forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
trac750 better settings tab workflow
This commit is contained in:
@ -126,4 +126,6 @@**20081210025922]
[Actually crop your avatar when hitting 'crop' button on profile
Zach Copley <>**20081212043018]
[Some fixups of patches not already migrated to trunk to bring inline with PEAR coding stds
Zach Copley <>**20081225144601]
Zach Copley <>**20081225144601]
[trac750 better settings tab workflow
Zach Copley <>**20090106205738]
Binary file not shown.
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class FacebookhomeAction extends FacebookAction
$flink_id = $flink->insert();
if ($flink_id) {
echo '<fb:success message="You can now use the from Facebook!" />';
echo '<fb:success message="You can now use from Facebook!" />';
$this->show_home($facebook, $fbuid, $user);
@ -69,10 +69,12 @@ class FacebooksettingsAction extends FacebookAction
$fbml = '<fb:if-section-not-added section="profile">'
.'<h2>Add an box to my profile</h2>'
.'<fb:add-section-button section="profile"/>'
.'<p><fb:add-section-button section="profile"/></p>'
$fbml .= '<fb:prompt-permission perms="status_update"><h2>Allow to update my Facebook status</h2></fb:prompt-permission>';
$fbml .= '<p><fb:prompt-permission perms="status_update"><h2>Allow to update my Facebook status</h2></fb:prompt-permission></p>';
if ($facebook->api_client->users_hasAppPermission('status_update')) {
$fbml .= '<form method="post" id="facebook_settings">'
.'<h2>Sync preferences</h2>'
@ -101,6 +103,8 @@ class FacebooksettingsAction extends FacebookAction
echo $fbml;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class FacebookAction extends Action
$html = Facebookaction::Aender_notice($notice);
$html = Facebookaction::render_notice($notice);
$fbml = "<fb:wide>$style $html</fb:wide>";
@ -1,287 +1,17 @@
hunk ./actions/profilesettings.php 57
- if ($this->arg('save')) {
- $this->save_profile();
- } else if ($this->arg('upload')) {
- $this->upload_avatar();
- } else if ($this->arg('changepass')) {
- $this->change_password();
- }
+ if ($this->arg('save')) {
+ $this->save_profile();
+ } else if ($this->arg('upload')) {
+ $this->upload_avatar();
+ } else if ($this->arg('crop')) {
+ $this->crop_avatar();
+ } else if ($this->arg('changepass')) {
+ $this->change_password();
+ } else {
+ $this->show_form(_('Unexpected form submission.'));
+ }
hunk ./actions/profilesettings.php 77
- common_element_start('form', array('method' => 'POST',
- 'id' => 'profilesettings',
- 'action' =>
- common_local_url('profilesettings')));
- common_hidden('token', common_session_token());
- # too much common patterns here... abstractable?
- common_input('nickname', _('Nickname'),
- ($this->arg('nickname')) ? $this->arg('nickname') : $profile->nickname,
- _('1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces'));
- common_input('fullname', _('Full name'),
- ($this->arg('fullname')) ? $this->arg('fullname') : $profile->fullname);
- common_input('homepage', _('Homepage'),
- ($this->arg('homepage')) ? $this->arg('homepage') : $profile->homepage,
- _('URL of your homepage, blog, or profile on another site'));
- common_textarea('bio', _('Bio'),
- ($this->arg('bio')) ? $this->arg('bio') : $profile->bio,
- _('Describe yourself and your interests in 140 chars'));
- common_input('location', _('Location'),
- ($this->arg('location')) ? $this->arg('location') : $profile->location,
- _('Where you are, like "City, State (or Region), Country"'));
- common_input('tags', _('Tags'),
- ($this->arg('tags')) ? $this->arg('tags') : implode(' ', $user->getSelfTags()),
- _('Tags for yourself (letters, numbers, -, ., and _), comma- or space- separated'));
+ common_element_start('form', array('method' => 'POST',
+ 'id' => 'profilesettings',
+ 'action' => common_local_url('profilesettings')));
+ common_hidden('token', common_session_token());
+ # too much common patterns here... abstractable?
+ common_input('nickname', _('Nickname'),
+ ($this->arg('nickname')) ? $this->arg('nickname') : $profile->nickname,
+ _('1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces'));
+ common_input('fullname', _('Full name'),
+ ($this->arg('fullname')) ? $this->arg('fullname') : $profile->fullname);
+ common_input('homepage', _('Homepage'),
+ ($this->arg('homepage')) ? $this->arg('homepage') : $profile->homepage,
+ _('URL of your homepage, blog, or profile on another site'));
+ common_textarea('bio', _('Bio'),
+ ($this->arg('bio')) ? $this->arg('bio') : $profile->bio,
+ _('Describe yourself and your interests in 140 chars'));
+ common_input('location', _('Location'),
+ ($this->arg('location')) ? $this->arg('location') : $profile->location,
+ _('Where you are, like "City, State (or Region), Country"'));
+ common_input('tags', _('Tags'),
+ ($this->arg('tags')) ? $this->arg('tags') : implode(' ', $user->getSelfTags()),
+ _('Tags for yourself (letters, numbers, -, ., and _), comma- or space- separated'));
hunk ./actions/profilesettings.php 118
hunk ./actions/profilesettings.php 142
- if ($original) {
- common_element('img', array('src' => $original->url,
- 'class' => 'avatar original',
- 'width' => $original->width,
- 'height' => $original->height,
- 'alt' => $user->nickname));
- }
+ if ($original) {
+ common_element_start('div', array('id'=>'avatar_original', 'class'=>'avatar_view'));
+ common_element('h3', null, _("Original:"));
+ common_element_start('div', array('id'=>'avatar_original_view'));
+ common_element('img', array('src' => $original->url,
+ 'class' => 'avatar original',
+ 'width' => $original->width,
+ 'height' => $original->height,
+ 'alt' => $user->nickname));
+ common_element_end('div');
+ common_element_end('div');
+ }
hunk ./actions/profilesettings.php 157
- if ($avatar) {
- common_element('img', array('src' => $avatar->url,
- 'class' => 'avatar profile',
- 'height' => AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE,
- 'alt' => $user->nickname));
- }
+ if ($avatar) {
+ common_element_start('div', array('id'=>'avatar_preview', 'class'=>'avatar_view'));
+ common_element('h3', null, _("Preview:"));
+ common_element_start('div', array('id'=>'avatar_preview_view'));
+ common_element('img', array('src' => $original->url,//$avatar->url,
+ 'class' => 'avatar profile',
+ 'height' => AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE,
+ 'alt' => $user->nickname));
+ common_element_end('div');
+ common_element_end('div');
hunk ./actions/profilesettings.php 169
+ foreach(array('avatar_crop_x', 'avatar_crop_y', 'avatar_crop_w', 'avatar_crop_h') as $crop_info) {
+ common_element('input', array('name' => $crop_info,
+ 'type' => 'hidden',
+ 'id' => $crop_info));
+ }
+ common_submit('crop', _('Crop'));
+ }
hunk ./actions/profilesettings.php 184
hunk ./actions/profilesettings.php 410
- @unlink($_FILES['avatarfile']['tmp_name']);
- }
+ @unlink($_FILES['avatarfile']['tmp_name']);
hunk ./actions/facebookhome.php 78
- echo '<fb:success message="You can now use the from Facebook!" />';
+ echo '<fb:success message="You can now use from Facebook!" />';
hunk ./actions/facebooksettings.php 72
- .'<fb:add-section-button section="profile"/>'
+ .'<p><fb:add-section-button section="profile"/></p>'
hunk ./actions/facebooksettings.php 75
- $fbml .= '<fb:prompt-permission perms="status_update"><h2>Allow to update my Facebook status</h2></fb:prompt-permission>';
+ $fbml .= '<p><fb:prompt-permission perms="status_update"><h2>Allow to update my Facebook status</h2></fb:prompt-permission></p>';
+ if ($facebook->api_client->users_hasAppPermission('status_update')) {
hunk ./actions/facebooksettings.php 106
+ }
+ function crop_avatar() {
+ $user = common_current_user();
+ $profile = $user->getProfile();
+ $x = $this->arg('avatar_crop_x');
+ $y = $this->arg('avatar_crop_y');
+ $w = $this->arg('avatar_crop_w');
+ $h = $this->arg('avatar_crop_h');
+ if ($profile->crop_avatars($x, $y, $w, $h)) {
+ $this->show_form(_('Avatar updated.'), true);
+ } else {
+ $this->show_form(_('Failed updating avatar.'));
+ }
+ }
hunk ./classes/Avatar.php 82
- function to_image() {
- $filepath = common_avatar_path($this->filename);
- if ($this->mediatype == 'image/gif') {
- return imagecreatefromgif($filepath);
- } else if ($this->mediatype == 'image/jpeg') {
- return imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
- } else if ($this->mediatype == 'image/png') {
- return imagecreatefrompng($filepath);
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- function &pkeyGet($kv) {
- return Memcached_DataObject::pkeyGet('Avatar', $kv);
- }
+ function scale_and_crop($size, $x, $y, $w, $h)
+ {
+ $image_s = imagecreatetruecolor($size, $size);
+ $image_a = $this->to_image();
+ # Retain alpha channel info if possible for .pngs
+ $background = imagecolorallocate($image_s, 0, 0, 0);
+ ImageColorTransparent($image_s, $background);
+ imagealphablending($image_s, false);
+ imagecopyresized($image_s, $image_a, 0, 0, $x, $y, $size, $size, $w, $h);
+ $ext = ($this->mediattype == 'image/jpeg') ? ".jpeg" : ".png";
+ $filename = common_avatar_filename($this->profile_id, $ext, $size, common_timestamp());
+ if ($this->mediatype == 'image/jpeg') {
+ imagejpeg($image_s, common_avatar_path($filename));
+ } else {
+ imagepng($image_s, common_avatar_path($filename));
+ }
+ $cropped = DB_DataObject::factory('avatar');
+ $cropped->profile_id = $this->profile_id;
+ $cropped->width = $size;
+ $cropped->height = $size;
+ $cropped->original = false;
+ $cropped->mediatype = ($this->mediattype == 'image/jpeg') ? 'image/jpeg' : 'image/png';
+ $cropped->filename = $filename;
+ $cropped->url = common_avatar_url($filename);
+ $cropped->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime(); # current time
+ if ($cropped->insert()) {
+ return $cropped;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ function to_image()
+ {
+ $filepath = common_avatar_path($this->filename);
+ if ($this->mediatype == 'image/gif') {
+ return imagecreatefromgif($filepath);
+ } else if ($this->mediatype == 'image/jpeg') {
+ return imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
+ } else if ($this->mediatype == 'image/png') {
+ return imagecreatefrompng($filepath);
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ function &pkeyGet($kv)
+ {
+ return Memcached_DataObject::pkeyGet('Avatar', $kv);
+ }
hunk ./classes/Profile.php 124
- function delete_avatars() {
- $avatar = new Avatar();
- $avatar->profile_id = $this->id;
- $avatar->find();
- while ($avatar->fetch()) {
- $avatar->delete();
- }
- return true;
- }
+ function crop_avatars($x, $y, $w, $h)
+ {
+ $avatar = $this->getOriginalAvatar();
+ $this->delete_avatars(false); # don't delete original
+ # We don't do a scaled one if original is our scaled size
+ if (!($avatar->width == $size && $avatar->height == $size)) {
+ $s = $avatar->scale_and_crop($size, $x, $y, $w, $h);
+ if (!$s) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function delete_avatars($original=true)
+ {
+ $avatar = new Avatar();
+ $avatar->profile_id = $this->id;
+ $avatar->find();
+ while ($avatar->fetch()) {
+ if ($avatar->original) {
+ if ($original == false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $avatar->delete();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
hunk ./lib/settingsaction.php 63
- function form_header($title, $msg=NULL, $success=false) {
- common_show_header($title,
- array($msg, $success),
- array($this, 'show_top'));
- }
+ function form_header($title, $msg=NULL, $success=false)
+ {
+ common_show_header($title,
+ array($this, 'show_header'),
+ array($msg, $success),
+ array($this, 'show_top'));
+ }
+ function show_header()
+ {
+ common_element('link', array('rel' => 'stylesheet',
+ 'type' => 'text/css',
+ 'href' => common_path('js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.css?version='.LACONICA_VERSION),
+ 'media' => 'screen, projection, tv'));
+ common_element('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript',
+ 'src' => common_path('js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.pack.js')));
+ common_element('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript',
+ 'src' => common_path('js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.go.js')));
+ }
hunk ./lib/facebookaction.php 75
- $html = Facebookaction::Aender_notice($notice);
+ $html = Facebookaction::render_notice($notice);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class FacebookhomeAction extends FacebookAction
$flink_id = $flink->insert();
if ($flink_id) {
echo '<fb:success message="You can now use the from Facebook!" />';
echo '<fb:success message="You can now use from Facebook!" />';
$this->show_home($facebook, $fbuid, $user);
@ -69,10 +69,12 @@ class FacebooksettingsAction extends FacebookAction
$fbml = '<fb:if-section-not-added section="profile">'
.'<h2>Add an box to my profile</h2>'
.'<fb:add-section-button section="profile"/>'
.'<p><fb:add-section-button section="profile"/></p>'
$fbml .= '<fb:prompt-permission perms="status_update"><h2>Allow to update my Facebook status</h2></fb:prompt-permission>';
$fbml .= '<p><fb:prompt-permission perms="status_update"><h2>Allow to update my Facebook status</h2></fb:prompt-permission></p>';
if ($facebook->api_client->users_hasAppPermission('status_update')) {
$fbml .= '<form method="post" id="facebook_settings">'
.'<h2>Sync preferences</h2>'
@ -101,6 +103,8 @@ class FacebooksettingsAction extends FacebookAction
echo $fbml;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class FacebookAction extends Action
$html = Facebookaction::Aender_notice($notice);
$html = Facebookaction::render_notice($notice);
$fbml = "<fb:wide>$style $html</fb:wide>";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user