forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
[PLUGIN][ActivityPub] Simplify DB usage
This commit is contained in:
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class FreeNetworkActorProtocol extends Entity
} else {
DB::wrapInTransaction(fn () => DB::persist($attributed_protocol));
public static function canIActor(string $protocol, int|Actor $actor_id): bool
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ use App\Util\Common;
use App\Util\Exception\BugFoundException;
use App\Util\Exception\NoSuchActorException;
use App\Util\Nickname;
use Codeception\Coverage\Subscriber\Local;
use Component\Collection\Util\Controller\OrderedCollection;
use Component\FreeNetwork\Entity\FreeNetworkActorProtocol;
use Component\FreeNetwork\Util\Discovery;
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ class ActivityPub extends Plugin
// Is remote?
// Is in ActivityPub?
&& !\is_null($ap_actor = ActivitypubActor::getByPK(['actor_id' => $actor->getId()]))
&& !\is_null($ap_actor = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubActor::class, ['actor_id' => $actor->getId()], return_null: true))
// We can only provide a full URL (anything else wouldn't make sense)
&& $type === Router::ABSOLUTE_URL
) {
@ -166,8 +167,8 @@ class ActivityPub extends Plugin
// Are both in AP?
if (
!\is_null($ap_actor = ActivitypubActor::getByPK(['actor_id' => $actor->getId()]))
&& !\is_null($ap_other = ActivitypubActor::getByPK(['actor_id' => $other->getId()]))
!\is_null($ap_actor = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubActor::class, ['actor_id' => $actor->getId()], return_null: true))
&& !\is_null($ap_other = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubActor::class, ['actor_id' => $other->getId()], return_null: true))
) {
// Are they both in the same server?
$canAdmin = parse_url($ap_actor->getUri(), PHP_URL_HOST) === parse_url($ap_other->getUri(), PHP_URL_HOST);
@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ class ActivityPub extends Plugin
$to_addr = [];
foreach ($targets as $actor) {
if (FreeNetworkActorProtocol::canIActor('activitypub', $actor->getId())) {
if (\is_null($ap_target = ActivitypubActor::getByPK(['actor_id' => $actor->getId()]))) {
if (\is_null($ap_target = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubActor::class, ['actor_id' => $actor->getId()], return_null: true))) {
$to_addr[$ap_target->getInboxSharedUri() ?? $ap_target->getInboxUri()][] = $actor;
@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ class ActivityPub extends Plugin
return $object->getUrl();
} else {
// Try known remote objects
$known_object = ActivitypubObject::getByPK(['object_type' => 'note', 'object_id' => $object->getId()]);
$known_object = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubObject::class, ['object_type' => 'note', 'object_id' => $object->getId()], return_null: true);
if ($known_object instanceof ActivitypubObject) {
return $known_object->getObjectUri();
} else {
@ -418,8 +419,8 @@ class ActivityPub extends Plugin
case Activity::class:
// Try known remote activities
$known_activity = ActivitypubActivity::getByPK(['activity_id' => $object->getId()]);
if ($known_activity instanceof ActivitypubActivity) {
$known_activity = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubActivity::class, ['activity_id' => $object->getId()], return_null: true);
if (!\is_null($known_activity)) {
return $known_activity->getActivityUri();
} else {
return Router::url('activity_view', ['id' => $object->getId()], Router::ABSOLUTE_URL);
@ -444,14 +445,14 @@ class ActivityPub extends Plugin
public static function getObjectByUri(string $resource, bool $try_online = true)
// Try known object
$known_object = ActivitypubObject::getByPK(['object_uri' => $resource]);
if ($known_object instanceof ActivitypubObject) {
$known_object = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubObject::class, ['object_uri' => $resource], return_null: true);
if (!\is_null($known_object)) {
return $known_object->getObject();
// Try known activity
$known_activity = ActivitypubActivity::getByPK(['activity_uri' => $resource]);
if ($known_activity instanceof ActivitypubActivity) {
$known_activity = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubActivity::class, ['activity_uri' => $resource], return_null: true);
if (!\is_null($known_activity)) {
return $known_activity->getActivity();
@ -477,14 +478,14 @@ class ActivityPub extends Plugin
// Try remote
if (!$try_online) {
return null;
$response = HTTPClient::get($resource, ['headers' => self::HTTP_CLIENT_HEADERS]);
// If it was deleted
if ($response->getStatusCode() == 410) {
//$obj = Type::create('Tombstone', ['id' => $resource]);
return null;
} elseif (!HTTPClient::statusCodeIsOkay($response)) { // If it is unavailable
throw new Exception('Non Ok Status Code for given Object id.');
} else {
@ -514,7 +515,7 @@ class ActivityPub extends Plugin
// actor_view_id
$reuri = '/\/actor\/(\d+)\/?/m';
if (preg_match_all($renick, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0) === 1) {
return LocalUser::getByPK(['nickname' => $matches[0][1]])->getActor();
return DB::findOneBy(LocalUser::class, ['nickname' => $matches[0][1]])->getActor();
} elseif (preg_match_all($reuri, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0) === 1) {
return Actor::getById((int) $matches[0][1]);
@ -96,9 +96,8 @@ class Inbox extends Controller
try {
$resource_parts = parse_url($type->get('actor'));
if ($resource_parts['host'] !== Common::config('site', 'server')) {
$ap_actor = ActivitypubActor::fromUri($type->get('actor'));
$ap_actor = DB::wrapInTransaction(fn() => ActivitypubActor::fromUri($type->get('actor')));
$actor = Actor::getById($ap_actor->getActorId());
} else {
throw new Exception('Only remote actors can use this endpoint.');
@ -173,8 +172,8 @@ class Inbox extends Controller
if (!empty($ap_act->_object_mention_ids)) {
$already_known_ids = $ap_act->_object_mention_ids;
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor, $ap_act->getActivity(), $already_known_ids, _m('{nickname} mentioned you.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname()])]);
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor, $ap_act->getActivity(), $already_known_ids, _m('{nickname} mentioned you.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname()])]);
dd($ap_act, $act = $ap_act->getActivity(), $act->getActor(), $act->getObject());
@ -261,7 +261,10 @@ class ActivitypubActor extends Entity
'created' => ['type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'description' => 'date this record was created'],
'modified' => ['type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'],
'primary key' => ['actor_id'],
'primary key' => ['uri'],
'unique keys' => [
'activitypub_actor_id_ukey' => ['actor_id'],
'foreign keys' => [
'activitypub_actor_actor_id_fkey' => ['actor', ['actor_id' => 'id']],
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class ActivitypubRsa extends Entity
public static function getByActor(Actor $gsactor, bool $fetch = true): self
$apRSA = self::getByPK(['actor_id' => ($actor_id = $gsactor->getId())]);
$apRSA = DB::findOneBy(self::class, ['actor_id' => ($actor_id = $gsactor->getId())], return_null: true);
if (\is_null($apRSA)) {
// Nonexistent key pair for this profile
if ($gsactor->getIsLocal()) {
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class ActivitypubRsa extends Entity
'private_key' => $private_key,
'public_key' => $public_key,
DB::wrapInTransaction(fn () => DB::persist($apRSA));
} else {
// ASSERT: This should never happen, but try to recover!
Log::error('Activitypub_rsa: An impossible thing has happened... Please let the devs know.');
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Plugin\ActivityPub\Util;
use App\Core\DB\DB;
use App\Core\HTTPClient;
use App\Core\Log;
use App\Util\Exception\NoSuchActorException;
@ -152,8 +153,8 @@ class Explorer
// Try standard ActivityPub route
// Is this a known filthy little mudblood?
$aprofile = self::get_aprofile_by_url($uri);
if ($aprofile instanceof ActivitypubActor) {
$aprofile = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubActor::class, ['uri' => $uri], return_null: true);
if (!\is_null($aprofile)) {
Log::debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a known Aprofile for ' . $uri);
// We found something!
@ -216,19 +217,6 @@ class Explorer
return false;
* Get a ActivityPub Profile from it's uri
* @param string $v URL
* @return ActivitypubActor|bool false if fails | Aprofile object if successful
public static function get_aprofile_by_url(string $v): ActivitypubActor|bool
$aprofile = ActivitypubActor::getByPK(['uri' => $v]);
return \is_null($aprofile) ? false : ActivitypubActor::getByPK(['uri' => $v]);
* Allows the Explorer to transverse a collection of persons.
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ namespace Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Model;
use ActivityPhp\Type;
use ActivityPhp\Type\AbstractObject;
use App\Core\DB\DB;
use App\Core\Event;
use App\Core\Router\Router;
use App\Entity\Activity as GSActivity;
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ class Activity extends Model
// Ditch known activities
if ($type_activity->has('id')) { // We can't dereference a transient activity
$ap_act = ActivitypubActivity::getByPK(['activity_uri' => $type_activity->get('id')]);
$ap_act = DB::findOneBy(ActivitypubActivity::class, ['activity_uri' => $type_activity->get('id')], return_null: true);
if (!\is_null($ap_act)) {
return $ap_act;
@ -104,49 +104,46 @@ class Actor extends Model
// Actor
$actor_map = [
'nickname' => $object->get('preferredUsername'),
'fullname' => !empty($object->get('name')) ? $object->get('name') : null,
'created' => new DateTime($object->get('published') ?? 'now'),
'bio' => $object->get('summary'),
'is_local' => false, // duh!
'type' => self::$_as2_actor_type_to_gs_actor_type[$object->get('type')],
'roles' => $roles,
'modified' => new DateTime(),
$actor = $options['objects']['Actor'] ?? new GSActor();
foreach ($actor_map as $prop => $val) {
$set = Formatting::snakeCaseToCamelCase("set_{$prop}");
if (!isset($options['objects']['Actor'])) {
DB::wrapInTransaction(fn () => DB::persist($actor));
if (isset($options['objects']['Actor'])) {
$actor = $options['objects']['Actor'];
} else {
$actor_map = [
'nickname' => $object->get('preferredUsername'),
'fullname' => !empty($object->get('name')) ? $object->get('name') : null,
'created' => new DateTime($object->get('published') ?? 'now'),
'bio' => $object->get('summary'),
'is_local' => false, // duh!
'type' => self::$_as2_actor_type_to_gs_actor_type[$object->get('type')],
'roles' => $roles,
'modified' => new DateTime(),
$actor = GSActor::create($actor_map);
// ActivityPub Actor
$ap_actor = ActivitypubActor::create([
'inbox_uri' => $object->get('inbox'),
'inbox_shared_uri' => ($object->has('endpoints') && isset($object->get('endpoints')['sharedInbox'])) ? $object->get('endpoints')['sharedInbox'] : null,
'uri' => $object->get('id'),
'actor_id' => $actor->getId(),
'url' => $object->get('url') ?? null,
], $options['objects']['ActivitypubActor'] ?? null);
if (!isset($options['objects']['ActivitypubActor'])) {
DB::wrapInTransaction(fn () => DB::persist($ap_actor));
if (isset($options['objects']['ActivitypubActor'])) {
$ap_actor = $options['objects']['ActivitypubActor'];
} else {
$ap_actor = ActivitypubActor::create([
'inbox_uri' => $object->get('inbox'),
'inbox_shared_uri' => ($object->has('endpoints') && isset($object->get('endpoints')['sharedInbox'])) ? $object->get('endpoints')['sharedInbox'] : null,
'uri' => $object->get('id'),
'actor_id' => $actor->getId(),
'url' => $object->get('url') ?? null,
], $options['objects']['ActivitypubActor'] ?? null);
// Public Key
$apRSA = ActivitypubRsa::create([
'actor_id' => $actor->getID(),
'public_key' => ($object->has('publicKey') && isset($object->get('publicKey')['publicKeyPem'])) ? $object->get('publicKey')['publicKeyPem'] : null,
], $options['objects']['ActivitypubRsa'] ?? null);
if (!isset($options['objects']['ActivitypubRsa'])) {
DB::wrapInTransaction(fn () => DB::persist($apRSA));
if (isset($options['objects']['ActivitypubRsa'])) {
$apRSA = $options['objects']['ActivitypubRsa'];
} else {
$apRSA = ActivitypubRsa::create([
'actor_id' => $actor->getID(),
'public_key' => ($object->has('publicKey') && isset($object->get('publicKey')['publicKeyPem'])) ? $object->get('publicKey')['publicKeyPem'] : null,
], $options['objects']['ActivitypubRsa'] ?? null);
// Avatar
@ -170,14 +167,14 @@ class Actor extends Model
if (!\is_null($avatar = DB::findOneBy(\Component\Avatar\Entity\Avatar::class, ['actor_id' => $actor->getId()], return_null: true))) {
DB::wrapInTransaction(function () use ($attachment, $actor, $object) {
'actor_id' => $actor->getId(),
'attachment_id' => $attachment->getId(),
'title' => $object->get('icon')->get('name') ?? null,
Event::handle('AvatarUpdate', [$actor->getId()]);
@ -216,7 +213,7 @@ class Actor extends Model
$uri = $object->getUri(Router::ABSOLUTE_URL);
$attr = [
'@context' => '',
'type' => ($object->getType() === GSActor::GROUP) ? (LocalGroup::getByPK(['actor_id' => $object->getId()])->getType() === 'organisation' ? 'Organization' : 'Group'): self::$_gs_actor_type_to_as2_actor_type[$object->getType()],
'type' => ($object->getType() === GSActor::GROUP) ? (DB::findOneBy(LocalGroup::class, ['actor_id' => $object->getId()], return_null: true)?->getType() === 'organisation' ? 'Organization' : 'Group'): self::$_gs_actor_type_to_as2_actor_type[$object->getType()],
'id' => $uri,
'inbox' => Router::url('activitypub_actor_inbox', ['gsactor_id' => $object->getId()], Router::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'outbox' => Router::url('activitypub_actor_outbox', ['gsactor_id' => $object->getId()], Router::ABSOLUTE_URL),
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class Note extends Model
try {
$actor = ActivityPub::getActorByUri($target);
$actor = ActivityPub::getActorByUri($target);
$object_mentions_ids[$actor->getId()] = $target;
// If $to is a group and note is unlisted, set note's scope as Group
if ($actor->isGroup() && $map['scope'] === 'unlisted') {
@ -209,18 +209,14 @@ class Note extends Model
try {
$actor = ActivityPub::getActorByUri($target);
$actor = ActivityPub::getActorByUri($target);
$object_mentions_ids[$actor->getId()] = $target;
} catch (Exception $e) {
Log::debug('ActivityPub->Model->Note->fromJson->getActorByUri', [$e]);
$obj = new GSNote();
foreach ($map as $prop => $val) {
$set = Formatting::snakeCaseToCamelCase("set_{$prop}");
$obj = GSNote::create($map);
// Attachments
$processed_attachments = [];
@ -235,7 +231,7 @@ class Note extends Model
// Create an attachment for this
$temp_file = new TemporaryFile();
$filesize = $temp_file->getSize();
$filesize = $temp_file->getSize();
$max_file_size = Common::getUploadLimit();
if ($max_file_size < $filesize) {
throw new ClientException(_m('No file may be larger than {quota} bytes and the file you sent was {size} bytes. '
@ -258,7 +254,7 @@ class Note extends Model
case 'Mention':
case 'Group':
try {
$actor = ActivityPub::getActorByUri($ap_tag->get('href'));
$actor = ActivityPub::getActorByUri($ap_tag->get('href'));
$object_mentions_ids[$actor->getId()] = $ap_tag->get('href');
} catch (Exception $e) {
Log::debug('ActivityPub->Model->Note->fromJson->getActorByUri', [$e]);
@ -276,8 +272,8 @@ class Note extends Model
case 'Hashtag':
$match = ltrim($ap_tag->get('name'), '#');
$tag = Tag::extract($match);
$match = ltrim($ap_tag->get('name'), '#');
$tag = Tag::extract($match);
$canonical_tag = $ap_tag->get('canonical') ?? Tag::canonicalTag($tag, \is_null($lang_id = $obj->getLanguageId()) ? null : Language::getById($lang_id)->getLocale());
'tag' => $tag,
@ -418,7 +414,7 @@ class Note extends Model
'type' => 'Document',
'mediaType' => $attachment->getMimetype(),
'url' => $attachment->getUrl(note: $object, type: Router::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'name' => AttachmentToNote::getByPK(['attachment_id' => $attachment->getId(), 'note_id' => $object->getId()])->getTitle(),
'name' => DB::findOneBy(AttachmentToNote::class, ['attachment_id' => $attachment->getId(), 'note_id' => $object->getId()], return_null: true)?->getTitle(),
'width' => $attachment->getWidth(),
'height' => $attachment->getHeight(),
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Plugin\Favourite\Controller;
use App\Core\DB\DB;
use App\Core\Event;
use App\Core\Form;
use App\Entity\Actor;
use function App\Core\I18n\_m;
use App\Core\Log;
use App\Core\Router\Router;
@ -72,8 +74,9 @@ class Favourite extends FeedController
if ($form_add_to_favourite->isSubmitted()) {
if (!\is_null(\Plugin\Favourite\Favourite::favourNote(note_id: $id, actor_id: $actor_id))) {
if (!\is_null($activity = \Plugin\Favourite\Favourite::favourNote(note_id: $id, actor_id: $actor_id))) {
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor = Actor::getById($actor_id), $activity, [], _m('{nickname} favoured note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $activity->getObjectId()])]);
} else {
throw new ClientException(_m('Note already favoured!'));
@ -131,8 +134,10 @@ class Favourite extends FeedController
if ($form_remove_favourite->isSubmitted()) {
if (!\is_null(\Plugin\Favourite\Favourite::unfavourNote(note_id: $id, actor_id: $actor_id))) {
if (!\is_null($activity = \Plugin\Favourite\Favourite::unfavourNote(note_id: $id, actor_id: $actor_id))) {
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor = Actor::getById($actor_id), $activity, [], _m('{nickname} unfavoured note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $activity->getObjectId()])]);
} else {
throw new ClientException(_m('Note already unfavoured!'));
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ class Favourite extends NoteHandlerPlugin
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor = Actor::getById($actor_id), $activity, [], _m('{nickname} favoured note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $activity->getObjectId()])]);
return $activity;
@ -116,8 +115,6 @@ class Favourite extends NoteHandlerPlugin
'source' => $source,
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor = Actor::getById($actor_id), $activity, [], _m('{nickname} unfavoured note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $activity->getObjectId()])]);
return $activity;
@ -287,7 +284,8 @@ class Favourite extends NoteHandlerPlugin
if ($type_activity->get('type') === 'Like') { // Favourite
if ($type_object instanceof \ActivityPhp\Type\AbstractObject) {
if ($type_object->get('type') === 'Note' || $type_object->get('type') === 'Page') {
$note_id = \Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Model\Note::fromJson($type_object)->getId();
$note = \Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Model\Note::fromJson($type_object);
$note_id = $note->getId();
} else {
return Event::next;
@ -315,9 +313,15 @@ class Favourite extends NoteHandlerPlugin
if ($type_activity->get('type') === 'Like') {
$activity = self::favourNote($note_id, $actor->getId(), source: 'ActivityPub');
if (!\is_null($activity = self::favourNote($note_id, $actor->getId(), source: 'ActivityPub'))) {
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor, $activity, [], _m('{nickname} favoured note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $activity->getObjectId()])]);
} else {
$activity = self::unfavourNote($note_id, $actor->getId(), source: 'ActivityPub');
if (!\is_null($activity = self::unfavourNote($note_id, $actor->getId(), source: 'ActivityPub'))) {
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor, $activity, [], _m('{nickname} unfavoured note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $activity->getObjectId()])]);
if (!\is_null($activity)) {
// Store ActivityPub Activity
@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ namespace Plugin\RepeatNote\Controller;
use App\Core\Controller;
use App\Core\DB\DB;
use App\Core\Event;
use App\Core\Form;
use App\Entity\Actor;
use function App\Core\I18n\_m;
use App\Core\Log;
use App\Core\Router\Router;
@ -71,8 +73,10 @@ class Repeat extends Controller
if ($form_add_to_repeat->isSubmitted()) {
\Plugin\RepeatNote\RepeatNote::repeatNote(note: $note, actor_id: $actor_id);
$repeat_activity = \Plugin\RepeatNote\RepeatNote::repeatNote(note: $note, actor_id: $actor_id);
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor = Actor::getById($actor_id), $repeat_activity, [], _m('{nickname} repeated note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $repeat_activity->getObjectId()])]);
// Redirect user to where they came from
// Prevent open redirect
@ -127,8 +131,9 @@ class Repeat extends Controller
if ($form_remove_repeat->isSubmitted()) {
if (!\is_null(\Plugin\RepeatNote\RepeatNote::unrepeatNote(note_id: $note_id, actor_id: $actor_id))) {
if (!\is_null($undo_repeat_activity = \Plugin\RepeatNote\RepeatNote::unrepeatNote(note_id: $note_id, actor_id: $actor_id))) {
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor = Actor::getById($actor_id), $undo_repeat_activity, [], _m('{nickname} unrepeated note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $note_id])]);
} else {
throw new ClientException(_m('Note wasn\'t repeated!'));
@ -110,11 +110,6 @@ class RepeatNote extends NoteHandlerPlugin
// Flush before notification
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor = Actor::getById($actor_id), $repeat_activity, [], _m('{nickname} repeated note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $repeat_activity->getObjectId()])]);
return $repeat_activity;
@ -165,8 +160,6 @@ class RepeatNote extends NoteHandlerPlugin
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor = Actor::getById($actor_id), $undo_repeat_activity, [], _m('{nickname} unrepeated note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $note_id])]);
return $undo_repeat_activity;
} else {
// Either was undoed already
@ -397,9 +390,15 @@ class RepeatNote extends NoteHandlerPlugin
if ($type_activity->get('type') === 'Announce') {
$activity = self::repeatNote($note ?? Note::getById($note_id), $actor->getId(), source: 'ActivityPub');
if (!\is_null($activity = self::repeatNote($note ?? Note::getById($note_id), $actor->getId(), source: 'ActivityPub'))) {
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor, $activity, [], _m('{nickname} repeated note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $activity->getObjectId()])]);
} else {
$activity = self::unrepeatNote($note_id, $actor->getId(), source: 'ActivityPub');
if (!\is_null($activity = self::unrepeatNote($note_id, $actor->getId(), source: 'ActivityPub'))) {
Event::handle('NewNotification', [$actor, $activity, [], _m('{nickname} unrepeated note {note_id}.', ['{nickname}' => $actor->getNickname(), '{note_id}' => $note_id])]);
if (!\is_null($activity)) {
// Store ActivityPub Activity
@ -52,14 +52,22 @@ use Functional as F;
* @mixin EntityManager
* @template T of Entity
* @method static ?T find(string $class, array<string, mixed> $values) // Finds an Entity by its identifier.
* @method static ?T getReference(string $class, array<string, mixed> $values) // Special cases: It's like find but does not load the object if it has not been loaded yet, it only returns a proxy to the object. (
* @method static void remove(object $entity) // Removes an entity instance.
* @method static T merge(object $entity) // Merges the state of a detached entity into the persistence context
* @method static void persist(object $entity) // Tells the EntityManager to make an instance managed and persistent.
* @method static bool contains(object $entity) // Determines whether an entity instance is managed in this EntityManager.
* @method static void flush() // Flushes the in-memory state of persisted objects to the database.
* @method mixed wrapInTransaction(callable $func) // Executes a function in a transaction. Warning: suppresses exceptions
* // Finds an Entity by its identifier. You probably want to use DB::findBy instead
* @method static ?T find(string $class, array<string, mixed> $values)
* // Special cases: It's like find but does not load the object if it has not been loaded yet, it only returns a proxy to the object. (
* @method static ?T getReference(string $class, array<string, mixed> $values)
* // Removes an entity instance.
* @method static void remove(object $entity)
* // Merges the state of a detached entity into the persistence context
* @method static T merge(object $entity)
* // Tells the EntityManager to make an instance managed and persistent.
* @method static void persist(object $entity)
* // Determines whether an entity instance is managed in this EntityManager.
* @method static bool contains(object $entity)
* // Flushes the in-memory state of persisted objects to the database.
* @method static void flush()
* // Executes a function in a transaction. Warning: suppresses exceptions. Returns the result of the callable.
* @method mixed wrapInTransaction(callable $func)
class DB
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