2008-05-08 22:16:04 -04:00
< ? php
2008-12-20 19:39:55 -05:00
2009-01-13 13:41:39 -05:00
* Laconica , the distributed open - source microblogging tool
2008-05-20 15:14:12 -04:00
2009-01-13 13:41:39 -05:00
* Base class for all actions ( ~ views )
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE : This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
2008-05-14 15:26:48 -04:00
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
2008-05-20 15:14:12 -04:00
2008-05-14 15:26:48 -04:00
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
2008-05-20 15:14:12 -04:00
2008-05-14 15:26:48 -04:00
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
2009-01-13 13:41:39 -05:00
* @ category Action
* @ package Laconica
* @ author Evan Prodromou < evan @ controlyourself . ca >
* @ author Sarven Capadisli < csarven @ controlyourself . ca >
* @ copyright 2008 Control Yourself , Inc .
* @ license http :// www . fsf . org / licensing / licenses / agpl - 3.0 . html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @ link http :// laconi . ca /
2008-05-14 15:26:48 -04:00
2008-05-08 22:16:04 -04:00
2008-12-20 19:39:55 -05:00
if ( ! defined ( 'LACONICA' )) {
exit ( 1 );
2009-01-13 13:41:39 -05:00
* Base class for all actions
* This is the base class for all actions in the package . An action is
* more or less a " view " in an MVC framework .
* Actions are responsible for extracting and validating parameters ; using
* model classes to read and write to the database ; and doing ouput .
* @ category Output
* @ package Laconica
* @ author Evan Prodromou < evan @ controlyourself . ca >
* @ author Sarven Capadisli < csarven @ controlyourself . ca >
* @ license http :// www . fsf . org / licensing / licenses / agpl - 3.0 . html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @ link http :// laconi . ca /
* @ see HTMLOutputter
2008-12-20 19:39:55 -05:00
2009-01-13 13:41:39 -05:00
class Action extends HTMLOutputter // lawsuit
2008-12-20 19:39:55 -05:00
var $args ;
function Action ()
// For initializing members of the class
function prepare ( $argarray )
$this -> args =& common_copy_args ( $argarray );
return true ;
2009-01-13 13:41:39 -05:00
function showPage ()
$this -> startHTML ();
$this -> showHead ();
$this -> showBody ();
$this -> endHTML ();
function showHead ()
// XXX: attributes (profile?)
$this -> startElement ( 'head' );
$this -> showTitle ();
$this -> showStylesheets ();
$this -> showScripts ();
$this -> showOpenSearch ();
$this -> showFeeds ();
$this -> showDescription ();
$this -> extraHead ();
$this -> elementElement ( 'head' );
function showTitle ()
$this -> element ( 'title' , null ,
sprintf ( _ ( " %s - %s " ),
$this -> title (),
common_config ( 'site' , 'name' )));
// SHOULD overload
function title ()
return _ ( " Untitled page " );
function showStylesheets ()
common_element ( 'link' , array ( 'rel' => 'stylesheet' ,
'type' => 'text/css' ,
'href' => theme_path ( 'display.css' ) . '?version=' . LACONICA_VERSION ,
'media' => 'screen, projection, tv' ));
foreach ( array ( 6 , 7 ) as $ver ) {
if ( file_exists ( theme_file ( 'ie' . $ver . '.css' ))) {
// Yes, IE people should be put in jail.
$xw -> writeComment ( '[if lte IE ' . $ver . ']><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' .
'href="' . theme_path ( 'ie' . $ver . '.css' ) . '?version=' . LACONICA_VERSION . '" /><![endif]' );
function showScripts ()
common_element ( 'script' , array ( 'type' => 'text/javascript' ,
'src' => common_path ( 'js/jquery.min.js' )),
' ' );
common_element ( 'script' , array ( 'type' => 'text/javascript' ,
'src' => common_path ( 'js/jquery.form.js' )),
' ' );
common_element ( 'script' , array ( 'type' => 'text/javascript' ,
'src' => common_path ( 'js/xbImportNode.js' )),
' ' );
common_element ( 'script' , array ( 'type' => 'text/javascript' ,
'src' => common_path ( 'js/util.js?version=' . LACONICA_VERSION )),
' ' );
function showOpenSearch ()
common_element ( 'link' , array ( 'rel' => 'search' , 'type' => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml' ,
'href' => common_local_url ( 'opensearch' , array ( 'type' => 'people' )),
'title' => common_config ( 'site' , 'name' ) . ' People Search' ));
common_element ( 'link' , array ( 'rel' => 'search' , 'type' => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml' ,
'href' => common_local_url ( 'opensearch' , array ( 'type' => 'notice' )),
'title' => common_config ( 'site' , 'name' ) . ' Notice Search' ));
// MAY overload
function showFeeds ()
// does nothing by default
// SHOULD overload
function showDescription ()
// does nothing by default
// MAY overload
function extraHead ()
// does nothing by default
function showBody ()
// output body
// output wrap element
$this -> showHeader ();
$this -> showCore ();
$this -> showFooter ();
function showHeader ()
// start header div stuff
$this -> showLogo ();
$this -> showPrimaryNav ();
$this -> showSiteNotice ();
$this -> showNoticeForm ();
// end header div stuff
function showLogo ()
// show the logo here
function showPrimaryNav ()
$user = common_current_user ();
common_element_start ( 'ul' , array ( 'id' => 'nav' ));
if ( $user ) {
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'all' , array ( 'nickname' => $user -> nickname )),
_ ( 'Home' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'peoplesearch' ), _ ( 'Search' ));
if ( $user ) {
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'profilesettings' ),
_ ( 'Settings' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'invite' ),
_ ( 'Invite' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'logout' ),
_ ( 'Logout' ));
} else {
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'login' ), _ ( 'Login' ));
if ( ! common_config ( 'site' , 'closed' )) {
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'register' ), _ ( 'Register' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'openidlogin' ), _ ( 'OpenID' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'doc' , array ( 'title' => 'help' )),
_ ( 'Help' ));
common_element_end ( 'ul' );
function showSiteNotice ()
// show the site notice here
// MAY overload if no notice form needed... or direct message box????
function showNoticeForm ()
// show the notice form here
function showCore ()
// start core div
$this -> showLocalNav ();
$this -> showContentBlock ();
$this -> showAside ();
// end core div
// SHOULD overload
function showLocalNav ()
function showContentBlock ()
$this -> showPageTitle ();
$this -> showPageNotice ();
$this -> showContent ();
function showPageTitle () {
$this -> element ( 'h1' , NULL , $this -> title ());
// SHOULD overload (unless there's not a notice)
function showPageNotice ()
// output page notice div
// MUST overload
function showContent ()
// show the actual content (forms, lists, whatever)
function showAside ()
$this -> showExportData ();
$this -> showSections ();
// MAY overload if there are feeds
function showExportData ()
// is there structure to this?
// list of (visible!) feed links
// can we reuse list of feeds from showFeeds() ?
// SHOULD overload
function showSections () {
// for each section, show it
function showFooter ()
// start footer div
$this -> showSecondaryNav ();
$this -> showLicenses ();
function showSecondaryNav ()
common_element_start ( 'ul' , array ( 'id' => 'nav_sub' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'doc' , array ( 'title' => 'help' )),
_ ( 'Help' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'doc' , array ( 'title' => 'about' )),
_ ( 'About' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'doc' , array ( 'title' => 'faq' )),
_ ( 'FAQ' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'doc' , array ( 'title' => 'privacy' )),
_ ( 'Privacy' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'doc' , array ( 'title' => 'source' )),
_ ( 'Source' ));
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( 'doc' , array ( 'title' => 'contact' )),
_ ( 'Contact' ));
common_element_end ( 'ul' );
function showLicenses ()
// start license dl
$this -> showLaconicaLicense ();
$this -> showContentLicense ();
// end license dl
function showLaconicaLicense ()
common_element_start ( 'div' , 'laconica' );
if ( common_config ( 'site' , 'broughtby' )) {
$instr = _ ( '**%%site.name%%** is a microblogging service brought to you by [%%site.broughtby%%](%%site.broughtbyurl%%). ' );
} else {
$instr = _ ( '**%%site.name%%** is a microblogging service. ' );
$instr .= sprintf ( _ ( 'It runs the [Laconica](http://laconi.ca/) microblogging software, version %s, available under the [GNU Affero General Public License](http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html).' ), LACONICA_VERSION );
$output = common_markup_to_html ( $instr );
common_raw ( $output );
common_element_end ( 'div' );
// do it
function showContentLicense ()
common_element_start ( 'div' , array ( 'id' => 'footer' ));
common_element ( 'img' , array ( 'id' => 'cc' ,
'src' => $config [ 'license' ][ 'image' ],
'alt' => $config [ 'license' ][ 'title' ]));
common_element_start ( 'p' );
common_text ( _ ( 'Unless otherwise specified, contents of this site are copyright by the contributors and available under the ' ));
common_element ( 'a' , array ( 'class' => 'license' ,
'rel' => 'license' ,
'href' => $config [ 'license' ][ 'url' ]),
$config [ 'license' ][ 'title' ]);
common_text ( _ ( '. Contributors should be attributed by full name or nickname.' ));
common_element_end ( 'p' );
common_element_end ( 'div' );
2008-12-20 19:39:55 -05:00
// For comparison with If-Last-Modified
// If not applicable, return null
function last_modified ()
return null ;
function etag ()
return null ;
function is_readonly ()
return false ;
function arg ( $key , $def = null )
if ( array_key_exists ( $key , $this -> args )) {
return $this -> args [ $key ];
} else {
return $def ;
function trimmed ( $key , $def = null )
$arg = $this -> arg ( $key , $def );
return ( is_string ( $arg )) ? trim ( $arg ) : $arg ;
// Note: argarray ignored, since it's now passed in in prepare()
function handle ( $argarray = null )
$lm = $this -> last_modified ();
$etag = $this -> etag ();
if ( $etag ) {
header ( 'ETag: ' . $etag );
if ( $lm ) {
header ( 'Last-Modified: ' . date ( DATE_RFC1123 , $lm ));
$if_modified_since = $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' ];
if ( $if_modified_since ) {
$ims = strtotime ( $if_modified_since );
if ( $lm <= $ims ) {
if ( ! $etag ||
$this -> _has_etag ( $etag , $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' ])) {
header ( 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified' );
// Better way to do this?
exit ( 0 );
function _has_etag ( $etag , $if_none_match )
return ( $if_none_match ) && in_array ( $etag , explode ( ',' , $if_none_match ));
function boolean ( $key , $def = false )
$arg = strtolower ( $this -> trimmed ( $key ));
if ( is_null ( $arg )) {
return $def ;
} else if ( in_array ( $arg , array ( 'true' , 'yes' , '1' ))) {
return true ;
} else if ( in_array ( $arg , array ( 'false' , 'no' , '0' ))) {
return false ;
} else {
return $def ;
function server_error ( $msg , $code = 500 )
$action = $this -> trimmed ( 'action' );
common_debug ( " Server error ' $code ' on ' $action ': $msg " , __FILE__ );
common_server_error ( $msg , $code );
function client_error ( $msg , $code = 400 )
$action = $this -> trimmed ( 'action' );
common_debug ( " User error ' $code ' on ' $action ': $msg " , __FILE__ );
common_user_error ( $msg , $code );
function self_url ()
$action = $this -> trimmed ( 'action' );
$args = $this -> args ;
unset ( $args [ 'action' ]);
foreach ( array_keys ( $_COOKIE ) as $cookie ) {
unset ( $args [ $cookie ]);
return common_local_url ( $action , $args );
function nav_menu ( $menu )
2008-07-09 19:10:31 -04:00
$action = $this -> trimmed ( 'action' );
common_element_start ( 'ul' , array ( 'id' => 'nav_views' ));
foreach ( $menu as $menuaction => $menudesc ) {
2008-12-20 19:39:55 -05:00
common_menu_item ( common_local_url ( $menuaction ,
isset ( $menudesc [ 2 ]) ? $menudesc [ 2 ] : null ),
$menudesc [ 0 ],
$menudesc [ 1 ],
$action == $menuaction );
2008-07-09 19:10:31 -04:00
common_element_end ( 'ul' );
2008-12-20 19:39:55 -05:00
2009-01-13 13:41:39 -05:00
function common_show_header ( $pagetitle , $callable = null , $data = null , $headercall = null )
global $config , $xw ;
global $action ; /* XXX: kind of cheating here. */
common_start_html ();
common_element_start ( 'head' );
if ( $callable ) {
if ( $data ) {
call_user_func ( $callable , $data );
} else {
call_user_func ( $callable );
common_element_end ( 'head' );
common_element_start ( 'body' , $action );
common_element_start ( 'div' , array ( 'id' => 'wrap' ));
common_element_start ( 'div' , array ( 'id' => 'header' ));
common_nav_menu ();
if (( isset ( $config [ 'site' ][ 'logo' ]) && is_string ( $config [ 'site' ][ 'logo' ]) && ( strlen ( $config [ 'site' ][ 'logo' ]) > 0 ))
|| file_exists ( theme_file ( 'logo.png' )))
common_element_start ( 'a' , array ( 'href' => common_local_url ( 'public' )));
common_element ( 'img' , array ( 'src' => isset ( $config [ 'site' ][ 'logo' ]) ?
( $config [ 'site' ][ 'logo' ]) : theme_path ( 'logo.png' ),
'alt' => $config [ 'site' ][ 'name' ],
'id' => 'logo' ));
common_element_end ( 'a' );
} else {
common_element_start ( 'p' , array ( 'id' => 'branding' ));
common_element ( 'a' , array ( 'href' => common_local_url ( 'public' )),
$config [ 'site' ][ 'name' ]);
common_element_end ( 'p' );
common_element ( 'h1' , 'pagetitle' , $pagetitle );
if ( $headercall ) {
if ( $data ) {
call_user_func ( $headercall , $data );
} else {
call_user_func ( $headercall );
common_element_end ( 'div' );
common_element_start ( 'div' , array ( 'id' => 'content' ));
function common_show_footer ()
global $xw , $config ;
common_element_end ( 'div' ); // content div
common_foot_menu ();
common_element_end ( 'div' );
common_element_end ( 'body' );
common_element_end ( 'html' );
common_end_xml ();
function common_menu_item ( $url , $text , $title = null , $is_selected = false )
$lattrs = array ();
if ( $is_selected ) {
$lattrs [ 'class' ] = 'current' ;
common_element_start ( 'li' , $lattrs );
$attrs [ 'href' ] = $url ;
if ( $title ) {
$attrs [ 'title' ] = $title ;
common_element ( 'a' , $attrs , $text );
common_element_end ( 'li' );
2008-05-08 22:16:04 -04:00