;
public static final float fieldStaticFloat1 = 12345.6789F;
public static final float fieldStaticFloat2 = 3.4e+38F; // nearly MAX_VALUE
public static final float fieldStaticFloat3 = 1.4e-45F; // nearly MIN_VALUE
public static final float fieldStaticFloat4 = 0.0F;
public static final float fieldStaticFloat5 = java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE;
public static final float fieldStaticFloat6 = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE;
public static final float fieldStaticFloat7 = java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
public static final float fieldStaticFloat8 = java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
public static final float fieldStaticFloat9 = java.lang.Float.NaN;
public static double fieldStaticDouble;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble1 = 12345.6789D;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble2 = 2.3456789e+100D;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble3 = 3.456789e-100D;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble4 = 0.0D;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble5 = Double.MIN_VALUE;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble6 = Double.MAX_VALUE;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble7 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble8 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
public static final double fieldStaticDouble9 = Double.NaN;
public static Object[] fieldStaticObjectArray; // can assign e.g. String[]
public static long[] fieldStaticLongArray; // cannot assign e.g. int[]
public static long fac(long n) { // complements jpl:jpl_test_fac(+integer,-integer)
if (n == 1) {
return 1;
} else if (n > 1) {
// return n * ((Integer) new Query(new Compound("jpl_test_fac", new Term[] { new Integer(n - 1), new Variable("F") })).oneSolution().get("F")).intValue();
return n * ((jpl.Integer) Query.oneSolution("jpl_test_fac(?,F)", new Term[] {new jpl.Integer(n-1)}).get("F")).longValue();
} else {
return 0;
static void packageMethod() { // not callable via JPL
public static void publicMethod() {
protected static void protectedMethod() { // not callable via JPL
private static void privateMethod() { // not callable via JPL
public boolean fieldInstanceBoolean;
public final boolean fieldInstanceBoolean1 = false;
public final boolean fieldInstanceBoolean2 = true;
public byte fieldInstanceByte;
public final byte fieldInstanceByte1 = -(1 << 7);
public final byte fieldInstanceByte2 = -1;
public final byte fieldInstanceByte3 = 0;
public final byte fieldInstanceByte4 = 1;
public final byte fieldInstanceByte5 = (1 << 7) - 1;
public char fieldInstanceChar;
public final char fieldInstanceChar1 = '\u0000';
public final char fieldInstanceChar2 = '\uFFFF';
public double fieldInstanceDouble;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble1 = 12345.6789D;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble2 = 2.3456789e+100D;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble3 = 3.456789e-100D;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble4 = 0.0D;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble5 = Double.MIN_VALUE;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble6 = Double.MAX_VALUE;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble7 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble8 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
public final double fieldInstanceDouble9 = Double.NaN;
public float fieldInstanceFloat;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat1 = 12345.6789F;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat2 = 3.4e+38F;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat3 = 1.4e-45F;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat4 = 0.0F;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat5 = java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat6 = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat7 = java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat8 = java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
public final float fieldInstanceFloat9 = java.lang.Float.NaN;
public int fieldInstanceInt;
public final int fieldInstanceInt1 = -(1 << 31);
public final int fieldInstanceInt2 = -(1 << 15);
public final int fieldInstanceInt3 = -(1 << 7);
public final int fieldInstanceInt4 = -1;
public final int fieldInstanceInt5 = 0;
public final int fieldInstanceInt6 = 1;
public final int fieldInstanceInt7 = (1 << 7) - 1;
public final int fieldInstanceInt8 = (1 << 15) - 1;
public final int fieldInstanceInt9 = (1 << 31) - 1;
public long fieldInstanceLong;
public final long fieldInstanceLong1 = -(1 << 63);
public final long fieldInstanceLong10 = (1 << 31) - 1;
public final long fieldInstanceLong11 = (1 << 63) - 1;
public final long fieldInstanceLong2 = -(1 << 31);
public final long fieldInstanceLong3 = -(1 << 15);
public final long fieldInstanceLong4 = -(1 << 7);
public final long fieldInstanceLong5 = -1;
public final long fieldInstanceLong6 = 0;
public final long fieldInstanceLong7 = 1;
public final long fieldInstanceLong8 = (1 << 7) - 1;
public final long fieldInstanceLong9 = (1 << 15) - 1;
public short fieldInstanceShort;
public final short fieldInstanceShort1 = -(1 << 15);
public final short fieldInstanceShort2 = -(1 << 7);
public final short fieldInstanceShort3 = -1;
public final short fieldInstanceShort4 = 0;
public final short fieldInstanceShort5 = 1;
public final short fieldInstanceShort6 = (1 << 7) - 1;
public final short fieldInstanceShort7 = (1 << 15) - 1;
public Term term; // obsolete
public static Term staticTerm;
public Term instanceTerm;
// for testing accessibility of non-public fields:
static boolean fieldPackageStaticBoolean;
protected static boolean fieldProtectedStaticBoolean;
private static boolean fieldPrivateStaticBoolean;
// for testing update of final field:
public static final int fieldStaticFinalInt = 7;
// for testing passing general terms in from Prolog:
public static Term fieldStaticTerm;
public Term fieldInstanceTerm;
public static boolean methodStaticTerm(Term t) {
return t != null;
public boolean methodInstanceTerm(Term t) {
return t != null;
public static Term methodStaticEchoTerm(Term t) {
return t;
public static boolean methodStaticEchoBoolean(boolean v) {
return v;
public static char methodStaticEchoChar(char v) {
return v;
public static byte methodStaticEchoByte(byte v) {
return v;
public static short methodStaticEchoShort(short v) {
return v;
public static int methodStaticEchoInt(int v) {
return v;
public static long methodStaticEchoLong(long v) {
return v;
public static float methodStaticEchoFloat(float v) {
return v;
public static double methodStaticEchoDouble(double v) {
return v;
public Term methodInstanceTermEcho(Term t) {
return t;
public static boolean methodStaticTermIsJNull(Term t) {
return t.hasFunctor("@", 1) && t.arg(1).hasFunctor("null", 0);
public boolean methodInstanceTermIsJNull(Term t) {
return t.hasFunctor("@", 1) && t.arg(1).hasFunctor("null", 0);
public static void hello() {
public static boolean[] newArrayBooleanFromValue(boolean v) {
boolean[] a = new boolean[1];
a[0] = v;
return a;
public static byte[] newArrayByteFromValue(byte v) {
byte[] a = new byte[1];
a[0] = v;
return a;
public static char[] newArrayCharFromValue(char v) {
char[] a = new char[1];
a[0] = v;
return a;
public static short[] newArrayShortFromValue(short v) {
short[] a = new short[1];
a[0] = v;
return a;
public static int[] newArrayIntFromValue(int v) {
int[] a = new int[1];
a[0] = v;
return a;
public static long[] newArrayLongFromValue(long v) {
long[] a = new long[1];
a[0] = v;
return a;
public static float[] newArrayFloatFromValue(float v) {
float[] a = new float[1];
a[0] = v;
return a;
public static double[] newArrayDoubleFromValue(double v) {
double[] a = new double[1];
a[0] = v;
return a;
public static String methodStaticArray(long[] a) {
return "long[]";
public static String methodStaticArray(int[] a) {
return "int[]";
public static String methodStaticArray(short[] a) {
return "short[]";