[UI][FEED] Fix scope in timelines; major rewrite of home timeline query, still missing scoping and paging

This commit is contained in:
Hugo Sales 2020-09-05 02:37:05 +00:00 committed by Hugo Sales
parent e1181ab998
commit 55466143f2
Signed by untrusted user: someonewithpc
GPG Key ID: 7D0C7EAFC9D835A0

@ -33,29 +33,67 @@ namespace App\Controller;
use App\Core\Controller;
use App\Core\DB\DB;
use function App\Core\I18n\_m;
use App\Core\NoteScope;
use App\Util\Common;
use App\Util\Exception\ClientException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class Network extends Controller
// Can't have constanst inside herestring
private $public_scope = NoteScope::PUBLIC;
private $instance_scope = NoteScope::PUBLIC | NoteScope::SITE;
private $message_scope = NoteScope::MESSAGE;
private $follower_scope = NoteScope::PUBLIC | NoteScope::FOLLOWER;
public function public(Request $request)
return [
'_template' => 'network/public.html.twig',
'notes' => DB::dql('select n from App\Entity\Note n ' .
'where n.reply_to is null order by n.created DESC'),
'notes' => DB::sql('select * from note n ' .
"where n.reply_to is null and (n.scope & {$this->instance_scope}) <> 0 " .
'order by n.created DESC',
['n' => 'App\Entity\Note']),
public function home(Request $request)
public function home(Request $request, string $nickname)
$target = DB::findOneBy('gsactor', ['nickname' => $nickname]);
if ($target == null) {
throw new ClientException(_m('User {nickname} doesn\'t exist', ['{nickname}' => $nickname]));
$query = <<<END
-- Select notes from:
select note.* from note left join -- left join ensures all returned notes' ids are not null
-- Followed by target
select n.id from note n inner join follow f on n.gsactor_id = f.followed
where f.follower = :target_actor_id
union all
-- Replies to notes by target
select n.id from note n inner join note nr on nr.id = nr.reply_to
union all
-- Notifications to target
select a.activity_id from notification a inner join note n on a.activity_id = n.id
union all
-- Notes in groups target follows
select gi.activity_id from group_inbox gi inner join group_member gm on gi.group_id = gm.group_id
where gm.gsactor_id = :target_actor_id
as s on s.id = note.id
-- Remove direct messages
note.scope <> {$this->message_scope}
order by note.modified DESC
$notes = DB::sql($query, ['note' => 'App\Entity\Note'], ['target_actor_id' => $target->getId()]);
return [
'_template' => 'network/public.html.twig',
'notes' => DB::dql('select n, g_inbox, g_member ' .
'from App\Entity\Note n inner join App\Entity\GroupInbox g_inbox inner join App\Entity\GroupMember g_member ' .
'with n.id = g_inbox.activity_id ' .
'order by n.created DESC'
'notes' => $notes,
@ -64,8 +102,8 @@ class Network extends Controller
return [
'_template' => 'network/public.html.twig',
'notes' => DB::dql('select n from App\Entity\Note n ' .
'where n.scope = 1 ' .
'order by n.created DESC'
"where n.scope = {$this->public_scope} " .
'order by n.created DESC'