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declare(strict_types = 1);
// {{{ License
2020-08-05 17:20:08 +01:00
// This file is part of GNU social -
// GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with GNU social. If not, see <>.
2020-08-05 17:20:08 +01:00
// }}}
* Common utility functions
* @package GNUsocial
* @category Util
* @author Hugo Sales <>
* @copyright 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc
* @license GNU AGPL v3 or later
namespace App\Util;
use App\Core\I18n\I18n;
2020-08-14 16:43:06 +01:00
use App\Core\Router\Router;
use App\Core\Security;
2021-09-18 03:22:27 +01:00
use App\Entity\Actor;
use App\Entity\LocalUser;
use App\Util\Exception\NoLoggedInUser;
use Component\Language\Entity\Language;
use Egulias\EmailValidator\EmailValidator;
use Egulias\EmailValidator\Validation\RFCValidation as RFCEmailValidation;
2020-07-30 23:48:24 +01:00
use Functional as F;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBagInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml;
abstract class Common
private static array $defaults;
private static ?array $config = null;
public static function setupConfig(ContainerBagInterface $config)
$components = $config->has('components') ? $config->get('components') : [];
$plugins = $config->has('plugins') ? $config->get('plugins') : [];
self::$config = array_merge_recursive($config->get('gnusocial'), ['components' => $components], ['plugins' => $plugins]);
self::$defaults = $config->get('gnusocial_defaults');
private static ?Request $request = null;
public static function setRequest(Request $req)
self::$request = $req;
2022-03-04 15:09:39 +00:00
public static function getRequest(): Request
return self::$request;
public static function route()
return self::$request->attributes->get('_route');
public static function isRoute(string|array $routes)
return \in_array(self::route(), \is_array($routes) ? $routes : [$routes]);
* Access sysadmin's configuration preferences for GNU social
* Returns value if exists, null if not set
public static function config(string $section, ?string $setting = null)
if (!\array_key_exists($section, self::$config)) {
return null;
} else {
if ($setting !== null) {
if (\array_key_exists($setting, self::$config[$section])) {
return self::$config[$section][$setting];
} else {
return null;
} else {
return self::$config[$section];
* Set sysadmin's configuration preferences for GNU social
* @param bool $transient keep this setting in memory only
public static function setConfig(string $section, string $setting, $value, bool $transient = false): void
self::$config[$section][$setting] = $value;
if (!$transient) {
$diff = self::arrayDiffRecursive(self::$config, self::$defaults);
$yaml = (new Yaml\Dumper(indentation: 2))->dump(['parameters' => ['locals' => ['gnusocial' => $diff]]], Yaml\Yaml::DUMP_OBJECT_AS_MAP);
rename(INSTALLDIR . '/social.local.yaml', INSTALLDIR . '/social.local.yaml.orig');
file_put_contents(INSTALLDIR . '/social.local.yaml', $yaml);
public static function getConfigDefaults()
return self::$defaults;
public static function user(): ?LocalUser
// This returns the user stored in the session. We only use
// LocalUser, but this is more generic and returns
// UserInterface, so we need a type cast
/** @var LocalUser */
return Security::getUser();
2021-09-18 03:22:27 +01:00
public static function actor(): ?Actor
return self::user()?->getActor();
public static function userNickname(): ?string
return self::ensureLoggedIn()->getNickname();
public static function userId(): ?int
return self::ensureLoggedIn()->getId();
public static function ensureLoggedIn(?Request $request = null): LocalUser
if (\is_null($user = self::user())) {
throw new NoLoggedInUser($request ?? self::getRequest());
} else {
return $user;
* checks if user is logged in
* @return bool true if user is logged; false if it isn't
public static function isLoggedIn(): bool
return self::user() != null;
* Is the given string identical to a system path or route?
* This could probably be put in some other class, but at
* at the moment, only Nickname requires this functionality.
public static function isSystemPath(string $str): bool
try {
$route = Router::match('/' . $str);
return $route['is_system_path'] ?? true;
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
return false;
* A recursive `array_diff`, while PHP itself doesn't provide one
public static function arrayDiffRecursive($array1, $array2): array
$diff = [];
foreach ($array1 as $key => $value) {
if (\array_key_exists($key, $array2)) {
if (\is_array($value)) {
$recursive_diff = static::arrayDiffRecursive($value, $array2[$key]);
if (\count($recursive_diff)) {
$diff[$key] = $recursive_diff;
} else {
if ($value != $array2[$key]) {
$diff[$key] = $value;
} else {
$diff[$key] = $value;
return $diff;
2020-07-30 23:48:24 +01:00
* Remove keys from the _values_ of $keys from the array $from
2020-08-05 17:20:08 +01:00
public static function arrayRemoveKeys(array $from, array $keys, bool $strict = false)
2020-07-30 23:48:24 +01:00
return F\filter($from, fn ($_, $key) => !\in_array($key, $keys, $strict));
2020-07-30 23:48:24 +01:00
* An internal helper function that converts a $size from php.ini for
* file size limit from the 'human-readable' shorthand into a int. If
* $size is empty (the value is not set in php.ini), returns a default
* value (3M)
2020-06-04 22:00:05 +01:00
* @return int the php.ini upload limit in machine-readable format
public static function sizeStrToInt(string $size): int
// `memory_limit` can be -1 and `post_max_size` can be 0
// for unlimited. Consistency.
if (empty($size) || $size === '-1' || $size === '0') {
$size = '3M';
$suffix = mb_substr($size, -1);
$size = (int) mb_substr($size, 0, -1);
switch (mb_strtoupper($suffix)) {
case 'P':
$size *= 1024;
// no break
case 'T':
$size *= 1024;
// no break
case 'G':
$size *= 1024;
// no break
case 'M':
$size *= 1024;
// no break
case 'K':
$size *= 1024;
if ($suffix >= '0' && $suffix <= '9') {
$size = (int) "{$size}{$suffix}";
return $size;
* Uses `size_str_to_int()` to find the smallest value for uploads in php.ini
public static function getPreferredPhpUploadLimit(): int
return min(
* Uses common config 'attachments' 'file_quota' while respecting PreferredPhpUploadLimit
public static function getUploadLimit(): int
return min(
self::config('attachments', 'file_quota'),
* Clamps a value between 2 numbers
* @return float|int clamped value
public static function clamp(int|float $value, int|float $min, int|float $max): int|float
return min(max($value, $min), $max);
2021-04-25 22:17:01 +01:00
* If $ensure_secure is true, only allow https URLs to pass
2021-04-25 22:17:01 +01:00
public static function isValidHttpUrl(string $url, bool $ensure_secure = false)
2021-04-25 22:17:01 +01:00
if (empty($url)) {
return false;
// (if false, we use '?' in 'https?' to say the 's' is optional)
$regex = $ensure_secure ? '/^https$/' : '/^https?$/';
return filter_var($url, \FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false
&& preg_match($regex, parse_url($url, \PHP_URL_SCHEME));
2021-04-25 22:17:01 +01:00
public static function isValidEmail(string $email): bool
return (new EmailValidator())->isValid($email, new RFCEmailValidation());
* Flatten an array of ['note' => note, 'replies' => [notes]] to an array of notes
public static function flattenNoteArray(array $a): array
$notes = [];
foreach ($a as $n) {
$notes[] = $n['note'];
if (isset($n['replies'])) {
$notes = array_merge($notes, static::flattenNoteArray($n['replies']));
return $notes;
public static function currentLanguage(): Language
// Prefer the Actor's language, if set.
$language = self::actor()?->getTopLanguage();
if (!\is_null($language)) {
return $language;
if (
self::config('site', 'detect_language')
&& !\is_null(self::$request?->headers)
&& self::$request->headers->has('accept-language')
) {
return Language::getByLocale(I18n::clientPreferredLanguage(self::$request->headers->get('accept-language')));
return Language::getByLocale(self::config('site', 'language'));