file exists system predicate $source_file -> $user source hide and make system preds fix check_head_and_body user_expansion never fails goal expansion is controlled b dynamic procedure add must_be_of_type predicate_indicator fix neat_call, debug flag is user controlled use simplecudd, not ptoblogbdd compile all of myddas fx junk in file_name fix warnings use common file opening struct and funds avoid pairs module fix db queues
This is an experimental interface to BDD libraries. It is not as sophisticated as simplecudd, but it should be fun to play around with bdds. It currently works with cudd only, although it should be possible to port to other libraries. It requires the ability to dynamically link with cudd binaries. This works: - in fedora with standard package - in osx with hand-compiled and ports package In ubuntu, you may want to install the fedora rpm, or just contact me for instructions. Good Luck! Vitor