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2012-05-23 14:56:01 +01:00

321 lines
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#include "CFactorGraph.h"
#include "Factor.h"
bool CFactorGraph::checkForIdenticalFactors = true;
CFactorGraph::CFactorGraph (const FactorGraph& fg)
: freeColor_(0), groundFg_(&fg)
CFactorGraph::~CFactorGraph (void)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < varClusters_.size(); i++) {
delete varClusters_[i];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facClusters_.size(); i++) {
delete facClusters_[i];
if (checkForIdenticalFactors == false) {
const FacNodes& facNodes = groundFg_->facNodes();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facNodes.size(); i++) {
facNodes[i]->factor().setDistId (Util::maxUnsigned());
unsigned groupCount = 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facNodes.size(); i++) {
Factor& f1 = facNodes[i]->factor();
if (f1.distId() != Util::maxUnsigned()) {
f1.setDistId (groupCount);
for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < facNodes.size(); j++) {
Factor& f2 = facNodes[j]->factor();
if (f2.distId() != Util::maxUnsigned()) {
if (f1.size() == f2.size() &&
f1.ranges() == f2.ranges() &&
f1.params() == f2.params()) {
f2.setDistId (groupCount);
groupCount ++;
CFactorGraph::setInitialColors (void)
varColors_.resize (groundFg_->nrVarNodes());
facColors_.resize (groundFg_->nrFacNodes());
// create the initial variable colors
VarColorMap colorMap;
const VarNodes& varNodes = groundFg_->varNodes();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < varNodes.size(); i++) {
unsigned dsize = varNodes[i]->range();
VarColorMap::iterator it = colorMap.find (dsize);
if (it == colorMap.end()) {
it = colorMap.insert (make_pair (
dsize, Colors (dsize+1,-1))).first;
unsigned idx;
if (varNodes[i]->hasEvidence()) {
idx = varNodes[i]->getEvidence();
} else {
idx = dsize;
Colors& stateColors = it->second;
if (stateColors[idx] == -1) {
stateColors[idx] = getFreeColor();
setColor (varNodes[i], stateColors[idx]);
const FacNodes& facNodes = groundFg_->facNodes();
// create the initial factor colors
DistColorMap distColors;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facNodes.size(); i++) {
unsigned distId = facNodes[i]->factor().distId();
DistColorMap::iterator it = distColors.find (distId);
if (it == distColors.end()) {
it = distColors.insert (make_pair (distId, getFreeColor())).first;
setColor (facNodes[i], it->second);
CFactorGraph::createGroups (void)
VarSignMap varGroups;
FacSignMap facGroups;
unsigned nIters = 0;
bool groupsHaveChanged = true;
const VarNodes& varNodes = groundFg_->varNodes();
const FacNodes& facNodes = groundFg_->facNodes();
while (groupsHaveChanged || nIters == 1) {
nIters ++;
// set a new color to the variables with the same signature
unsigned prevVarGroupsSize = varGroups.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < varNodes.size(); i++) {
const VarSignature& signature = getSignature (varNodes[i]);
VarSignMap::iterator it = varGroups.find (signature);
if (it == varGroups.end()) {
it = varGroups.insert (make_pair (signature, VarNodes())).first;
it->second.push_back (varNodes[i]);
for (VarSignMap::iterator it = varGroups.begin();
it != varGroups.end(); it++) {
Color newColor = getFreeColor();
VarNodes& groupMembers = it->second;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < groupMembers.size(); i++) {
setColor (groupMembers[i], newColor);
unsigned prevFactorGroupsSize = facGroups.size();
// set a new color to the factors with the same signature
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facNodes.size(); i++) {
const FacSignature& signature = getSignature (facNodes[i]);
FacSignMap::iterator it = facGroups.find (signature);
if (it == facGroups.end()) {
it = facGroups.insert (make_pair (signature, FacNodes())).first;
it->second.push_back (facNodes[i]);
for (FacSignMap::iterator it = facGroups.begin();
it != facGroups.end(); it++) {
Color newColor = getFreeColor();
FacNodes& groupMembers = it->second;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < groupMembers.size(); i++) {
setColor (groupMembers[i], newColor);
groupsHaveChanged = prevVarGroupsSize != varGroups.size()
|| prevFactorGroupsSize != facGroups.size();
// printGroups (varGroups, facGroups);
createClusters (varGroups, facGroups);
CFactorGraph::createClusters (
const VarSignMap& varGroups,
const FacSignMap& facGroups)
varClusters_.reserve (varGroups.size());
for (VarSignMap::const_iterator it = varGroups.begin();
it != varGroups.end(); it++) {
const VarNodes& groupVars = it->second;
VarCluster* vc = new VarCluster (groupVars);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < groupVars.size(); i++) {
vid2VarCluster_.insert (make_pair (groupVars[i]->varId(), vc));
varClusters_.push_back (vc);
facClusters_.reserve (facGroups.size());
for (FacSignMap::const_iterator it = facGroups.begin();
it != facGroups.end(); it++) {
FacNode* groupFactor = it->second[0];
const VarNodes& neighs = groupFactor->neighbors();
VarClusters varClusters;
varClusters.reserve (neighs.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) {
VarId vid = neighs[i]->varId();
varClusters.push_back (vid2VarCluster_.find (vid)->second);
facClusters_.push_back (new FacCluster (it->second, varClusters));
CFactorGraph::getSignature (const VarNode* varNode)
const FacNodes& neighs = varNode->neighbors();
VarSignature sign;
sign.reserve (neighs.size() + 1);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) {
sign.push_back (make_pair (
getColor (neighs[i]),
neighs[i]->factor().indexOf (varNode->varId())));
std::sort (sign.begin(), sign.end());
sign.push_back (make_pair (getColor (varNode), 0));
return sign;
CFactorGraph::getSignature (const FacNode* facNode)
const VarNodes& neighs = facNode->neighbors();
FacSignature sign;
sign.reserve (neighs.size() + 1);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) {
sign.push_back (getColor (neighs[i]));
sign.push_back (getColor (facNode));
return sign;
CFactorGraph::getGroundFactorGraph (void)
FactorGraph* fg = new FactorGraph();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < varClusters_.size(); i++) {
VarNode* newVar = new VarNode (varClusters_[i]->first());
varClusters_[i]->setRepresentative (newVar);
fg->addVarNode (newVar);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facClusters_.size(); i++) {
Vars vars;
const VarClusters& clusters = facClusters_[i]->varClusters();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++) {
vars.push_back (clusters[j]->representative());
const Factor& groundFac = facClusters_[i]->first()->factor();
FacNode* fn = new FacNode (Factor (
vars, groundFac.params(), groundFac.distId()));
facClusters_[i]->setRepresentative (fn);
fg->addFacNode (fn);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < vars.size(); j++) {
fg->addEdge (static_cast<VarNode*> (vars[j]), fn);
return fg;
CFactorGraph::getEdgeCount (
const FacCluster* fc,
const VarCluster* vc,
unsigned index) const
unsigned count = 0;
VarId reprVid = vc->representative()->varId();
VarNode* groundVar = groundFg_->getVarNode (reprVid);
const FacNodes& neighs = groundVar->neighbors();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) {
FacNodes::const_iterator it;
it = std::find (fc->members().begin(), fc->members().end(), neighs[i]);
if (it != fc->members().end() &&
(*it)->factor().indexOf (reprVid) == (int)index) {
count ++;
return count;
CFactorGraph::printGroups (
const VarSignMap& varGroups,
const FacSignMap& facGroups) const
unsigned count = 1;
cout << "variable groups:" << endl;
for (VarSignMap::const_iterator it = varGroups.begin();
it != varGroups.end(); it++) {
const VarNodes& groupMembers = it->second;
if (groupMembers.size() > 0) {
cout << count << ": " ;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < groupMembers.size(); i++) {
cout << groupMembers[i]->label() << " " ;
count ++;
cout << endl;
count = 1;
cout << endl << "factor groups:" << endl;
for (FacSignMap::const_iterator it = facGroups.begin();
it != facGroups.end(); it++) {
const FacNodes& groupMembers = it->second;
if (groupMembers.size() > 0) {
cout << ++count << ": " ;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < groupMembers.size(); i++) {
cout << groupMembers[i]->getLabel() << " " ;
count ++;
cout << endl;