328 lines
19 KiB
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2020-08-07 23:42:38 +01:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="file.ext">
<trans-unit id="1">
<source>This value should be false.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt falsch sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="2">
<source>This value should be true.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt wouer sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="3">
<source>This value should be of type {{ type }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt vum Typ {{ type }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="4">
<source>This value should be blank.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt eidel sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="5">
<source>The value you selected is not a valid choice.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt enger vun de Wielméiglechkeeten entspriechen.</target>
<trans-unit id="6">
<source>You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.</source>
<target>Et muss mindestens {{ limit }} Méiglechkeet ausgewielt ginn.|Et musse mindestens {{ limit }} Méiglechkeeten ausgewielt ginn.</target>
<trans-unit id="7">
<source>You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.</source>
<target>Et dierf héchstens {{ limit }} Méiglechkeet ausgewielt ginn.|Et dierfen héchstens {{ limit }} Méiglechkeeten ausgewielt ginn.</target>
<trans-unit id="8">
<source>One or more of the given values is invalid.</source>
<target>Een oder méi vun de Wäerter ass ongëlteg.</target>
<trans-unit id="9">
<source>The fields {{ fields }} were not expected.</source>
<target>D'Felder {{ fields }} goufen net erwaart.</target>
<trans-unit id="10">
<source>The fields {{ fields }} are missing.</source>
<target>D'Felder {{ fields }} feelen.</target>
<trans-unit id="11">
<source>This value is not a valid date.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert entsprécht kenger gëlteger Datumsangab.</target>
<trans-unit id="12">
<source>This value is not a valid datetime.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert entsprécht kenger gëlteger Datums- an Zäitangab.</target>
<trans-unit id="13">
<source>This value is not a valid email address.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert ass keng gëlteg Email-Adress.</target>
<trans-unit id="14">
<source>The file could not be found.</source>
<target>De Fichier gouf net fonnt.</target>
<trans-unit id="15">
<source>The file is not readable.</source>
<target>De Fichier ass net liesbar.</target>
<trans-unit id="16">
<source>The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.</source>
<target>De Fichier ass ze grouss ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Déi zougeloosse Maximalgréisst bedréit {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="17">
<source>The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.</source>
<target>Den Typ vum Fichier ass ongëlteg ({{ type }}). Erlaabten Type sinn {{ types }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="18">
<source>This value should be {{ limit }} or less.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert soll méi kleng oder gläich {{ limit }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="19">
<source>This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.</source>
<target>Dës Zeecheketten ass ze laang. Se sollt héchstens {{ limit }} Zeechen hunn.</target>
<trans-unit id="20">
<source>This value should be {{ limit }} or more.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt méi grouss oder gläich {{ limit }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="21">
<source>This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.</source>
<target>Dës Zeecheketten ass ze kuerz. Se sollt mindestens {{ limit }} Zeechen hunn.</target>
<trans-unit id="22">
<source>This value should not be blank.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt net eidel sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="23">
<source>This value should not be null.</source>
<target>Dëst sollt keen Null-Wäert sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="24">
<source>This value should be null.</source>
<target>Dëst sollt keen Null-Wäert sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="25">
<source>This value is not valid.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert ass net gëlteg.</target>
<trans-unit id="26">
<source>This value is not a valid time.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert entsprécht kenger gëlteger Zäitangab.</target>
<trans-unit id="27">
<source>This value is not a valid URL.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert ass keng gëlteg URL.</target>
<trans-unit id="31">
<source>The two values should be equal.</source>
<target>Béid Wäerter sollten identesch sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="32">
<source>The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.</source>
<target>De fichier ass ze grouss. Déi maximal Gréisst dierf {{ limit }} {{ suffix }} net depasséieren.</target>
<trans-unit id="33">
<source>The file is too large.</source>
<target>De Fichier ass ze grouss.</target>
<trans-unit id="34">
<source>The file could not be uploaded.</source>
<target>De Fichier konnt net eropgeluede ginn.</target>
<trans-unit id="35">
<source>This value should be a valid number.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt eng gëlteg Zuel sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="36">
<source>This file is not a valid image.</source>
<target>Dëse Fichier ass kee gëltegt Bild.</target>
<trans-unit id="37">
<source>This is not a valid IP address.</source>
<target>Dëst ass keng gëlteg IP-Adress.</target>
<trans-unit id="38">
<source>This value is not a valid language.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert entsprécht kenger gëlteger Sprooch.</target>
<trans-unit id="39">
<source>This value is not a valid locale.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert entsprécht kengem gëltege Gebittsschema.</target>
<trans-unit id="40">
<source>This value is not a valid country.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert entsprécht kengem gëltege Land.</target>
<trans-unit id="41">
<source>This value is already used.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert gëtt scho benotzt.</target>
<trans-unit id="42">
<source>The size of the image could not be detected.</source>
<target>D'Gréisst vum Bild konnt net detektéiert ginn.</target>
<trans-unit id="43">
<source>The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.</source>
<target>D'Breet vum Bild ass ze grouss ({{ width }}px). Déi erlaabte maximal Breet ass {{ max_width }}px.</target>
<trans-unit id="44">
<source>The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.</source>
<target>D'Breet vum Bild ass ze kleng ({{ width }}px). Déi minimal Breet ass {{ min_width }}px.</target>
<trans-unit id="45">
<source>The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.</source>
<target>D'Héicht vum Bild ass ze grouss ({{ height }}px). Déi erlaabte maximal Héicht ass {{ max_height }}px.</target>
<trans-unit id="46">
<source>The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.</source>
<target>D'Héicht vum Bild ass ze kleng ({{ height }}px). Déi minimal Héicht ass {{ min_height }}px.</target>
<trans-unit id="47">
<source>This value should be the user's current password.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt dem aktuelle Benotzerpasswuert entspriechen.</target>
<trans-unit id="48">
<source>This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt exakt {{ limit }} Buschtaf hunn.|Dëse Wäert sollt exakt {{ limit }} Buschtawen hunn.</target>
<trans-unit id="49">
<source>The file was only partially uploaded.</source>
<target>De Fichier gouf just deelweis eropgelueden.</target>
<trans-unit id="50">
<source>No file was uploaded.</source>
<target>Et gouf kee Fichier eropgelueden.</target>
<trans-unit id="51">
<source>No temporary folder was configured in php.ini.</source>
<target>Et gouf keen temporären Dossier an der php.ini konfiguréiert oder den temporären Dossier existéiert net.</target>
<trans-unit id="52">
<source>Cannot write temporary file to disk.</source>
<target>Den temporäre Fichier kann net gespäichert ginn.</target>
<trans-unit id="53">
<source>A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.</source>
<target>Eng PHP-Erweiderung huet den Upload verhënnert.</target>
<trans-unit id="54">
<source>This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.</source>
<target>Dës Sammlung sollt {{ limit }} oder méi Elementer hunn.</target>
<trans-unit id="55">
<source>This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.</source>
<target>Dës Sammlung sollt {{ limit }} oder manner Elementer hunn.</target>
<trans-unit id="56">
<source>This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.</source>
<target>Dës Sammlung sollt exakt {{ limit }} Element hunn.|Dës Sammlung sollt exakt {{ limit }} Elementer hunn.</target>
<trans-unit id="57">
<source>Invalid card number.</source>
<target>Ongëlteg Kaartennummer.</target>
<trans-unit id="58">
<source>Unsupported card type or invalid card number.</source>
<target>Net ënnerstëtzte Kaartentyp oder ongëlteg Kaartennummer.</target>
<trans-unit id="59">
<source>This is not a valid International Bank Account Number (IBAN).</source>
<target>Dëst ass keng gëlteg IBAN-Kontonummer.</target>
<trans-unit id="60">
<source>This value is not a valid ISBN-10.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert ass keng gëlteg ISBN-10.</target>
<trans-unit id="61">
<source>This value is not a valid ISBN-13.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert ass keng gëlteg ISBN-13.</target>
<trans-unit id="62">
<source>This value is neither a valid ISBN-10 nor a valid ISBN-13.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert ass weder eng gëlteg ISBN-10 nach eng gëlteg ISBN-13.</target>
<trans-unit id="63">
<source>This value is not a valid ISSN.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert ass keng gëlteg ISSN.</target>
<trans-unit id="64">
<source>This value is not a valid currency.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert ass keng gëlteg Währung.</target>
<trans-unit id="65">
<source>This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt {{ compared_value }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="66">
<source>This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt méi grouss wéi {{ compared_value }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="67">
<source>This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt méi grouss wéi oder gläich {{ compared_value }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="68">
<source>This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt identesch si mat {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="69">
<source>This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt méi kleng wéi {{ compared_value }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="70">
<source>This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt méi kleng wéi oder gläich {{ compared_value }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="71">
<source>This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt net {{ compared_value }} sinn.</target>
<trans-unit id="72">
<source>This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert sollt net identesch si mat {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="73">
<source>The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.</source>
<target>D'Säiteverhältnis vum Bild ass ze grouss ({{ ratio }}). Den erlaabte Maximalwäert ass {{ max_ratio }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="74">
<source>The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.</source>
<target>D'Säiteverhältnis vum Bild ass ze kleng ({{ ratio }}). Den erwaarte Minimalwäert ass {{ min_ratio }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="75">
<source>The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.</source>
<target>D'Bild ass quadratesch ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Quadratesch Biller sinn net erlaabt.</target>
<trans-unit id="76">
<source>The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.</source>
<target>D'Bild ass am Queeschformat ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Biller am Queeschformat sinn net erlaabt.</target>
<trans-unit id="77">
<source>The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.</source>
<target>D'Bild ass am Héichformat ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Biller am Héichformat sinn net erlaabt.</target>
<trans-unit id="78">
<source>An empty file is not allowed.</source>
<target>En eidele Fichier ass net erlaabt.</target>
<trans-unit id="79">
<source>The host could not be resolved.</source>
<target>Den Host-Numm konnt net opgeléist ginn.</target>
<trans-unit id="80">
<source>This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.</source>
<target>Dëse Wäert entsprécht net dem erwaarten Zeechesaz {{ charset }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="81">
<source>This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).</source>
<target>Dëst ass kee gëltege "Business Identifier Code" (BIC).</target>
<trans-unit id="82">
<trans-unit id="83">
<source>This is not a valid UUID.</source>
<target>Dëst ass keng gëlteg UUID.</target>