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pmoura eb05d95935 Logtalk 2.21.2 files.
git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
2004-10-17 22:37:16 +00:00

211 lines
5.7 KiB

name = "Logtalk";
fileTypes = ( lgt, mlgt, config, loader );
foldingStartMarker = ":-\\s+(object|protocol|category)(?=[(])";
foldingStopMarker = ":-\\s+end_(object|protocol|category)(?=[.])";
increaseIndentPattern = ":-$";
smartTypingPairs = (
( "(", ")" ), ( "[", "]" ), ( "{", "}" ),
( "\"", "\"" ), ( "'", "'" )
highlightPairs = (
( "(", ")" ), ( "[", "]" ), ( "{", "}" )
foregroundColor = "#000000";
backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
patterns = (
name = "Block comments";
begin = "/\\*"; end = "\\*/";
fontStyle = ( italic ); foregroundColor = "#23763A";
name = "Line Comments";
match = "%.*$";
fontStyle = ( italic ); foregroundColor = "#23763A";
name = "Entity opening directives";
match = ":-\\s+(object|protocol|category)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#881280";
name = "Entity closing directives";
match = ":-\\s+end_(object|protocol|category)(?=[.])";
foregroundColor = "#881280";
name = "Entity relations";
match = "\\b(extends|i(nstantiates|mp(orts|lements))|specializes)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#881280";
name = "Entity directives";
match = ":-\\s+(calls|in(itialization|fo)|uses)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#881280";
name = "Predicate directives";
match = ":-\\s+(alias|info|d(ynamic|iscontiguous)|m(etapredicate|ode|ultifile)|p(ublic|r(otected|ivate))|op|uses)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#881280";
name = "Message sending operators";
match = "(::|\\^\\^)";
foregroundColor = "#0000ff";
name = "Mode operators";
match = "(\\?|@)";
foregroundColor = "#0000ff";
name = "Term comparison operators";
match = "(@=<|@<|@>|@>=|==|\\\\==)";
foregroundColor = "#0000ff";
name = "Arithemtic comparison operators";
match = "(=<|<|>|>=|=:=|=\\\\=)";
foregroundColor = "#0000ff";
name = "Bitwise operators";
match = "(<<|>>|/\\\\|\\\\/|\\\\)";
foregroundColor = "#0000ff";
name = "Evaluable operators";
match = "\\<(mod|rem)\\>";
foregroundColor = "#0000ff";
name = "Evaluable operators";
match = "(\\*\\*|\\+|-|\\*|/|//)";
foregroundColor = "#0000ff";
name = "Other operators";
match = "(:-|!|\\\\\+|,|;|-->|->|=|\\\=|\\.|=\\.\\.|\\<is\\>)";
foregroundColor = "#0000ff";
name = "Control constructs";
match = "\\<(true|fail)\\>";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Control constructs";
match = "\\<(ca(ll|tch)|throw)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Character and byte input/output";
match = "\\<((get|peek|put)_(char|code|byte)|nl)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Character and byte input/output";
match = "\\<nl\\>";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Atomic term processing";
match = "\\<(atom_(length|concat|chars|codes)|sub_atom|char_code|number_(chars|codes))(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Term testing";
match = "\\<(var|atom|integer|float|atomic|compound|n(onvar|umber))(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Term input/output";
match = "\\<(read_term|read|write|writeq|write_(canonical|term)|op|current_op|char_conversion|current_char_conversion)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Term creation and decomposition";
match = "\\<(arg|copy_term|functor)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Compiling and loading predicates";
match = "\\<(logtalk_(compile|load))(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Event handling predicates";
match = "\\<((abolish|define)_events|current_event)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Flag predicates";
match = "\\<((current|set)_logtalk_flag)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Entity creation and abolishing predicates";
match = "\\<((create|abolish)_(object|protocol|category))(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Reflection predicates";
match = "\\<(current_(object|protocol|category)|(object|protocol|category)_property||extends_(object|protocol)|imp(orts_category|lements_protocol)|(instantiates|specializes)_class)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6"; },
{ name = "Other predicates"; match = "\\<((for|retract)all)(?=[(])"; foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6"; },
name = "Execution context methods";
match = "\\<(parameter|se(lf|nder)|this)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Database methods"; match = "\\<(abolish|assert(a|z)|clause|retract|retractall)(?=[(])"; foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6"; },
name = "All solutions methods";
match = "\\<((bag|set)of|f(ind|or)all)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Reflection methods";
match = "\\<(current_predicate|predicate_property)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Event handler methods";
match = "\\<(before|after)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Grammar rule methods";
match = "\\<(expand_term|phrase)(?=[(])";
foregroundColor = "#1A1AA6";
name = "Character constants";
match = "\\<(0'[0-9a-zA-Z]|0b[0-1]+|0o[0-7]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\\>";
foregroundColor = "#C44B45";
name = "Numeric constants";
match = "\\<([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*((e|E)(\\+|-)[0-9]+)?)\\>";
foregroundColor = "#C44B45";
name = "Atoms";
begin = "'"; end = "'"; swallow = "\\\\.";
foregroundColor = "#881314";
name = "Strings";
begin = "\""; end = "\""; swallow = "\\\\.";
foregroundColor = "#881314";
name = "Variables";
match = "\\<(\\u|_)\\w*\\>";
foregroundColor = "#848AB9";