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pmoura e8e39e597b Logtalk 2.15.4 release files.
git-svn-id: b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
2003-07-09 00:20:55 +00:00

410 lines
11 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: Logtalk
" Maintainer: Paulo Moura <>
" Last Change: 2003 July 7
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded:
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Logtalk is case sensitive:
syn case match
" Logtalk clause functor
syn match logtalkOperator ":-"
" Logtalk quoted atoms and strings
syn region logtalkString start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+
syn region logtalkAtom start=+'+ skip=+\\'+ end=+'+
" Logtalk character code constants
syn match logtalkNumber "0'"
" Logtalk message sending operators
syn match logtalkOperator "::"
syn match logtalkOperator "\^\^"
" Logtalk external call
syn region logtalkExtCall matchgroup=logtalkExtCallTag start="{" matchgroup=logtalkExtCallTag end="}" contains=ALL
" Logtalk opening entity directives
syn region logtalkOpenEntityDir matchgroup=logtalkOpenEntityDirTag start=":- object(" matchgroup=logtalkOpenEntityDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkOpenEntityDir matchgroup=logtalkOpenEntityDirTag start=":- protocol(" matchgroup=logtalkOpenEntityDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkOpenEntityDir matchgroup=logtalkOpenEntityDirTag start=":- category(" matchgroup=logtalkOpenEntityDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
" Logtalk closing entity directives
syn match logtalkCloseEntityDir ":- end_object\."
syn match logtalkCloseEntityDir ":- end_protocol\."
syn match logtalkCloseEntityDir ":- end_category\."
" Logtalk entity relations
syn region logtalkEntityRel matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag start="instantiates(" matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag end=")" contains=logtalkEntity contained
syn region logtalkEntityRel matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag start="specializes(" matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag end=")" contains=logtalkEntity contained
syn region logtalkEntityRel matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag start="extends(" matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag end=")" contains=logtalkEntity contained
syn region logtalkEntityRel matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag start="imports(" matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag end=")" contains=logtalkEntity contained
syn region logtalkEntityRel matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag start="implements(" matchgroup=logtalkEntityRelTag end=")" contains=logtalkEntity contained
" Logtalk directives
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- initialization(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- info(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- mode(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=logtalkOperator,logtalkAtom
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- dynamic(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn match logtalkDirTag ":- dynamic\."
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- discontiguous(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- public(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- protected(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- private(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- metapredicate(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- op(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- calls(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
syn region logtalkDir matchgroup=logtalkDirTag start=":- uses(" matchgroup=logtalkDirTag end=")\." contains=ALL
" Logtalk built-in predicates
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn current_object
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn current_protocol
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn current_category
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn create_object
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn create_protocol
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn create_category
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn object_property
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn protocol_property
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn category_property
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn abolish_object
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn abolish_protocol
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn abolish_category
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn extends_object
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn extends_protocol
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn implements_protocol
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn instantiates_object
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn specializes_object
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn imports_category
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn abolish_events
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn current_event
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn define_events
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn current_logtalk_flag
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn set_logtalk_flag
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn logtalk_compile
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn logtalk_load
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn forall
syn keyword logtalkBuiltIn retractall
" Logtalk built-in methods
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod parameter
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod self
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod sender
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod this
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod current_predicate
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod predicate_property
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod abolish
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod asserta
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod assertz
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod clause
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod retract
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod retractall
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod bagof
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod findall
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod forall
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod setof
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod before
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod after
syn keyword logtalkBuiltInMethod phrase
" Mode operators
syn match logtalkOperator "?"
syn match logtalkOperator "@"
" Control constructs
syn keyword logtalkKeyword true
syn keyword logtalkKeyword fail
syn keyword logtalkKeyword call
syn match logtalkOperator "!"
syn match logtalkOperator ","
syn match logtalkOperator ";"
syn match logtalkOperator "-->"
syn match logtalkOperator "->"
syn keyword logtalkKeyword catch
syn keyword logtalkKeyword throw
" Term unification
syn match logtalkOperator "="
syn keyword logtalkKeyword unify_with_occurs_check
syn match logtalkOperator "\\="
" Term testing
syn keyword logtalkKeyword var
syn keyword logtalkKeyword atom
syn keyword logtalkKeyword integer
syn keyword logtalkKeyword float
syn keyword logtalkKeyword atomic
syn keyword logtalkKeyword compound
syn keyword logtalkKeyword nonvar
syn keyword logtalkKeyword number
" Term comparison
syn match logtalkOperator "@=<"
syn match logtalkOperator "=="
syn match logtalkOperator "\\=="
syn match logtalkOperator "@<"
syn match logtalkOperator "@>"
syn match logtalkOperator "@>="
" Term creation and decomposition
syn keyword logtalkKeyword functor
syn keyword logtalkKeyword arg
syn match logtalkOperator "=\.\."
syn keyword logtalkKeyword copy_term
" Arithemtic evaluation
syn keyword logtalkOperator is
" Arithemtic comparison
syn match logtalkOperator "=:="
syn match logtalkOperator "=\\="
syn match logtalkOperator "<"
syn match logtalkOperator "=<"
syn match logtalkOperator ">"
syn match logtalkOperator ">="
" Stream selection and control
syn keyword logtalkKeyword current_input
syn keyword logtalkKeyword current_output
syn keyword logtalkKeyword set_input
syn keyword logtalkKeyword set_output
syn keyword logtalkKeyword open
syn keyword logtalkKeyword close
syn keyword logtalkKeyword flush_output
syn keyword logtalkKeyword stream_property
syn keyword logtalkKeyword at_end_of_stream
syn keyword logtalkKeyword set_stream_position
" Character input/output
syn keyword logtalkKeyword get_char
syn keyword logtalkKeyword get_code
syn keyword logtalkKeyword peek_char
syn keyword logtalkKeyword peek_code
syn keyword logtalkKeyword put_char
syn keyword logtalkKeyword put_code
syn keyword logtalkKeyword nl
" Byte input/output
syn keyword logtalkKeyword get_byte
syn keyword logtalkKeyword peek_byte
syn keyword logtalkKeyword put_byte
" Term input/output
syn keyword logtalkKeyword read_term
syn keyword logtalkKeyword read
syn keyword logtalkKeyword write_term
syn keyword logtalkKeyword write
syn keyword logtalkKeyword writeq
syn keyword logtalkKeyword write_canonical
syn keyword logtalkKeyword op
syn keyword logtalkKeyword current_op
syn keyword logtalkKeyword char_conversion
syn keyword logtalkKeyword current_char_conversion
" Logic and control
syn match logtalkOperator "\\+"
syn keyword logtalkKeyword once
syn keyword logtalkKeyword repeat
" Atomic term processing
syn keyword logtalkKeyword atom_length
syn keyword logtalkKeyword atom_concat
syn keyword logtalkKeyword sub_atom
syn keyword logtalkKeyword atom_chars
syn keyword logtalkKeyword atom_codes
syn keyword logtalkKeyword char_code
syn keyword logtalkKeyword number_chars
syn keyword logtalkKeyword number_codes
" Implementation defined hooks functions
syn keyword logtalkKeyword set_prolog_flag
syn keyword logtalkKeyword current_prolog_flag
syn keyword logtalkKeyword halt
" Evaluable functors
syn match logtalkOperator "+"
syn match logtalkOperator "-"
syn match logtalkOperator "\*"
syn match logtalkOperator "//"
syn match logtalkOperator "/"
syn keyword logtalkKeyword rem
syn keyword logtalkKeyword mod
syn keyword logtalkKeyword abs
syn keyword logtalkKeyword sign
syn keyword logtalkKeyword float_integer_part
syn keyword logtalkKeyword float_fractional_part
syn keyword logtalkKeyword float
syn keyword logtalkKeyword floor
syn keyword logtalkKeyword truncate
syn keyword logtalkKeyword round
syn keyword logtalkKeyword ceiling
" Other arithemtic functors
syn match logtalkOperator "\*\*"
syn keyword logtalkKeyword sin
syn keyword logtalkKeyword cos
syn keyword logtalkKeyword atan
syn keyword logtalkKeyword exp
syn keyword logtalkKeyword log
syn keyword logtalkKeyword sqrt
" Bitwise functors
syn match logtalkOperator ">>"
syn match logtalkOperator "<<"
syn match logtalkOperator "/\\"
syn match logtalkOperator "\\/"
syn match logtalkOperator "\\"
" Logtalk end-of-clause
syn match logtalkOperator "\."
" Logtalk list operator
syn match logtalkOperator "|"
" Logtalk comments
syn region logtalkBlockComment start="/\*" end="\*/"
syn match logtalkLineComment "%.*"
syn sync ccomment maxlines=50
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_logtalk_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_logtalk_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink logtalkBlockComment Comment
HiLink logtalkLineComment Comment
HiLink logtalkOpenEntityDir Normal
HiLink logtalkOpenEntityDirTag Statement
HiLink logtalkEntity Normal
HiLink logtalkEntityRel Normal
HiLink logtalkEntityRelTag Statement
HiLink logtalkCloseEntityDir Statement
HiLink logtalkDir Normal
HiLink logtalkDirTag Statement
HiLink logtalkAtom String
HiLink logtalkString String
HiLink logtalkNumber Normal
HiLink logtalkKeyword Keyword
HiLink logtalkBuiltIn Keyword
HiLink logtalkBuiltInMethod Keyword
HiLink logtalkOperator Operator
HiLink logtalkExtCall Normal
HiLink logtalkExtCallTag Operator
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "logtalk"
set ts=4