which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. git-svn-id: https://yap.svn.sf.net/svnroot/yap/trunk@5 b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
54 lines
2.3 KiB
54 lines
2.3 KiB
| ?- use_module(library('clpqr/monash')).
{compiling /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/monash.pl...}
{loading /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/printf.ql...}
{loaded /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/printf.ql in module printf, 30 msec 27216 bytes}
{loading /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/expand.ql...}
{loaded /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/expand.ql in module expand, 40 msec 26832 bytes}
{/freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/monash.pl compiled, 110 msec 54848 bytes}
| ?- expand, [library('clpqr/examples/monash/laplace')], noexpand.
{consulting /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/examples/monash/laplace...}
{Warning: [BL,TL] - singleton variables in laplace_vec/3 in lines 24-28}
{Warning: [B11,B12,B13,B14,B21,B24,B31,B34,B42,B43,M22,M23,M32,M33] - singleton variables in go2/0 in lines 58-81}
>>> Sample goals: go1/0, go2/0
{/freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/examples/monash/laplace consulted, 80 msec 7408 bytes}
| ?- go1.
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
100.00 51.11 32.52 24.56 21.11 20.12 21.11 24.56 32.52 51.11 100.00
100.00 71.91 54.41 44.63 39.74 38.26 39.74 44.63 54.41 71.91 100.00
100.00 82.12 68.59 59.80 54.97 53.44 54.97 59.80 68.59 82.12 100.00
100.00 87.97 78.03 71.00 66.90 65.56 66.90 71.00 78.03 87.97 100.00
100.00 91.71 84.58 79.28 76.07 75.00 76.07 79.28 84.58 91.71 100.00
100.00 94.30 89.29 85.47 83.10 82.30 83.10 85.47 89.29 94.30 100.00
100.00 96.20 92.82 90.20 88.56 88.00 88.56 90.20 92.82 96.20 100.00
100.00 97.67 95.59 93.96 92.93 92.58 92.93 93.96 95.59 97.67 100.00
100.00 98.89 97.90 97.12 96.63 96.46 96.63 97.12 97.90 98.89 100.00
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
| ?- go2.
| ?- laplace([
[B11, B12, B13, B14],
[B21, M22, M23, B24],
[B31, M32, M33, B34],
[B44, B42, B43, B44]
{M32= -(B12)-B21+4*M22-M23},
{M33= -(M22)+4*M23-B13-B24},
{B43=B12+B21-8*M22+16*M23-4*B13-4*B24-B34} ?
| ?- ^D