forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Manual failover for stomp queues.
If an array of multiple servers is put in $config['queue']['stomp_server'], enqueues will pick a random server to send to (failing over automatically if any are down). Queue handling daemons connect all servers so they get events no matter where they were delivered. In case of disconnection, daemons should now handle it gracefully and attempt to reconnect every 60 seconds or so, automatically resubscribing to all queues once it's back up. Can put to 'native' failover for reads as well by disabling $config['stomp']['manual_failover'] = false; but this is untested and may explode in addition to requiring that your ActiveMQ cluster actually be set up to handle its own data distribution. Additionally, can choose which queues to mark as persistent by setting $config['stomp']['persistent'] to an array of queue names.
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ $default =
'stomp_username' => null,
'stomp_password' => null,
'stomp_persistent' => true, // keep items across queue server restart, if persistence is enabled
'stomp_manual_failover' => true, // if multiple servers are listed, treat them as separate (enqueue on one randomly, listen on all)
'monitor' => null, // URL to monitor ping endpoint (work in progress)
'softlimit' => '90%', // total size or % of memory_limit at which to restart queue threads gracefully
'debug_memory' => false, // true to spit memory usage to log
@ -33,6 +33,22 @@ class LiberalStomp extends Stomp
return $this->_socket;
* Return the host we're currently connected to.
* @return string
function getServer()
$idx = $this->_currentHost;
if ($idx >= 0) {
$host = $this->_hosts[$idx];
return "$host[0]:$host[1]";
} else {
return '[unconnected]';
* Make socket connection to the server
* We also set the stream to non-blocking mode, since we'll be
@ -71,10 +87,12 @@ class LiberalStomp extends Stomp
// @fixme this sometimes hangs in blocking mode...
// shouldn't we have been idle until we found there's more data?
$read = fread($this->_socket, $rb);
if ($read === false) {
if ($read === false || ($read === '' && feof($this->_socket))) {
// @fixme possibly attempt an auto reconnect as old code?
throw new StompException("Error reading");
// @fixme this will lose prior items
return $this->readFrames();
//return $this->readFrames();
$data .= $read;
if (strpos($data, "\x00") !== false) {
@ -29,28 +29,37 @@
require_once 'Stomp.php';
require_once 'Stomp/Exception.php';
class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
var $server = null;
var $username = null;
var $password = null;
var $base = null;
var $con = null;
protected $servers;
protected $username;
protected $password;
protected $base;
protected $control;
protected $useTransactions = true;
protected $sites = array();
protected $subscriptions = array();
protected $useTransactions = true;
protected $transaction = null;
protected $transactionCount = 0;
protected $cons = array(); // all open connections
protected $disconnect = array();
protected $transaction = array();
protected $transactionCount = array();
protected $defaultIdx = 0;
function __construct()
$this->server = common_config('queue', 'stomp_server');
$server = common_config('queue', 'stomp_server');
if (is_array($server)) {
$this->servers = $server;
} else {
$this->servers = array($server);
$this->username = common_config('queue', 'stomp_username');
$this->password = common_config('queue', 'stomp_password');
$this->base = common_config('queue', 'queue_basename');
@ -99,9 +108,9 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
$message .= ':' . $param;
$result = $this->con->send($this->control,
array ('created' => common_sql_now()));
$result = $this->_send($this->control,
array ('created' => common_sql_now()));
if ($result) {
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Sent control ping to queue daemons: $message");
return true;
@ -166,29 +175,59 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
* Saves a notice object reference into the queue item table.
* @return boolean true on success
* @throws StompException on connection or send error
public function enqueue($object, $queue)
return $this->_doEnqueue($object, $queue, $this->defaultIdx);
* Saves a notice object reference into the queue item table
* on the given connection.
* @return boolean true on success
* @throws StompException on connection or send error
protected function _doEnqueue($object, $queue, $idx)
$msg = $this->encode($object);
$rep = $this->logrep($object);
$props = array('created' => common_sql_now());
if (common_config('queue', 'stomp_persistent')) {
if ($this->isPersistent($queue)) {
$props['persistent'] = 'true';
$result = $this->con->send($this->queueName($queue),
$msg, // BODY of the message
$con = $this->cons[$idx];
$host = $con->getServer();
$result = $con->send($this->queueName($queue), $msg, $props);
if (!$result) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error sending $rep to $queue queue");
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error sending $rep to $queue queue on $host");
return false;
common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "complete remote queueing $rep for $queue");
common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "complete remote queueing $rep for $queue on $host");
$this->stats('enqueued', $queue);
return true;
* Determine whether messages to this queue should be marked as persistent.
* Actual persistent storage depends on the queue server's configuration.
* @param string $queue
* @return bool
protected function isPersistent($queue)
$mode = common_config('queue', 'stomp_persistent');
if (is_array($mode)) {
return in_array($queue, $mode);
} else {
return (bool)$mode;
@ -199,7 +238,29 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
public function getSockets()
return array($this->con->getSocket());
$sockets = array();
foreach ($this->cons as $con) {
if ($con) {
$sockets[] = $con->getSocket();
return $sockets;
* Get the Stomp connection object associated with the given socket.
* @param resource $socket
* @return int index into connections list
* @throws Exception
protected function connectionFromSocket($socket)
foreach ($this->cons as $i => $con) {
if ($con && $con->getSocket() === $socket) {
return $i;
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . " asked to read from unrecognized socket");
@ -211,27 +272,56 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
public function handleInput($socket)
assert($socket === $this->con->getSocket());
$idx = $this->connectionFromSocket($socket);
$con = $this->cons[$idx];
$host = $con->getServer();
$ok = true;
$frames = $this->con->readFrames();
try {
$frames = $con->readFrames();
} catch (StompException $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Lost connection to $host: " . $e->getMessage());
$this->cons[$idx] = null;
$this->transaction[$idx] = null;
$this->disconnect[$idx] = time();
return false;
foreach ($frames as $frame) {
$dest = $frame->headers['destination'];
if ($dest == $this->control) {
if (!$this->handleControlSignal($frame)) {
if (!$this->handleControlSignal($idx, $frame)) {
// We got a control event that requests a shutdown;
// close out and stop handling anything else!
} else {
$ok = $ok && $this->handleItem($frame);
$ok = $ok && $this->handleItem($idx, $frame);
return $ok;
* Attempt to reconnect in background if we lost a connection.
function idle()
$now = time();
foreach ($this->cons as $idx => $con) {
if (empty($con)) {
$age = $now - $this->disconnect[$idx];
if ($age >= 60) {
return true;
* Initialize our connection and subscribe to all the queues
* we're going to need to handle...
* we're going to need to handle... If multiple queue servers
* are configured for failover, we'll listen to all of them.
* Side effects: in multi-site mode, may reset site configuration.
@ -241,10 +331,14 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
public function start($master)
common_log(LOG_INFO, "Subscribing to $this->control");
foreach ($this->cons as $con) {
if ($con) {
if ($this->sites) {
foreach ($this->sites as $server) {
@ -253,7 +347,11 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
} else {
foreach ($this->cons as $i => $con) {
if ($con) {
return true;
@ -268,8 +366,12 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
// If there are any outstanding delivered messages we haven't processed,
// free them for another thread to take.
foreach ($this->cons as $i => $con) {
if ($con) {
if ($this->sites) {
foreach ($this->sites as $server) {
@ -291,23 +393,106 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
* Lazy open connection to Stomp queue server.
* Lazy open a single connection to Stomp queue server.
* If multiple servers are configured, we let the Stomp client library
* worry about finding a working connection among them.
protected function _connect()
if (empty($this->con)) {
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Connecting to '$this->server' as '$this->username'...");
$this->con = new LiberalStomp($this->server);
if ($this->con->connect($this->username, $this->password)) {
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Connected.");
if (empty($this->cons)) {
$list = $this->servers;
if (count($list) > 1) {
shuffle($list); // Randomize to spread load
$url = 'failover://(' . implode(',', $list) . ')';
} else {
$this->_log(LOG_ERR, 'Failed to connect to queue server');
throw new ServerException('Failed to connect to queue server');
$url = $list[0];
$con = $this->_doConnect($url);
$this->cons = array($con);
$this->transactionCount = array(0);
$this->transaction = array(null);
$this->disconnect = array(null);
* Lazy open connections to all Stomp servers, if in manual failover
* mode. This means the queue servers don't speak to each other, so
* we have to listen to all of them to make sure we get all events.
protected function _connectAll()
if (!common_config('queue', 'stomp_manual_failover')) {
return $this->_connect();
if (empty($this->cons)) {
$this->cons = array();
$this->transactionCount = array();
$this->transaction = array();
foreach ($this->servers as $idx => $server) {
try {
$this->cons[] = $this->_doConnect($server);
$this->disconnect[] = null;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// s'okay, we'll live
$this->cons[] = null;
$this->disconnect[] = time();
$this->transactionCount[] = 0;
$this->transaction[] = null;
if (empty($this->cons)) {
throw new ServerException("No queue servers reachable...");
return false;
protected function _reconnect($idx)
try {
$con = $this->_doConnect($this->servers[$idx]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());
$con = null;
if ($con) {
$this->cons[$idx] = $con;
$this->disconnect[$idx] = null;
// now we have to listen to everything...
// @fixme refactor this nicer. :P
$host = $con->getServer();
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Resubscribing to $this->control on $host");
foreach ($this->subscriptions as $site => $queues) {
foreach ($queues as $queue) {
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Resubscribing to $queue on $host");
} else {
// Try again later...
$this->disconnect[$idx] = time();
protected function _doConnect($server)
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Connecting to '$server' as '$this->username'...");
$con = new LiberalStomp($server);
if ($con->connect($this->username, $this->password)) {
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Connected.");
} else {
$this->_log(LOG_ERR, 'Failed to connect to queue server');
throw new ServerException('Failed to connect to queue server');
return $con;
* Subscribe to all enabled notice queues for the current site.
@ -319,7 +504,11 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
$rawqueue = $this->queueName($queue);
$this->subscriptions[$site][$queue] = $rawqueue;
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Subscribing to $rawqueue");
foreach ($this->cons as $con) {
if ($con) {
@ -333,7 +522,11 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
if (!empty($this->subscriptions[$site])) {
foreach ($this->subscriptions[$site] as $queue => $rawqueue) {
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Unsubscribing from $rawqueue");
foreach ($this->cons as $con) {
if ($con) {
@ -348,27 +541,31 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
* Side effects: in multi-site mode, may reset site configuration to
* match the site that queued the event.
* @param int $idx connection index
* @param StompFrame $frame
* @return bool
protected function handleItem($frame)
protected function handleItem($idx, $frame)
$this->defaultIdx = $idx;
list($site, $queue) = $this->parseDestination($frame->headers['destination']);
if ($site != $this->currentSite()) {
$host = $this->cons[$idx]->getServer();
if (is_numeric($frame->body)) {
$id = intval($frame->body);
$info = "notice $id posted at {$frame->headers['created']} in queue $queue";
$info = "notice $id posted at {$frame->headers['created']} in queue $queue from $host";
$notice = Notice::staticGet('id', $id);
if (empty($notice)) {
$this->_log(LOG_WARNING, "Skipping missing $info");
$this->ack($idx, $frame);
$this->stats('badnotice', $queue);
return false;
@ -376,16 +573,16 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
$item = $notice;
} else {
// @fixme should we serialize, or json, or what here?
$info = "string posted at {$frame->headers['created']} in queue $queue";
$info = "string posted at {$frame->headers['created']} in queue $queue from $host";
$item = $frame->body;
$handler = $this->getHandler($queue);
if (!$handler) {
$this->_log(LOG_ERR, "Missing handler class; skipping $info");
$this->ack($idx, $frame);
$this->stats('badhandler', $queue);
return false;
@ -397,18 +594,18 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
// FIXME we probably shouldn't have to do
// this kind of queue management ourselves;
// if we don't ack, it should resend...
$this->ack($idx, $frame);
$this->enqueue($item, $queue);
$this->stats('requeued', $queue);
return false;
$this->_log(LOG_INFO, "Successfully handled $info");
$this->ack($idx, $frame);
$this->stats('handled', $queue);
return true;
@ -416,10 +613,11 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
* Process a control signal broadcast.
* @param int $idx connection index
* @param array $frame Stomp frame
* @return bool true to continue; false to stop further processing.
protected function handleControlSignal($frame)
protected function handleControlSignal($idx, $frame)
$message = trim($frame->body);
if (strpos($message, ':') !== false) {
@ -443,9 +641,9 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
$this->_log(LOG_ERR, "Ignoring unrecognized control message: $message");
$this->ack($idx, $frame);
return $shutdown;
@ -522,47 +720,49 @@ class StompQueueManager extends QueueManager
common_log($level, 'StompQueueManager: '.$msg);
protected function begin()
protected function begin($idx)
if ($this->useTransactions) {
if ($this->transaction) {
if (!empty($this->transaction[$idx])) {
throw new Exception("Tried to start transaction in the middle of a transaction");
$this->transaction = $this->master->id . '-' . $this->transactionCount . '-' . time();
$this->transaction[$idx] = $this->master->id . '-' . $this->transactionCount[$idx] . '-' . time();
protected function ack($frame)
protected function ack($idx, $frame)
if ($this->useTransactions) {
if (!$this->transaction) {
if (empty($this->transaction[$idx])) {
throw new Exception("Tried to ack but not in a transaction");
$this->cons[$idx]->ack($frame, $this->transaction[$idx]);
} else {
$this->con->ack($frame, $this->transaction);
protected function commit()
protected function commit($idx)
if ($this->useTransactions) {
if (!$this->transaction) {
if (empty($this->transaction[$idx])) {
throw new Exception("Tried to commit but not in a transaction");
$this->transaction = null;
$this->transaction[$idx] = null;
protected function rollback()
protected function rollback($idx)
if ($this->useTransactions) {
if (!$this->transaction) {
if (empty($this->transaction[$idx])) {
throw new Exception("Tried to rollback but not in a transaction");
$this->transaction = null;
$this->transaction[$idx] = null;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user