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2001-11-15 00:01:43 +00:00

199 lines
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% clp(q,r) version 1.3.2 %
% %
% (c) Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995 %
% Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) %
% Schottengasse 3 %
% A-1010 Vienna, Austria %
% %
% File: %
% Author: Christian Holzbaur %
% Perform theory-purification in the presence of
% interpreted terms.
:- module( expand, [expand/0, noexpand/0]).
:- dynamic expanding/0.
:- multifile
:- dynamic
user:term_expansion(A,B) :- % expands heads
user:goal_expansion(G,M,E):- % expands bodies
M \== prolog, % quite common due to internal call_cleanups etc.
M \== expand, % this file may get loaded more than once
noexpand :-
expand :-
purify( Goal, Module, _) :- quoted( Goal, Module), !, fail.
purify( Goal, _, Expansion) :-
interpreted_relation( Goal, _Module),
Expansion = {Goal}.
purify( X=Y, _Module, Expansion) :- !, % shortcut for =/2
( ( var(X) ; interpreted_term( X, Th) ),
( var(Y) ; interpreted_term( Y, Th) ),
nonvar( Th) ->
Expansion = {X=Y}
ra( X=Y, user, Pure, ThL, ThLTail),
ThL \== ThLTail,
ThLTail = [Pure],
l2conj( ThL, Expansion)
purify( Goal, _Module, Expansion) :-
nobuiltin( Goal),
ra( Goal, user, Pure, ThL, ThLTail),
ThL \== ThLTail, % ifunctors present ?
ThLTail = [Pure],
l2conj( ThL, Expansion).
nobuiltin( Goal) :-
predicate_property( Goal, built_in),
nobuiltin( _).
quoted( {_}, _).
quoted( run(_,_), geler). % late goal of verify_attributes/3
quoted( resubmit_eq(_), nf). % some (all?) of its clients
quoted( resubmit_lt(_), nf).
quoted( resubmit_le(_), nf).
quoted( resubmit_ne(_), nf).
quoted( wait_linear_retry(_,_,_), nf).
quoted( fm_cp_filter(_,_,_), linear). % generator in findall/3
quoted( printf(_), _).
quoted( printf(_,_), _).
quoted( user_tout(_,_,_,_), _). % undef pred
% Identify the theory (module) involved.
interpreted_term( X, _) :- var(X), !, fail.
interpreted_term( X, linear) :- number(X).
interpreted_term( rat(_,_), linear). % rational constant
interpreted_term( #(_), linear). % Monash
interpreted_term( -(_), linear). % unary minus
interpreted_term( +(_), linear). % plus
interpreted_term( +(_,_), linear). % binary
interpreted_term( -(_,_), linear).
interpreted_term( *(_,_), linear).
interpreted_term( /(_,_), linear).
interpreted_term( pow(_,_), linear).
interpreted_term( exp(_,_), linear).
interpreted_term( ^(_,_), linear).
interpreted_term( sin(_), linear).
interpreted_term( cos(_), linear).
interpreted_term( tan(_), linear).
interpreted_term( min(_,_), linear).
interpreted_term( max(_,_), linear).
interpreted_term( abs(_), linear).
interpreted_relation( G, _) :- var(G), !, fail.
interpreted_relation( <(_,_), linear).
interpreted_relation( =<(_,_), linear).
interpreted_relation( <=(_,_), linear). % Monash
interpreted_relation( >(_,_), linear).
interpreted_relation( >=(_,_), linear).
interpreted_relation( =\=(_,_), linear).
interpreted_relation( =:=(_,_), linear).
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% replace alien subterms by variables
% Special treatment for quote/1
ra( Term, _, Pure) --> {var(Term), !, Term = Pure}.
ra( Term, Th, Pure) -->
functor( Term, N, A),
functor( Pure, N, A)
ra( A, Term, Th, Pure).
ra( 0, _, _, _) --> !.
ra( N, Term, Th, Pure) -->
N1 is N-1,
arg( N, Term, Ta),
arg( N, Pure, Pa)
ra_one( Ta, Th, Pa),
ra( N1, Term, Th, Pure).
ra_one( Term, _, Pure) --> {var( Term), !, Pure=Term}.
ra_one( quote(Term), _, Pure) --> {!, Pure=Term}.
ra_one( Term, ParentTheory, Pure) -->
( interpreted_term( Term, Theory) ->
( { ParentTheory=Theory } ->
ra( Term, Theory, Pure)
ra_equate( Theory, Pure, ThPure),
ra( Term, Theory, ThPure)
ra_equate( user, A, B) --> !, { A=B }. % now
ra_equate( _Theory, A, B) --> [ {A=B} ]. % later
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
purify_head( Term, NewTerm) :-
% vsc: doesn't really exist in YAP, ignore it for now.
( prolog:dcg_expansion( Term, []/*undef layout*/, Exp, _) ->
Term = Exp
( Exp = ?-(_) -> % don't touch these
; Exp = :-(_) -> % expanded via goal_expansion
; Exp = (H:-B) ->
ra( H, user, NewHead, Cl, []),
Cl = [_|_], % ifunctors in head ?
l2conj( Cl, Thc),
NewTerm = (NewHead:-Thc,B)
; % facts
ra( Exp, user, H, Cl, []),
Cl = [_|_], % ifunctors in head ?
l2conj( Cl, B),
NewTerm = (H:-B)
l2conj( [], true).
l2conj( [X|Xs], Conj) :-
( Xs = [], Conj = X
; Xs = [_|_], Conj = (X,Xc), l2conj( Xs, Xc)