forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
remove forward table from PostgreSQL scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,10 +80,3 @@ ALTER TABLE profile ADD COLUMN lon decimal(10,7) /*comment 'longitude'*/;
ALTER TABLE profile ADD COLUMN location_id integer /* comment 'location id if possible'*/;
ALTER TABLE profile ADD COLUMN location_ns integer /* comment 'namespace for location'*/;
CREATE TABLE forward (
profile_id integer not null /*comment 'profile who forwarded the notice'*/ references profile (id),
notice_id integer not null /*comment 'notice they forwarded'*/ references notice (id),
created timestamp not null /*comment 'date this record was created'*/ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
PRIMARY KEY (profile_id, notice_id)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ create table "user" (
emailnotifyfav integer default 1 /* comment 'Notify by email of favorites' */,
emailnotifynudge integer default 1 /* comment 'Notify by email of nudges' */,
emailnotifymsg integer default 1 /* comment 'Notify by email of direct messages' */,
emailnotifyattn integer default 1 /* command 'Notify by email of @-replies' */,
emailnotifyattn integer default 1 /* command 'Notify by email of @-replies' */,
emailmicroid integer default 1 /* comment 'whether to publish email microid' */,
language varchar(50) /* comment 'preferred language' */,
timezone varchar(50) /* comment 'timezone' */,
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ create table "user" (
uri varchar(255) unique /* comment 'universally unique identifier, usually a tag URI' */,
autosubscribe integer default 0 /* comment 'automatically subscribe to users who subscribe to us' */,
urlshorteningservice varchar(50) default '' /* comment 'service to use for auto-shortening URLs' */,
inboxed integer default 0 /* comment 'has an inbox been created for this user?' */,
inboxed integer default 0 /* comment 'has an inbox been created for this user?' */,
design_id integer /* comment 'id of a design' */references design(id),
viewdesigns integer default 1 /* comment 'whether to view user-provided designs'*/,
created timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ create table foreign_user (
nickname varchar(255) /* comment 'nickname on foreign service' */,
created timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
primary key (id, service)
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ create table foreign_link (
service int not null /* comment 'foreign key to service' */ references foreign_service (id),
credentials varchar(255) /* comment 'authc credentials, typically a password' */,
noticesync int not null default 1 /* comment 'notice synchronisation, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming, bit 3 = filter local replies' */,
friendsync int not null default 2 /* comment 'friend synchronisation, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming */,
friendsync int not null default 2 /* comment 'friend synchronisation, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming */,
profilesync int not null default 1 /* comment 'profile synchronization, bit 1 = sync outgoing, bit 2 = sync incoming' */,
last_noticesync timestamp default null /* comment 'last time notices were imported' */,
last_friendsync timestamp default null /* comment 'last time friends were imported' */,
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ create table foreign_subscription (
subscriber int not null /* comment 'subscriber on foreign service' */ ,
subscribed int not null /* comment 'subscribed user' */ ,
created timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
primary key (service, subscriber, subscribed)
create index foreign_subscription_subscriber_idx on foreign_subscription using btree(subscriber);
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ create table message (
created timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,
source varchar(32) /* comment 'source of comment, like "web", "im", or "clientname"' */
create index message_from_idx on message using btree(from_profile);
create index message_to_idx on message using btree(to_profile);
@ -409,7 +409,6 @@ create table user_group (
mini_logo varchar(255) /* comment 'mini logo' */,
design_id integer /*comment 'id of a design' */ references design(id),
created timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP /* comment 'date this record was created' */,
modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */
@ -447,16 +446,15 @@ create table group_inbox (
create index group_inbox_created_idx on group_inbox using btree(created);
/*attachments and URLs stuff */
create sequence file_seq;
create table file (
id bigint default nextval('file_seq') primary key /* comment 'unique identifier' */,
url varchar(255) unique,
mimetype varchar(50),
size integer,
title varchar(255),
date integer,
url varchar(255) unique,
mimetype varchar(50),
size integer,
title varchar(255),
date integer,
protected integer,
filename text /* comment 'if a local file, name of the file' */,
modified timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP /* comment 'date this record was modified'*/
@ -467,38 +465,38 @@ create table file_oembed (
file_id bigint default nextval('file_oembed_seq') primary key /* comment 'unique identifier' */,
version varchar(20),
type varchar(20),
mimetype varchar(50),
mimetype varchar(50),
provider varchar(50),
provider_url varchar(255),
width integer,
height integer,
html text,
title varchar(255),
author_name varchar(50),
author_url varchar(255),
url varchar(255)
author_name varchar(50),
author_url varchar(255),
url varchar(255)
create sequence file_redirection_seq;
create table file_redirection (
url varchar(255) primary key,
file_id bigint,
redirections integer,
url varchar(255) primary key,
file_id bigint,
redirections integer,
httpcode integer
create sequence file_thumbnail_seq;
create table file_thumbnail (
file_id bigint primary key,
url varchar(255) unique,
width integer,
height integer
file_id bigint primary key,
url varchar(255) unique,
width integer,
height integer
create sequence file_to_post_seq;
create table file_to_post (
file_id bigint,
post_id bigint,
file_id bigint,
post_id bigint,
primary key (file_id, post_id)
@ -527,7 +525,7 @@ create table session (
id varchar(32) primary key /* comment 'session ID'*/,
session_data text /* comment 'session data'*/,
created timestamp not null DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP /* comment 'date this record was created'*/,
modified integer DEFAULT extract(epoch from CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) /* comment 'date this record was modified'*/
modified integer DEFAULT extract(epoch from CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) /* comment 'date this record was modified'*/
create index session_modified_idx on session (modified);
@ -543,7 +541,6 @@ create table deleted_notice (
CREATE index deleted_notice_profile_id_idx on deleted_notice (profile_id);
/* Textsearch stuff */
create index textsearch_idx on profile using gist(textsearch);
@ -551,7 +548,6 @@ create index noticecontent_idx on notice using gist(to_tsvector('english',conten
create trigger textsearchupdate before insert or update on profile for each row
execute procedure tsvector_update_trigger(textsearch, 'pg_catalog.english', nickname, fullname, location, bio, homepage);
create table config (
section varchar(32) /* comment 'configuration section'*/,
@ -582,8 +578,6 @@ create table location_namespace (
create table login_token (
user_id integer not null /* comment 'user owning this token'*/ references "user" (id),
token char(32) not null /* comment 'token useable for logging in'*/,
@ -593,9 +587,3 @@ create table login_token (
primary key (user_id)
CREATE TABLE forward (
profile_id integer not null /*comment 'profile who forwarded the notice'*/ references profile (id),
notice_id integer not null /*comment 'notice they forwarded'*/ references notice (id),
created timestamp not null /*comment 'date this record was created'*/ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
PRIMARY KEY (profile_id, notice_id)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user