forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Remove billions of debugging statements and extra space
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ var SN = { // StatusNet
* @access private
FormNoticeEnhancements: function(form) {
console.log("FormNoticeEnhancements - begin");
if ([0], 'ElementData') === undefined) {
MaxLength = form.find('.count').text();
if (typeof(MaxLength) == 'undefined') {
@ -321,7 +320,6 @@ var SN = { // StatusNet
* @access public
FormNoticeXHR: function(form) {
console.log("FormNoticeXHR - begin");
SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo = {};
form.append('<input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="1"/>');
@ -428,7 +426,6 @@ var SN = { // StatusNet
var id = $(notice).attr('id');
if ($("#"+id).length == 0) {
console.log("inserting before placeholder");
} else {
// Realtime came through before us...
@ -639,7 +636,6 @@ var SN = { // StatusNet
NoticeInlineReplyTrigger: function(notice, initialText) {
// Find the notice we're replying to...
var id = $($('.notice_id', notice)[0]).text();
var parentNotice = notice;
@ -654,7 +650,6 @@ var SN = { // StatusNet
// and we'll add on the end of it. Will add if needed.
list = $('ul.threaded-replies', notice);
if (list.length == 0) {
console.log("list = 0");
list = $('ul.threaded-replies', notice);
} else {
@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
var QnA = {
// @fixme: Should use ID
close: function(form, best) {
var notice = $(form).closest('li.hentry.notice.question');
var list = notice.find('ul');
console.log("found this many uls: " + list.length);
notice.find('ul > li.notice-answer-placeholder').remove();
notice.find('ul > li.notice-answer').remove();
@ -23,13 +18,9 @@ var QnA = {
p.append($('<span class="question-closed">This question is closed.</span>'));
init: function() {
$('form.form_question_show').live('submit', function() {
@ -38,7 +29,6 @@ var QnA = {
$('form.form_answer_show').live('submit', function() {
QnA.close(this, true);
@ -49,30 +39,23 @@ var QnA = {
NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger: function(notice) {
// Find the notice we're replying to...
var id = $($('.notice_id', notice)[0]).text();
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - answering notice " + id);
var parentNotice = notice;
// Find the threaded replies view we'll be adding to...
var list = notice.closest('.notices');
if (list.hasClass('threaded-replies')) {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - there's already a threaded-replies ul above me");
// We're replying to a reply; use reply form on the end of this list.
// We'll add our form at the end of this; grab the root notice.
parentNotice = list.closest('.notice');
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - trying to find the closest .notice above me");
if (parentNotice.length > 0) {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - found that closest .notice - length = " + parentNotice.length);
} else {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - this notice does not have a threaded-reples ul");
// We're replying to a parent notice; pull its threaded list
// and we'll add on the end of it. Will add if needed.
list = $('ul.threaded-replies', notice);
// See if the form's already open...
var answerForm = $('.qna_answer_form', list);
@ -84,15 +67,11 @@ var QnA = {
// really wants to.
var dummyAnswer = $('ul.qna-dummy', notice);
if (dummyAnswer.length > 0) {
console.log("hiding any reply placeholders");
var nextStep = function() {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger (nextStep) - begin");
var dummyAnswer = $('ul.qna-dummy', notice);
@ -105,119 +84,73 @@ var QnA = {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger (nextStep) - setting up body click handler to hide open form when clicking away");
$('body').click(function(e) {
console.log("body click handler - got click");
var dummyAnswer = $('ul.qna-dummy', notice);
var style = dummyAnswer.attr('style');
if (style !== 'display: none;') {
var ans = $(notice).find('li.hentry.notice.anwer', notice)
if (ans > 0) {
var openAnswers = $('li.notice-answer');
if (openAnswers.length > 0) {
console.log("body click handler - Found one or more open answer forms to close");
var target = $(;
openAnswers.each(function() {
console.log("body click handler - found an open answer form");
// Did we click outside this one?
var answerItem = $(this);
var parentNotice = answerItem.closest('li.notice');
if (answerItem.has( == 0) {
var textarea = answerItem.find('.notice_data-text:first');
var cur = $.trim(textarea.val());
// Only close if there's been no edit.
if (cur == '' || cur =='initialText')) {
console.log("body click handler - no text in answer form, closing it");
console.log("body click handler - showing dummy placeholder");
} else {
console.log("body click handler - there is text in the answer form, wont close it");
console.log('body click handler - exit');
// See if the form's already open...
if (answerForm.length > 0 ) {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - found an open .notice-answer-form - doing nextStep()");
} else {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - hiding the dummy placeholder");
var placeholder = list.find('li.qna-dummy-placeholder').hide();
// Create the answer form entry at the end
var answerItem = $('li.notice-answer', list);
if (answerItem.length > 0) {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - Found " + answerItem.length + " answer items (notice-answer li)");
if (answerItem.length == 0) {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - no answer item (notice-answer li)");
answerItem = $('<li class="notice-answer"></li>');
var intermediateStep = function(formMaster) {
// @todo cache the form if we can (worth it?)
var formEl = document._importNode(formMaster, true);
$(formEl).data('NoticeFormSetup', true);
list.prepend(answerItem); // *before* the placeholder
var form = answerForm = $(formEl);
// cache it
//if (!QnA.AnswerFormMaster) {
// QnA.AnswerFormMaster = formMaster;
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - (intermediate) step begin");
var formEl = document._importNode(formMaster, true);
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - (intermediate step) appending answer form to answer item");
$(formEl).data('NoticeFormSetup', true);
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - (intermediate step) appending answer to replies list, after placeholder");
list.prepend(answerItem); // *before* the placeholder
var form = answerForm = $(formEl);
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - (intermediate step) calling QnA.AnswerFormSetup on the form")
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - (intermediate step) calling nextstep()");
if (QnA.AnswerFormMaster) {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - found a cached copy of the answer form");
// We've already saved a master copy of the form.
// Clone it in!
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - calling intermediateStep with cached form");
} else {
// Fetch a fresh copy of the answer form over AJAX.
// Warning: this can have a delay, which looks bad.
// @fixme this fallback may or may not work
var url = $('#answer-action').attr('value');
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - fetching new form via HXR");
if (QnA.AnswerFormMaster) {
// @todo if we had a cached for here's where we'd use it'
} else {
// Fetch a fresh copy of the answer form over AJAX.
// Warning: this can have a delay, which looks bad.
// @fixme this fallback may or may not work
var url = $('#answer-action').attr('value');
$.get(url, {ajax: 1}, function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - got a new form via HXR, calling intermediateStep");
intermediateStep($('form', data)[0]);
console.log('NoticeInlineAnswerTrigger - exit');
@ -227,18 +160,18 @@ var QnA = {
* Uses 'live' rather than 'bind', so applies to future as well as present items.
NoticeInlineAnswerSetup: function() {
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerSetup - begin");
$('li.qna-dummy-placeholder input.placeholder')
.live('focus', function() {
var notice = $(this).closest('li.notice');
return false;
console.log("NoticeInlineAnswerSetup - exit");
AnswerFormSetup: function(form) {
if (!'NoticeFormSetup')) {
@ -268,14 +201,12 @@ var QnA = {
* @access public
FormAnswerXHR: function(form) {
console.log("FormAanwerXHR - begin");
//SN.C.I.NoticeDataGeo = {};
form.append('<input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="1"/>');
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - appended ajax flag to form");
// Make sure we don't have a mixed HTTP/HTTPS submission...
form.attr('action', SN.U.RewriteAjaxAction(form.attr('action')));
console.log("FormAnswerXHR rewrote action so we don't have a mixed HTTP/HTTPS submission");
* Show a response feedback bit under the new-notice dialog.
@ -299,14 +230,12 @@ var QnA = {
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - doing ajaxForm call");
dataType: 'xml',
timeout: '60000',
beforeSend: function(formData) {
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - beforeSend");
if (form.find('.notice_data-text:first').val() == '') {
return false;
@ -349,7 +278,7 @@ var QnA = {
success: function(data, textStatus) {
console.log("FormAnswerHXR - success");
var errorResult = $('#'+SN.C.S.Error, data);
if (errorResult.length > 0) {
@ -359,58 +288,44 @@ var QnA = {
// New notice post was successful. If on our timeline, show it!
var notice = document._importNode($('li', data)[0], true);
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - loaded the notice, now trying to insert it somewhere");
var notices = $('#notices_primary .notices:first');
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - looking for the closest notice with a notice-answer li");
var answerItem = form.closest('li.notice-answer');
var questionItem = form.closest('li.question');
var dummyAnswer = form.find('ul.qna-dummy', questionItem).remove();
if (answerItem.length > 0) {
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - I found the answer li to append to");
// If this is an inline reply, remove the form...
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - looking for the closest .threaded-replies ul")
var list = form.closest('.threaded-replies');
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - search list for the answer placeholder")
var id = $(notice).attr('id');
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - the new notice id is: " + id);
// If this is an inline answer, remove the form...
var list = form.closest('.threaded-replies');
if ($("#"+id).length == 0) {
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - the notice is not there already so realtime hasn't inserted it before us");
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - inserting new notice before placeholder");
// if the inserted notice's parent question needs it give it a placeholder
var ans = questionItem.find('ul > li.hentry.notice.answer');
if (ans.length == 0) {
var id = $(notice).attr('id');
if ($("#"+id).length == 0) {
} else {
// NOP
// Realtime came through before us...
} else if (notices.length > 0 && SN.U.belongsOnTimeline(notice)) {
console.log('FormAnswerXHR - there is at least one notice on the timeline and the new notice should be added to the list');
// Not a reply. If on our timeline, show it at the
if ($('#' === 0) {
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - The notice is not yet on the timeline.")
var notice_irt_value = form.find('#inreplyto').val();
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - getting value from #inreplyto inside the form: " + notice_irt_value);
var notice_irt = '#notices_primary #notice-'+notice_irt_value;
console.log("notice_irt selector = " + notice_irt_value);
if($('body')[0].id == 'conversation') {
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - we're on a conversation page");
if(notice_irt_value.length > 0 && $(notice_irt+' .notices').length < 1) {
$(notice_irt).append('<ul class="notices"></ul>');
console.log("FormAnswerXHR - appending notice after notice_irt selector");
$($(notice_irt+' .notices')[0]).append(notice);
else {
console.log("FormAnswerXHR prepending notice to top of the notice list");
@ -426,9 +341,6 @@ var QnA = {
// @fixme inline
showFeedback('success', $('title', data).text());
complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
@ -440,7 +352,6 @@ var QnA = {
$(document).ready(function() {
Reference in New Issue
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