2015-10-03 02:02:37 +02:00
< ? php
* Laconica - a distributed open - source microblogging tool
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 , 2009 , Control Yourself , Inc .
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
if ( ! defined ( 'GNUSOCIAL' )) { exit ( 1 ); }
* Table Definition for deleted_notice
class Deleted_notice extends Managed_DataObject
public $__table = 'deleted_notice' ; // table name
public $id ; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $profile_id ; // int(4) not_null
public $uri ; // varchar(191) unique_key not 255 because utf8mb4 takes more space
public $act_uri ; // varchar(191) unique_key not 255 because utf8mb4 takes more space
public $created ; // datetime() not_null
public $deleted ; // datetime() not_null
public static function schemaDef ()
return array (
'fields' => array (
'id' => array ( 'type' => 'int' , 'not null' => true , 'description' => 'identity of notice' ),
'profile_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int' , 'not null' => true , 'description' => 'author of the notice' ),
'uri' => array ( 'type' => 'varchar' , 'length' => 191 , 'description' => 'URI of the deleted notice' ),
'act_uri' => array ( 'type' => 'varchar' , 'length' => 191 , 'description' => 'URI of the delete activity, may exist in notice table' ),
'act_created' => array ( 'type' => 'datetime' , 'not null' => true , 'description' => 'date the notice record was created' ),
'created' => array ( 'type' => 'datetime' , 'not null' => true , 'description' => 'date the notice record was deleted' ),
'primary key' => array ( 'id' ),
'unique keys' => array (
'deleted_notice_act_uri_key' => array ( 'act_uri' ),
'indexes' => array (
'deleted_notice_profile_id_idx' => array ( 'profile_id' ),
2015-10-03 12:26:09 +02:00
public static function addNew ( Notice $notice , Profile $actor = null )
2015-10-03 02:02:37 +02:00
2015-10-03 12:26:09 +02:00
if ( is_null ( $actor )) {
$actor = $notice -> getProfile ();
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2015-10-03 12:26:09 +02:00
if ( $notice -> getProfile () -> hasRole ( Profile_role :: DELETED )) {
// Don't emit notices if the notice author is (being) deleted
return false ;
2015-10-03 02:02:37 +02:00
$act = new Activity ();
$act -> type = ActivityObject :: ACTIVITY ;
$act -> verb = ActivityVerb :: DELETE ;
$act -> time = time ();
$act -> id = TagURI :: mint ( 'deleted_notice:%d:%d:%s' ,
$actor -> getID (),
$notice -> getID (),
common_date_iso8601 ( common_sql_now ()));
$act -> content = sprintf ( _m ( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> deleted notice <a href="%3$s">{{%4$s}}</a>.' ),
htmlspecialchars ( $actor -> getUrl ()),
htmlspecialchars ( $actor -> getBestName ()),
htmlspecialchars ( $notice -> getUrl ()),
htmlspecialchars ( $notice -> getUri ())
$act -> actor = $actor -> asActivityObject ();
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$act -> target = new ActivityObject (); // We don't save the notice object, as it's supposed to be removed!
2015-10-03 02:02:37 +02:00
$act -> target -> id = $notice -> getUri ();
$act -> objects = array ( clone ( $act -> target ));
$url = $notice -> getUrl ();
$act -> selfLink = $url ;
$act -> editLink = $url ;
// This will make ActivityModeration run saveObjectFromActivity which adds
// a new Deleted_notice entry in the database as well as deletes the notice
// if the actor has permission to do so.
$stored = Notice :: saveActivity ( $act , $actor );
return $stored ;
static public function fromStored ( Notice $stored )
$class = get_called_class ();
$object = new $class ;
$object -> act_uri = $stored -> getUri ();
if ( ! $object -> find ( true )) {
throw new NoResultException ( $object );
return $object ;
public function getActor ()
return Profile :: getByID ( $this -> profile_id );
static public function getObjectType ()
return 'activity' ;
protected $_stored = array ();
public function getStored ()
$uri = $this -> getTargetUri ();
if ( ! isset ( $this -> _stored [ $uri ])) {
$stored = new Notice ();
$stored -> uri = $uri ;
if ( ! $stored -> find ( true )) {
throw new NoResultException ( $stored );
$this -> _stored [ $uri ] = $stored ;
return $this -> _stored [ $uri ];
public function getTargetUri ()
return $this -> uri ;
public function getUri ()
return $this -> act_uri ;
public function asActivityObject ( Profile $scoped = null )
$actobj = new ActivityObject ();
$actobj -> id = $this -> getUri ();
2015-10-03 12:29:22 +02:00
$actobj -> type = ActivityObject :: ACTIVITY ;
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$actobj -> actor = $this -> getActorObject ();
$actobj -> target = new ActivityObject ();
$actobj -> target -> id = $this -> getTargetUri ();
2015-10-03 12:29:22 +02:00
$actobj -> target -> type = ActivityUtils :: resolveUri ( self :: getObjectType ());
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$actobj -> objects = array ( clone ( $actobj -> target ));
$actobj -> verb = ActivityVerb :: DELETE ;
$actobj -> title = ActivityUtils :: verbToTitle ( $actobj -> verb );
$actor = $this -> getActor ();
$actobj -> content = sprintf ( _m ( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> deleted notice {{%3$s}}.' ),
htmlspecialchars ( $actor -> getUrl ()),
htmlspecialchars ( $actor -> getBestName ()),
htmlspecialchars ( $actor -> getTargetUri ())
return $actobj ;
static function newUri ( Profile $actor , Managed_DataObject $object , $created = null )
if ( is_null ( $created )) {
$created = common_sql_now ();
return TagURI :: mint ( strtolower ( get_called_class ()) . ':%d:%s:%d:%s' ,
$actor -> getID (),
ActivityUtils :: resolveUri ( self :: getObjectType (), true ),
$object -> getID (),
common_date_iso8601 ( $created ));
static public function beforeSchemaUpdate ()
$table = strtolower ( get_called_class ());
$schema = Schema :: get ();
$schemadef = $schema -> getTableDef ( $table );
// 2015-10-03 We change the meaning of the 'uri' field and move its
// content to the 'act_uri' for the deleted activity. act_created is
// added too.
if ( isset ( $schemadef [ 'fields' ][ 'act_uri' ])) {
// We already have the act_uri field, so no need to migrate to it.
return ;
echo " \n Found old $table table, upgrading it to contain 'act_uri' and 'act_created' field... " ;
$schemadef [ 'fields' ][ 'act_uri' ] = array ( 'type' => 'varchar' , 'not null' => true , 'length' => 191 , 'description' => 'URI of the delete activity, may exist in notice table' );
$schemadef [ 'fields' ][ 'act_created' ] = array ( 'type' => 'datetime' , 'not null' => true , 'description' => 'date the notice record was created' );
unset ( $schemadef [ 'unique keys' ]);
$schema -> ensureTable ( $table , $schemadef );
$deleted = new Deleted_notice ();
$result = $deleted -> find ();
if ( $result === false ) {
print " \n Found no deleted_notice entries, continuing... " ;
return true ;
print " \n Found $result deleted_notice entries, aligning with new database layout: " ;
while ( $deleted -> fetch ()) {
$orig = clone ( $deleted );
$deleted -> act_uri = $deleted -> uri ;
// this is a fake URI just to have something to put there to avoid NULL
$deleted -> uri = TagURI :: mint ( strtolower ( get_called_class ()) . ':%d:%s:%s:%s' ,
$deleted -> profile_id ,
ActivityUtils :: resolveUri ( self :: getObjectType (), true ),
'unknown' ,
common_date_iso8601 ( $deleted -> created ));
$deleted -> act_created = $deleted -> created ; // we don't actually know when the notice was created
$deleted -> updateWithKeys ( $orig , 'id' );
print " . " ;
print " DONE. \n " ;
print " Resuming core schema upgrade... " ;