forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
[COMPONENTS][Group] Create a group route added, template polished
[COMPONENTS][Circle] Removed any Group related route from shouldAddToRightPanel event [CARDS][Profile] Block should now allow inline long nicknames to not break
This commit is contained in:
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class Circle extends Component
protected function shouldAddToRightPanel(Actor $user, $vars, Request $request): bool
return \in_array($vars['path'], ['actor_view_nickname', 'actor_view_id', 'group_actor_view_nickname', 'group_actor_view_id']);
return \in_array($vars['path'], ['actor_view_nickname', 'actor_view_id']);
protected function getCollectionsBy(Actor $owner, ?array $vars = null, bool $ids_only = false): array
@ -32,7 +32,14 @@ use App\Core\UserRoles;
use App\Entity as E;
use App\Util\Common;
use App\Util\Exception\ClientException;
use App\Util\Exception\NicknameEmptyException;
use App\Util\Exception\NicknameInvalidException;
use App\Util\Exception\NicknameNotAllowedException;
use App\Util\Exception\NicknameTakenException;
use App\Util\Exception\NicknameTooLongException;
use App\Util\Exception\NoLoggedInUser;
use App\Util\Exception\RedirectException;
use App\Util\Exception\ServerException;
use App\Util\Form\ActorForms;
use App\Util\Nickname;
use Component\Collection\Util\ActorControllerTrait;
@ -41,11 +48,22 @@ use Component\Group\Entity\GroupMember;
use Component\Group\Entity\LocalGroup;
use Component\Subscription\Entity\ActorSubscription;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class Group extends FeedController
use ActorControllerTrait;
* View a group providing its id
* @param int $id The id of the group to be shown
* @throws ClientException
* @return array Containing both the template to be used and the group actor
public function groupViewId(Request $request, int $id)
return $this->handleActorById(
@ -58,14 +76,15 @@ class Group extends FeedController
* View a group feed and give the option of creating it if it doesn't exist
* View a group feed by its nickname
* @throws \App\Util\Exception\NicknameEmptyException
* @throws \App\Util\Exception\NicknameNotAllowedException
* @throws \App\Util\Exception\NicknameTakenException
* @throws \App\Util\Exception\NicknameTooLongException
* @throws \App\Util\Exception\ServerException
* @throws RedirectException
* @param string $nickname The group's nickname to be shown
* @throws NicknameEmptyException
* @throws NicknameNotAllowedException
* @throws NicknameTakenException
* @throws NicknameTooLongException
* @throws ServerException
* @return array
@ -76,74 +95,27 @@ class Group extends FeedController
$actor = Common::actor();
$subscribe_form = null;
if (\is_null($group)) {
if (!\is_null($actor)) {
$create_form = Form::create([
['create', SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Create this group')]],
if ($create_form->isSubmitted() && $create_form->isValid()) {
'Actor id:{actor_id} nick:{actor_nick} created the group {nickname}',
['{actor_id}' => $actor->getId(), 'actor_nick' => $actor->getNickname(), 'nickname' => $nickname],
DB::persist($group = E\Actor::create([
'nickname' => $nickname,
'type' => E\Actor::GROUP,
'is_local' => true,
'roles' => UserRoles::BOT,
'group_id' => $group->getId(),
'nickname' => $nickname,
'subscriber' => $group->getId(),
'subscribed' => $group->getId(),
'group_id' => $group->getId(),
'actor_id' => $actor->getId(),
'is_admin' => true,
throw new RedirectException();
return [
'_template' => 'group/view.html.twig',
'nickname' => $nickname,
'create_form' => $create_form->createView(),
} else {
if (!\is_null($actor)
&& \is_null(Cache::get(
ActorSubscription::cacheKeys($actor, $group)['subscribed'],
fn () => DB::findOneBy('subscription', [
'subscriber' => $actor->getId(),
'subscribed' => $group->getId(),
], return_null: true),
) {
$subscribe_form = Form::create([['subscribe', SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Subscribe to this group')]]]);
if ($subscribe_form->isSubmitted() && $subscribe_form->isValid()) {
'subscriber' => $actor->getId(),
'subscribed' => $group->getId(),
Cache::delete(ActorSubscription::cacheKeys($actor, $group)['subscribed']);
if (!\is_null($group)
&& !\is_null($actor)
&& \is_null(Cache::get(
ActorSubscription::cacheKeys($actor, $group)['subscribed'],
fn () => DB::findOneBy('actor_subscription', [
'subscriber_id' => $actor->getId(),
'subscribed_id' => $group->getId(),
], return_null: true),
) {
$subscribe_form = Form::create([['subscribe', SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Subscribe to this group')]]]);
if ($subscribe_form->isSubmitted() && $subscribe_form->isValid()) {
'subscriber_id' => $actor->getId(),
'subscribed_id' => $group->getId(),
Cache::delete(ActorSubscription::cacheKeys($actor, $group)['subscribed']);
@ -167,6 +139,83 @@ class Group extends FeedController
* Page that allows an actor to create a new group
* @throws RedirectException
* @throws ServerException
* @return array
public function groupCreate(Request $request)
if (\is_null($actor = Common::actor())) {
throw new RedirectException('security_login');
$create_form = Form::create([
['group_nickname', TextType::class, ['label' => _m('Group nickname')]],
['group_create', SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Create this group!')]],
if ($create_form->isSubmitted() && $create_form->isValid()) {
$data = $create_form->getData();
$nickname = $data['group_nickname'];
'Actor id:{actor_id} nick:{actor_nick} created the group {nickname}',
['{actor_id}' => $actor->getId(), 'actor_nick' => $actor->getNickname(), 'nickname' => $nickname],
DB::persist($group = E\Actor::create([
'nickname' => $nickname,
'type' => E\Actor::GROUP,
'is_local' => true,
'roles' => UserRoles::BOT,
'group_id' => $group->getId(),
'nickname' => $nickname,
'subscriber_id' => $group->getId(),
'subscribed_id' => $group->getId(),
'group_id' => $group->getId(),
'actor_id' => $actor->getId(),
'is_admin' => true,
throw new RedirectException();
return [
'_template' => 'group/create.html.twig',
'create_form' => $create_form->createView(),
* Settings page for the group with the provided nickname, checks if the current actor can administrate given group
* @throws ClientException
* @throws NicknameEmptyException
* @throws NicknameInvalidException
* @throws NicknameNotAllowedException
* @throws NicknameTakenException
* @throws NicknameTooLongException
* @throws NoLoggedInUser
* @throws ServerException
* @return array
public function groupSettings(Request $request, string $nickname)
$group = LocalGroup::getActorByNickname($nickname);
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class Group extends Component
public function onAddRoute(RouteLoader $r): bool
$r->connect(id: 'group_create', uri_path: '/group/new', target: [C\Group::class, 'groupCreate']);
$r->connect(id: 'group_actor_view_id', uri_path: '/group/{id<\d+>}', target: [C\Group::class, 'groupViewId']);
$r->connect(id: 'group_actor_view_nickname', uri_path: '/!{nickname<' . Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT . '>}', target: [C\Group::class, 'groupViewNickname'], options: ['is_system_path' => false]);
$r->connect(id: 'group_settings', uri_path: '/!{nickname<' . Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT . '>}/settings', target: [C\Group::class, 'groupSettings'], options: ['is_system_path' => false]);
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ class Group extends Component
$group = $vars['actor'];
if (!\is_null($actor) && $group->isGroup() && $actor->canAdmin($group)) {
$url = Router::url('group_settings', ['nickname' => $group->getNickname()]);
$res[] = HTML::html(['hr' => '', 'a' => ['attrs' => ['href' => $url, 'title' => _m('Edit group settings')], 'p' => _m('Group settings')]]);
$res[] = HTML::html(['a' => ['attrs' => ['href' => $url, 'title' => _m('Edit group settings'), 'class' => 'profile-extra-actions'], _m('Group settings')]]);
return Event::next;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
{% extends 'stdgrid.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
{{ form(create_form) }}
{% endblock body %}
@ -10,41 +10,56 @@
{% endblock stylesheets %}
{% block body %}
{% if subscribe_form is defined and subscribe_form is not null %}
{{ form(subscribe_form) }}
{% endif %}
{% if actor is defined and actor is not null %}
{% block profile_view %}
{% include 'cards/profile/view.html.twig' with { 'actor': actor } only %}
{% endblock profile_view %}
<main class="feed" tabindex="0" role="feed">
<div class="h-feed hfeed notes">
{% if notes is defined and notes is not empty %}
{% for conversation in notes %}
{% block current_note %}
{% if conversation is instanceof('array') %}
{{ noteView.macro_note(conversation['note'], conversation['replies']) }}
{% else %}
{{ noteView.macro_note(conversation) }}
{% endif %}
<hr tabindex="0" title="{{ 'End of note and replies.' | trans }}">
{% endblock current_note %}
{% endfor %}
{% if notes is defined %}
<header class="feed-header">
{% if page_title is defined %}
<h1 class="heading-no-margin">{{ page_title | trans }}</h1>
{% else %}
<h1 class="heading-no-margin">{{ 'Notes' | trans }}</h1>
{% endif %}
<nav class="feed-actions">
<details class="feed-actions-details">
{{ icon('filter', 'icon icon-feed-actions') | raw }} {# button-container #}
<div class="feed-actions-details-dropdown">
{% for block in handle_event('AddFeedActions', app.request, notes is defined and notes is not empty) %}
{{ block | raw }}
{% endfor %}
{% if notes is not empty %}
{# Backwards compatibility with hAtom 0.1 #}
<section class="feed h-feed hfeed notes" tabindex="0" role="feed">
{% for conversation in notes %}
{% block current_note %}
{% if conversation is instanceof('array') %}
{{ noteView.macro_note(conversation['note'], conversation['replies']) }}
{% else %}
{{ noteView.macro_note(conversation) }}
{% endif %}
<hr tabindex="0" title="{{ 'End of note and replies.' | trans }}">
{% endblock current_note %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div id="empty-notes"><h1>{% trans %}No notes here.{% endtrans %}</h1></div>
<section class="feed h-feed hfeed notes" tabindex="0" role="feed">
<strong>{% trans %}No notes yet...{% endtrans %}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="section-padding section-widget">
<p>{% trans with { '%group%': nickname } %}The group <em>%group%</em> doesn't exist.{% endtrans %}</p>
{% if create_form is defined and create_form is not null %}
<p>{% trans %}Would you like to create it?{% endtrans %}</p>
{{ form(create_form) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock body %}
@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
.profile-info {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.profile-info .avatar {
flex: 0.5;
.profile-info-url {
@ -34,6 +39,10 @@
display: block;
.profile-info section {
flex: 1;
.profile-stats {
align-self: center;
margin-left: auto;
@ -65,6 +74,17 @@
margin: 4px unset unset;
.profile-extra-actions {
margin-top: var(--s);
margin-right: var(--s);
background: var(--gradient), var(--background-hard);
border: 2px solid var(--border);
border-radius: var(--s);
padding: 4px 8px;
font-weight: bold;
display: inline-block;
.button-container {
border: none !important;
mask-repeat: no-repeat !important;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
title="{% trans %} %actor_nickname%'s avatar{% endtrans %}"
width="{{ actor_avatar_dimensions['width'] }}"
height="{{ actor_avatar_dimensions['height'] }}">
<a class="profile-info-url" href="{{ actor_uri }}">
<strong class="profile-info-url-nickname"
title="{% trans %} %actor_nickname%'s nickname {% endtrans %}">
@ -39,15 +39,17 @@
{% endfor %}
<div class="profile-stats">
<span class="profile-stats-subscriptions" title="{% trans %} %actor_nickname%'s subscribed count{% endtrans %}">
<span class="profile-stats-subscriptions"
title="{% trans %} %actor_nickname%'s subscribed count{% endtrans %}">
<a href="{{ actor.getSubscriptionsUrl() }}">{{ 'Subscribed' | trans }}</a>
</strong>{{ actor.getSubscribedCount() }}
<span class="profile-stats-subscribers" title="{% trans %} %actor_nickname%'s subscribers count{% endtrans %}">
<span class="profile-stats-subscribers"
title="{% trans %} %actor_nickname%'s subscribers count{% endtrans %}">
<a href="{{ actor.getSubscribersUrl() }}">{{ 'Subscribers' | trans }}</a>
</strong>{{ actor.getSubscribersCount() }}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user