forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Some clean up -- this still doesn't work, yet. The processes all lose
their database connections, including the parent process.
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,38 +32,117 @@ define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
require_once(INSTALLDIR . '/lib/common.php');
$flink = new Foreign_link();
$flink->service = 1; // Twitter
$cnt = $flink->find();
$children = array();
$flink_ids = null;
print "Updating Twitter friends subscriptions for $cnt users.\n";
$POLL_INTERVAL = 10; // 10 seconds
do {
while ($flink->fetch()) {
$flink = new Foreign_link();
$flink->service = 1; // Twitter
$cnt = $flink->find();
if (($flink->noticesync & FOREIGN_NOTICE_RECV) == FOREIGN_NOTICE_RECV) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Updating Twitter friends subscriptions for $cnt users.\n";
$user = User::staticGet($flink->user_id);
$flink_ids = array();
if (empty($user)) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unmatched user for ID " . $flink->user_id);
print "Unmatched user for ID $flink->user_id\n";
// XXX: This only reliably happens once. After the first interation of
// the do loop, the ->find() doesn't work ... lost DB connection?
while ($flink->fetch()) {
if (($flink->noticesync & FOREIGN_NOTICE_RECV) == FOREIGN_NOTICE_RECV) {
$flink_ids[] = $flink->foreign_id;
print 'Retrieving Friends Timeline for ' . $flink->user_id . "\n";
foreach ($flink_ids as $f){
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
die ("Couldn't fork!");
// Parent
if ($pid) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Parent: forked " . $pid . "\n";
$children[] = $pid;
} else {
// Child
// XXX: Each child needs its own DB connection
// Remove child from ps list as it finishes
while(($c = pcntl_wait($status, WNOHANG OR WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Child $c finished.\n";
remove_ps($children, $c);
// Wait if we have too many kids
if(sizeof($children) > $MAXCHILDREN) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Too many children. Waiting...\n";
if( ($c = pcntl_wait($status, WUNTRACED) ) > 0){
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Finished waiting for $c\n";
remove_ps($children, $c);
// Remove all children from the process list before restarting
while(($c = pcntl_wait($status, WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "\nDONE\n";
print "Child $c finished.\n";
remove_ps($children, $c);
// Rest for a bit before we fetch more statuses
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Waiting $POLL_INTERVAL secs before hitting Twitter again.\n";
} while (true);
function remove_ps(&$plist, $ps){
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($plist); $i++){
if($plist[$i] == $ps){
$plist = array_values($plist);
function getTimeline($flink)
function getTimeline($fid)
// XXX: Need to reconnect to the DB here?
$flink = Foreign_link::getByForeignID($fid, 1);
$fuser = $flink->getForeignUser();
if (empty($fuser)) {
@ -71,7 +150,6 @@ function getTimeline($flink)
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Unmatched user for ID $flink->user_id\n";
$screenname = $fuser->nickname;
@ -82,26 +160,34 @@ function getTimeline($flink)
$timeline = json_decode($timeline_json);
if (empty($timeline)) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Empty timeline.");
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Empty timeline!\n";
foreach ($timeline as $status) {
// Hacktastic: filter out stuff coming from Laconica
$source = mb_strtolower(common_config('integration', 'source'));
if (preg_match("/$source/", mb_strtolower($status->source))) {
saveStatus($status, $flink);
function saveStatus($status, $flink)
// Do we have a profile for this Twitter user?
$id = ensureProfile($status->user);
// Do we have a profile for this Twitter user?
$id = ensureProfile($status->user);
$profile = Profile::staticGet($id);
if (!$profile) {
@ -112,34 +198,33 @@ function saveStatus($status, $flink)
return null;
$uri = '' . $status->user->screen_name .
$uri = '' . $status->user->screen_name .
'/status/' . $status->id;
// Skip save if notice source is Laconica or
$notice = Notice::staticGet('uri', $uri);
// Skip save if notice source is Laconica or
$notice = Notice::staticGet('uri', $uri);
// check to see if we've already imported the status
if (!$notice) {
$notice = new Notice();
$notice = new Notice();
$notice->profile_id = $id;
// XXX: figure out reply_to
$notice->reply_to = null;
// XXX: Should this be common_sql_now() instead of status create date?
$notice->created = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
$notice->content = $status->text;
$notice->rendered = common_render_content($status->text, $notice);
$notice->source = 'twitter';
$notice->is_local = 0;
$notice->uri = $uri;
$notice->reply_to = null;
// XXX: Should this be common_sql_now() instead of status create date?
$notice->created = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
$notice->content = $status->text;
$notice->rendered = common_render_content($status->text, $notice);
$notice->source = 'twitter';
$notice->is_local = 0;
$notice->uri = $uri;
$notice_id = $notice->insert();
@ -150,59 +235,54 @@ function saveStatus($status, $flink)
# XXX: do we need to change this for remote users?
// XXX: Figure out a better way to link replies?
// XXX: Do we want to polute our tag cloud with hashtags from Twitter?
if (!Notice_inbox::staticGet('notice_id', $notice->id)) {
// Add to inbox
$inbox = new Notice_inbox();
$inbox->user_id = $flink->user_id;
$inbox->notice_id = $notice->id;
$inbox->created = common_sql_now();
function ensureProfile($user)
function ensureProfile($user)
// check to see if there's already a profile for this user
$profileurl = '' . $user->screen_name;
$profile = Profile::staticGet('profileurl', $profileurl);
if ($profile) {
common_debug("Profile for $profile->nickname found.");
// Check to see if the user's Avatar has changed
checkAvatar($user, $profile);
return $profile->id;
} else {
$debugmsg = 'Adding profile and remote profile ' .
"for Twitter user: $profileurl\n";
common_debug($debugmsg, __FILE__);
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print $debugmsg;
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->nickname = $user->screen_name;
$profile->fullname = $user->name;
$profile->homepage = $user->url;
@ -216,37 +296,37 @@ function ensureProfile($user)
if (empty($id)) {
common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print 'Could not insert Profile: ' .
print 'Could not insert Profile: ' .
common_log_objstring($profile) . "\n";
return false;
// check for remote profile
// check for remote profile
$remote_pro = Remote_profile::staticGet('uri', $profileurl);
if (!$remote_pro) {
$remote_pro = new Remote_profile();
$remote_pro->id = $id;
$remote_pro->uri = $profileurl;
$remote_pro->created = common_sql_now();
$rid = $remote_pro->insert();
if (empty($rid)) {
if (empty($rid)) {
common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print 'Could not insert Remote_profile: ' .
print 'Could not insert Remote_profile: ' .
common_log_objstring($remote_pro) . "\n";
return false;
@ -258,24 +338,22 @@ function ensureProfile($user)
function checkAvatar($user, $profile)
common_debug("in check avatar");
$path_parts = pathinfo($user->profile_image_url);
$newname = 'Twitter_' . $user->id . '_' .
$newname = 'Twitter_' . $user->id . '_' .
$oldname = $profile->getAvatar(48)->filename;
if ($newname != $oldname) {
common_debug("Avatar for Twitter user $profile->nickname has changed.");
common_debug("old: $oldname new: $newname");
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Avatar for Twitter user $user->id has changed.\n";
print "old: $oldname\n";
print "new: $newname\n";
print "new: $newname\n";
$img_root = substr($path_parts['basename'], 0, -11);
@ -283,23 +361,22 @@ function checkAvatar($user, $profile)
$mediatype = getMediatype($ext);
foreach (array('mini', 'normal', 'bigger') as $size) {
$url = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/' .
$url = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/' .
$img_root . '_' . $size . ".$ext";
$filename = 'Twitter_' . $user->id . '_' .
$filename = 'Twitter_' . $user->id . '_' .
$img_root . "_$size.$ext";
if (fetchAvatar($url, $filename)) {
updateAvatar($profile->id, $size, $mediatype, $filename);
updateAvatar($profile->id, $size, $mediatype, $filename);
function getMediatype($ext)
function getMediatype($ext)
$mediatype = null;
switch (strtolower($ext)) {
case 'jpg':
$mediatype = 'image/jpg';
@ -310,26 +387,22 @@ function getMediatype($ext)
$mediatype = 'image/png';
return $mediatype;
function saveAvatars($user, $id)
function saveAvatars($user, $id)
$path_parts = pathinfo($user->profile_image_url);
// basename minus '_normal.ext'
$ext = $path_parts['extension'];
$end = strlen('_normal' . $ext);
$img_root = substr($path_parts['basename'], 0, -($end+1));
$mediatype = getMediatype($ext);
foreach (array('mini', 'normal', 'bigger') as $size) {
$url = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/' .
$url = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/' .
$img_root . '_' . $size . ".$ext";
$filename = 'Twitter_' . $user->id . '_' .
$filename = 'Twitter_' . $user->id . '_' .
$img_root . "_$size.$ext";
if (fetchAvatar($url, $filename)) {
@ -348,7 +421,7 @@ function updateAvatar($profile_id, $size, $mediatype, $filename) {
common_debug("updating avatar: $size");
$profile = Profile::staticGet($profile_id);
if (!$profile) {
common_debug("Couldn't get profile: $profile_id!");
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
@ -356,17 +429,17 @@ function updateAvatar($profile_id, $size, $mediatype, $filename) {
$sizes = array('mini' => 24, 'normal' => 48, 'bigger' => 73);
$avatar = $profile->getAvatar($sizes[$size]);
if ($avatar) {
common_debug("Deleting $size avatar for $profile->nickname.");
@unlink(INSTALLDIR . '/avatar/' . $avatar->filename);
newAvatar($profile->id, $size, $mediatype, $filename);
newAvatar($profile->id, $size, $mediatype, $filename);
function newAvatar($profile_id, $size, $mediatype, $filename)
@ -376,19 +449,19 @@ function newAvatar($profile_id, $size, $mediatype, $filename)
switch($size) {
case 'mini':
$avatar->width = 24;
$avatar->width = 24;
$avatar->height = 24;
case 'normal':
$avatar->width = 48;
$avatar->width = 48;
$avatar->height = 48;
// Note: Twitter's big avatars are a different size than
// Note: Twitter's big avatars are a different size than
// Laconica's (Laconica's = 96)
$avatar->width = 73;
$avatar->width = 73;
$avatar->height = 73;
@ -396,33 +469,33 @@ function newAvatar($profile_id, $size, $mediatype, $filename)
$avatar->mediatype = $mediatype;
$avatar->filename = $filename;
$avatar->url = Avatar::url($filename);
common_debug("new filename: $avatar->url");
$avatar->created = common_sql_now();
$id = $avatar->insert();
if (!$id) {
if (!$id) {
common_log_db_error($avatar, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Could not insert avatar!\n";
return null;
common_debug("Saved new $size avatar for $profile_id.");
return $id;
function fetchAvatar($url, $filename)
function fetchAvatar($url, $filename)
$avatar_dir = INSTALLDIR . '/avatar/';
$avatarfile = $avatar_dir . $filename;
$out = fopen($avatarfile, 'wb');
if (!$out) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't open file $filename", __FILE__);
@ -431,12 +504,12 @@ function fetchAvatar($url, $filename)
return false;
common_debug("Fetching avatar: $url", __FILE__);
if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
print "Fetching avatar from Twitter: $url\n";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $out);
@ -447,7 +520,6 @@ function fetchAvatar($url, $filename)
return $result;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user